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Wonderful things (Books): Difference between revisions

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<div id="BGIntroduction_0" class="quote" parent="BG_Preface_and_Introduction" book="BG" index="3" link="BG Introduction" link_text="BG Introduction">
<div id="BGIntroduction_0" class="quote" parent="BG_Preface_and_Introduction" book="BG" index="3" link="BG Introduction" link_text="BG Introduction">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:BG Introduction|BG Introduction]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Out of these five basic subject matters in Bhagavad-gītā it is established that the Supreme Godhead, or Kṛṣṇa, or Brahman, or the supreme controller, or Paramātmā—you may use whatever name you like—is the greatest of all. The living beings are in quality like the supreme controller. For instance, the Lord has control over the universal affairs of material nature, as will be explained in the later chapters of Bhagavad-gītā. Material nature is not independent. She is acting under the directions of the Supreme Lord. As Lord Kṛṣṇa says, mayādhyakṣeṇa prakṛtiḥ sūyate sa-carācaram: "This material nature is working under My direction." When we see wonderful things happening in the cosmic nature, we should know that behind this cosmic manifestation there is a controller. Nothing could be manifested without being controlled. It is childish not to consider the controller. For instance, a child may think that an automobile is quite wonderful to be able to run without a horse or other animal pulling it, but a sane man knows the nature of the automobile's engineering arrangement. He always knows that behind the machinery there is a man, a driver.</p>
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:BG (1972) Introduction|BG Introduction]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Out of these five basic subject matters in Bhagavad-gītā it is established that the Supreme Godhead, or Kṛṣṇa, or Brahman, or the supreme controller, or Paramātmā—you may use whatever name you like—is the greatest of all. The living beings are in quality like the supreme controller. For instance, the Lord has control over the universal affairs of material nature, as will be explained in the later chapters of Bhagavad-gītā. Material nature is not independent. She is acting under the directions of the Supreme Lord. As Lord Kṛṣṇa says, mayādhyakṣeṇa prakṛtiḥ sūyate sa-carācaram: "This material nature is working under My direction." When we see wonderful things happening in the cosmic nature, we should know that behind this cosmic manifestation there is a controller. Nothing could be manifested without being controlled. It is childish not to consider the controller. For instance, a child may think that an automobile is quite wonderful to be able to run without a horse or other animal pulling it, but a sane man knows the nature of the automobile's engineering arrangement. He always knows that behind the machinery there is a man, a driver.</p>
<div id="BG_Chapters_7_-_12" class="sub_section" sec_index="2" parent="Bhagavad-gita_As_It_Is" text="BG Chapters 7 - 12"><h3>BG Chapters 7 - 12</h3>
<div id="BG116_0" class="quote" parent="BG_Chapters_7_-_12" book="BG" index="138" link="BG 11.6" link_text="BG 11.6">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:BG 11.6 (1972)|BG 11.6, Translation]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="trans text"><p style="display: inline;">O best of the Bhāratas, see here the different manifestations of Ādityas, Vasus, Rudras, Aśvinī-kumāras and all the other demigods. Behold the many wonderful things which no one has ever seen or heard of before.</p>
<div id="Srimad-Bhagavatam" class="section" sec_index="1" parent="compilation" text="Srimad-Bhagavatam"><h2>Srimad-Bhagavatam</h2>
<div id="SB_Canto_1" class="sub_section" sec_index="1" parent="Srimad-Bhagavatam" text="SB Canto 1"><h3>SB Canto 1</h3>
<div id="SB111_0" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_1" book="SB" index="1" link="SB 1.1.1" link_text="SB 1.1.1">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 1.1.1|SB 1.1.1, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">All living beings, beginning from the first created being, Brahmā, down to the smallest ant, are individual living beings. And above Brahmā, there are even other living beings with individual capacities, and the Personality of Godhead is also a similar living being. And He is an individual as are the other living beings. But the Supreme Lord, or the supreme living being, has the greatest intelligence, and He possesses supermost inconceivable energies of all different varieties. If a man's brain can produce a space satellite, one can very easily imagine how brains higher than man can produce similarly wonderful things which are far superior. The reasonable person will easily accept this argument, but there are stubborn atheists who would never agree.</p>
<div id="SB1158_1" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_1" book="SB" index="579" link="SB 1.15.8" link_text="SB 1.15.8">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 1.15.8|SB 1.15.8, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">The modern demons are the harmful material scientists who create some material wonders for disturbance in the society. For example, the creation of nuclear weapons has caused some panic in human society. Maya was also a materialist like that, and he knew the art of creating such wonderful things. And yet Lord Kṛṣṇa wanted to kill him. When he was chased both by the fire and by the wheel of Lord Kṛṣṇa, he took shelter of such a devotee as Arjuna, who saved him from the wrath of the fire of Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa.</p>
<div id="SB_Canto_2" class="sub_section" sec_index="2" parent="Srimad-Bhagavatam" text="SB Canto 2"><h3>SB Canto 2</h3>
<div id="SB2222_0" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_2" book="SB" index="62" link="SB 2.2.22" link_text="SB 2.2.22">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 2.2.22|SB 2.2.22, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">Since a materialist is generally inquisitive to experience what is actually in such planetary systems, he wants to see everything personally. As inquisitive persons tour all over the world to gain direct local experience, the less intelligent transcendentalist similarly desires to have some experience of those planets about which he has heard so many wonderful things. The yogī can, however, easily fulfill his desire by going there with the present materialistic mind and senses. The prime inclination of the materialistic mind is to lord it over the material world, and all the siddhis mentioned above are features of domination over the world. The devotees of the Lord are not ambitious to dominate a false and temporary phenomenon. On the contrary, a devotee wants to be dominated by the supreme predominator, the Lord.</p>
<div id="SB2226_1" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_2" book="SB" index="66" link="SB 2.2.26" link_text="SB 2.2.26">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 2.2.26|SB 2.2.26, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">In the creation of the Lord there are many wonderful things we can see with our own eyes every day and night, but we are unable to reach them equipped by modern materialistic science. We should not, therefore, depend on the fragmentary authority of materialistic science for knowing things beyond the range of scientific purview. For a common man, both modern science and Vedic wisdom are simply to be accepted because none of the statements either of modern science or of Vedic literature can be verified by him. The alternative for a common man is to believe either of them or both of them. The Vedic way of understanding, however, is more authentic because it has been accepted by the ācāryas, who are not only faithful and learned men, but are also liberated souls without any of the flaws of conditioned souls.</p>
<div id="SB246_2" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_2" book="SB" index="102" link="SB 2.4.6" link_text="SB 2.4.6">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 2.4.6|SB 2.4.6, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">An inexperienced boy may be struck with wonder by seeing the impersonal actions of electronics or many other wonderful things conducted by electrical energy, but an experienced man knows that behind the action is a living man who creates such energy. Similarly the so-called scholars and philosophers of the world may, by mental speculation, present so many utopian theories about the impersonal creation of the universe, but an intelligent devotee of the Lord, by studying the Bhagavad-gītā, can know that behind the creation is the hand of the Supreme Lord, just as in the generating electrical powerhouse there is the resident engineer.</p>
<div id="SB2820_3" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_2" book="SB" index="269" link="SB 2.8.20" link_text="SB 2.8.20">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 2.8.20|SB 2.8.20, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">The yogeśvara, or the master of mystic powers, can exhibit eight kinds of wonders of perfection by becoming smaller than the atom or lighter than a feather, getting anything and everything he desires, going anywhere and everywhere he likes, creating even a planet in the sky, etc. There are many yogeśvaras having different proficiencies in these wonderful powers, and the topmost of all of them is Lord Śiva. Lord Śiva is the greatest yogī, and he can perform such wonderful things, far beyond the ordinary living beings. The devotees of the Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, do not directly practice the process of mystic powers, but, by the grace of the Lord, His devotee can defeat even a great yogeśvara like Durvāsā Muni, who picked a quarrel with Mahārāja Ambarīṣa and wanted to show the wonderful achievements of his mystic powers.</p>
<div id="SB2930_4" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_2" book="SB" index="308" link="SB 2.9.30" link_text="SB 2.9.30">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 2.9.30|SB 2.9.30, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">Because Lord Brahmā is a pure devotee, even though the first dominating deity in the material world and therefore able to do many wonderful things, he would never, like the nondevotee with a poor fund of knowledge, have the audacity to think of becoming one with the Lord. People with a poor fund of knowledge should take lessons from Brahmā when they are puffed up with the false notion of becoming God.</p>
<div id="SB_Canto_3" class="sub_section" sec_index="3" parent="Srimad-Bhagavatam" text="SB Canto 3"><h3>SB Canto 3</h3>
<div id="SB372_0" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_3" book="SB" index="236" link="SB 3.7.2" link_text="SB 3.7.2">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 3.7.2|SB 3.7.2, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">The Personality of Godhead has unlimited potencies to create and manifest many wonderful things, both temporary and permanent. Because this material world is the creation of His external energy, it thus appears to be temporary; it is manifested at certain intervals, maintained for some time, and again dissolved and conserved in His own energy. As described in Bhagavad-gītā (8.19), bhūtvā bhūtvā pralīyate. But the creation of His internal potency, the spiritual world, is not a temporary manifestation like the material world, but is eternal and full of transcendental knowledge, opulence, energy, strength, beauties and glories. Such manifestations of the Lord's potencies are eternal and are therefore called nirguṇa, or free from all tinges of the modes of material nature, even up to the mode of material goodness.</p>
<div id="SB31011_1" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_3" book="SB" index="363" link="SB 3.10.11" link_text="SB 3.10.11">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 3.10.11|SB 3.10.11, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">Time is not subject to any form of psychology, nor are the moments objective realities in themselves, but they are dependent on particular experiences.</p>
<p>Therefore, Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī concludes that the time factor is intermixed with the activities—actions and reactions—of the external energy of the Lord. The external energy, or material nature, works under the superintendence of the time factor as the Lord Himself, and that is why material nature appears to have produced so many wonderful things in the cosmic manifestation</p>
<div id="SB32343_2" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_3" book="SB" index="943" link="SB 3.23.43" link_text="SB 3.23.43">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 3.23.43|SB 3.23.43, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">Another significant word used in this verse is bahv-āścaryam, "many wonderful things." This indicates that the different planets are distributed all over the universe in the eight directions, and each and every one of them is wonderful in itself. Each planet has its particular climatic influences and particular types of inhabitants and is completely equipped with everything, including the beauty of the seasons.</p>
<div id="SB3334_3" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_3" book="SB" index="1356" link="SB 3.33.4" link_text="SB 3.33.4">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 3.33.4|SB 3.33.4, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">Therefore Devahūti suggests, "Your lying down within the abdomen of a common woman like me is not so astonishing. You can lie down on the leaf of a banyan tree and float on the water of devastation as a small baby. It is not very wonderful, therefore, that You can lie down in the abdomen of my body. You teach us that those who are very fond of children within this material world and who therefore enter into marriage to enjoy family life with children can also have the Supreme Personality of Godhead as their child, and the most wonderful thing is that the Lord Himself licks His toe."</p>
<div id="SB_Canto_4" class="sub_section" sec_index="4" parent="Srimad-Bhagavatam" text="SB Canto 4"><h3>SB Canto 4</h3>
<div id="SB41819_0" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_4" book="SB" index="740" link="SB 4.18.19" link_text="SB 4.18.19">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 4.18.19|SB 4.18.19, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">By regularly practicing the yogic processes one after another, the yogīs attain various perfections; they can become smaller than the smallest, heavier than the heaviest, etc. They can even manufacture a planet, get whatever they like and control whatever man they want. All the residents of Siddhaloka are naturally endowed with these mystic yogic powers. It is certainly a very wonderful thing if we see a person on this planet flying in the sky without a vehicle, but in Vidyādhara-loka such flying is as commonplace as a bird's flying in the sky. Similarly, in Siddhaloka all the inhabitants are great yogīs, perfect in mystic powers.</p>
<div id="SB41820_1" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_4" book="SB" index="741" link="SB 4.18.20" link_text="SB 4.18.20">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 4.18.20|SB 4.18.20, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">It is said that the inhabitants of Kimpuruṣa-loka can perform many wonderful mystic demonstrations. In other words, they can exhibit as many wonderful things as one can imagine. The inhabitants of this planet can do whatever they like, or whatever they imagine. Such powers are also mystic powers. The possession of such mystic power is called īśitā. The demons generally learn such mystic powers by the practice of yoga.</p>
<div id="SB41928_2" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_4" book="SB" index="779" link="SB 4.19.28" link_text="SB 4.19.28">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 4.19.28|SB 4.19.28, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">By chanting the Vedic mantras properly in a sacrifice, one can perform many wonderful things. In Kali-yuga, however, there are no qualified brāhmaṇas who can chant the mantras properly. Consequently no attempt should be made to perform such big sacrifices. In this age the only sacrifice recommended is the saṅkīrtana movement.</p>
<div id="SB_Canto_5" class="sub_section" sec_index="5" parent="Srimad-Bhagavatam" text="SB Canto 5"><h3>SB Canto 5</h3>
<div id="SB5130_0" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_5" book="SB" index="31" link="SB 5.1.30" link_text="SB 5.1.30">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 5.1.30|SB 5.1.30, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">In Bhagavad-gītā (18.78) it is said wherever there is the master of all mystic powers (yatra yogeśvaraḥ kṛṣṇaḥ), victory, fortune and all other opulences are present. Devotional service is so powerful. When a devotee achieves what he wants to accomplish, it is not by his own mystic power but by the grace of the master of mystic power. Lord Kṛṣṇa: by His grace, a devotee can accomplish wonderful things unimaginable even to the most powerful scientist.</p>
<div id="SB5135_1" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_5" book="SB" index="36" link="SB 5.1.35" link_text="SB 5.1.35">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 5.1.35|SB 5.1.35, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">Since the Supreme Lord is all-powerful, He can do things that seem wonderful for a common man. Similarly, a devotee who has taken shelter at the lotus feet of the Lord can also do wonderful things unimaginable to a common man, by the grace of the dust of those lotus feet.</p>
<div id="SB_Canto_6" class="sub_section" sec_index="6" parent="Srimad-Bhagavatam" text="SB Canto 6"><h3>SB Canto 6</h3>
<div id="SB644950_0" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_6" book="SB" index="184" link="SB 6.4.49-50" link_text="SB 6.4.49-50">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 6.4.49-50|SB 6.4.49-50, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">The more we engage in austerities, the more we become powerful by the grace of the Lord. Therefore Ṛṣabhadeva advised His sons, tapo divyaṁ putrakā yena sattvaṁ śuddhyed: "One should engage in penance and austerity to attain the divine position of devotional service. By such activity, one's heart is purified." ([[Vanisource:SB 5.5.1|SB 5.5.1]]) In our material existence we are impure, and therefore we cannot do anything wonderful, but if we purify our existence by tapasya, we can do wonderful things by the grace of the Lord. Therefore tapasya is very important, as stressed in this verse.</p>
<div id="SB_Canto_7" class="sub_section" sec_index="7" parent="Srimad-Bhagavatam" text="SB Canto 7"><h3>SB Canto 7</h3>
<div id="SB719_0" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_7" book="SB" index="9" link="SB 7.1.9" link_text="SB 7.1.9">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 7.1.9|SB 7.1.9, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">In Bhagavad-gītā (10.41) the Lord says:</p>
:yad yad vibhūtimat sattvaṁ
:śrīmad ūrjitam eva vā
:tat tad evāvagaccha tvaṁ
:mama tejo-'ṁśa-sambhavam
<p>"Know that all beautiful, glorious and mighty creations spring from but a spark of My splendor." We have the practical experience of seeing that one person is able to do very wonderful things whereas another cannot do those same things and cannot even do things that require only a little common sense. Therefore, how much a devotee has been favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be tested by the activities the devotee has performed.</p>
<div id="SB7257_1" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_7" book="SB" index="98" link="SB 7.2.57" link_text="SB 7.2.57">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 7.2.57|SB 7.2.57, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">Yamarāja once asked Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira, "What is the most wonderful thing within this world?" Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira replied (Mahābhārata, Vana-parva 313.116):</p>
:ahany ahani bhūtāni
:gacchantīha yamālayam
:śeṣāḥ sthāvaram icchanti
:kim āścaryam ataḥ param
<p>Hundreds and thousands of living entities meet death at every moment, but a foolish living being nonetheless thinks himself deathless and does not prepare for death. This is the most wonderful thing in this world. Everyone has to die because everyone is fully under the control of material nature, yet everyone thinks that he is independent, that whatever he likes he can do, that he will never meet death but live forever, and so on.</p>
<div id="SB7532_2" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_7" book="SB" index="208" link="SB 7.5.32" link_text="SB 7.5.32">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 7.5.32|SB 7.5.32, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">The educators, scholars and big political leaders worshiped by millions of people cannot understand the goal of life and take to Kṛṣṇa consciousness, for they have not accepted a bona fide spiritual master and the Vedas. Therefore in the Muṇḍaka Upaniṣad (3.2.3) it is said, nāyam ātmā pravacanena labhyo na medhayā na bahunā śrutena: one cannot become self-realized simply by having an academic education, by presenting lectures in an erudite way (pravacanena labhyaḥ), or by being an intelligent scientist who discovers many wonderful things. One cannot understand Kṛṣṇa unless one is graced by the Supreme Personality of Godhead.</p>
<div id="SB_Canto_8" class="sub_section" sec_index="8" parent="Srimad-Bhagavatam" text="SB Canto 8"><h3>SB Canto 8</h3>
<div id="SB8639_0" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_8" book="SB" index="186" link="SB 8.6.39" link_text="SB 8.6.39">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 8.6.39|SB 8.6.39, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">Nothing is accidental. Everything is done by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as the Lord Himself confirms in Bhagavad-gītā (9.10). Mayādhyakṣeṇa prakṛtiḥ sūyate sacarācaram. Whatever actions and reactions occur within the cosmic manifestation all take place under the superintendence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. However, because the demons do not understand the potency of the Lord, when wonderful things are done, the demons think that they are accidental.</p>
<div id="SB_Canto_101_to_1013" class="sub_section" sec_index="10" parent="Srimad-Bhagavatam" text="SB Canto 10.1 to 10.13"><h3>SB Canto 10.1 to 10.13</h3>
<div id="SB10841_0" class="quote" parent="SB_Canto_10.1_to_10.13" book="SB" index="332" link="SB 10.8.41" link_text="SB 10.8.41">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 10.8.41|SB 10.8.41, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">One should not try to understand the supreme cause by argument or reasoning. When we are beset by some problem for which we can find no reason, there is no alternative than to surrender to the Supreme Lord and offer Him our respectful obeisances. Then our position will be secure. This was the means adopted in this instance also by mother Yaśodā. Whatever happens, the original cause is the Supreme Personality of Godhead (sarva-kāraṇa-kāraṇam (Bs. 5.1)). When the immediate cause cannot be ascertained, let us simply offer our obeisances at the lotus feet of the Lord. Mother Yaśodā concluded that the wonderful things she saw within the mouth of her child were due to Him, although she could not clearly ascertain the cause.</p>
<div id="SB_Cantos_1014_to_12_Translations_Only" class="sub_section" sec_index="11" parent="Srimad-Bhagavatam" text="SB Cantos 10.14 to 12 (Translations Only)"><h3>SB Cantos 10.14 to 12 (Translations Only)</h3>
<div id="SB101535_0" class="quote" parent="SB_Cantos_10.14_to_12_(Translations_Only)" book="SB" index="96" link="SB 10.15.35" link_text="SB 10.15.35">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 10.15.35|SB 10.15.35, Translation]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="trans text"><p style="display: inline;">My dear Parīkṣit, that Lord Balarāma killed Dhenukāsura is not such a wonderful thing, considering that He is the unlimited Personality of Godhead, the controller of the entire universe. Indeed, the entire cosmos rests upon Him just as a woven cloth rests upon its own horizontal and vertical threads.</p>
<div id="SB10414_1" class="quote" parent="SB_Cantos_10.14_to_12_(Translations_Only)" book="SB" index="950" link="SB 10.41.4" link_text="SB 10.41.4">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 10.41.4|SB 10.41.4, Translation]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="trans text"><p style="display: inline;">Śrī Akrūra said: Whatever wonderful things the earth, sky or water contain, all exist in You. Since You encompass everything, when I am seeing You, what have I not seen?</p>
<div id="SB105049_2" class="quote" parent="SB_Cantos_10.14_to_12_(Translations_Only)" book="SB" index="1383" link="SB 10.50.49" link_text="SB 10.50.49">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 10.50.49|SB 10.50.49, Translation]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="trans text"><p style="display: inline;">After thus discussing the matter with Balarāma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead had a fortress twelve yojanas in circumference built within the sea. Inside that fort He had a city built containing all kinds of wonderful things.</p>
<div id="SB1164849_3" class="quote" parent="SB_Cantos_10.14_to_12_(Translations_Only)" book="SB" index="3342" link="SB 11.6.48-49" link_text="SB 11.6.48-49">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 11.6.48-49|SB 11.6.48-49, Translation]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="trans text"><p style="display: inline;">O greatest of mystics, although we are conditioned souls wandering on the path of fruitive work, we will certainly cross beyond the darkness of this material world simply by hearing about Your Lordship in the association of Your devotees. Thus we are always remembering and glorifying the wonderful things You do and the wonderful things You say. We ecstatically recall Your amorous pastimes with Your confidential conjugal devotees and how You boldly smile and move about while engaged in such youthful pastimes. My dear Lord, Your loving pastimes are bewilderingly similar to the activities of ordinary people within this material world.</p>
<div id="Sri_Caitanya-caritamrta" class="section" sec_index="2" parent="compilation" text="Sri Caitanya-caritamrta"><h2>Sri Caitanya-caritamrta</h2>
<div id="CC_Preface_and_Introduction" class="sub_section" sec_index="0" parent="Sri_Caitanya-caritamrta" text="CC Preface and Introduction"><h3>CC Preface and Introduction</h3>
<div id="CCIntroduction_0" class="quote" parent="CC_Preface_and_Introduction" book="CC" index="5" link="CC Introduction" link_text="CC Introduction">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:CC Introduction|CC Introduction]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">In support of their view that the self-realized remain silent, the Māyāvādīs are fond of using the example of the water pot, maintaining that when a pot is not filled with water it makes a sound, but that when it is filled it makes no sound. But are we waterpots? How can we be compared to them? A good analogy utilizes as many similarities between two objects as possible. A waterpot is not an active living force, but we are. Ever-silent meditation may be adequate for a waterpot, but not for us. Indeed, when a devotee realizes how much he has to say about Kṛṣṇa, twenty-four hours in a day are not sufficient. It is the fool who is celebrated as long as he does not speak, for when he breaks his silence his lack of knowledge is exposed. The Caitanya-caritāmṛta shows that there are many wonderful things to discover by glorifying the Supreme.</p>
<div id="CC_Adi-lila" class="sub_section" sec_index="1" parent="Sri_Caitanya-caritamrta" text="CC Adi-lila"><h3>CC Adi-lila</h3>
<div id="CCAdi761_0" class="quote" parent="CC_Adi-lila" book="CC" index="1007" link="CC Adi 7.61" link_text="CC Adi 7.61">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:CC Adi 7.61|CC Adi 7.61, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">For a servant of God there is no need to exhibit mystic powers, and he does not like to do so, but on behalf of the Supreme Personality of Godhead a humble servant of God performs his activities in such a wonderful way that no common man can dare try to act like him. Yet a saintly person never takes credit for such actions because he knows very well that when wonderful things are done on his behalf by the grace of the Supreme Lord, all credit goes to the master and not to the servant.</p>
<div id="CCAdi10135136_1" class="quote" parent="CC_Adi-lila" book="CC" index="1387" link="CC Adi 10.135-136" link_text="CC Adi 10.135-136">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:CC Adi 10.135-136|CC Adi 10.135-136, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">Śikhi Māhiti always engaged in serving the Lord in his mind. One night, while he was rendering such service, he fell asleep, and while he was asleep his brother and sister came to awaken him. At that time he was in full ecstasy because he was having a wonderful dream that Lord Caitanya, while visiting the temple of Jagannātha, was entering and again coming out of the body of Jagannātha and looking at the Jagannātha Deity. Thus as soon as he awakened he embraced his brother and sister and informed them, "My dear brother and sister, I have had a wonderful dream that I shall now explain to you. The activities of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu, the son of Mother Śacī, are certainly most wonderful. I saw that Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu, while visiting the temple of Jagannātha, was entering the body of Jagannātha and again coming out of His body. I am still seeing the same dream. Do you think I have become deranged? I am still seeing the same dream! And the most wonderful thing is that as soon as I came near Caitanya Mahāprabhu, He embraced me with His long arms." As Śikhi Māhiti spoke to his brother and sister in this way, his voice faltered and there were tears in his eyes. Thus the brothers and sister went to the temple of Jagannātha, and there they saw Lord Caitanya in the Jagamohana kīrtana hall, looking at the beauty of the Śrī Jagannātha Deity just as in Śikhi Māhiti's dream.</p>
<div id="CCAdi1381_2" class="quote" parent="CC_Adi-lila" book="CC" index="1651" link="CC Adi 13.81" link_text="CC Adi 13.81">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:CC Adi 13.81|CC Adi 13.81, Translation]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="trans text"><p style="display: inline;">Jagannātha Miśra said to Śacīmātā, “I see wonderful things! Your body is effulgent, and it appears as if the goddess of fortune were now staying personally in my home.</p>
<div id="CCAdi1421_3" class="quote" parent="CC_Adi-lila" book="CC" index="1716" link="CC Adi 14.21" link_text="CC Adi 14.21">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:CC Adi 14.21|CC Adi 14.21, Translation and Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="trans text"><p style="display: inline;">After some days the Lord began to crawl on His knees, and He caused various wonderful things to be seen.</p>
<div class="purport text"><p>The Caitanya-bhāgavata describes that one day while the Lord was crawling upon His knees, the bells on His waist ringing very sweetly, a snake came out to crawl in the yard of the Lord, who captured the snake like a curious child. Immediately the snake coiled over Him. The Lord as a child then rested on the snake, and after some time the snake went away, leaving the Lord aside.</p>
<div id="CC_Madhya-lila" class="sub_section" sec_index="2" parent="Sri_Caitanya-caritamrta" text="CC Madhya-lila"><h3>CC Madhya-lila</h3>
<div id="CCMadhya682_0" class="quote" parent="CC_Madhya-lila" book="CC" index="1053" link="CC Madhya 6.82" link_text="CC Madhya 6.82">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:CC Madhya 6.82|CC Madhya 6.82, Purport]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="purport text"><p style="display: inline;">One cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead simply by exhibiting some mundane magic. Foolish people are enchanted by magical demonstrations, and when they see a few wonderful things done by mystical power, they accept a magician as the Personality of Godhead or an incarnation. This is not the way of realization. Nor should one guess or speculate about an incarnation of God or the Personality of Godhead. One has to learn from the bona fide person or from the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, as Arjuna did, by the mercy of Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa Himself also gives many hints about His potencies as the Supreme Personality of Godhead.</p>
<div id="CCMadhya2118_1" class="quote" parent="CC_Madhya-lila" book="CC" index="4912" link="CC Madhya 21.18" link_text="CC Madhya 21.18">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:CC Madhya 21.18|CC Madhya 21.18, Translation]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="trans text"><p style="display: inline;">We do not hear of such wonderful things anywhere else. Simply by one's hearing of those incidents, one's consciousness is agitated and cleansed.</p>
<div id="Other_Books_by_Srila_Prabhupada" class="section" sec_index="3" parent="compilation" text="Other Books by Srila Prabhupada"><h2>Other Books by Srila Prabhupada</h2>
<div id="Nectar_of_Devotion" class="sub_section" sec_index="1" parent="Other_Books_by_Srila_Prabhupada" text="Nectar of Devotion"><h3>Nectar of Devotion</h3>
<div id="NOD22_0" class="quote" parent="Nectar_of_Devotion" book="OB" index="164" link="NOD 22" link_text="Nectar of Devotion 22">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:NOD 22|Nectar of Devotion 22]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">If one takes account of only one universe, he will find so many combinations of wonderful things within, because there are innumerable planets, innumerable residences and places of demigods. The diameter of the universe is four billion miles, and it is infested with many unfathomable regions known as Pātālas, or lower planetary systems. Although Kṛṣṇa is the origin of all this, He can always be seen in Vṛndāvana, exhibiting His inconceivable potencies. So who can adequately worship such an all-powerful Lord, possessed of such inconceivable energy?</p>
<div id="NOD37_1" class="quote" parent="Nectar_of_Devotion" book="OB" index="282" link="NOD 37" link_text="Nectar of Devotion 37">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:NOD 37|Nectar of Devotion 37]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">One devotee told Dāruka, the servant of Kṛṣṇa, "My dear Dāruka, when you become like wood because of your separation from Kṛṣṇa, it is not so wonderful. Whenever any devotee sees Kṛṣṇa, his eyes become filled with water, and in separation any devotee like you would become stunned, standing just like a wooden doll. That is not a very wonderful thing."</p>
<div id="NOD38_2" class="quote" parent="Nectar_of_Devotion" book="OB" index="283" link="NOD 38" link_text="Nectar of Devotion 38">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:NOD 38|Nectar of Devotion 38]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">In the Kṛṣṇa-karṇāmṛta Bilvamaṅgala Ṭhākura has explained his restlessness as follows: "My dear Lord, Your naughtiness in boyhood is the most wonderful thing in the three worlds. And You Yourself know what this naughtiness is. As such, You can very easily understand my flickering mind. This is known to You and me. Therefore, I am simply yearning to know how I can fix my mind on Your lotus feet."</p>
<div id="NOD50_3" class="quote" parent="Nectar_of_Devotion" book="OB" index="301" link="NOD 50" link_text="Nectar of Devotion 50">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:NOD 50|Nectar of Devotion 50]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">In the Vidagdha-mādhava, Second Act, verse 31, Kṛṣṇa tells His friend, "My dear friend, what a wonderful thing it is that since I have seen the beautiful lotus eyes of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī, I have developed a tendency to spit on the moon and the lotus flower!" This is an example of conjugal love mixed with ghastliness, but there is no incompatibility.</p>
<div id="Krsna_The_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead" class="sub_section" sec_index="4" parent="Other_Books_by_Srila_Prabhupada" text="Krsna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead"><h3>Krsna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead</h3>
<div id="KB3_0" class="quote" parent="Krsna,_The_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead" book="OB" index="7" link="KB 3" link_text="Krsna Book 3">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:KB 3|Krsna Book 3]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">One may argue that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who creates the whole cosmic manifestation simply by His glance, cannot come within the womb of Devakī, the wife of Vasudeva. To eradicate this argument, Vasudeva said, “My dear Lord, it is not a very wonderful thing that You have appeared within the womb of Devakī, because the creation was also made in that way. You were lying in the Causal Ocean as Mahā-Viṣṇu, and by Your breathing process, innumerable universes came into existence. Then You entered into each of the universes as Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu. Then again You expanded Yourself as Kṣīrodakaśāyī Viṣṇu and entered into the hearts of all living entities and even within the atoms. Therefore Your entrance into the womb of Devakī is understandable in the same way. You appear to have entered, but You are simultaneously all-pervading.</p>
<div id="KB8_1" class="quote" parent="Krsna,_The_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead" book="OB" index="12" link="KB 8" link_text="Krsna Book 8">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:KB 8|Krsna Book 8]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Yaśodā could find within the mouth of her child everything necessary for cosmic manifestation. She also saw, within His mouth, herself taking Kṛṣṇa on her lap and having Him suck her breast. Upon seeing all this, she became struck with awe and began to wonder whether she were dreaming or actually seeing something extraordinary. She concluded that she was either dreaming or seeing the play of the illusory energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. She thought that she had become mad, mentally deranged, to see all those wonderful things. Then she thought, “It may be cosmic mystic power attained by my child, and therefore I am perplexed by such visions within His mouth.</p>
<div id="KB33_2" class="quote" parent="Krsna,_The_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead" book="OB" index="37" link="KB 33" link_text="Krsna Book 33">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:KB 33|Krsna Book 33]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Sex desire is especially excited in the autumn season, but the wonderful thing about Kṛṣṇa's association with the gopīs is that there was no question of sex desire. It was, as clearly stated in the Bhāgavata description by Śukadeva Gosvāmī, avaruddha-saurata—the sex impulse was completely controlled. There is a distinction between Lord Kṛṣṇa's dancing with the gopīs and the ordinary dancing of living entities within the material world.</p>
<div id="KB41_3" class="quote" parent="Krsna,_The_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead" book="OB" index="45" link="KB 41" link_text="Krsna Book 41">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:KB 41|Krsna Book 41]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">While Akrūra was offering his prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord disappeared from the water, exactly as an expert dramatic actor changes his dress and assumes his original feature. After the viṣṇu-mūrti disappeared, Akrūra got out of the water. Finishing the rest of his ritualistic performance, he went near the chariot of Balarāma and Kṛṣṇa and was struck with wonder. Kṛṣṇa asked whether he had seen something wonderful within the water or in space. Akrūra said, "My dear Lord, all wonderful things that are happening within this world, either in the sky or in the water or on the land, are factually appearing in Your universal form. So when I have seen You, what wonderful things have I not seen?" This statement confirms the Vedic version that one who knows Kṛṣṇa knows everything and that one who has seen Kṛṣṇa has seen everything, regardless of how wonderful a thing may be. "My dear Lord," Akrūra continued, "there cannot be anything more wonderful than Your transcendental form. When I have seen Your transcendental form, what is there left to see?"</p>
<div id="KB56_4" class="quote" parent="Krsna,_The_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead" book="OB" index="60" link="KB 56" link_text="Krsna Book 56">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:KB 56|Krsna Book 56]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">The ordinary man is surprised to see the inventions of a great scientist, but the statement of Jāmbavān confirms that although a scientist may be a creator of many wonderful things, Kṛṣṇa is the creator of the scientist. He is the creator of not only one scientist but of millions and trillions, all over the universe. Jāmbavān said further, "Not only are You the creator of the creators, but You are also the creator of the material elements which the so-called creators manipulate." Scientists utilize the physical elements or laws of material nature to do something wonderful, but actually such laws and elements are also the creation of Kṛṣṇa. This is actual scientific understanding.</p>
<div id="KB66_5" class="quote" parent="Krsna,_The_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead" book="OB" index="70" link="KB 66" link_text="Krsna Book 66">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:KB 66|Krsna Book 66]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">When the head of the King of Kāśī was thrown through the city gate, people gathered and were astonished to see that wonderful thing. When they found out that there were earrings on it, they could understand that it was someone's head. They conjectured as to whose head it might be. Some thought it was Kṛṣṇa's head because Kṛṣṇa was the enemy of Kāśīrāja, and they calculated that the King of Kāśī might have thrown Kṛṣṇa's head into the city so that the people might take pleasure in the enemy's having been killed. But they finally detected that the head was not Kṛṣṇa's but that of Kāśīrāja himself. When this was ascertained, the queens of the King of Kāśī immediately approached and began to lament the death of their husband. "Our dear lord," they cried, "upon your death, we have become just like dead bodies."</p>
<div id="Renunciation_Through_Wisdom" class="sub_section" sec_index="5" parent="Other_Books_by_Srila_Prabhupada" text="Renunciation Through Wisdom"><h3>Renunciation Through Wisdom</h3>
<div id="RTW42_0" class="quote" parent="Renunciation_Through_Wisdom" book="OB" index="34" link="RTW 4.2" link_text="Renunciation Through Wisdom 4.2">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:RTW 4.2|Renunciation Through Wisdom 4.2]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">The Māyāvādīs are always eager to merge with the nondual Supreme Brahman and become God. But their small brains cannot understand how the Supreme Personality of Godhead can become the charioteer of His devotee and carry out his orders. In truth the Supreme Lord and the jīvas are eternally related, and because of this relationship many wonderful things are possible. But the Māyāvādīs cannot understand this truth, and many who have tried to make them understand have failed miserably.</p>

Latest revision as of 15:16, 21 May 2018

Bhagavad-gita As It Is

BG Preface and Introduction

BG Introduction:

Out of these five basic subject matters in Bhagavad-gītā it is established that the Supreme Godhead, or Kṛṣṇa, or Brahman, or the supreme controller, or Paramātmā—you may use whatever name you like—is the greatest of all. The living beings are in quality like the supreme controller. For instance, the Lord has control over the universal affairs of material nature, as will be explained in the later chapters of Bhagavad-gītā. Material nature is not independent. She is acting under the directions of the Supreme Lord. As Lord Kṛṣṇa says, mayādhyakṣeṇa prakṛtiḥ sūyate sa-carācaram: "This material nature is working under My direction." When we see wonderful things happening in the cosmic nature, we should know that behind this cosmic manifestation there is a controller. Nothing could be manifested without being controlled. It is childish not to consider the controller. For instance, a child may think that an automobile is quite wonderful to be able to run without a horse or other animal pulling it, but a sane man knows the nature of the automobile's engineering arrangement. He always knows that behind the machinery there is a man, a driver.

BG Chapters 7 - 12

BG 11.6, Translation:

O best of the Bhāratas, see here the different manifestations of Ādityas, Vasus, Rudras, Aśvinī-kumāras and all the other demigods. Behold the many wonderful things which no one has ever seen or heard of before.


SB Canto 1

SB 1.1.1, Purport:

All living beings, beginning from the first created being, Brahmā, down to the smallest ant, are individual living beings. And above Brahmā, there are even other living beings with individual capacities, and the Personality of Godhead is also a similar living being. And He is an individual as are the other living beings. But the Supreme Lord, or the supreme living being, has the greatest intelligence, and He possesses supermost inconceivable energies of all different varieties. If a man's brain can produce a space satellite, one can very easily imagine how brains higher than man can produce similarly wonderful things which are far superior. The reasonable person will easily accept this argument, but there are stubborn atheists who would never agree.

SB 1.15.8, Purport:

The modern demons are the harmful material scientists who create some material wonders for disturbance in the society. For example, the creation of nuclear weapons has caused some panic in human society. Maya was also a materialist like that, and he knew the art of creating such wonderful things. And yet Lord Kṛṣṇa wanted to kill him. When he was chased both by the fire and by the wheel of Lord Kṛṣṇa, he took shelter of such a devotee as Arjuna, who saved him from the wrath of the fire of Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa.

SB Canto 2

SB 2.2.22, Purport:

Since a materialist is generally inquisitive to experience what is actually in such planetary systems, he wants to see everything personally. As inquisitive persons tour all over the world to gain direct local experience, the less intelligent transcendentalist similarly desires to have some experience of those planets about which he has heard so many wonderful things. The yogī can, however, easily fulfill his desire by going there with the present materialistic mind and senses. The prime inclination of the materialistic mind is to lord it over the material world, and all the siddhis mentioned above are features of domination over the world. The devotees of the Lord are not ambitious to dominate a false and temporary phenomenon. On the contrary, a devotee wants to be dominated by the supreme predominator, the Lord.

SB 2.2.26, Purport:

In the creation of the Lord there are many wonderful things we can see with our own eyes every day and night, but we are unable to reach them equipped by modern materialistic science. We should not, therefore, depend on the fragmentary authority of materialistic science for knowing things beyond the range of scientific purview. For a common man, both modern science and Vedic wisdom are simply to be accepted because none of the statements either of modern science or of Vedic literature can be verified by him. The alternative for a common man is to believe either of them or both of them. The Vedic way of understanding, however, is more authentic because it has been accepted by the ācāryas, who are not only faithful and learned men, but are also liberated souls without any of the flaws of conditioned souls.

SB 2.4.6, Purport:

An inexperienced boy may be struck with wonder by seeing the impersonal actions of electronics or many other wonderful things conducted by electrical energy, but an experienced man knows that behind the action is a living man who creates such energy. Similarly the so-called scholars and philosophers of the world may, by mental speculation, present so many utopian theories about the impersonal creation of the universe, but an intelligent devotee of the Lord, by studying the Bhagavad-gītā, can know that behind the creation is the hand of the Supreme Lord, just as in the generating electrical powerhouse there is the resident engineer.

SB 2.8.20, Purport:

The yogeśvara, or the master of mystic powers, can exhibit eight kinds of wonders of perfection by becoming smaller than the atom or lighter than a feather, getting anything and everything he desires, going anywhere and everywhere he likes, creating even a planet in the sky, etc. There are many yogeśvaras having different proficiencies in these wonderful powers, and the topmost of all of them is Lord Śiva. Lord Śiva is the greatest yogī, and he can perform such wonderful things, far beyond the ordinary living beings. The devotees of the Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, do not directly practice the process of mystic powers, but, by the grace of the Lord, His devotee can defeat even a great yogeśvara like Durvāsā Muni, who picked a quarrel with Mahārāja Ambarīṣa and wanted to show the wonderful achievements of his mystic powers.

SB 2.9.30, Purport:

Because Lord Brahmā is a pure devotee, even though the first dominating deity in the material world and therefore able to do many wonderful things, he would never, like the nondevotee with a poor fund of knowledge, have the audacity to think of becoming one with the Lord. People with a poor fund of knowledge should take lessons from Brahmā when they are puffed up with the false notion of becoming God.

SB Canto 3

SB 3.7.2, Purport:

The Personality of Godhead has unlimited potencies to create and manifest many wonderful things, both temporary and permanent. Because this material world is the creation of His external energy, it thus appears to be temporary; it is manifested at certain intervals, maintained for some time, and again dissolved and conserved in His own energy. As described in Bhagavad-gītā (8.19), bhūtvā bhūtvā pralīyate. But the creation of His internal potency, the spiritual world, is not a temporary manifestation like the material world, but is eternal and full of transcendental knowledge, opulence, energy, strength, beauties and glories. Such manifestations of the Lord's potencies are eternal and are therefore called nirguṇa, or free from all tinges of the modes of material nature, even up to the mode of material goodness.

SB 3.10.11, Purport:

Time is not subject to any form of psychology, nor are the moments objective realities in themselves, but they are dependent on particular experiences.

Therefore, Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī concludes that the time factor is intermixed with the activities—actions and reactions—of the external energy of the Lord. The external energy, or material nature, works under the superintendence of the time factor as the Lord Himself, and that is why material nature appears to have produced so many wonderful things in the cosmic manifestation

SB 3.23.43, Purport:

Another significant word used in this verse is bahv-āścaryam, "many wonderful things." This indicates that the different planets are distributed all over the universe in the eight directions, and each and every one of them is wonderful in itself. Each planet has its particular climatic influences and particular types of inhabitants and is completely equipped with everything, including the beauty of the seasons.

SB 3.33.4, Purport:

Therefore Devahūti suggests, "Your lying down within the abdomen of a common woman like me is not so astonishing. You can lie down on the leaf of a banyan tree and float on the water of devastation as a small baby. It is not very wonderful, therefore, that You can lie down in the abdomen of my body. You teach us that those who are very fond of children within this material world and who therefore enter into marriage to enjoy family life with children can also have the Supreme Personality of Godhead as their child, and the most wonderful thing is that the Lord Himself licks His toe."

SB Canto 4

SB 4.18.19, Purport:

By regularly practicing the yogic processes one after another, the yogīs attain various perfections; they can become smaller than the smallest, heavier than the heaviest, etc. They can even manufacture a planet, get whatever they like and control whatever man they want. All the residents of Siddhaloka are naturally endowed with these mystic yogic powers. It is certainly a very wonderful thing if we see a person on this planet flying in the sky without a vehicle, but in Vidyādhara-loka such flying is as commonplace as a bird's flying in the sky. Similarly, in Siddhaloka all the inhabitants are great yogīs, perfect in mystic powers.

SB 4.18.20, Purport:

It is said that the inhabitants of Kimpuruṣa-loka can perform many wonderful mystic demonstrations. In other words, they can exhibit as many wonderful things as one can imagine. The inhabitants of this planet can do whatever they like, or whatever they imagine. Such powers are also mystic powers. The possession of such mystic power is called īśitā. The demons generally learn such mystic powers by the practice of yoga.

SB 4.19.28, Purport:

By chanting the Vedic mantras properly in a sacrifice, one can perform many wonderful things. In Kali-yuga, however, there are no qualified brāhmaṇas who can chant the mantras properly. Consequently no attempt should be made to perform such big sacrifices. In this age the only sacrifice recommended is the saṅkīrtana movement.

SB Canto 5

SB 5.1.30, Purport:

In Bhagavad-gītā (18.78) it is said wherever there is the master of all mystic powers (yatra yogeśvaraḥ kṛṣṇaḥ), victory, fortune and all other opulences are present. Devotional service is so powerful. When a devotee achieves what he wants to accomplish, it is not by his own mystic power but by the grace of the master of mystic power. Lord Kṛṣṇa: by His grace, a devotee can accomplish wonderful things unimaginable even to the most powerful scientist.

SB 5.1.35, Purport:

Since the Supreme Lord is all-powerful, He can do things that seem wonderful for a common man. Similarly, a devotee who has taken shelter at the lotus feet of the Lord can also do wonderful things unimaginable to a common man, by the grace of the dust of those lotus feet.

SB Canto 6

SB 6.4.49-50, Purport:

The more we engage in austerities, the more we become powerful by the grace of the Lord. Therefore Ṛṣabhadeva advised His sons, tapo divyaṁ putrakā yena sattvaṁ śuddhyed: "One should engage in penance and austerity to attain the divine position of devotional service. By such activity, one's heart is purified." (SB 5.5.1) In our material existence we are impure, and therefore we cannot do anything wonderful, but if we purify our existence by tapasya, we can do wonderful things by the grace of the Lord. Therefore tapasya is very important, as stressed in this verse.

SB Canto 7

SB 7.1.9, Purport:

In Bhagavad-gītā (10.41) the Lord says:

yad yad vibhūtimat sattvaṁ
śrīmad ūrjitam eva vā
tat tad evāvagaccha tvaṁ
mama tejo-'ṁśa-sambhavam

"Know that all beautiful, glorious and mighty creations spring from but a spark of My splendor." We have the practical experience of seeing that one person is able to do very wonderful things whereas another cannot do those same things and cannot even do things that require only a little common sense. Therefore, how much a devotee has been favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be tested by the activities the devotee has performed.

SB 7.2.57, Purport:

Yamarāja once asked Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira, "What is the most wonderful thing within this world?" Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira replied (Mahābhārata, Vana-parva 313.116):

ahany ahani bhūtāni
gacchantīha yamālayam
śeṣāḥ sthāvaram icchanti
kim āścaryam ataḥ param

Hundreds and thousands of living entities meet death at every moment, but a foolish living being nonetheless thinks himself deathless and does not prepare for death. This is the most wonderful thing in this world. Everyone has to die because everyone is fully under the control of material nature, yet everyone thinks that he is independent, that whatever he likes he can do, that he will never meet death but live forever, and so on.

SB 7.5.32, Purport:

The educators, scholars and big political leaders worshiped by millions of people cannot understand the goal of life and take to Kṛṣṇa consciousness, for they have not accepted a bona fide spiritual master and the Vedas. Therefore in the Muṇḍaka Upaniṣad (3.2.3) it is said, nāyam ātmā pravacanena labhyo na medhayā na bahunā śrutena: one cannot become self-realized simply by having an academic education, by presenting lectures in an erudite way (pravacanena labhyaḥ), or by being an intelligent scientist who discovers many wonderful things. One cannot understand Kṛṣṇa unless one is graced by the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

SB Canto 8

SB 8.6.39, Purport:

Nothing is accidental. Everything is done by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as the Lord Himself confirms in Bhagavad-gītā (9.10). Mayādhyakṣeṇa prakṛtiḥ sūyate sacarācaram. Whatever actions and reactions occur within the cosmic manifestation all take place under the superintendence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. However, because the demons do not understand the potency of the Lord, when wonderful things are done, the demons think that they are accidental.

SB Canto 10.1 to 10.13

SB 10.8.41, Purport:

One should not try to understand the supreme cause by argument or reasoning. When we are beset by some problem for which we can find no reason, there is no alternative than to surrender to the Supreme Lord and offer Him our respectful obeisances. Then our position will be secure. This was the means adopted in this instance also by mother Yaśodā. Whatever happens, the original cause is the Supreme Personality of Godhead (sarva-kāraṇa-kāraṇam (Bs. 5.1)). When the immediate cause cannot be ascertained, let us simply offer our obeisances at the lotus feet of the Lord. Mother Yaśodā concluded that the wonderful things she saw within the mouth of her child were due to Him, although she could not clearly ascertain the cause.

SB Cantos 10.14 to 12 (Translations Only)

SB 10.15.35, Translation:

My dear Parīkṣit, that Lord Balarāma killed Dhenukāsura is not such a wonderful thing, considering that He is the unlimited Personality of Godhead, the controller of the entire universe. Indeed, the entire cosmos rests upon Him just as a woven cloth rests upon its own horizontal and vertical threads.

SB 10.41.4, Translation:

Śrī Akrūra said: Whatever wonderful things the earth, sky or water contain, all exist in You. Since You encompass everything, when I am seeing You, what have I not seen?

SB 10.50.49, Translation:

After thus discussing the matter with Balarāma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead had a fortress twelve yojanas in circumference built within the sea. Inside that fort He had a city built containing all kinds of wonderful things.

SB 11.6.48-49, Translation:

O greatest of mystics, although we are conditioned souls wandering on the path of fruitive work, we will certainly cross beyond the darkness of this material world simply by hearing about Your Lordship in the association of Your devotees. Thus we are always remembering and glorifying the wonderful things You do and the wonderful things You say. We ecstatically recall Your amorous pastimes with Your confidential conjugal devotees and how You boldly smile and move about while engaged in such youthful pastimes. My dear Lord, Your loving pastimes are bewilderingly similar to the activities of ordinary people within this material world.

Sri Caitanya-caritamrta

CC Preface and Introduction

CC Introduction:

In support of their view that the self-realized remain silent, the Māyāvādīs are fond of using the example of the water pot, maintaining that when a pot is not filled with water it makes a sound, but that when it is filled it makes no sound. But are we waterpots? How can we be compared to them? A good analogy utilizes as many similarities between two objects as possible. A waterpot is not an active living force, but we are. Ever-silent meditation may be adequate for a waterpot, but not for us. Indeed, when a devotee realizes how much he has to say about Kṛṣṇa, twenty-four hours in a day are not sufficient. It is the fool who is celebrated as long as he does not speak, for when he breaks his silence his lack of knowledge is exposed. The Caitanya-caritāmṛta shows that there are many wonderful things to discover by glorifying the Supreme.

CC Adi-lila

CC Adi 7.61, Purport:

For a servant of God there is no need to exhibit mystic powers, and he does not like to do so, but on behalf of the Supreme Personality of Godhead a humble servant of God performs his activities in such a wonderful way that no common man can dare try to act like him. Yet a saintly person never takes credit for such actions because he knows very well that when wonderful things are done on his behalf by the grace of the Supreme Lord, all credit goes to the master and not to the servant.

CC Adi 10.135-136, Purport:

Śikhi Māhiti always engaged in serving the Lord in his mind. One night, while he was rendering such service, he fell asleep, and while he was asleep his brother and sister came to awaken him. At that time he was in full ecstasy because he was having a wonderful dream that Lord Caitanya, while visiting the temple of Jagannātha, was entering and again coming out of the body of Jagannātha and looking at the Jagannātha Deity. Thus as soon as he awakened he embraced his brother and sister and informed them, "My dear brother and sister, I have had a wonderful dream that I shall now explain to you. The activities of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu, the son of Mother Śacī, are certainly most wonderful. I saw that Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu, while visiting the temple of Jagannātha, was entering the body of Jagannātha and again coming out of His body. I am still seeing the same dream. Do you think I have become deranged? I am still seeing the same dream! And the most wonderful thing is that as soon as I came near Caitanya Mahāprabhu, He embraced me with His long arms." As Śikhi Māhiti spoke to his brother and sister in this way, his voice faltered and there were tears in his eyes. Thus the brothers and sister went to the temple of Jagannātha, and there they saw Lord Caitanya in the Jagamohana kīrtana hall, looking at the beauty of the Śrī Jagannātha Deity just as in Śikhi Māhiti's dream.


CC Adi 13.81, Translation:

Jagannātha Miśra said to Śacīmātā, “I see wonderful things! Your body is effulgent, and it appears as if the goddess of fortune were now staying personally in my home.

CC Adi 14.21, Translation and Purport:

After some days the Lord began to crawl on His knees, and He caused various wonderful things to be seen.

The Caitanya-bhāgavata describes that one day while the Lord was crawling upon His knees, the bells on His waist ringing very sweetly, a snake came out to crawl in the yard of the Lord, who captured the snake like a curious child. Immediately the snake coiled over Him. The Lord as a child then rested on the snake, and after some time the snake went away, leaving the Lord aside.

CC Madhya-lila

CC Madhya 6.82, Purport:

One cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead simply by exhibiting some mundane magic. Foolish people are enchanted by magical demonstrations, and when they see a few wonderful things done by mystical power, they accept a magician as the Personality of Godhead or an incarnation. This is not the way of realization. Nor should one guess or speculate about an incarnation of God or the Personality of Godhead. One has to learn from the bona fide person or from the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, as Arjuna did, by the mercy of Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa Himself also gives many hints about His potencies as the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

CC Madhya 21.18, Translation:

We do not hear of such wonderful things anywhere else. Simply by one's hearing of those incidents, one's consciousness is agitated and cleansed.

Other Books by Srila Prabhupada

Nectar of Devotion

Nectar of Devotion 22:

If one takes account of only one universe, he will find so many combinations of wonderful things within, because there are innumerable planets, innumerable residences and places of demigods. The diameter of the universe is four billion miles, and it is infested with many unfathomable regions known as Pātālas, or lower planetary systems. Although Kṛṣṇa is the origin of all this, He can always be seen in Vṛndāvana, exhibiting His inconceivable potencies. So who can adequately worship such an all-powerful Lord, possessed of such inconceivable energy?

Nectar of Devotion 37:

One devotee told Dāruka, the servant of Kṛṣṇa, "My dear Dāruka, when you become like wood because of your separation from Kṛṣṇa, it is not so wonderful. Whenever any devotee sees Kṛṣṇa, his eyes become filled with water, and in separation any devotee like you would become stunned, standing just like a wooden doll. That is not a very wonderful thing."

Nectar of Devotion 38:

In the Kṛṣṇa-karṇāmṛta Bilvamaṅgala Ṭhākura has explained his restlessness as follows: "My dear Lord, Your naughtiness in boyhood is the most wonderful thing in the three worlds. And You Yourself know what this naughtiness is. As such, You can very easily understand my flickering mind. This is known to You and me. Therefore, I am simply yearning to know how I can fix my mind on Your lotus feet."

Nectar of Devotion 50:

In the Vidagdha-mādhava, Second Act, verse 31, Kṛṣṇa tells His friend, "My dear friend, what a wonderful thing it is that since I have seen the beautiful lotus eyes of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī, I have developed a tendency to spit on the moon and the lotus flower!" This is an example of conjugal love mixed with ghastliness, but there is no incompatibility.

Krsna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead

Krsna Book 3:

One may argue that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who creates the whole cosmic manifestation simply by His glance, cannot come within the womb of Devakī, the wife of Vasudeva. To eradicate this argument, Vasudeva said, “My dear Lord, it is not a very wonderful thing that You have appeared within the womb of Devakī, because the creation was also made in that way. You were lying in the Causal Ocean as Mahā-Viṣṇu, and by Your breathing process, innumerable universes came into existence. Then You entered into each of the universes as Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu. Then again You expanded Yourself as Kṣīrodakaśāyī Viṣṇu and entered into the hearts of all living entities and even within the atoms. Therefore Your entrance into the womb of Devakī is understandable in the same way. You appear to have entered, but You are simultaneously all-pervading.

Krsna Book 8:

Yaśodā could find within the mouth of her child everything necessary for cosmic manifestation. She also saw, within His mouth, herself taking Kṛṣṇa on her lap and having Him suck her breast. Upon seeing all this, she became struck with awe and began to wonder whether she were dreaming or actually seeing something extraordinary. She concluded that she was either dreaming or seeing the play of the illusory energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. She thought that she had become mad, mentally deranged, to see all those wonderful things. Then she thought, “It may be cosmic mystic power attained by my child, and therefore I am perplexed by such visions within His mouth.

Krsna Book 33:

Sex desire is especially excited in the autumn season, but the wonderful thing about Kṛṣṇa's association with the gopīs is that there was no question of sex desire. It was, as clearly stated in the Bhāgavata description by Śukadeva Gosvāmī, avaruddha-saurata—the sex impulse was completely controlled. There is a distinction between Lord Kṛṣṇa's dancing with the gopīs and the ordinary dancing of living entities within the material world.

Krsna Book 41:

While Akrūra was offering his prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord disappeared from the water, exactly as an expert dramatic actor changes his dress and assumes his original feature. After the viṣṇu-mūrti disappeared, Akrūra got out of the water. Finishing the rest of his ritualistic performance, he went near the chariot of Balarāma and Kṛṣṇa and was struck with wonder. Kṛṣṇa asked whether he had seen something wonderful within the water or in space. Akrūra said, "My dear Lord, all wonderful things that are happening within this world, either in the sky or in the water or on the land, are factually appearing in Your universal form. So when I have seen You, what wonderful things have I not seen?" This statement confirms the Vedic version that one who knows Kṛṣṇa knows everything and that one who has seen Kṛṣṇa has seen everything, regardless of how wonderful a thing may be. "My dear Lord," Akrūra continued, "there cannot be anything more wonderful than Your transcendental form. When I have seen Your transcendental form, what is there left to see?"

Krsna Book 56:

The ordinary man is surprised to see the inventions of a great scientist, but the statement of Jāmbavān confirms that although a scientist may be a creator of many wonderful things, Kṛṣṇa is the creator of the scientist. He is the creator of not only one scientist but of millions and trillions, all over the universe. Jāmbavān said further, "Not only are You the creator of the creators, but You are also the creator of the material elements which the so-called creators manipulate." Scientists utilize the physical elements or laws of material nature to do something wonderful, but actually such laws and elements are also the creation of Kṛṣṇa. This is actual scientific understanding.

Krsna Book 66:

When the head of the King of Kāśī was thrown through the city gate, people gathered and were astonished to see that wonderful thing. When they found out that there were earrings on it, they could understand that it was someone's head. They conjectured as to whose head it might be. Some thought it was Kṛṣṇa's head because Kṛṣṇa was the enemy of Kāśīrāja, and they calculated that the King of Kāśī might have thrown Kṛṣṇa's head into the city so that the people might take pleasure in the enemy's having been killed. But they finally detected that the head was not Kṛṣṇa's but that of Kāśīrāja himself. When this was ascertained, the queens of the King of Kāśī immediately approached and began to lament the death of their husband. "Our dear lord," they cried, "upon your death, we have become just like dead bodies."

Renunciation Through Wisdom

Renunciation Through Wisdom 4.2:

The Māyāvādīs are always eager to merge with the nondual Supreme Brahman and become God. But their small brains cannot understand how the Supreme Personality of Godhead can become the charioteer of His devotee and carry out his orders. In truth the Supreme Lord and the jīvas are eternally related, and because of this relationship many wonderful things are possible. But the Māyāvādīs cannot understand this truth, and many who have tried to make them understand have failed miserably.