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A vipra means he has the twelve qualifications, and he also has the qualification of faith. I don't understand exactly what it means when Prahlada Maharaja says that I should be meditating on a follower who has no faith in God or God watching him

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Expressions researched:
"A vipra means he has the twelve qualifications, and he also has the qualification of faith"


Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures

Vipra means one who is engaged in the studies of Vedas. That is... Veda-pathād bhaved vipraḥ. So if he is studying Vedas, then must be qualified with all the good qualities. Because just like Bhagavad-gītā, it is said that "These are the good qualities." So study means to accept the instruction. Study does not mean simply to become a book... No. Study means to apply practically in life what you learn from the Vedas. So if anyone is seriously studying, then naturally he is qualified with all the good qualities.
Lecture on SB 7.9.10 -- Montreal, July 10, 1968:

So we shall talk next week. Yes. Any questions? (break) No question? You have understood everything? Yes.

Guest (1): I'd like to ask. A vipra means he has the twelve qualifications, and he also has the qualification of faith. I don't understand exactly what it means when Prahlāda Mahārāja says that I should be meditating on a follower who has no faith in God or God watching him.(?)

Prabhupāda: No. A vipra, because he is studying... Vipra means one who is engaged in the studies of Vedas. That is... Veda-pathād bhaved vipraḥ. So if he is studying Vedas, then must be qualified with all the good qualities. Because just like Bhagavad-gītā, it is said that "These are the good qualities." So study means to accept the instruction. Study does not mean simply to become a book... No. Study means to apply practically in life what you learn from the Vedas. So if anyone is seriously studying, then naturally he is qualified with all the good qualities. Yes. No. You can say.

Devotee: (indistinct) believe in themselves or have faith on that or believe on that...

Prabhupāda: That in the material world there are three qualities: the quality of goodness, the quality of passion, the quality of ignorance. These three qualities are working. We see varieties in this material world due to the interaction of these three qualities. So there are varieties of men. Some of them are in good quality, some of them are in quality of passion, some of them are in the quality of ignorance. Therefore they have got different types of faith also, not that your faith or my faith may be the same, because you may be in the quality of goodness, I may be in the quality of passion or ignorance. So faith is according to the particular quality of the person who is professing that faith. So the sattvic faith, the faith in goodness, that is faith in Brahman, the Supreme. That is called goodness, brahminical faith. And above this... This is sattvic. Sattvic means goodness. So goodness... In the material world even goodness is sometimes contaminated with tinges of passion and ignorance. herefore in the material world nothing can be in pure goodness. So one has to transcend the goodness platform of this material world and come to the platform of pure goodness, śuddha-sattva, where there is no more contamination of passion and ignorance. That platform is called God consciousness, or Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

Page Title:A vipra means he has the twelve qualifications, and he also has the qualification of faith. I don't understand exactly what it means when Prahlada Maharaja says that I should be meditating on a follower who has no faith in God or God watching him
Compiler:Mangalavati, Visnu Murti, Rishab
Created:19 of Apr, 2011
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1