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A spiritualist knows that wherefrom this earth has come, wherefrom the water has come, wherefrom this fire has come. Then he is spiritualist, God conscious

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Expressions researched:
"A spiritualist knows that wherefrom this earth has come, wherefrom the water has come, wherefrom this fire has come. Then he is spiritualist, God conscious"


Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures

A spiritualist knows that wherefrom this earth has come, wherefrom the water has come, wherefrom this fire has come. Then he is spiritualist, God conscious. And one does not know, he's ignorant. Actually, that is the fact. But one who is ignorant of the fact, he's materialist. And one who knows the source of this material elements, he is spiritualist. That is the difference. Therefore the conclusion is one who does not know God, he is materialist and one knows God, he is spiritualist.

Lecture on SB 7.6.1-2 -- Stockholm, September 6, 1973:

Haṁsadūta: She said that love can change dharma. You say that dharma cannot be changed . . .

Prabhupāda: First of all, you have to understand what is dharma. Dharma, as I have already explained: the order given by God. That is dharma. And what is the order of God? God says that "You surrender unto Me." Man-manā bhava mad-bhakto mad-yājī māṁ namaskuru (BG 18.65). God says that "You always think of Me," and man-manā bhava mad-bhakto, "you just become My devotee," and man-manā bhava, mad-yājī, "you worship Me, and you offer your obeisances." These things we are doing. We are thinking of somebody.

Because without thinking, you cannot remain. But God says: "You think of Me." You cannot avoid thinking of somebody. Just like a girl is thinking of his lover, a boy, a boy is thinking of his lover. So we must be thinking of somebody. Or in grown-up stage I am thinking something else—my child, my home. So Kṛṣṇa says, God says that, "You think of Me." So you have to change your thinking process. Man-manā bhava mad-bhakto. And we are already devotees. We are devotee of the country, of the society, of the person, of the president, of the king, so many. God says that, "You become My devotee." Man-manā bhava mad-bhakto.

Mad-yājī: We are worshiping our leader. So God is the supreme leader. Therefore, this question I put to Professor Kotovsky that, "Your philosophy, Communist philosophy, and our philosophy, where is the philosophically different? Because you have selected a leader, Lenin, and you are worshiping him. And we have selected a leader, Kṛṣṇa, we are also worshiping Him. So where is the change? How we have advanced? You have selected another leader, that's all. You have to select. So the worship must go on, either you become Communist or not Communist."

So God says that "Instead of worshiping so many others, you worship Me." So . . . and man-manā bhava mad-bhakto mad-yājī māṁ namaskuru (BG 18.65). And "You offer My respect to Me." So these things . . . you may accept any type of religion—that doesn't matter. But think of God, worshiping God, offering obeisances God. That cannot be changed. Either you become Christian or Hindu or Muslim, it does not matter. These four things cannot be changed. Therefore, the principles of religion—thinking of God, worshiping God, offering obeisances to Him, and to become devotee of God—that cannot be changed. That is real religion.

Haṁsadūta: Anybody? Anyone?

Guest (man): But this part of the world, Mahāprabhu (addressing Prabhupāda), is very materialistic, as you know. In Europe we always talk about science and technology. The part of the world that you come from, spiritualism has the highest place. I would like to ask you is there any possible way of a balanced combination between spiritualism and materialism.

Prabhupāda: Yes. Actually, there is nothing as materialism. Materialism means forgetfulness of God, that's all. Just like in the Bhagavad-gītā it is said, bhūmir āpo 'nalo vāyuḥ khaṁ mano buddhir eva ca, aparā . . . prakṛtir me bhinnā aṣṭadhā (BG 7.4). Materialism means that you are dealing with earth, water, fire, air, or the ether, or mind, intelligence, so far. These are the subject matters of studying materialism. But God says: "They are My separated energies." These matters . . . you have not produced this earth, water, air, fire. That's a fact. That is produced by the energy of God. So while dealing with material things, if you remember that this material thing is produced by God, then you are perfect.

And if you theorize that it has dropped from the sky, then you are materialist. That is the difference between materialist and spiritualist. A spiritualist knows that wherefrom this earth has come, wherefrom the water has come, wherefrom this fire has come. Then he is spiritualist, God conscious. And one does not know, he's ignorant. Actually, that is the fact. But one who is ignorant of the fact, he's materialist. And one who knows the source of this material elements, he is spiritualist. That is the difference. Therefore the conclusion is one who does not know God, he is materialist, and one knows God, he is spiritualist.

Page Title:A spiritualist knows that wherefrom this earth has come, wherefrom the water has come, wherefrom this fire has come. Then he is spiritualist, God conscious
Created:20 of Sep, 2012
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1