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Anywhere you go, the threefold miseries of material existence, that will continue. You cannot get free. Even Brahmaloka, the Brahma, he is subjected to die: Difference between revisions

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Expressions researched:
"anywhere you go, the threefold miseries of material existence, that will continue. You cannot get free. Even Brahmaloka, the Brahma, he is subjected to die"


Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures

You should know from the Vedic literature the position. You should know that each and every planet is full of different types of living entities, and in the higher planetary system, the standard of living may be very... Not maybe. It is mentioned, thousands and thousands of times better than this planet. They... This is called Bhūrloka, then Bhuvarloka, then Svargaloka, Janaloka, Maharloka, Tapoloka, Satyaloka, Brahmaloka—these are different higher planetary system—and each loka, the standard of happiness is thousand times better than the earth. This is the position. And Kṛṣṇa says, ā-brahma-bhuvanāl lokāḥ. And similarly down, there are different lokas—Tala, Atala, Talātala, Vitala, Sutala, like that. This is the constitution. But here Ṛṣabhadeva says that anywhere you go, the threefold miseries of material existence, that will continue. You cannot get free. Even Brahmaloka, the Brahmā, he is subjected to die. He is also undergo the principles of death, and what to speak of others. Nobody will exist here.
Lecture on SB 5.5.10-13 -- Vrndavana, November 1, 1976:

So this ugra-karma, they have introduced, but they are not happy. Because they are fools, they do not know their happiness is different. It cannot be had from the ugra-karma. Therefore here it is said, sarvatra vyasana? What is that? Jantor vyasanāvagatyā, sarvatra jantor vyasanāvagatyā. Your material civilization, wherever you advance materially, there is trouble. Not only on this planet, but in other planets also, I mean higher planets, where they live for many millions of years and their standard of happiness... Of course, these rascals, they are finding only stones and rocks in other planets. They have got everything only in this planet. And you have to believe them. Wherever they are going, in the moon planet or in the Mars planet, what do they see? Simply rocks and sands. But that is not the fact. Each and every planet is full of living entities, janatā(?). That is the statement in the... Everywhere, every planet, there are different kinds of living entities. Just like we see in this planet also, the Europeans are of different features, the Americans have different features, India different features, Africa different features. So there are varieties of living continent, varieties of living entities, but no planet is vacant. That is not the fact. This is rascaldom. They are declaring the planets are vacant; only their father's property here, that is full of living entities. This is nonsense. This is nonsense.

Therefore it is said, sarvatra jantor vyasanāvagatyā. Sarvatra, everywhere, there are living entities and there are sufferings. Not only living entities. As there are sufferings here, three kinds of miserable conditions, even that will continue. Ā-brahma-bhuvanāl lokāḥ punar āvartino 'rjuna (BG 8.16). That is statement of Kṛṣṇa. Even you go to the Brahmaloka. Not that Brahmaloka is better. Why there are so many, ananta-koṭi, planets? Yasya prabhā prabhavato jagad-aṇḍa-koṭi: (Bs. 5.40) not only one universe but many millions and trillions of universes. Yasya prabhā prabhavato jagad-aṇḍa-koṭi-koṭiṣv aśeṣa-vasudhādi-vibhūti-bhinnam (Bs. 5.40). Koṭiṣu. In each and every brahmāṇḍa, ananta-vasudhā. Vasudhā means the living places. Vibhinna, ananta yad... Yasya prabhā prabhavato jagad-aṇḍa-koṭi-koṭiṣv aśeṣa-vasudhādi-vibhūti-bhinnam (Bs. 5.40). Bhinnam, the climatic, atmospheric position is different. Not that it is vacant. Bhinnam. Vasudhādi-bhinnam. Just as moon planet, that atmosphere is different. Otherwise how it is possible that the moon planet, it is so nice, soothing rays is coming? And why not from the sun? The sun is differently constructed, different rays. It is God's arrangement. In daytime you require sunshine, and you become tired, so at nighttime there is very soothing moonshine. You becomes pacified, cleansed, soothing. Why the sun and the moon, if they are vacant or something, like that...? They do not know vasudhādi-bhinnam. Each and every planet is differently constructed. They do not know. These rascals, they are passing as scientists and simply giving this conclusion, that "Every planet is full of dust and rocks." If dust and rocks, then why from the sunshine so much heat is coming, and why from the moonshine so soothing and pleasing shine is coming? These rascals, they do not know. And they are passing as scientists. I call them directly rascals, simply, set of rascals. They have never gone to the moon planet. They do not know what are the different position of the different planets. Simply they are, I mean to say, cheating people to get good salary. That's all. And in the name of scientist.

But you should know from the Vedic literature the position. You should know that each and every planet is full of different types of living entities, and in the higher planetary system, the standard of living may be very... Not maybe. It is mentioned, thousands and thousands of times better than this planet. They... This is called Bhūrloka, then Bhuvarloka, then Svargaloka, Janaloka, Maharloka, Tapoloka, Satyaloka, Brahmaloka—these are different higher planetary system—and each loka, the standard of happiness is thousand times better than the earth. This is the position. And Kṛṣṇa says, ā-brahma-bhuvanāl lokāḥ. And similarly down, there are different lokas—Tala, Atala, Talātala, Vitala, Sutala, like that. This is the constitution. But here Ṛṣabhadeva says that anywhere you go, the threefold miseries of material existence, that will continue. You cannot get free. Even Brahmaloka, the Brahmā, he is subjected to die. He is also undergo the principles of death, and what to speak of others. Nobody will exist here. Ā-brahma-bhuvanāl lokāḥ punar āvartino 'rjuna (BG 8.16).

So we should know that, that we are trying to improve our material condition—it doesn't matter you are now a poor man, and by doing something you get, I mean to say, great amount of wealth. That does not mean that you are free from dangerous condition of life. That is not. Sarvatra. Either in this planet, or in other planet, or this condition, that condition, the threefold miseries, adhyātmika, adhidaivika, and adhibhautika, and these miseries, and janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi... Kṛṣṇa says, janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi-duḥkha-doṣānudarśanam (BG 13.9). Kṛṣṇa never says that "Within this universe, if you go to the heavenly planet, then you can avoid janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi." Never says. Nobody says. Kṛṣṇa says, "Even you go to the heavenly planet," ābrahma-bhuvanāl lokāḥ, "the janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi, they are everywhere; you cannot avoid." Yad gatvā na nivartante tad dhāma paramaṁ mama (BG 15.6). "But if you come to Me," paraṁ dhāma, "then you can avoid."

Duḥkhālayam aśāśvatam (BG 8.15). Here, everywhere you'll find duḥkhālayam aśāśvatam. Just like I was reading last night that Bṛhaspati's wife is kidnapped by Candra. The Bṛhaspati is the spiritual master of the demigods, and his wife was kidnapped by Candra. He is also one of the demigods. Just see: the sex and lusty desires are so strong, even in the higher planetary system. And that is the cause. That is the cause. Here it is said, liṅgaṁ vyapohet kuśalo 'ham-ākhyam. This false ego is the cause of our miserable condition in this material world. Material world is miserable, duḥkhālayam aśāśvatam (BG 8.15), this material world. One ant is living, say for one day, and I am living for hundred years, and Brahmā is living for millions of years. That does not mean any one of us is free is from the miserable condition of this material world. Nobody. Therefore this material world is called duḥkhālayam aśāśvatam (BG 8.15).

mām upetya punar janma
duḥkhālayam aśāśvatam
nāpnuvanti mahātmānaḥ
saṁsiddhiṁ paramāṁ gatāḥ
(BG 8.15)

That is saṁsiddhi, that if you become able how to become free from this encagement of material body, liṅgaṁ vyapohet. Therefore the endeavor should be how to give up this material body and be situated in our spiritual status, and that will give us...