Please therefore consider this and let me know by wire if you are agreeable. Otherwise I shall not extend my visa period but I shall return to India without being able to do anything tangible at my first tour. Hope you will take this matter as very urgent and let me know your decision by immediate return of post or by wire to my above address and oblige. Hope you are all well and thanking you in anticipation.
Urgent (Letters)
1947 to 1965 Correspondence
They must be educated and able to talk in English as also read Sanskrit nicely. For preaching here two languages English and Sanskrit will be very much appreciated. I think under your leadership every camp of our god brothers should supply a man good for this purpose and they must agree to work under my direction. If that is possible then you will see how our beloved Srila Prabhupada will be satisfied on all of us. I think we shall all forget now the past fratricidal war and now come forward for a good cause. If they are not agreeable then do it yourself and I am at your service. Please therefore consider this and let me know by wire if you are agreeable. Otherwise I shall not extend my visa period but I shall return to India without being able to do anything tangible at my first tour. Hope you will take this matter as very urgent and let me know your decision by immediate return of post or by wire to my above address and oblige. Hope you are all well and thanking you in anticipation.
1966 Correspondence
If you have not been able to sell all the books left with you for sale, you may kindly return the books to
Srimati Morarji (Sumati) of Scindia House Dougall Road, Ballard State, Bombay.
Or if you think you shall be able to sell them you can keep the books on sales account and in that case you will please immediately hand over two sets of Book (Srimad-Bhagavatam) to Srimati Sumati Morarji as abovementioned and oblige.
I shall be glad to receive from you a statement of account for Books sold and amount deposited with the Bank
Kindly treat this as urgent and oblige.
1967 Correspondence
I am very much anxious to know if this reel has already been dispatched by air mail. If not please immediately do it and let me know that you have done so. I have received letter from the above Brahmacari that he has not as yet received the same. Please treat this as very urgent.
I am enclosing herewith one letter for Sripada Sar Maharaja which will speak for itself. The certificate is urgently required per return of post. The thing is that I have to go to Canada Montreal next month to open the third Branch there. But as soon as I leave the borders of U.S.A., my Visa for this country will automatically cancelled. Then I will have ask for new Visa to enter U.S.A. which may be delayed for formalities. I am therefore trying for permanent visa and for that purpose the certificate is necessary. I have also written to other Godbrother Sannyasins because such certificate is necessary.
Two things are to be done if it is possible: to send me proper medicines and directions, that will be nice. But if I require to return that also I can do. Please try to reply as soon as possible in English because my students cannot read Hindi. So long as I'm in bed it's not possible to read letters. You can treat this letter very urgently. Consult necessary physicians and let me know what I am to do. In Mathura there are undoubtedly many Ayurvedic physicians and many quacks also. Try to avoid the quacks. I would have returned to India immediately but the doctors say it is risky. If need be, I shall return as soon as I get strength to take the strain of the journey.
As you are all feeling my separation, similarly I'm also anxious to return as soon as possible. I think I'm fit to go back to your country at present and as scheduled previously I'm sure by the end of October. I must be fit to return, but before this there are many things to be done. I'm not yet assured of the permanent visa. The best thing will be that from each center an invitation should be sent that my presence is urgently required. Regarding the American House, as I told you previously, I'm trying to get a nice house in Vrindaban and unless I'm sure of that I can not advise anyone to come here incurring so much expenditure and undergoing so much trouble. Students at Swami Bon Maharaja, can come only if they are very much eager and serious about study. He has already given me a letter that 10 students can be accommodated with food and rooms.
I received many letters from you and some I have replied. I don't know whether I've replied all your points. I'll be glad to hear from you about the progress of the Boston center. So far as my health is concerned, definitely I've improved because I am now cooking and typing. I think I will be returning by the end of October. Please send a letter of invitation stating that my presence is urgently required in the States. This will help enormously in obtaining my permanent visa. I must produce concrete evidence of the necessity of my presence in America for this visa status.
If everyone of us thinks of his fellow worker as boss there is no question of misunderstanding. The mistake is that being addressed as boss or prabhu one thinks himself as exactly Prabhu or the boss. One should not forget himself as humble servant even though one is addressed as prabhu. The spiritual master is offered respects as they are offered to the Supreme Lord. Unfortunately if the spiritual master thinks that he has become the Supreme Lord then he is doomed. A bona fide spiritual master always think of himself as the servant of the Lord. One should never forget __ be humble in dealings. If everyone of us would conduct our business in that spirit of prabhu and servant then there is very little chance of being misunderstood. Sometimes misunderstanding may take place but it should be adjusted in a spirit of service attitude to the prabhu. I know that my presence is very urgently required. Arrangement is already completed circumstances alone have checked my departure. Please therefore don't be worried. I am coming to your place within a fortnight. Convey my blessings to Dayananda and others. I am
1968 Correspondence
The married boys and girls are there—in our society sex life is not forbidden. If Jagatananda is feeling sex urge so urgently even at the age of 16 or 17, he must be prepared to take the responsibility of married life. When I was in India, Gargamuni wrote me plainly like that, and I at once allowed him to get married. Now I see that the boy and girl, Gargamuni and Karunamayi, are living happily. So if Jagatananda is after that nice girl Lilasukha, he must arrange for marrying her. Otherwise where is the solution? I cannot allow in our society any nonsense like illicit sex life at any circumstance. Jagatananda must subdue his sex desire by constant chanting of Hare Krishna, and praying to Krishna to help him. If not he must be prepared to marry and take the responsibility fully. As his elder brother you will please instruct him of my desire.
Today I have received one urgent letter from Acyutananda Brahmacari. He is doing very nicely with preaching work at Kanpur. He has held many seminars, at different places, and the educated circle (lawyers, teachers, etc.) are taking part in his preaching work. Kanpur is the next important city after Calcutta and Bombay. Therefore his decision to start immediately one center at Kanpur is acceptable. As proposed previously, $10 from each center should be contributed for the Indian American House. Now, you can immediately sent him at the following address $100 from the book account. And for the next month we shall arrange to send him $60, collected from each center $10. He is requesting me to send you, Rayarama, and Rupanuga for sometime there for preaching work. Rayarama has already sent him a note that he may be going there, latest by April 1968.
I am very much pleased to learn that things in New York are going nicely under your supervision, and I do not see any urgent reason that you shall go to India immediately. You are sincere pure soul, Krishna will give you His transcendental counsel as you shall require from time to time.
I have received one letter from Brahmananda asking for a very nice glossy photo portrait of me so if you can arrange to send such a glossy photo it will be very nice. He asked to receive the photo as soon as possible. He has also advised me to take help of a professional photographer if your assistance is not available immediately because I am away from your place. Please let me know if you can send such glossy photo from many negatives which you have got in your possession. I understand also that Rayarama has taken some of the negatives from you in New York so if you like you can advise him to do the needful. Anyway the matter is urgent and I ask you to do the needful. I am expected to return to San Francisco by the 10th of March and I shall let you know the exact time and date later on.
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated Feb. 20, 1968, and it is very encouraging to me. I am so happy to hear that, by Krishna's Grace, people in that place are taking interest in Krishna Consciousness. This Krishna Consciousness is the most urgent need of the whole human society, and we need so many preachers, both boys and girls, to spread this message throughout the world. So it is very much encouraging to me to learn of your activities there in the Bahama Islands.
Please refer to my last letter. It is understood that from my New York office five hundred dollars has already been remitted to you through the First National City Bank of New York on the 3rd January, 1968. You were to ship the cases of books and musical instruments on the 11th of January, 1968, but I have heard nothing from you until now. Kindly enlighten me on this matter immediately as I am anxious to know this matter. Please take this as urgent and reply by return post to the above address.
I have sent you one letter dated March 23, 1968, the copy of which is enjoined herewith. I do not know why you did not reply this letter of March 23, and I am very much sorry that in the absence of the statement of account on our $500, and the balance remaining with you, I am getting reminders from the New York office. I am proceeding to New York on the 17th of April, 1968, and by that time I hope to receive the reply of my letter of March 23, and the statement of account showing the balance of money lying with you. Please treat this as urgent and oblige.
Yes, the coloring book idea is nice, but for now there is greater need of your service to Krishna in helping out the Santa Fe Temple. You have requested me in your letter to please advise you about your devotional service, and I shall tell you frankly that the best thing for you to do now is to help the Santa Fe Temple financially. You were originally entrusted with the responsibility of that branch, as you helped start it, and so it is your duty now to help maintain it, even you are not present there. If it is closed down, it will be great shameful to you. So, at the present moment your former husband, Subala, is struggling alone there, and there is urgent need of financial aid to him. Therefore, I request you to do this service; you and your husband should earn money nicely, and send to Santa Fe at least $100.00 a month. That will be good for you both, and good for me, and good for Subala, and the best service for Krishna. Krishna wants that you should do Him this service, to help maintain His Temple there, so I request that you shall do this immediately. And Krishna will be pleased upon you, and will give you all aid in serving Him in this way. That is my desire.
Just now I understand from Mahapurusa das that you phoned here to inquire whether the temple can be closed for your going to San Francisco on the Rathayatra Festival. Since the temple is started, the temple cannot be closed on any day. This is the serious business of opening a center. In no case, even in the most urgent case, the temple cannot be closed even for a single day. The Deities should be offered prasadam regularly, and worshiped regularly, so if you are going to San Francisco, somebody must remain to look after the temple affairs.
Yes, we are in need of our own press very urgently, and as Advaita has in his view to conduct such press, and he is laboring so hard for fulfilling this desire, certainly Krishna will be very pleased on him and you also for such endeavor. It is contemplated that we may start the press here in Montreal, because there is ample space. It is not yet settled up, but if we decide to start, then how Advaita can help this enterprise? Anyway, unless Advaita becomes quite conversant with the matter of conducting a press, I shall not try to start a press of our own. And when he is satisfied, then we shall start a well-equipped press.
Have you sent the cable to Dwarkin? We want Mrdangas very urgently because very soon we shall be going to London. Six devotees from the West coast and six devotees from the East coast, 12 for Kirtana besides my humble self, and one or two Brahmacaris. Henceforward our plan should be to push Sankirtana and sell our publications. For books, Brahmananda, for magazine, Rayarama, for Sankirtana, Hamsaduta and Mukunda, and for suggestion, my humble self. Please let us concentrate this integration and I am sure our movement will be successful.
"His presence is very urgently required to transact the religious activities of all the centers, and the society is pleased to provide him for all his expenditures, in the matter of living, expenses, traveling expenses, and the publication of his books. His books are already selling very nicely and one of his books is being published by Mssrs. MacMillan Co. and so personally he has also a nice income, besides from our contribution for his maintenance. So in all circumstances, he will never be public charge. His services are profoundly needed by this religious denomination in the US and he will be simply carrying out the occupation of a minister of this religious institution."
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated August 16, 1968, and have noted the contents carefully. I thank you very much that you are always thinking of me; similarly, take it from me I also always think of you. I could not have allowed you to go to New York but your service was urgently needed by Brahmananda, so I could not refuse that. Anyway, your service to Krishna, either with me or anywhere else, is the same.
Regarding printing: I have received one letter from the New O.D. Press. He is agreeable to print my books, as I have already advised him, with new types, and everything, desired by me. I understand that you also saw the proprietor and you might have talked with him. He wants some money immediately for purchasing new type. But I do not find anything in your letter whether it has been deposited by Hitsaranji into my bank. In every letter I see there is promise, but in no letter do I find any news that the money is already deposited. If the money is not immediately deposited, how can I pay to the New O.D. Press and begin printing work?? Please immediately arrange for depositing the money by Hitsaranji in the bank so that I can issue check in favor of the New O.D. Press. This is very urgent, and let me know by return of post the result.
And I am very glad to know that you are pulling on. But one thing is that you must be self-independent, because for the time being, the students from other centers are sending you money and Krishna devi also has written me letter that she is sending through Dinesh a $100.00 a month. But how much you are spending and how much money you have received, please let me know. Because my next attempt will be to start a press. And I think in that press, your assistance will also be required. The press starting is very urgently needed, and in that case I shall be requiring at least $5000.00. So your center must independent, self-independent, I might ask the students to pay me something out of their income for my press starting. So I shall be glad to hear from you what is the position and how you shall be maintaining your center. The idea is that local devotees must manage the local temple. In case of emergency, the other temples may help, but that should not be continued, for all the time. I think you will understand me right.
In the meantime, I was given to understand that you are going to deposit Rs. 2000/- within 20th of August, 1968. I have not received any news whether you have deposited the money or not, but one thing is very urgent, that I have to immediately pay to Omkar Press for starting the work. I am surjoining herewith the copy of the letter which I received from the Omkar Press, as late as on the 25th July, 1968, but I could not pay him because I did not hear from you. But I wish to begin the work immediately. I handed over the printing work to you, with expectation that you will do it nicely, but you find it difficult to do it, so please do not detain me any further, for making progress in the printing work. I hope you will kindly reply this letter and let me know whether you have deposited the about Rs. 2000/- in my bank account. If you find it difficulty to pay at a time, so you can immediately pay to Omkar Press directly or deposit in the bank at least Rs. 1000/- so that the printing work may not be detained.
I do not know what to do with this wrong passport. The copy of the letter which I have addressed to Mr. Misra in this connection is also enclosed herewith. Kindly therefore do the needful immediately as I want both the passport and certificate very urgently, and I am simply waiting for them. I am sending my disciple Sriman Cidananda Brahmacari (Mr. Clay Harrold) to see you, and please advise him what to do.
You write to say that it appears the students are more discontented than ever and are openly stating that they do not have any solution to their discontent with the present civilization. It is very good opportunity therefore for presenting our manifesto, on the basis of Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and Teachings of Lord Caitanya. These books are also coming out very soon, by the end of next month. If there is good opportunity for agitating the student community in Boston, I must take advantage of the opportune moment if actually they are eager to know about it. I am sure they will appreciate the techniques of our movement if they patiently hear for some time. If they are ready to spare such time, I am prepared to deliver lectures on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is, as well as Teachings of Lord Caitanya, once in a week in different colleges and universities. But I shall appreciate their genuine desire if I am invited directly—so that I can know they are actually eager about it. In that case, I can cancel all my engagements in the western part of your country, and may spare one to two months in Boston for executing this urgent and important work. The thing is that if they are serious, they must hear the philosophy for some time, and I am prepared to spare my time for this purpose. So I shall be glad to hear from you further in this matter, and then I shall chalk out my program.
I have received one letter from the Consulate General of the United States of America, letter No. MTL-V-14 (CAN) 10'C, giving me appointment date on October 25, at 9:30 a.m. at Montreal. So in that connection I am enclosing herewith a letter addressed to the Consulate General there. This letter may be personally borne by Janardana, or if he is busy, yourself. And get the papers transferred to their Vancouver Consulate Office, and let me know the result immediately. This is very URGENT, and should be done immediately. Let me know immediately the result of your meeting with the Consulate General, by return of post.
In the meantime, you please drop this enclosed letter in the mail box, after putting on it an airmail stamp (Canadian), immediately. This letter is very URGENT, and should be posted immediately upon your receipt of it.
Regarding Dai Nippon publication, I think if we disregard them and print Teachings of Lord Caitanya at this mature moment, it will not be very much to our own good credit. They have advanced so much already and they have invested money to some extent, and if we stop at this moment, this will not be very good for us. They have got good regard for us and we must maintain this position. The best thing is therefore that you send them an urgent telegram that we must get the books by the end of this month, and otherwise we will arrange for printing elsewhere. So we must give them a notice to warn them before we take up the work for printing ourselves.
The enclosed note was sent to me by error, so you can hand it over to Harer Nama and he will do the needful, as it is urgent, and has to be done before the 29th of Nov.
1969 Correspondence
Regarding my going to Hawaii, it is not the question that I will have to take with me my present secretary and attendant. I can go alone as you are so anxious to see me, but the most important thing is if my presence there will improve the situation of our movement and temple very nicely. In this case, I am prepared to go alone; it doesn't matter. But if you think there is no such urgency, I can wait until the rainy season is over. So in any case, do not think that I am delaying to go to Hawaii because you cannot pay for my other assistants. I came to your country alone, and if necessary, I can go to Hawaii alone still providing there is urgency.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated February 13, 1969, and I have carefully noted the contents. I am so glad to hear that you are having nice response now and soon you hope to hold some feasts. If by the summer you feel that the center has urgent necessity of some other brahmacaris, then we shall arrange for this. At present I think that Tosana may go to North Carolina immediately and help Bhurijana with the center there. In the meantime, you try to keep the temple maintained somehow or other, so when the summer arrives some helper may go to give you assistance.
Next time when I go to Columbus, surely I shall initiate you and your good husband. I understand that your husband is a student of psychology, and Krishna Consciousness is the summit of psychological studies. From the Srimad-Bhagavatam we understand that Krishna is the Original Consciousness and the center of all psychological movement, namely thinking, feeling and willing. We are all parts and parcels of the Supreme Thinking, Feeling and Willing, but our present thinking, feeling and willing being contaminated by the cloud of ignorance, we are thinking, feeling and willing in a perverted way. The whole Krishna Consciousness movement is an attempt to divert the same thinking, feeling and willing to their original unalloyed position. You are an educated couple, and your cooperation with this movement can help tremendously to propagate this most necessary and urgent message for the human society.
I am in due receipt of your long letter dated February 10, 1969, along with Purusottama's letter of the same date, and I shall reply conveniently. In the meantime, I am enclosing herewith the certificates and letters duly signed by me, and as you need them urgently I am dispatching them first.
Best thing will be if you can engage your time and energy fully in chanting and in painting nice pictures. You are very talented girl, and you can paint very super excellent pictures, I have seen it. Now the thing is that we are opening new branches all over the world, and we require so many pictures in our temples so that people may come and see and be attracted by the beauty of Krishna. That is needed. The people today are fascinated by so much of the glimmering so-called beauty of the external energy, and there is necessity of seeing beautiful pictures of Krishna and His devotees and His Pastimes, in order to attract them to the spiritual process. So this is a great service, and there is urgent need for such paintings. Our Jadurani has done so many nice pictures, and they are distributed amongst our temples, but still there is shortage of supply. and she is now sick, and unable to work very swiftly due to her health condition.
I am pleased that you are taking serious interest in helping us spread this sublime movement of Lord Caitanya to the Western World, which has such urgent need of this knowledge. Regarding your idea of going to London before they obtain a temple, I do not think this will be the best thing because already they are scattered there, living separately, and they are inconvenienced. I have asked them to occupy a building and assured them of guarantee of payment. If the building is occupied, then by June I shall also go there, and then you will be welcome there. But without having a temple there I do not think it will be very much beneficial. Now you are helping the Montreal temple, and that is nice.
In further reference to my last letter sent in reply to your letter dated April 2, 1969, I am surprised that the packages sent by Jaya Govinda das Brahmacari as well as those sent by Atma Ram & Sons have not yet been sent. You acknowledged that these goods are ready to be shipped in your letter of April 2, 1969, but you have still not shipped them. I could understand that there was a delay on account of Pibhuti Babu's disappearance, but why are they still delayed? Please let me know why the shipping of our goods is so tremendously delayed. Kindly treat this letter as very urgent, and let me know why my goods have not been shipped yet.
There are so many devotees who are so much anticipating Your Divine Appearance." So considering this urgent call, I may go immediately to Los Angeles as I have not got any important business here. So you can send me passage money, and I shall go to Los Angeles along with Purusottama. The London devotees want me by the end of July, so even from Los Angeles I can go to London, and in this way spend at least one month in Los Angeles. Then after that period, if London wants me urgently, I can go there from Los Angeles. There is no difficulty. Under the circumstances, I am prepared to go to Los Angeles immediately as requested by you.
Previously, I received one letter from your center, signed by Mukunda, Syamasundara., Gurudasa, and others, inviting me to London by the 20th of July. In the meantime, I have received one urgent letter from Los Angeles to go there, and therefore I am going to Los Angeles on the 23rd instant. But there will be no difficulty for me to go to London from Los Angeles, provided that by that time you are well equipped. Otherwise, there is no need of hurrying. Do everything peacefully and conveniently. I have asked one married couple from Montreal, Isanadas and Vibhavati, to go to London, as well as I have asked one brahmacari named Trivikrama, and probably Sudama will also go there. So nicely organize your Sankirtana Party, and go on with your regular program of preaching Krishna Consciousness.
Regarding MacMillan's letter, I have forwarded the same to Gargamuni and Tamala for consultation before final decision. I have not heard anything from them till now. If the matter is urgent, you can consult with them and whatever you all decide, that is my decision. Now, gradually I am trying to hand over the management to the reliable hands of my disciples, and you should all work by joint consultation, without any friction. Now, by the Grace of Krishna, we are expanding and we must work in such a way that our society may stand a solid institution. In this connection I shall request you not to circulate all my letters that I address to you. Letters are sometimes personal and confidential, and if all letters are circulated, it may react reversely.
I beg to inform you that yesterday Mr. M.A. Grant of 7 Bury Place, London, WC 1, ENGLAND has transferred dollars in exchange of 150.5 pounds to be deposited in my account #12410. But I see the account number has been wrongly mentioned as 90034. So please rectify this mistake and credit the amount in my savings account duly. In reply to this letter please let me know what is the correct balance at present in my credit. Also please send me some envelopes for sending checks. Please treat this matter as urgent and write to me at the above address. Thanking you in anticipation.
Kindly refer to my letters dated September 7, 1969 and September 30, 1969. I am surprised that I have not as yet received the shipping documents of two consignments to be dispatched by BINA MUSICAL STORES and INDO CRAFTER. Please let me know immediately at my above address what is the actual position now. Kindly treat this as very urgent and oblige.
With further reference to my letter dated November 1, 1969, I beg to inform you that immediately I want one pair of Radha-Krishna Deities in London. If you will kindly send me out of the five pairs contributed by the Dalmia Trust and Birla Trust at least one pair to London by the quickest transport, maybe by air cargo, then it will be very kind of you. Kindly treat this as urgent. I hope this will find you in good health. I am awaiting your early reply.
I am very pleased that Jayadvaita Brahmacari will be going to Boston soon for typing BTG and our books. He is the first class typist in our society so far I have heard, so he can create so many assistants. In the meantime I have also asked Pradyumna and his wife to go there. I understand that you have spoken to him on the telephone. Regarding the Bhakti-sastri certificates, the papers have been marked, but the certificates were not taken due to our minimizing the luggage to Europe. Therefore, if there is urgent need of the certificates immediately, you can look in the trunk left in New York and send here the certificate which we will have printed here. Otherwise, we shall take care of this business when I return to the States, most likely around December 20th.
1970 Correspondence
You wanted an urgent reply so I am sending this letter by express delivery. Here in L.A. things are going very nicely. Last night I was present in the Temple. Visnujana played a nice short drama about Kali Yuga and its entrance. It was very nice. There were about 100 guests besides our own men. Gargamuni is taking care of me very nicely. Hope this will meet you alright. Offer my blessings to Syamasundara., Mukunda and Gurudasa and the boys and girls. I am so glad to learn that Yamuna is doing very nicely. Now she may train Visakha who must have come by this time to London.
Another point is I want to prepare a small pamphlet for Krsna book, giving the description in nutshell with some important pictures. Can you prepare it in consultation with Satsvarupa, immediately? This is required very urgently. Add on the cover page the following words: Krsna The Supreme rich, powerful, famous, and beautiful Personality of Godhead without any material attachment is now available in book form (400 pages reading matter and 52 colorful illustrations) in first-class hardbound and wood free paper printed. Those who have heard the "Hare Krishna Mantra" record as well as "Govindam" will do well by procuring this deluxe book and keep at home as a great treasure.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 2 March, 1970. Now I think because Himavati is there, she will be first-class caretaker of the Deities, and you can be relieved. So I have no objection if you come back to the States if there is no other urgent necessity for you there. So you can consult in this connection with Krsna das and Hamsaduta, and with their consent, you can come back. But if there is any urgent necessity for your presence there, you may wait a little more and then come back.
Please take this photograph of the Deities without Their clothes on and send it immediately by airmail to the manufacturers. Please treat this matter as urgent. Thank you very much.
Regarding Tosho Printing Company, what has happened?—it is very urgent.I have not as yet received any reply whether these people are agreeable. I want to settle up this thing, so let me know definitely about their decision taken from them in writing. If our regular printing is done there, whether you will be able to supervise it? Either yourself or Bhurijana Prabhu, if you take this responsibility, it will be a great help. If you so desire, Brahmananda can also go there for some time to train you how to do this press management.
Regarding Citralekha, her husband is anxious to have her there, and she is also anxious to go to him, so why the matter is being delayed? Even she has applied for immigration visa, that does not mean that she can be detained from going on a visitors visa while the immigration visa is being approved. She has got some urgent business there in Australia, so does it mean that because her immigration visa will take some long time she cannot carry out her important business immediately by means of visitor's visa. So while she is waiting for the immigration visa, send her there with a visitor's visa, and get it done as soon as possible. The matter is being too much delayed. I do not think the immigration department will make such a law that she cannot go immediately to her husband just because her immigration visa has not yet been cleared. Anyway that is my experience. So please do the needful.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated 8th April, 1970, which was addressed to my New York office. I am so sorry to learn that there is a sort of conspiracy by some of our God-brothers as not to give me a place at Mayapur. I do not wish to argue on this point, but according to your advice I have already sent a telegram to Acyutananda Brahmacari and an urgent letter also requesting him to purchase the land of Jabed Ali almost a fortnight ago, but I have received no reply til now.
I am very glad that Trivikrama is helping you there, and he may stay as long as he likes. Rather I would like him to stay there to assist you. So regarding my books, you may keep them packed, and when he comes back he can bring them, or if I require them urgently I will write you, for the present there is no haste.
I am very glad to learn that you have decided to live in Sydney. Sydney is your jurisdiction, so you cannot leave this place unless there is very urgent engagement in other place. You have got to organize this center very nicely and Krsna has sent you already some help in the shape of a nice actress who is willing to help us in any way. Please try to convince this girl about our Krsna philosophy. You are already experienced and sincere worker, if you try to convince her, Krsna will help you from within. Our Isopanisad book will be easy for anyone to understand about God-consciousness, then there are other small books like Three Essays, Krsna Consciousness: the Topmost Yoga System, Easy Journey to Other Planets, etc., so let her read all these things.
The tape recorder which you have taken for Dinesh—whether he has taken delivery? He wanted it very urgently, so if he has not taken it yet, you can inform him by telephone.
1971 Correspondence
So far as cooperating with my Godbrothers is concerned, that is not very urgent business. So far until now my Godbrothers have regularly not cooperated with me and by the grace of my Spiritual Master, things are still going ahead. So cooperation or non-cooperation, it is the desire of Bhaktivinode Thakura to preach the Caitanya cult all over the world and in 1875 he predicted that someone would come very soon who would individually preach this cult all over the world. So if his benediction is there and my Guru Maharaja's blessings are there, we can go ahead without any impediment but all of us must be very sincere and serious. We have been a little inflicted by public criticism that we Godbrothers do not work together. My Guru Maharaja wanted also us to work together but some how or other it hasn't happened up until now. So your program of cooperating with Madhava Maharaja is not so important.
Regarding Hamilton House, they will take up the decision on the 26th February, 1971 as I understand from your letter. So immediately you will send me the decision by express telegram because on this decision it will depend my going to Calcutta or to Bombay. So kindly take this as very urgent and do the needful. I am very glad you have nice commodious quarters and you have got it free of charge. Thank Krishna.
Why have you not sent the Articles of Association of the society? It is very urgent. Please send immediately. Also please send 25 copies of the membership information pamphlets
Regarding Bhagavad-gita As It Is, this book is very urgently required. You had previously quoted a price of $17,000. So why print in Dai Nippon for $20,000 and lose $3,000? If it is possible to print on our press, that is better, but if not then Dai Nippon may do the printing. It is understood that BTG department has become debtor to Dai Nippon by $52,000 and they wanted to stop printing on BTG. I have therefore immediately paid them $20,000 out of my book fund so that BTG may not be stopped. I think that there is a lack of management in realizing the return on BTG. The idea is like this: If you print 200,000 BTG and collect at least 25 cents per copy, the collection is $50,000. Out of that, $14,000 is paid to Dai Nippon. So why there should be scarcity of money? It is simply mismanagement.
It is interesting to hear how you received last month's rent money. Just see how Krishna is helping you. Just work sincerely and follow the regulative principles and Krishna will help us always. And now there are so many devotees there in Philadelphia. Please take care of them. Teach them how to remain neat and clean. They should be engaged always in cleansing the temple. Cleansing is urgently required. As far as possible, non-initiated devotees may not enter the kitchen or Deity area. They can help from outside. Just take care of them so that they may become pure devotees. That is your duty. We are respected everywhere on our purity platform. This should be maintained. That the graduate student and family has also joined our movement is very good news. Take care of him also. Let him read and study all our books.
t is interesting to hear how you received last month's rent money. Just see how Krishna is helping you. Just work sincerely and follow the regulative principles and Krishna will help us always. And now there are so many devotees there in Philadelphia. Please take care of them. Teach them how to remain neat and clean. They should be engaged always in cleansing the temple. Cleansing is urgently required. As far as possible, non-initiated devotees may not enter the kitchen or Deity area. They can help from outside. Just take care of them so that they may become pure devotees. That is your duty. We are respected everywhere on our purity platform. This should be maintained. That the graduate student and family has also joined our movement is very good news. Take care of him also. Let him read and study all our books.
The power of attorney will follow by express mail. Whether you have dispatched the money from Calcutta to the book fund and building fund and the membership statement also? That is urgent. Enclosed please find a photo copy of Birla's letter, as well as a letter from Karandhara addressed to you. We shall send the marble deities as soon as they can be packed.
My passport is required immediately. If the new one is not ready then immediately send the old one. I am leaving for Kuala Lumpur this Friday, the 30th April, and so I must have it otherwise my journey will be cancelled. Syamasundara. has already advised about this by telephone call. The visa problem is also most urgent. If we cannot stay in India, what is the use of purchasing a house and taking so much risk?
Please accept my greetings and blessings for all of you. I am very anxious to know about Mayapur. Since I have come here I have not heard from you. I have sent one telegram to Tamala but there is no reply. So will you kindly send me a detailed report of your activities regarding Mayapur affairs? Please send me a report every week & oblige. I have requested Acyutananda Swami also to send me weekly reports. But I have not heard from him also. Please treat this letter as urgent and reply immediately.
Why just 25 rounds? You should chant as many as possible. Real Ekadasi means fasting and chanting and no other business. When one observes fasting, the chanting becomes easier. So on Ekadasi other business can be suspended as far as possible unless there is some urgent business.
Have seen your letter addressed to Brahmananda Maharaja complaining that Madhudvisa Maharaja in Bombay is not cooperating. The books are very urgently required here because we have made about 35 members and none of them have been supplied with any books. Every day they are asking for books and this is not very good for us. Brahmananda also showed me the copies of the correspondence with Bombay since the beginning of August and still the books are not arrived. So please do the needful. Why this is happening? I have also sent one note to Madhudvisa Maharaja in this connection.
1972 Correspondence
I am very glad to receive your letters of April 6th and 15th, 1972, and I have noted the contents. You have got great responsibility in Africa, greater than in India. As you are concentrating your activities in Africa with Mr. Shah and Damji Devji, there is no need to return to India at the present moment. I have received one report from Bombay that things are going on nicely, so unless there is urgent necessity I shall not want you to go back to India. Rsi Kumar was anxious to go to S. Africa. I have already advised him to go to South Africa and if he's still willing I wish that he may be helped in that respect. My desire is that you be in charge of East Africa and he may be in charge of South Africa, and this way you both organize the African program very nicely.
Both Ksirodakasayi and Ramananda took charge of publishing the Hindi Back to Godhead "Bhagavata Darshan", but Ramananda has stopped translating, and Ksirodakasayi says that he is not a perfect translator. Another boy, Radharamana Goswami, he has left, so far I understand, so this is the position of the Hindi Back to Godhead. I shall be glad to know if you can translate our literature into Hindi with the help of some friends in Varanasi. Varanasi is the learning site for the Hindi language. Can you take charge of this translation work somehow or other? Then it will be a great service to the Lord. I shall be glad to hear from you immediately. Treat this letter as very urgent, and reply me by return post to our Los Angeles address.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 14, 1972 and I have noted the contents. Now I am in Los Angles and everything is going very nicely here. I think that you may also come here and see me. Rupanuga, Satsvarupa, and Bali Mardan are coming here also, at least before the 27th of this month because I am giving them the sannyasa order of life on that date along with Karandhara?. However, there is certainly no urgency for taking sannyasa. But if my senior disciples wish to take sannyasa then I shall give it. But there is no urgency. Still, you may come as there are many things which we may discuss concerning GBC and other activities. Now I want to retire, and you all appointed GBC men must do the work that I am doing.
Now I am feeling more and more inclined for philosophy, so I want to sit down here in Los Angeles and translate my Srimad-Bhagavatam without much interruption. So I am requesting my good disciples as much as possible to consult the senior disciples in matter of management, philosophy, and personal problems. Of course, I always welcome to get letters from my beloved disciples, but unless there is some urgent matter it is better if all of the students will address their questions from South Pacific and Australia zone to you. You may inform them. I have got some letters from Tusta Krishna from Auckland and he is inquiring about printing press and other matters so I am advising him to consult with you and I think, cooperatively along with Mohanananda and others, you, senior members, can manage everything there very nicely and relieve me of such questions.
You should ask Satsvarupa on all of these matters, he is the GBC, so everything small and big should be referred to Satsvarupa. First, you should ask the president in charge how to answer these questions. I am feeling the inclination for retiring into the background and simply translating my Srimad-Bhagavatam, therefore I have delegated this GBC to manage everything and give me relief. So they shall give you all good guidance, and if there is anything further to know, it is stated that if one is always fully engaged in the devotional service of the Lord with full sincerity of attitude, beginning with the tongue, that Krishna will Himself appear to the devotee and all questions will be answered personally by Him. Of course, if there is some very urgent matter, I am always happy to hear from my beloved disciples.
I have just now got one letter from Gargamuni Maharaja, and he has had a very, very good success in Gujarat State by driving one van which he has borrowed for one month only. In that letter he has requested very urgently that one van be provided immediately from the European centers. So I wish that combinedly you may all pool your resources and purchase one nice van. Furthermore, a few men will be required to take that van by driving it to India. So I am placing this matter in the hands of Hamsaduta and he will do the needful. Now you all please cooperate with him as much as possible for procuring this dream of mine.
I am just now in receipt of your letter from Zambia dated October 21, 1972 along with the photos which were very nice, and I have shown them to many guests. Yes, as I said in my last letter, there is no possibility to start temple there without sufficient local men who join us. If you think you shall keep the money you collect there for future use for temple, that's alright, but my Guru Maharaja used to say, "Trust no future, however pleasant." Or in other words, there is some urgent need for finances in Nairobi, so why not send there, and later we shall see in Zambia, and other places?
One thing is, that you should inform me in detail and send the plans of that place, along with how you shall make all the payments. You may repay me the $80,000 gradually by paying the money to Dai Nippon and shipping books to India, as they require, and they shall pay Rupees there into our M-V Trust Fund Account in Indian Bank. Another thing, Syamasundara. is going to London in one or two weeks for some other urgent business, so he shall see what is the position for getting the house there, and if there is no urgent need to use it there at London he may send the money you had sent for down-payment back to New York. If there is any immediate need to utilize the money for the London house, we shall make some suitable adjustment.
Another thing is, I have heard there is no more CCP for getting our books. But now we are holding a huge pandal festival in the Cross Maidan at Bombay, from January 12th to 21st, so we shall need to take our BTG shipment from the Bombay docks, but they will not allow without CCP. So I hope by now you have got it, and if not, try for it immediately, treat it as urgent matter. And if Yamuna wants to come for that Festival here, she may come here for a few days to lead kirtana before my lectures, then return. But I think that Gurudasa may have to stay for the work, or if there is opportunity, he may also come, but the work must not be jeopardized. Hoping this meets you both in good health.
I think that if no one is there to help you at present moment, and no one can be spared from Bombay due to Cross Maidan pandal work, then you may come Bombay along with Puranjana and work here, then after the program is finished in Bombay, say about January 22nd, you may return to Delhi with a full party of strong men selected by you from the men in Bombay. But if there is urgent business, you may remain there and we shall make other arrangement as you suggest.
1973 Correspondence
Regarding your telegram worded as follows: "Sending draft Hyderabad deed in your name. Send me Bombay your power of attorney for Hyderabad transaction. Urgent." I have not as yet received the draft. One draft which was sent by Mahamsa was not approved by me. I have already sent you a copy of a letter addressed to Mahamsa. So when I receive the deed sent by you and it is approved by me, I will send you the power of attorney.
1974 Correspondence
This statement of Kasiramji has given me much concern. He said personally to me that under dictation of Srimate Radharani he has given the land to us in charity. We have invested already lacs of rupees for constructing a temple, and now if he uses the front portion for other purposes there will be great damage to the view of the temple. As for your letter under reference, you said Nandalalji gave us permission to use the land as we like, but still we waited for final decision. But this is the position. Will you kindly see Mr. Nandalalji, brother of Kasiraj and settle this up so we can go on in our progressive construction work. Kindly treat this as very urgent and reply to us at our Bombay Center because I am going there on the 13rd.
Therefore our propaganda is to educate people to accept Krsna as the perfect leader in all fields of activity, and if people take to it seriously they will be happy in this life and after quitting this body he goes back to home, back to Godhead. There is no difficulty in understanding this philosophy in full brain and it is the urgent necessity that it be spread all over the world.
Please accept my blessings. Just as I was leaving for Tirupati from Hyderabad I received your telegram reading as follows: "Require checks Rupees Twenty-one thousand seven hundred in favor Punjab National Bank for Steel and rupees Fifteen thousand to PNB Delhi for transfer to Vrindaban." This kind of requesting for checks by telegram without proper explanation is whimsical. Especially to ask for a check to PNB Delhi to transfer to Vrindaban. The construction fund should only be used for construction items like cement and iron and the party's name should be mentioned. Because you may need these checks urgently I am sending them enclosed here, but please send a letter giving a proper account.
As for land ownership, in the Vedic civilization the land was given to the people for cultivation not for ownership, and a tax was collected which was 25% of the person's income. The land belonged to the state and the man would cultivate it and pay 25% to the state. If he has no income then he doesn't have to pay. If he doesn't pay tax he may be disowned of the land. One cannot get land from the government unless he agrees to produce something and if everyone produces food then there is no scarcity. At least he has his own food produced by himself. Now people are educated as sudras. They are going to work to produce what is not urgently needed by society.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 22, hand delivered to me by Atreya Rsi prabhu. As far as your questions which information you urgently need for completion of the paintings, the answers are as follows. It is correct to show Prthu Maharaja giving a speech to the Kumaras inside his home. For Lord Visnu's appearing at Prthu Maharaja's sacrifice, the sketch you have enclosed is all right. Lord Visnu should rest His left hand on Garuda.
I do not know where your address is, still I am writing this letter to you for urgent business matter. The philosophy discourses we had years ago is now lying without any utility, so all your Godbrothers are very much anxious to publish it. I therefore request you to edit it immediately if you have time because you wanted to edit the whole thing yourself. Otherwise why not give it to some of your Godbrothers to do the task? They think this philosophy discourse will very much help our movement, so why it should be delayed unnecessarily? I hope you will do the needful without further delay and let me know the results.
Now there is one matter for your urgent attention. Gurudasa has suddenly left India. So when you were there recently you mentioned how you were liking to remain in Vrindaban with your wife for some time. So I may request to go immediately to Vrindaban together with your wife. Then from here we can go to Japan together, and if we get the Gaurange Hall, we can go to New York.
I have just received one telegram from Brahmananda Swami. He said that there is one Chinese initiated devotee there who is giving money and has already translated three chapters of Bhagavad-gita. This is very wonderful. You can immediately print those first three chapters of Bhagavad-gita into a book. And let him translate three more chapters and then print that into a book. Then three more etc., etc. In this way we can introduce our Bhagavad-gita As It Is in Hong Kong also. He also stated that the temple can be maintained by the Indians. That is good. Let them give some donation for Krsna's service and gradually they will also become Krsna Conscious. Brahmananda Swami seemed to think that you need more men there. His telegram reads, "Trivikrama alone, more men required urgently." I do not understand what he means by alone. What is this alone? Vaisnava is never alone. When I first came to the United States I was seemingly alone for one year. But I never felt alone. I always felt the presence of my Guru Maharaja. Myself, I was cooking, I was printing books, I was selling books, everything seemingly alone. But I did not lose my determination. Actually you should know this, you are never alone.
1975 Correspondence
Now I have decided to make a trustee board for Hare Krishna Land, Bombay. I wish to select trustees—twelve altogether. Out of them seven will be Indian and five will be foreigners. Foreigner means those who are members of the Commonwealth like Australia, New Zealand, England, Canada, etc. After all, this is an international institution, but the majority of the members of the trustees will be Indian. Namely, out of twelve members, I will make seven Indians and five foreigners. Therefore, I have decided to make you one of the trustees. If you come to Bombay on the fifth instant, we shall discuss on this matter. If not, please send me your letter of acceptance in which you agree to become one of the trustees of the Hare Krishna Land. Kindly treat this as urgent and do the needful.
I am in due receipt of your telegram which read as follows: MISSED YOUR GRACE BY HOURS AGREEMENT DRAFT FOR FARM LAND SENT TO YOU PLEASE SANCTION RS 30,000 URGENT TRANSFER TO PREPARE FOR UTILIZING THIS MONSOON -MAHAMSA SWAMI. But, I have not received the draft copy as informed by you. Regarding the money, rs. 30,000, of course, if need be, it must be paid, but one thing is that you must be very careful that our temple portion must be completed by Janmastami so that the Deity can be moved there. This is very important that the temple portion be completed by Janmastami. Whatever money was available, I have given 1-1/2 lakhs to Jayapataka Swami and 2 lakhs to Giriraja. So, you have to take this money from Giriraja. Please arrange like that and let me know what is the progress of Hyderabad activities at my Honolulu address: 51 Coelho Way, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
I have received one telegram from Mahamsa Swami which reads as follows: MISSED YOUR GRACE BY HOURS AGREEMENT DRAFT FOR FARM LAND SENT TO YOU PLEASE SANCTION RS 30,000 URGENT TRANSFER TO PREPARE FOR UTILIZING THIS MONSOON—MAHAMSA SWAMI. So, they have agreed to our terms and made a draft agreement form which I have not yet seen. Anyway, as stipulated before, that you will come back to India after setting things up there in London and Frankfurt, the monsoon begins by the latest, July in that part of India, so you have to come back sometime in the month of June. And immediately, you have to send Mahamsa Swami 4,000 dollars. So, do the needful and be in correspondence with Mahamsa Swami at Hyderabad.
I wanted to see you very urgently to know about your family affairs. So, will you kindly give me your exact name and address so that I can arrange to see you? When I was grhastha, I had visited your home two or three times. Now, I am a sa
I was not able to come to Atlanta because I was called here to India on urgent business. Also I was feeling inconvenient by so much travelling. Regarding your question, so long they are not getting the human form by natural elevation, they are under the laws of nature. "prakrteh kriyamanani, gunaih karmani sarvasah (BG 3.27), "Material nature is helping to bring him to the human body, or human species. When a human being is civilized he can take knowledge from Vedic literature. So in Kali Yuga the Srimad-Bhagavatam is the essence of Vedic literatures: nigama kalpa taror galitam phalam (SB 1.1.3).
1976 Correspondence
I am very glad to know that you want to recruit devotees. Unless we get local devotees it is very difficult to maintain. So try to maintain the center with local devotees, that is my urgent desire.
Last year at the Mayapur meeting it was decided to build another residential building. Now the festival is fast approaching, so construction has begun today on a very long residential quarters. Due to urgency, I have asked Tamala Krishna to supply funds immediately. So whatever money his Party sends should be credited against their book bill. Also in the ratings it should be shown for book distribution, not as a Mayapur-Vrindaban Fund donation. They are sending the money as usual, simply I have asked them to send it directly to India.
Please keep the money you have in the bank. I'm thinking of one temple in Bhuvaneśvara. It will be required later on. India is poor. Hawaii already has a building. A temple is required, but not very urgent. As it is convenient we can do it. Because our devotees are not allowed to enter Jagannatha's temple at Puri I'm thinking to build a duplicate temple at Bhuvaneśvara.
Page Title: | Urgent (Letters) |
Compiler: | Visnu Murti, Partha-sarathi, Alakananda |
Created: | 25 of Nov, 2008 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=93 |
No. of Quotes: | 93 |