2. The second item is to take up the temple entry or temple worship movement. This is, in the real sense, a theistic cultural movement and the facility or opportunity shall be open to every one whatsoever he may be. All the past acaryas accepted everyone who desires to offer his respect to God inspired by transcendental love and devotion. We can support this movement of Gandhiji on the authority of sastras. There are thousands and lakhs of temples all over India but they are not always properly managed. Some of them have become the positive dens for undesirable activities and most of the owners or trustees of such temples do not know how to utilize these sacred buildings. Neither modernized gentlemen have any interest for these neglected theistic institutions. Originally the aim of these temples was to diffuse spiritual culture in every quarter. These temples or theistic institutions should therefore be reorganized as the centre of spiritual culture according to authentic principles as laid down in the scriptures like Bhagavad-gita.
Trustee (Letters)
1947 to 1965 Correspondence
1966 Correspondence
I have therefore very recently incorporated one organization very recently (within a fortnight past) under the name of INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS (Incorporated in U.S.A.) The Trustees of this organization are all American gentlemen headed by one of the leading lawyers of New York Mr. Steven J. Goldsmith B.Sc. M.A.B.L. who comes regularly in my weekly classes and chants the Mahamantra very devoutly.
My books are selling here and I have published many small books also since I have come here. My fortnightly magazine "Back to Godhead" is also being regularly published and my lectures and kirtana have been recorded in Phonograph. The important papers have given me publicity and things are growing nicely. I have established a Society here under the name and style INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS INC and the Trustees of this society are all American and my disciples. They are going purchasing house in New York and as soon as the house is purchased I shall establish in New York a Temple of SRI SRI RADHA KRISHNA for the first time. Sir Padampat Singhania of your city of Kanpur was ready to spend lakhs of rupees for this temple in New York but Govt. of India did not sanction exchange from India.
1967 Correspondence
In the opinion of the devotees and trustees here $1000.00 dollar has been risked without any understanding. I know that you are doing your best but still there has been an error of judgment. I am not at all displeased with you but they say that Mr. Payne will never be able to secure financial help from any other source. He is simply taking time under different pretext changing constantly. Therefore you should not pay even a farthing more than what you have paid. If he wants any more money you should flatly refuse.
So far I can see from the correspondence of Brahmananda it is not possible for us to get the house for so many reasons. The main reason is that we have no money to pay cash and nobody is going to invest cash in that house because it is neither complete nor has any income. It is simply utopian to think of possessing the house and Mr. Payne is simply giving us false hope. That is the verdict of devotees and trustees here and for reasons I believe it is correct. Please see therefore that the above amount is immediately transferred. When actual sale contract is there I shall again retransfer the amount as I did it a few days ago.
Please immediately hold one meeting of the Trustees of International Society For Krishna Consciousness Inc and resolve whether $5000.00 dollars should immediately be paid to the seller of the house under agreement and as advised by the appointed Lawyer Mr. Seymour Herzog.
The check should be signed by the President and the Secretary because Brahmananda and Satsvarupa are the main support for purchasing the house and Kirtanananda is supplement to this from his kitchen department. The money and society is yours. You can spend in any way but it is my duty to give you guidance as ever well wisher. You should send me a copy of the resolution you will make in this connection in the meeting of the Trustees. Please note that I have already advised the Bank to transfer $5000.00 in the account of the Society and have sent them the Pass Book as desired by Brahmananda. Pray to Krishna for your successful transaction and I hope when I go to New York next I shall enter the new house forthwith. Please send me a copy of the agreement entered.
1968 Correspondence
The scheme regarding the will of Hayagriva Brahmacari, as well as the lease agreement between the society and Hayagriva Brahmacari, the tax payment, all this scheme are very nicely made, and I have got all my approval and so far the trustees are concerned, this is also required, and I can suggest that amongst the trustees, your two names, Kirtanananda and Hayagriva, and then Brahmananda, and from San Francisco Jayananda, and Mukunda, and Satsvarupa, Dayananda, Syamasundara., etc. and such sincere boys, who are working with their life and soul for the society, may be the trustees, and I think you should immediately make correspondence with Brahmananda, and I have already advised him that we should make a central committee. for management of all the centers. Or, if especially for New Vrindaban, different trustees required, that I cannot say. In my idea, there should be one central body of trustees for directing all the different centers as well as New Vrindaban, but there must be a local governing body for each center, that is my idea. Now you are consulting with some lawyers, you can take their suggestion also, but do everything very nicely so that we can serve Krishna without any difficulty.
1969 Correspondence
Regarding the departments not contributing to the temple, this is not very satisfactory situation. The method of contributing should be those who are not married should contribute all their income to the temple. Those who are married should contribute 50%. That should be the principle of contribution of the members and followers of the Krishna Consciousness movement. So if there are problems in this matter, discuss it in the board meetings. If such things are not settled there, then what is the meaning of this board of trustees? The local management of affairs must be decided by the board, and that decision should be final.
The arrangements as stated by you appear very nice. Mulgibar Patel is a nice gentleman, and when he offers $5,000 he can be elected a life trustee of our temple. That is a nice proposal. If the arrangement is successful, then immediately complete the negotiations and purchase the house. I am also glad that Tamala Krishna, Gargamuni and Jayananda also agreed. So it is a good chance, and the best opportunity is that we can keep the three Rathas in the garage. As expressed by you, our Rathayatra Festival in San Francisco must be continued every year with increased gorgeousness. I hope Krishna will bless you. So try to complete this purchase. I have got complete approval.
1970 Correspondence
I, the undersigned, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, presently author of the following books: Krsna; Nectar of Devotion; Easy Journey to Other Planets; Isopanisad; Bhagavad-gita As It Is; Srimad-Bhagavatam; Teachings of Lord Caitanya; Krsna Consciousness: The Topmost Yoga System, do hereby appoint Rupanuga das Adhikari, Bhagavan das Adhikari, and Karandhara das Adhikari for the purpose of the publishing of manuscripts and literatures made by me, distribution and collection and all other necessary paraphernalia in this connection. This trust is called the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. Out of the three trustees, the majority decision will be carried.
I have received your letter dated October 6th and have noted the contents carefully. Formerly I issued one circular letter requesting all GBC members who are zonal secretaries also, to give me a fortnightly report of the activities in his jurisdiction, but I am not receiving. I've received no letter since a very long time from Karandhara, and I'm very interested to know how things are going in L.A. We have a great responsibility to pay $2,000. monthly to the church trustees. In regards to my activities here, I'm trying to open many centers here in India.
1972 Correspondence
Sri Giriraja Das Brahmacari our Co-trustee has applied for the registration of The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust under the Bombay Public Trusts Act 1950. The contents of the Application are true to our knowledge and we have nothing to add to the same. No separate notice of hearing is required to be issued for us. We have no objection if the registration Certificate is issued to the Applicant.
I have met with Mrs. Morarji on arriving here in London and she has agreed to be the President of our Bombay Board of Trustees for building up the Juhu project. This is a good opportunity. So she, along with our other big Life Members, can form this Committee., and our own men will give direction. Now form the Committee. by consulting her how to do it, and the Committee. may meet and organize how to raise funds and push on this project, and I shall give direction how to do it.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 19, 1972, and I have noted the contents. So far the Board of Trustees, you can add some men in Calcutta, Delhi—I think all of the big men in Calcutta are known to you, Birla, Bajoria, etc. It is nice that Mr. Nair is on the committee.. He can keep the equitable mortgage, I have no objection. He can simply give us receipt, that's all. One thing is, we have sent you transfer for Rs. 70,000 and Rs. 29,000, so this has to be returned as far as possible.
I thank you very much for your letter dated July 31, 1972, and I think things are going nicely there, but we must always remember that the Hare Krishna Land Development Trust, the trustees must be such persons who contribute lump sums for developing different parts of the building. I am very pleased that Mr. Kandelwal has contributed for the library portion. Similarly, I request Sumati Morarji to contribute for the temple portion. I am prepared to put a tablet that the temple portion is contributed by Sumati Morarji. Similarly, the two wings on both sides of the courtyard in front of the temple may be contributed, one by Mrs. A. B. Nair, one by somebody else. The idea is that all the trustees should contribute with great distinguishment.
You mention you are making a resolution to change the Articles and Memorandum of Association, but I do not think you can do that because the trustees in the Articles and Memorandum must all sign, and I do not think that you are mentioned there. You may send me one copy of that Articles and Memorandum. Why she wants to be included in the Articles?
The Board of Trustees is approved by me. Regarding the Rs. 4,000 for paper for the Gujarati issue of Back to Godhead,, I have sent you already Rs. 70,000 and Rs. 29,000, whether that has been replaced? Then I will forward further sums. I have requested Satsvarupa to reimburse you immediately the Rs. 7,000 paid out for the Dallas and Detroit deities.
1973 Correspondence
I approve your proposal for converting Spiritual Sky Incense Co. into a trust, and the trustees as proposed by you are approved by me. Encourage all the GBC members to manage everything very perfectly. We are very much assured that the GBC members are improving gradually, and in the future they will be able to manage world preaching of the Krsna consciousness movement without difficulty.
1974 Correspondence
I am going back to India via Honolulu on next Monday. I am very much encouraged by your activities in selling books. So not only you shall supply ghee in exchange of books supplied by Gargamuni Swami. In the future we may need large quantities of ghee in our different centers because after going back to India I shall see that in every temple food distribution goes on nicely. Australia is famous for producing wheat and milk products. My question is whether you can supply as contribution to our ISKCON centers in India, wheat and ghee in exchange of books. If it is possible then consult with the Trustees of BBT and consider the matter and do the needful.
I fully approve of the decisions made by you as follows.
1) Your decision to peacefully and legally take over possession of the forty acres of land. So proceed as quickly as possible with the lawyer so that the land is legally ISKCON's with yourself as trustee, and then we can take it and use it for Krsna.
2) Yes, you must get the payments being made on the sale of the land donated to ISKCON by Siddhasvarupa transferred to our account and not to Gaurasundara.
Gaurasundara has tried to make complete havoc of our affairs there but because I have faithful sons like yourself I think we shall be able to recover what he has tried to ruin. I am also glad you are consulting with BaliMardan in these affairs.
Please be informed that it has hereby been resolved by myself, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, the Settlor, and the Trustees of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, that the following persons shall henceforth be empowered to act as signatories and executors of the above mentioned account at your bank:
- 1) A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
- 2) Giriraja das Brahmacari
- 3) Karandhara das Adhikari
I, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, the Settlor of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, shall have full power and authority to act alone on all matters pertaining to the above mentioned account; whereas Giriraja das Brahmacari and Karandhara das Adhikari, Trustees of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, shall have the same powers by acting conjointly on all account matters.
Yes, I can be made President and Trustee of the Corporation as you have suggested. Now I want to make an International Trust Board for the whole Society. For this purpose I request Taittiriya to make a draft. If she has made it by this time kindly send it to me. What happened to that house that was proposed to be purchased by Alfred Ford?
BBT management should be rigidly done very carefully, and I think Ramesvara is a good manager. He can be appointed BBT secretary. I approve BBT moving to New York, because of their freehand dealing. Ramesvara may be made your assistant and remain with you. It is all right that no others be appointed as Trustees at present.
Regarding Ramesvara being made BBT Trustee, I have no objection. I have already written to Bali Mardan that he can be made the secretary to the Trust Board, and then later on we can see if required he can be added. He should be taken as one of the important members. He is doing nicely. At the upcoming GBC meeting we shall discuss it further. He can be made the official secretary for the time being. I have already informed this to Bali Mardan.
Hans Kary (Hamsaduta das Adhikari) is hereby appointed as a Bhaktivedanta Book Trust trustee to replace Kelly Smith. Resolved this 15th day of September, 1974;
I am glad to hear about the Gita sales and the publishing of the new books. Therefore I have appointed you as BBT Trustee to publish the German editions of our books as much as possible. I quite appreciate that one main center may remain there and from there the preaching may go on, but no attempt may be made to open a new center without being confident that it will go on. Strictly this principle should be followed. Before opening a temple it has to be carefully considered, and once opened it cannot be closed. Henceforward completely forget the idea that any present temple can be closed. That you should forget. Don't do it again. At least you should re-open Hamburg and Edinburgh and the Deity should be transferred there again.
Regarding increasing the distribution in USA, yes I expect better service from you. Therefore I have appointed you BBT Trustee. Also, Ramesvara is a very nice boy. You can go to USA, that is all right, but if your European and German men are doing well in Europe, why their attention should be diverted by going to USA. For technical help they can go, but it is better if the local men are trained up to do it, like the boy Tripurari.
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 24, 1974. There is no need of changing the signatures. It is all right that Jayatirtha continue signing checks jointly with you for normal business matters that have been approved by the trustees. So let it go on.
After consultation with the Trustees of the Mayapur-Vrindaban Trust, it has been decided to appoint you as a Trustee. Please affirm your acceptance of this appointment.
So you have Caitanya Caritamrta almost translated, achah! Thank you. You are pukkha BBT Trustee. You are business-like and sincere and assisted by your good wife. She is chaste and also sincere.
Karandhara is no longer BBT Trustee, so his name can be removed from the accounts and your signature can be added. Bali Mardan is on the marginal stage. Things will be decided when I go to Hawaii. It is my opinion that he has fallen victim to the woman. Maya is very strong, but if we try to save him by our combined efforts, because he is a good asset. So I am trying to save him from the victimization.
Regarding your farm, that will be very nice. But be sure to maintain your temple there in Denver. It is a very beautiful temple. Do not loose it. Also your idea of forming a trust between ISKCON and the leading men in the Indian community is approved by me. That is very nice. Let the Indians take part in our movement and help us to push on this mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In that trust you must be very careful to make sure that my name is registered there as the founder-acarya and that I am to be the ultimate authority. In other words, in any case of necessity of vetoing or cancelling any decision made by the other trustees, I should be able to do like that. My decision should over-rule all the other trustees combined.
1975 Correspondence
The enclosure of the Gujarati paper clipping was received but I could not read the Gujarati language. I could although understand the purport of it. I have already decided to make a trust board for Hare Krishna Land in which there will be twelve trustees. Out of them seven will be Indians and five will be foreigners. Foreigners means, not only Americans, but members of the Commonwealth like England, New Zealand, Australia, etc. I have selected you also one of the trustees out of the Indians. I am reaching Bombay on the morning of the 5th instant, so kindly see me so that before leaving for Australia on the 6th I want to immediately make a document of trustees and get it signed by all concerned.
We came here on the invitation of two big ministers, the Home Minister and the Railway Minister and we had two successful meetings here. Now, on the third instant, we shall go to Kuruksetra invited by Mr. G.L. Nanda. Then I shall come back on the same evening. On the fourth, I shall take rest and on the fifth, I shall go to Bombay. I do not know how much you have proceeded about the land donation by Mr. Hari Prasad Badruka and brothers. If Hari Prasad Badruka donates the land as stipulated, then I wish to make him one of the trustees of Hare Krishna Land, Bombay. I am going to make a trust board for the Bombay Hare Krishna Land in which I wish to include Sri Panalala Pithi, Hari Prasad Badruka, as well as yourself as members of the trustee board. What is your opinion? If possible, please see me in Bombay on the fifth instant, and we shall discuss on this point. If Hari Prasad Badruka and brothers are serious about donating land to us, then my decision is to make one of them especially Hari Prasad become the member of the trust of the Hare Krishna Land.
Now I have decided to make a trustee board for Hare Krishna Land, Bombay. I wish to select trustees—twelve altogether. Out of them seven will be Indian and five will be foreigners. Foreigner means those who are members of the Commonwealth like Australia, New Zealand, England, Canada, etc. After all, this is an international institution, but the majority of the members of the trustees will be Indian. Namely, out of twelve members, I will make seven Indians and five foreigners. Therefore, I have decided to make you one of the trustees. If you come to Bombay on the fifth instant, we shall discuss on this matter. If not, please send me your letter of acceptance in which you agree to become one of the trustees of the Hare Krishna Land. Kindly treat this as urgent and do the needful.
Regarding BBT affairs, European publications are your main business, but for the time being, you must also see to the accounts and managing of the BBT in USA. Bhagavan can also be another BBT trustee. His name can be added to the list. It is approved by me that you get the books for only 20% above the cost of printing.
Why did you publish this college program book independently and unauthorized? Any literature that is to be published on behalf of the movement, must be authorized by the BBT Trustees. You have not even mentioned my name in this book. This is not at all good. Why have you done this?
I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 19th, 1975 and have noted the contents. I am advising my Bombay center with a copy of this letter to send you the latest amended copy of the Rules of the Society. It is not yet settled up as to those who will be the Trustees. When I return to India, I shall send you the list.
You can send the new German publications to New York. I am going to New Vrindaban on August 20th. I am glad you are selling the books nicely there in Germany. Therefore I have elected you BBT Trustee. Sometimes you should come to L.A. to see the BBT affairs. Ramesvara and Jayatirtha they are doing it, but still sometimes you may come and check. Sometimes you may come and sometimes Bhagavan das may come.
The other day while taking my morning walk from the backside of your land I reached on the main road. So much land is still vacant without any utility. If you can spare all these lands on lease terms we can immediately use them properly. Now when you lease out the lands for some income, I don't think there is any objection by the Trustees. So if you come on Janmastami or Vyasa Puja Day we can talk on this matter, or if you are sick, if you give me some appointment I can go and see you.
I am in due receipt of your August BBT Report and the August BBT Trustees Report. What is the Prabhupada Maintenance a/c? How is the money collected and how is it dispersed? I have received the latest appreciations from the professors. These should be all collected and published in a booklet. I see from your report that you are planning this. 1,000 copies should be sent here to India, and you may send 250 copies of this and your new catalog to Vrinda Book Co., 30/1B College Row, Calcutta—700009. They are attempting to sell our books all over India.
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of the September BBt Trustees report with enclosed report of Mayapur-Vrindaban Fund, Bank of America account number 6004-07143, for the months of July, August, and September 1975.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated October 5, 1975 and have noted the contents. Regarding the Krishna Balarama Gosala, so let them arrange the meeting of the Trustees. I am in India, so let them arrange the date, time, and place, and I shall go there. There is no difficulty for me to attend. But, let them do it.
I am in due receipt of your BBT Trustees report dated November 11, 1975 and have noted the contents. I note that under transfers you have sent $25,000 to Gurukrpa Swami in Bombay. When was this and why was it done? Please send the details. I note that for the new printing of the abridged Gita, Dia Nippon, there were mistakes. Why there should be mistakes? Mistakes makes the book useless. You must be very, very careful. It will be detrimental to the sales.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 22 November 1975 and the new books in Portuguese and Spanish. They are very nice and the reports of sales are also very encouraging. If Radhavallabha Prabhu can help you that is all right, but you have to discuss this with the BBT trustees.
1976 Correspondence
Mr. Deoji Punja came to see me in Bombay. If any of the trustees are to be dropped, this has to be discussed between the trustees themselves. These are all important men and we should be careful lest they become offended. If I say something it will not look well. If some of the trustees are not abiding by the principles or not chanting 16 rounds, then they should be induced by the other trustees who are following, to step down. I think you can follow what I mean.
Now work is proceedingly full scale here on the new residential building and in Bombay work is beginning under the guidance of Larson and Tubrow. So Rs. 7 Lakhs will be required immediately this month for Bombay. In your BBT Trustees report you say that $200,000. has been put in fixed deposit for one month. That one month is now over so you can immediately transfer $100,000. to the Bombay Bank of America account. The balance can be put on fixed deposit for another month and transferred to B. of America Bombay in the beginning of March when it matures.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated 8 April, 1976 and I have noted the contents with care. Concerning the alternatives, it sounds like the printing cost of $1.25 is best as this will keep the price down and will also allow the full purport to be there. The general practice in deciding such matters shall be to have the BBT trustees discuss amongst themselves, and then they can submit their plan to me for final sanction.
Yasodanandana Swami wants to print the Brahma-Samhita with color paintings. The BBT Trustees can discuss amongst themselves and if they agree then I have no objection.
Concerning the printing of the Brahmasamhita, I have informed Ramesvara Maharaja that the BBT Trustees can discuss this, and if they approve it, then I have no objection. You have stated that you would also assist in the printing costs. I can write an introduction to the book if it is approved by the others to go ahead and print it.
Tamala Krishna Goswami will also be assuming his responsibilities as a Bhaktivedanta Book Trustee for America.
Bhagavan das owes money on a loan which he got for purchasing the Chateau. He can return that money for being used to loan to London to purchase their new temple. Then you will not have to lay out that money from Los Angeles as you mentioned that funds are low this time. Between French and German book sales, it may be possible to loan this money to London. I am sending a copy of this letter to Jayatirtha and Bhagavan to discuss this matter. Since you are all BBT Trustees, you can discuss and come up with some idea how this can be done.
Regarding the trustees for the land, first of all get the land transferred to the ISKCON Trust, then I can send you the names of the 6 trustees from our side. I am having the GBC discuss the matter of trustees in New York and at that time the matter can be taken up in detail. I am presently in Detroit and after that I shall be going to Toronto, New Vrindaban, Washington, D.C., and reaching New York by July 9th.
In connection with our ISKCON project in Fiji, I beg to inform you that we are managing our Krishna Consciousness Movement by the Governing Body Commission, GBC. We have got about 20 GBC's looking after the whole world affair, and above the GBC I am there. Below the GBC there are the temple president, secretary, treasurer in every centre. So the temple president is responsible to the GBC and the GBC is responsible to me. In this way we are managing. But why are you proposing a separate trustee for Fiji. We have up to now no separate trustee. If this is for security purposes, that we can discuss.
The deed for the property and temple should be made in favor of "His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, founder-acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness." It cannot be dedicated to any of the office bearers. So I suggest that you become the president of the temple and Upendra become the secretary, and either your brother or your wife can become treasurer. There is no need of trustees.
Your program in Ahmedabad is very encouraging. Do it. Why not take the government land immediately. If you can publish these magazines you will get many supporters and sympathizers. If the order department in Bombay is not despatching the orders on literature to the foreign temples then you can sometimes go to Bombay and organize things. You are one of the trustees. You can organize it or have some professional shipping agent do it. Ahmedabad is such a big city. Aren't there any shipping agents there? Why from Bombay, why not from Ahmedabad?
I am in due receipt of the BBT Trustees report and have heard your proposal for funding the Mayapur project. Yes your proposal sounds very nice and you may do it. It is very good that this project be a world-wide effort.
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 13rd September 1976 and also the BBT Trustees report and have noted the contents with care.
You may call the gosala: ISKCON Gosala and Farm Project Trust. The trustees shall be; myself as chairman, Pranlal Bhogilal, yourself, Gopala Krsna, Mahamsa, Hamsaduta, Karatieya Mahadevia, Aksayananda, and the life member you have mentioned in your letter (You haven't mentioned his name, but you say that he is an actor and has a farm of his own).
Page Title: | Trustee (Letters) |
Compiler: | Visnu Murti, Serene |
Created: | 13 of Dec, 2011 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=64 |
No. of Quotes: | 64 |