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Training of Makhanlal (Letters, 1968 - 1976)

Expressions researched:
"Account" |"Activities" |"BBF" |"BBFD" |"BBT" |"BKF" |"BTG" |"Back to Godhead" |"Bhaktivedanta Book Trust" |"Book Fund" |"Book Trust" |"Book" |"Books" |"Branch" |"Branches" |"Business" |"Center" |"Centers" |"Check" |"Checks" |"Consult" |"Consulting" |"Cooperate" |"Cooperated" |"Cooperation" |"Cooperatively" |"Dai Nippon" |"Debt" |"Debts" |"Deities" |"Deity" |"Deposit" |"Distribute" |"Distributed" |"Distributing" |"Distribution" |"Duty" |"Festival" |"Finances" |"Financial" |"Funds" |"GBC members" |"GBC" |"Governing Board Commission" |"Governing Board Commissioners" |"Governing Body Commission" |"Governing Body Commissioners" |"ISKCON" |"Initiate" |"Initiated" |"Initiates" |"Initiating" |"Initiation" |"Initiations" |"Iskcon" |"Kirtana" |"Language" |"Leader" |"Leaders" |"Leadership" |"Leading" |"Literature" |"Literatures" |"M-V trust" |"M-V" |"M.V trust" |"Macmillan" |"Magazine" |"Magazines" |"Makhanlal" |"Manage" |"Managed" |"Management" |"Managers" |"Managing" |"Manuscript" |"Manuscripts" |"Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust" |"Mayapura-Vrndavana Trust" |"Meeting" |"Mission" |"Missionary" |"Money" |"Movement" |"Organize" |"Our society" |"Preach" |"Preacher" |"Preaching" |"Press" |"Print" |"Printing" |"Program" |"Programs" |"Publication" |"Publications" |"Publish" |"Publishing" |"Rathayatra" |"Report" |"Reports" |"Sankirtana" |"Temple" |"Temples" |"The society" |"Translate" |"Translated" |"Translating" |"Translation" |"Translations" |"Zonal" |"Zone"


1968 Correspondence

Letter to Makhanlal -- Seattle 21 October, 1968:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter without date, but I am sorry that I am late in replying to your letter. I have received a report of Krishna Devi giving birth to a tiny daughter, and I have already sent my congratulation to her. Krishna has saved her child and herself also, because it is the promise of Krishna that his devotees are always protected by the Lord.

I am very glad to learn that your Sankirtana party in San Francisco is doing very well, and similarly you will be pleased to know that here Sankirtana, led by Jayananda and Tamala Krishna, they are also doing very nice. Average, they are collecting about $50 a day, and selling about 50 to 75 copies of Back to Godhead. Similarly, you also try to sell copies of Back to Godhead. This is propaganda. If we can sell some copies of our publications, books and literature, and we can maintain our establishment, somehow, we shall think it is a great success. We don't want anything more. Neither we want any big bank balance. Our mission is that people should understand their relationship with Krishna, and thus let him become Krishna Consciousness so that he may be relieved from the three-fold miseries of this material existence.

So far crying for Krishna is concerned, it is very nicely explained by Lord Caitanya. He says that a moment is appearing to me as 12 years, and my eyes are tearing torrents of rain, and I am feeling everything vacant in the absence of Govinda. The thing is that as we go on chanting Hare Krishna, in the pure status, we shall be on the loving platform and at that time, we shall feel the greatest separation from the Lord; but that feeling of separation from the Lord is more relishable than meeting the Lord. These are all transcendental existential understandings and as we grow in Krishna Consciousness, we understand everything, gradually, by the Grace of the Supreme Lord. The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, and He reveals Himself to the devotee with the progress of Krishna Consciousness. Thank you very much for your writing me.

1969 Correspondence

Letter to Cidananda, Dindayal, Aniruddha, Makhanlal -- Los Angeles 23 February, 1969:

I have duly received all of your elaborate letters, and there are so many points to reply, it will take time to reply you properly. In the meantime, my request to you is that you take very seriously our program of Back to Godhead, and, as you have promised to contribute your quota of $750 per month against delivery of 5,000 copies of Back To Godhead, I am so much obliged to you all.

Now, who will work and who will not work that is consideration between yourselves. It is local affairs, and how can I advise you that one is to do something and another is to do something. Neither you should depend upon me for such local administrative business. All of you are sincere devotees pledged to the missionary activities, so you should sit together and decide what to do and what not to do.

But I am begging from you $750 per month against 5,000 copies of Back To Godhead. Out of this 5,000 copies, if you simply sell 1,500 copies you immediately realize your $750. The balance of 3,500 copies will be in your hands. If you can sell them at any price, not less than 30 cents per copy to stores, then whatever amount you realize will be clear profit for the Temple. If still there is some balance copies, then these copies we can distribute free by post to heads of the society, schools, colleges, libraries, and so many other institutions. So we have to make a list of them, and take concession rates from the post office. In this way we can make vigorous propaganda with Back to Godhead. Besides that, if you can introduce Sankirtana and classes and Back to Godhead in Berkeley, that will be another great advantage.

So I am reading your letters carefully and I shall answer them duly. In the meantime, you consider my appeal and do the needful jointly. For Aniruddha my instruction is that immediately there is no program in New Vrindaban because unless there is suitable houses for residence, we can not begin any work there. So I have instructed Hayagriva to make houses first. Then we can consider programs for going there. Now there is other important matters such as Back To Godhead which we should try for.

Letter to Aniruddha -- Hawaii 24 March, 1969:

Yes, I shall be arriving there in S.F. on the 31st of this month and I shall be happy to see you all there at that time. I have noted carefully the situation with Girish, and we shall best discuss the whole matter when I shall arrive there next week and make program. I am happy to learn that Dindayal and Makhanlal are doing well at Berkeley also.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- New Vrindaban 23 May, 1969:

The Rathayatra Festival program as suggested by you to invite many new people is very encouraging. Please do it very seriously, and make San Francisco a perfect New Jagannatha Puri. I think it will not be difficult because in San Francisco there are many nice devotees such as Dindayal, Cidananda, Makhanlal, as well as new devotees, such as Ojasvi and Devaprastha. The devotee more or less depends on his transcendental enthusiasm, patience and firm conviction. These things will surely help him to reach perfection.

1970 Correspondence

Letter to Makhanlal -- Los Angeles 3 June, 1970:

Regarding your special worshipment of Lord Nityananda: Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura has sung, "Gauranga balite habe . . . etc." when that time will come when torrents of tears shall pour from my eyes simply by uttering the Name of Gauranga. It is not that one should worship one and neglect the others. So the symptoms of Lord Nityananda's mercy are exhibited according to the description of Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura by the detachment from material sense enjoyment, because without being freed from the attachment for material sense enjoyment, nobody can enter into the transcendental pastime of Radha and Krsna.

Radha and Krsna lila or pastime is perfectly understood by following the instructions of the six Goswamis. So all these favors and mercy of the Acaryas and Incarnations go together. It is not that if I receive favor of one section I shall be reluctant to receive favor of other sections. It is very good symptom to have received Lord Nityananda's favor, but if we are actually favored by Lord Nityananda our business will be to please Lord Caitanya. And if Lord Caitanya is pleased, then we easily understand the truth of Radha Krsna through the mercy of the Goswamis.

So the above verse means that as soon as one will chant the name of Lord Caitanya he will feel a transcendental ecstasy. All of us should wait for this stage of life. The transcendental ecstatic symptoms certainly become manifested in a devotee's body, but they should not be exhibited amongst common men. When Lord Caitanya met Ramananda Roy, both of them felt this ecstasy by embracing one another. But as soon as Lord Caitanya saw that Ramananda Roy was in the company of some outsider brahmanas, He checked Himself. This is already described in our Teachings of Lord Caitanya.

The transcendental symptoms of ecstasy certainly are auspicious, but they are not for advertising to others. One should not advertise directly or indirectly that one is feeling like this. They should be checked. Otherwise one will gradually become sahajiya or one who takes spiritual advancement as something materially manifest. Actual spiritual advancement means detachment for everything material. So our activities are nothing material. Detachment from material activities, means attachment for spiritual activities, devotional service. After all, our energy has to be utilized, so when it is materially detached it means with greater enthusiasm our spiritual activities increase.

So Lord Caitanya is combined form of Radha Krsna. If Caitanya is pleased, Radha and Krsna automatically become pleased. Now our mission, Krsna consciousness mission, is to execute the will of Lord Caitanya. In this old age whatever I am trying to do it is just to give a little service according to my capacity to Lord Caitanya's mission. I have not come here for some personal credit in this old age. I have also come here under the order of my Spiritual Master who is non-different from Lord Nityananda.

You are all helping me in the execution of my mission so please do not try to do anything beyond the jurisdiction of my instructions. My will I have already disclosed to you all that each and every one of you should chant the Mahamantra regularly in sixteen rounds, follow the four regulative principles, chant Hare Krsna mantra on the streets, try to distribute our books and literature, and specifically in San Francisco you should observe the annual Ratha Yatra festival very gorgeously. I can assure you that if you follow my instruction as above mentioned there is no doubt about it that through me my spiritual Master Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura will be pleased, and through His mercy Lord Nityananda will be pleased. In this way Lord Caitanya and ultimately Radha Krsna will be pleased, and thus your life will be successful.

You are all intelligent boys. Please try to understand me and do the needful.

1971 Correspondence

Letter to Makhanlal -- Bombay 10 June, 1971:

am in due receipt of your letter dated 22nd May, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. I am so glad to hear how things are going so nicely there in preparation for Rathayatra festival and I have read the enclosed brochure for the festival written by you. It is very nice. So far as my going there by the 27th June, that may not be possible. Most probably I will have to attend London festival this year because three times I have attended Rathayatra festival in San Francisco and this time I have been very fervently requested to attend the London Rathayatra festival, where they are expecting 50,000 participants also. So it is not possible to attend both festivals. I will try my best to go to San Francisco also, but there is little chance. Still, I shall go to San Francisco when I return to U.S.A. So you should go on with the festival more enthusiastically, even in my absence.

Presently I am in Bombay and from here I am going to Moscow on the 20th June, for five days. From there I shall visit Paris and then London. After the festival I will be going to N.Y. and then on to Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Please offer my blessings to all the sincere boys and girls who are working so hard to make Lord Jagannatha's festival a grand success. Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Letter to Tilaka (Evalyn) -- Los Angeles 5 July, 1971:

So now you have taken to Krishna Consciousness wholeheartedly and I am so pleased to hear how enthusiastic you are for serving the Spiritual Master and for serving your husband also. That is your duty. You are your husband's better half and as such it is your duty to assist him in every way possible so that he can nicely execute Krishna Consciousness. Especially Makhanlal has taken charge of our Seattle temple and that is a big responsibility, so you must give him all assistance and all encouragement.

Letter to Makhanlal -- Los Angeles 14 July, 1971:

I am in due receipt of your letter undated and have noted the contents carefully. Yes, you have my blessings for the gayatri initiations of Jaya Deva Das Brahmacari and your wife Tilaka Devi Dasi. I am enclosing herewith a tape of the gayatri mantra chanted by me along with two copies of gayatri mantra and one sacred thread, duly chanted on by me, as well. The process should be that you let each of them hear the tape individually (through earphones). Show them how to chant on the fingers. Let them read the mantra and listen to the tape. Then, on my behalf you can present the sacred thread to Jaya Deva. Then hold a fire Yajna as you have seen done so many times before. If there are any questions about procedure, etc, you can consult with Karandhara and he will instruct you properly.

I am so glad to hear that, because the sales manager of Darigold dairy is sympathetic to our Krishna Consciousness movement, you are being supplied 20 gallons of fresh milk weekly and free of charge. He is a good friend so keep him posted of our activities and encourage him sufficiently. Perhaps he will become our life member also. I have received one letter from Gaura Hari about his travelling sankirtana party across Canada and have given my blessings for such venture. And also I have noted how nicely Tulsi Devi is growing there in Seattle. Already she is three feet tall. That is a true credit to your devotion. Thank you very much.

Letter to Gaura Hari -- Nairobi 24 September, 1971:

At your recommendation I have gladly consented to accept Guy as my duly initiated disciple. His letter and beads are enclosed herewith. Also enclosed are three sacred threads duly chanted by me as well as four papers with Gayatri mantra for the four devotees you have recommended for second initiation. You should secure the tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra from Makhanlal in Seattle. Let each devotee hear the tape privately, one at a time, and through the right ear. They should have the paper in front of them and hear and repeat each word. Beforehand you can show them how to count on the fingers, and beforehand hold a fire yajna and get the threads on the boys' bodies.

Letter to Makhanlal, Tilaka -- Nairobi 24 September, 1971:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated 30th August, 1971 and have noted the contents. Also I have received the check for $80. as daksina from Tilaka Devi Dasi and I thank you very much for the same. It is interesting to note that her father is consulate general for Madras. He can help us if he gives an introductory letter in favor of Madhudvisa Swami to see the ambassador in Delhi. We want this ambassador should take part in the big function we are going to hold in Mayapur. So far Mr. Dhawan is concerned, I am enclosing herewith one letter in the name of Brahmananda Swami in regards to opening a center in Nigeria.*

I am so glad to hear that Von Prabhu is executing such valuable service to Krishna. Please give him my blessings. So he is giving such nice service; that is his qualification. So if you feel that he is ready, then he may take initiation by mail and we can give him a certificate also and that will save him from the draft.

Your proposal for a grhastha travelling Sankirtana party is a very good one but the temple work should not be neglected. Both things should go on simultaneously. Our process is to work on Bhagavata and Pancaratriki systems simultaneously. Deity worship is pancaratriki system and preaching is Bhagavata system. If we keep both systems in a regular way that will help us solidly in our advancement in Krishna Consciousness.

So far my health is concerned, there was a slight indication of a heart attack but it was not very acute. Krishna saved me. I have had many times such slight heart attacks since 1970 but it does not hamper my activities in Krishna Consciousness. So long as Krishna will keep me fit I will go on working. So you devotees should pray to Krishna that I can go on giving Him service up to the last point of my death.

Supersoul is sitting in everyone's heart, so when He hears the effect of hearing is there. So it is to be understood that the Spiritual Master is also hearing.

Please offer my blessings to the others. Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

*Brahmananda Swami has written Mr. Dhawan asking for six round-trip tickets from Kenya for going there to establish a center.

Letter to Danavir -- Nairobi 27 September, 1971:

At your recommendation I have consented to give second initiation to both Sriman Traidas and his wife Pramada. Two copies of Gayatri mantra are enclosed herewith as well as one sacred thread duly chanted by me. First of all you must secure one tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra. Makhanlal in Seattle has one copy. Then you must hold a fire yajna for the two devotees as you have seen so many times before. Then let them each hear the tape through the right ear, privately and individually, reading the paper and repeating each word. Beforehand you can instruct them how to chant on the fingers. Then you can get the thread on Traidas's body.

1972 Correspondence

Letter to Makhanlal -- Bombay 10 January, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 29th November, 1971, and I have noted the content with great pleasure. Below find one letter for initiates, please. Because you have recommended, I am happy to accept them as my duly initiated disciples. Seven beads, two copies of Gayatri mantra and two sacred threads, duly chanted on by me, have been sent under separate post. Hold a fire yajna and give Gayatri mantra to Tulasi Manjari and Rukma. I think you have got a tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra. One thing is that the tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear. So the fire yajna can be held for all nine devotees.

These are all very nice boys and girls, that I can understand, so now you take charge of giving them all good guidance and help on the path back to Home, back to Godhead. Practically the leadership of this Krishna Consciousness Society is now in the hands of you my older disciples and I am very pleased that you are taking such huge responsibility very seriously. In this way remain very sober and cool-headed and always think of Krishna somehow or other, and there is no doubt this Movement will one day conquer all over the world. One thing is, that I want that the highest standards of devotional service be maintained. Our routine work—rising early, cleansing, chanting, temple worship, sankirtana, study—these things must go on very nicely, and if they become improved more and more, and are not neglected or in any way decreased, then now become very convinced of our Krishna philosophy and very enthusiastically and soberly maintain temple routine standards, increase book distribution, satisfy the devotees, and in every way become the perfect KC example of angel.

I am very encouraged that so many new boys and girls are coming forward to join our Hare Krishna Movement. That is a good sign that you are advancing very nicely in Krishna's service. In this way go on—Krishna life is the very highest type of activity of the living entity, the topmost development of consciousness, so I am very much appreciating that you are becoming yourself Krishna Consciousness and that you are helping me in this way. Thank you very much.

Letter to Smaranananda (Von Paul Read), Samsara-mocana (Barbara Read), Bhubhrta (Bob Quirk), Pavana (Jeffrey Spicher), Devadeva (Royal Frank Affrisco), Daivata (Anthony Burt Alves), Parayana (Laurel Alves) -- Bombay 10 January, 1972:

Upon the recommendation of Makhanlal I have gladly consented to accept all of you as my duly initiated disciples. Your beads have been duly chanted by me and they are sent under separate post. I have given you the spiritual names as follows:

Jeffrey Spicher/PAVANA DAS
Royal Frank Affrisco/DEVADEVA DAS
Anthony Burt Alves/DAIVATA DAS

I am so glad to learn that all of you have been such a great help to Makhanlal there in our Seattle center. I can understand that all of you are very sincere boys and girls and are very eligible candidates for going back to Home, back to Godhead.

Letter to Jayarge, Lindon Lomese -- Los Angeles 25 May, 1972:

So far your description of events in the Seattle temple, I have informed Makhanlal what is your opinion, so do not worry. I am going to Portland on 8 June and I understand that the devotees from Seattle are coming down there to meet me so you may also come at that time. One thing, we can never expect to find any kind of utopia, even in the spiritual world. Where ever there are persons there are bound to be differences, so we should not expect any kind of perfect arrangement, especially here in the material world. Even sometimes amongst the gopis there is envy, but that enviousness is transcendental and should not be accepted in the mundane sense. Anyway one quality of a devotee is that he is always very much tolerant of other people, so I request you simply to tolerate the faults of others and always think that I am myself the most faulty. In this way your humble attitude will qualify you to advance very quickly in Krishna Consciousness.

1973 Correspondence

Letter to Makhanlal -- Mayapur 22 June, 1973:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 8 June 1973 and I have carefully studied the contents.

I am encouraged to hear that you have recommended a total of ten devotees for first initiation from our St. Louis temple. Preaching means to increase our family members, so I can see that the preaching at ISKCON St. Louis is going on very sincerely, otherwise so many would not be interested in becoming devotees. So on your carefully considered recommendation, I am accepting these girls and boys as my initiated disciples and their names are as follows:

Thomas Doherty—Tamopaha das;

Jim Higgins—Niscinta das;

Paul Gibson—Punderika das;

Lance Nally—Gaya das;

Steven Lisowski—Satyamadhava das;

Nancy Alderman—Nikunjarasi Vilasi dasi;

Deborah Little—Daksinesvari dasi;

Ginette Newman—Govindarupini dasi;

Donald Parker—Modandin das;

Sylvia Parker—Savitri dasi

They may send their beads for chanting along with a copy of this letter to Kirtanananda Maharaja. Now you instruct them carefully that they must chant 16 rounds daily without fail and always follow the four regulative principles as well as engage in daily duties of temple attendance, classes and street sankirtana. The word initiation means "to begin" not that when he is initiated a disciple becomes slack; rather upon initiation he begins spiritual life in earnest. Regarding second initiation, enclosed is one sacred thread chanted on by me, and the gayatri mantra. This should be instructed to Maha Muni in private, have him hear a tape recording of the mantra in the right ear. Hold a fire yajna for the first initiates.

You have asked what is the mentality of the demons who attacked New Vrndavana and why did this happen? You should know this already, that there are two classes of men, devotees and demons. The whole history is that the peaceful devotees are disturbed by the demons but that the devotees are always victorious by the grace of Krsna. In the Bhagavad-gita Krsna ordered Arjuna to declare to the whole world that His devotees would never be vanquished. And in the last verse of the Gita, Sanjaya says wherever there is Krsna and Krsna's pure devotee Arjuna there will always be opulence, victory, extraordinary power and morality—tatra srir vijayo bhutir dhruva nitir matir mama. But because we are engaged in warfare with the forces of Maya, there will be casualties. Even Arjuna's son, Abhimanyu a 16-year-old boy was killed at the battle of Kuruksetra. We should be prepared to protect the Deities and always expect Krsna's Mercy, because we are always dependent on Him and we cannot do anything on our own without Him.

You have asked about whether nuclear devastation on this planet would effect the Sankirtana Movement. No, there is nothing that can stop the Sankirtana Movement because it is the will of God Himself, Lord Caitanya, that His Holy Name be heard in every town and village. Neither can the demons devastate this planet independent of the will of Krsna. Nothing happens without His sanction. If Krsna wants to kill someone no one can save Him, and if Krsna wants to save someone no one can kill him. For our parts we should just be determined to carry out our mission against all opposition, demons, nuclear war, whatever. The whole universe is finally subject to certain annihilation by the will of Krsna, but devotional service is eternal and is the only certain way one can save himself from devastation. We can preach all over the world that the only way to be saved from collective and individual devastation is to take to the chanting of Hare Krsna. In short, this material world is a very precarious place therefore we should always chant Hare Krsna and seek Krsna's protection.

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Letter to Satsvarupa -- New Delhi 2 November, 1973:

Regarding St. Louis, Makhanlal is a good boy. He is a sincere devotee.

Letter to Makhanlal -- Los Angeles 11 December, 1973:

I am in receipt of your letter dated December 4, 1973. Regarding the $100.00 check, send a copy of the cancelled check, both sides, to Karandhara for examination.

I accept the following devotees as my duly initiated disciples:

Chuck—Caturatma das

Allen—Anirdesya-vapu das

Robert—Pranada das

Dean—Prana das

Joanne—Keli-Cancala dasi

Nancy—Vidamba dasi

I am returning their beads by separate post. See always to their welfare in Krsna Consciousness.

The conch shell is place on the altar and used for blowing. It is pleasing to the Deity and a bona fide item of worship. Never mind all the rumors you have heard.

Yes, if you are able to acquire some farm land and produce grains that will be nice. Especially we want to export grains to India. Do not, however, change or disrupt the existing Temple program. The economic situation is always precarious but we are dependent on Krsna only.

Thank you very much for your endeavors in book distribution and please offer your good wife my blessings for her service in this connection. Our preaching work will be measured by the quantity of books we distribute so continue ever-increasingly.

Take care that devotees do not become sick. They should always be properly clothed and fed.

1975 Correspondence

Letter to Satsvarupa -- Vrndavana 18 September, 1975:

Regarding St. Louis, I know that Makhanlal is a very good boy. Perhaps it is better for him not to have such a wife. I thank you very much for your report. I hope this meets you in good health.

1976 Correspondence

Letter to Makhanlal -- Calcutta 15 January, 1976:

I beg to thank you for your letter dated January 1st, 1976.

I accept all the new devotees as my initiated disciples. Their names are:

Glenn Wharton—Isvaripati dasa

Andy De Souza—Sarvadevamaya dasa

Thomas Wyhaupt—Guruvagmi

Harry Troy—Vedatma dasa

Now you must hold a fire ceremony. Everyone must agree to chant daily minimum of 16 rounds and follow strictly the rules and regulations. I also accept Gopta Das for second initiation. I have enclosed his sacred thread duly chanted on. After the fire ceremony he should hear the Gayatri mantra through the right ear from the tape. Brahmin means to be very clean, inside by chanting the Lord's glories and externally by regular bathing. Teach him these things by your personal example.

Letter to Makhanlal -- Vrindaban 24 October, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 10/7/76.

My blessings are always with you as you have requested. You are a very good devotee and servant of Krsna. So far your questions are concerned. Nityananda is the principle of the Guru. So, the Gurudeva is the incarnation of Nityananda. Anyone strictly following the instruction of the Guru is following Nityananda. The price one has to pay if he wants to become Krsna conscious is that he must dedicate himself to following the order of the spiritual master, mahat seva. If the Spiritual Master is pleased with disciple then the blessings of Guru will be there. That is the best way to become Krsna conscious, and Krsna is non-different from Nityananda. You may pray to Lord Nityananda to help you become dedicated in the service of your Guru. Krsna consciousness cannot be achieved artificially. You should approach Nityananda Prabhu through your Spiritual Master.

I am pleased to accept the devotees you have recommended for initiation. Please be very sure that they all know and follow the regulative principles and chant minimum 16 rounds daily. Hold a fire sacrifice and have Rupanuga chant on their beads. Their new names are: Willard—Vaisnava dasa, John—Jivapati dasa, Adam—Akruranatha dasa, Nancy—Nitya-manjari dasi.

Letter to Makhanlal -- Vrindaban 28 October, 1976:

I am in receipt of your letter dated 13/10/76, along with a check for $25.

Yes, you must rectify this mistake. All society stationary must bear my name as founder-acarya. Please do it immediately.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Bombay 20 December, 1976:

Your description of the steps being taken to rally support is nice. It is wanted, both from the parents and the Indian residents. If you can take the lawyer training as you have described that's nice. The cover for Sa-vijnanam is very good. Yes, Makhanlal is very sincere, so try to work with him.

Page Title:Training of Makhanlal (Letters, 1968 - 1976)
Compiler:Labangalatika, MadhuGopaldas
Created:30 of May, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=22
No. of Quotes:22