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We Hate Sin, Not The Sinners - Prabhupada 0533

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690429 - Conversation - Boston

Prabhupāda: We cannot say, just like, in some hotels that, "Such and such persons are not admitted." No. We cannot. We admit everyone. Our mission is to elevate persons from down state of life to the highest state of life. So everyone is in down state. Lord Jesus Christ also said that, "You do not hate the sinners, but hate sin."

Is not that, Lord Jesus Christ said? So hippies may be sinners. We raise them to the pious life. But we say: "Don't do this. Don't do this sinful act. Don't take intoxication. Don't do this. Don't do this." We hate sin, not the sinners, actually. If we hate sinners, then where is the possibility of our preaching?