Prabhupāda: Indians are intelligent... (Hindi) Indians... So, but they have sacrificed everything for..., to imitate the Westerners. But Indian (Hindi) knowledge... But we have locked it. Our knowledge, we have locked it, and we are trying to imitate.
Shri Narayan: Yes, true. Imitation is not good at all. We must keep our originality and ancient culture.
Prabhupāda: (Hindi) Vedic culture (Hindi) (Hindi conversation) With great praise our books are. (Hindi conversation)
Girirāja: Twenty-three different languages.
Shri Narayan: Twenty-three different languages. (Hindi conversation)
Prabhupāda: Within ten years I have already written eighty-four books.
Shri Narayan: Eighty-four books. (rest of conversation in Hindi, with few interspersed English words) (to Girirāja) You understand what I said? Somebody should come with the (indistinct), the literature. Not the whole book, or the book, but some basic literature with a catalog of difficulties which are being faced from the government side. Then it will be easier. (Hindi) (Hindi conversation, with few interspersed English words as they take prasāda) Hrishikesh this side, from the hill point of view, will be better than (indistinct). (Hindi)
Prabhupāda: Bogilalji, he has got his house near Hrishikesh?
Girirāja: Yeah. I think near Haridwar.
Prabhupāda: So what he recommends there.
Shri Narayan: Hrishikesh is much better.