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Welcome Sudheendra to your next vaniseva

  • You now have an ID account to Vaniquotes. If you are reading this message it means you have successfully logged in.
  • Remember that you have access rights only to Vaniquotes, so don't try logging into Vanipedia. It will not work.
  • The google doc that you now have to work in is named Parking Lot. I have established the first page with your name on it. "Sudhe F - K"

This means you look through all the categories starting with F, G, H, I, J, and K

Now how to do this.

Well the first thing you have to do is identify a category that is not linked to any Umbrella Category. As you know some umbrella categories have extensions " - Umbrella Category" and some do not. The list of those who do not are copied in the "checklist" sheet of the google doc "Parking Lot"

Also please remember that all the categories Names Of... and Types Of... are also umbrella categories.

so in http://vaniquotes.org/wiki/Category:Names_of_Acaryas there are 43 categories linked to it. So all of these DO NOT NEED TO BE linked to the "Parking_Lot_-_Umbrella_Category"

  • Many categories are already linked to different Umbrella Categories so you only have to link the ones that are not. At the starting of this service there are 259 categories linked to the Parking Lot. We have a total of 13,000 categories so it is possible that there is 1,000 categories that will end up being linked to the Parking Lot. Lets see.
  • Also please know that the "Questions on..." categories do not need to be linked to any umbrella categories.

here is the simple instructions to get you up and running

1. log into Vaniquotes, go to edit, and then copy the following code

'''[[Category:Parking Lot - Umbrella Category]]'''

into the line below the last piece of content and then press "save page"

2. Then copy that url into the googledoc "Parking Lot" so that we can see if you are getting it right.

that's it. Good Luck

your servant

Visnu Murti dasa