I understand that you have written to Sripada Akincana Maharaja to print the paper 500 only for September. In this connection I asked the press if they will reduce the charges for this less number of printing. He said that the charges will be same. I think that we should print it as usual i.e. 1000. Akincana Maharaja has secured contribution of three reams of paper (24lbs) and the postal charges will be only 1/4th of the last month. So why for the matter of saving some papers we shall not print the full number. In my opinion we should print more than 1000 copies every month and distribute them in large scale. I think you will reconsider the matter and let me know your further opinion. The printing will begin from day after tomorrow and you will kindly reply this just on receipt of it.
Secure (Letters 1955 - 1969)
Expressions researched:
1947 to 1965 Correspondence
I wish to see this paper just to the standard of "Illustrated Weekly" with numerous pictures in order to make it a very popular literature and for this I wish to move myself to secure subscribers as well as advertisers. I wish to visit good businessmen, insurance companies and Govt. officers in this connection. But I have no proper dress at all. I want two set of good dresses in order to take up this reponsibility and I shall be glad to have you decision on this matter. It is my heart's desire that this paper is improved to the highest elevation.
Yes we we must have a temple at Mayapur. If every one of us possess a temple there, the importance of Sridhama Mayapur will automatically increase and we must have this ideal in view always. I am also glad to learn that you are securing some good land on long lease from the Port commissioners for our Howrah Math. Howrah is a good place for preaching our cult and it behooves that we have a decent Math there.
After seeing the Hathras gentleman I shall go Delhi and from there I shall send you some sets books and other literatures to you per Railway parcel and then I shall again go to Agra from Delhi to secure some members of the League of Devotees which is a registered society possessing certificate of exemption of income tax to receive donations.
1967 Correspondence
Will the proprietor of the house be carried by the Lawyer? If it is so what is the use of wasting time in that way. If they are serious they must finish the business without delay. I wish that we must enter the house by the 1st of March 1967.
Please try to secure a copy of each film so far taken of us while performing Kirtana. If required we may pay something for this; better they should contribute a film to the society as we have not charged anything. If we get the film we can then purchase a projector to show in different places. Please send the records as early as possible. There is possibility of selling a great number of records here. They are all purchasing cash. Please expedite the matter.
Nothing is being done in black and white but everything is being done with faith on Mr. Payne.
Now forget what has been done in the past. Do it now businesslike. Mr. Taylor's lawyer has agreed to accept $105,000 cash for the house "as is" and Mr. Payne has agreed to pay the same secured from Pittsburgh. Let this understanding be completed within 1st of March 1967 and close the chapter. I think this is my last word in this connection. You are all grown up boys and you use your discretion and you can now complete the transaction without prolonging it indefinitely. If, however, we are not able to purchase a house it does not mean closing our activity at 26 Second avenue. So there is no question of packing up and come to S.F.
In the opinion of the devotees and trustees here $1000.00 dollar has been risked without any understanding. I know that you are doing your best but still there has been an error of judgment. I am not at all displeased with you but they say that Mr. Payne will never be able to secure financial help from any other source. He is simply taking time under different pretext changing constantly. Therefore you should not pay even a farthing more than what you have paid. If he wants any more money you should flatly refuse.
Your note on the dictaphone is taken care of. It is sent for adjustment because there is some defect in the machine. In the meantime they have supplied a machine for my work. I have now five tapes only. Three more required. Neal has not come here. Chant Hare Krishna be jolly. We are all secured by Krishna rest assured.
It appears that Mr. Payne has not been successful to secure any financial assistance till the 14th february 1967 and it is hinted therein that I may also try for the source of money. I have, therefore, replied him and the copy of the reply is enclosed herewith please find.
I can also understand from your letter and other sources that so far you have not been able to secure any financial assistance with any tangible hope.
You have also hinted in your letter under reply that I may try here some possibility of money source. Of course my students here raised fund by one scheme of dancing a fund of $4000.00 since I have come here and they have spent in different items almost all the fund. But they cannot take up the matter seriously unless there is fact. It may be possible to raise fund in that way if we have got actual sale-contract from Mr. Taylor on legal standing.
With further reference to my letter of yesterday's date I may inform you that from the letter of Mr. Payne and the schemes which produced no fruit, it appears to me that he is not in a position to secure money for the house from any financial party. That is my conviction. Now if you think that he is able to secure money for us, if you think that there is something hopeful by this time then you can continue the negotiations as he is doing but do not for Krishna's sake advance a farthing more on any plea by him. He may be trying his best but he is incapable to do this. That is my honest opinion.
In such critical points how you can leave New York. Suppose Mr. Payne secures the second mortgage money by the 31st March and you are absent who will look after the transaction. We must get into the possession of the house for Krishna's Temple or we must get back the money for Krishna's service. And we are prepared to fulfill the terms of the agreement.
We have to popularize this movement everywhere so if you send me 100 dollars then I can secure for you, one best harmonium and 2 mrdangas and 3 pairs of cymbals. What happened about your preparing the cymbals; if you prepare the cymbals there is possibility of being sold in New York, many pairs—so why don't you do it? But if you are not doing it then you must get it from India. It is very pleasing to hear that you are keeping the temple neat and clean, at the same time you bedeck the temple with flowers.
I am very much pleased to learn that our comments on the Bhagavad-gita are being appreciated by the audience in Montreal. Regarding printing, if I print the Bhagavad-gita in your country, it will cost not less than 12,000 dollars, out of this I have already secured about 5,000 dollars from one of my students at San Francisco and still I require 6 to 7,000 dollars. I do not know how to secure it, but the only hope is that I have my books. If you can organize the sales of my books, either you or Pradyumna, then there is no question of scarcity of money.
So far we have not been able to find out a suitable place. We found out a very nice suitable place at 6th Street on Grand, but the difficulty is just on the side there is a butcher and the smell is obnoxious, so we could not do it. Now there is a bank building on Houston Street, so, that is very nice, but we do not know how to secure it; we are trying for it.
Please inform her that I have received her letter with great appreciation and I shall meet her very soon in San Francisco. Regarding your inquiry about the valuable woodred you have secured, I would advise you to attempt carving Lord Caitanya and His associates Murtis as I am sending herewith the specimen. If possible you can carve also the Forms of Radha and Krishna separately. If not you can go on carving the same three Forms of Jagannatha brother and sister because we have to open many centers one after another. I wish to open two centers immediately one in Los Angeles as suggested by Haridasa and other in Vancouver. I have a friend in Vancouver who is devotee of Srimad-Bhagavatam Puranam and with his help we can open a centre at Vancouver.
So if I go to India and utilize the building fund there, it will be nice. If we spend there 10,000 dollars only we can have very nice accommodations for training American youths in the matter of preaching work of Krishna Consciousness. We have tried our best to secure a house in N.Y. but so far we have failed and I think we can continue our centers in rented houses without endeavoring more for our own house. Rather we may train up boys for preaching work and send them back to all the parts of the world to preach this gospel.
Here in Vrindaban I have secured full cooperation of my god-brother Swami Bon, and he has very kindly offered me full tuition, room, boarding, etc., for at least ten students among my disciples, who may come for further study in the matter of K.C., as enunciated by the authorized Goswamis, who are direct disciples of Lord Caitanya. So immediately, if some of you come here for such studies, there will be no difficult; but at the same time I am also trying to have our own house, and probably it will be done.
I am so glad to learn that you have secured a nice job. Please accept it and do the job very faithfully and try to inject Krishna consciousness amongst the students. I hope the Dentist's business with you has successfully been done. Your plan for starting an Indian philosophical society amongst your students is very good for propagating Krishna consciousness. Wherever you may remain please do not forget Krishna Kirtana and it will do good to you and your friends. Now I am quite fit to start for your country.
The thing is that there is regular negotiation with M/s MacMillan Co for taking up the publication. Brahmananda in his recent letter has informed that the sanction is awaiting the President's signature. So let us wait a few days more for the final word.
I can understand that you have secured a very nice place in Boston and there is very good possibility of pushing our movement amongst the students community there. Our movement is certainly very much appealing to the younger section of your country and if we are successful in the matter of attracting the students community in your country certainly this movement will scatter all over the world and the foretelling of Lord Caitanya that in every village and every town of the world the ___ will be famous for His glorious Sankirtana movement. Please try for this your heart and soul and your life will be a successful mission.
I shall request that you save this poor creature from impersonal calamity.
You will be glad to know that I've already secured my visitors visa for going to U.S.A. & I am advised by travel agent to book my seat conveniently. I am going to Navadvipa, the birth place of Lord Caitanya next with Acyutananda & Ramanuja. My next mailing address is; c/o Sri Caitanya Saraswat Math, Kolergunge, P.O. Navadvipa. District Nadia. W.B., India.
Please continue to think of Krishna & you will feel more & more the Blissful pleasure transcendental to all material contamination. I am very thankful to you for appreciating my humble service. You will be glad to know that I have already secured a visitor's visa to your country & have asked my travel agent to book my seat on the earliest possible date. I think I shall be in your midst by the middle of Nov. I went to your country with a mission & you all good souls were sent by Krishna to me. So let us cooperatively work together to vigorously spread Krishna Consciousness, to the suffering humanity at large. Your country is great & you are all good sons of America. Spread this knowledge so that America will be still greater in the eyes of the world.
If Kirtanananda honestly believes in his new doctrine, he should honestly return the certificate of his Sannyas which he very tactfully secured from me. He should not utilize this certificate without any allegiance.
I am already in negotiations with the government of Rajasthan for securing one palace in Vrndavana. This house is perhaps the best house not only in Vrindaban but also it is one of the best palaces in all of India. When you arrive in India you will see it and you will be pleased. I am leaving behind my dictaphone and when you come here you will take it back to me. I quite appreciate your program for contributing $3,000.00 in the matter of publishing Teaching of Lord Caitanya. Please finish the contract with MacMillan, take $1,000.00 from them, add $1,000.00 from the reserve fund to you, and take $1,000.00 from Satyavrata and get the book published immediately.
1968 Correspondence
The idea is everyone should try to place himself as if he doesn't know anything. That is his position is secure. But as soon as he says that I know everything, and I was previously such and such, actually rascal. So I know that you are trying to know things from the real source, and you are not puffed up like other fools who think that they know everything. Your humbleness is very much appreciated by me.
So there is ample opportunity for spreading this original Indian cultural movement all over the world, and because you have interest in it, I shall be very glad to hear from you by return of post how you can cooperate in this world wide movement.
I shall request you in this connection to secure a copy of "Illustrated Weekly of the Times of India", published on January 21, 1968, and see on page 38 how our movement is going on. Many papers in this country also, especially LIFE Magazine, Times of India, San Francisco Chronicle, and many other minor papers have printed articles about our movement. Many mayors of great cities, police officials, have also appreciated our movement. The late Ambassador of India, now Governor of Assam, Sri B.K. Nehru, has also great appreciation for these activities.
We have to serve Krishna from any circumstance or position. That shall be our mode of life. It doesn't matter where we live or where we serve.
If possible, secure one copy of "Illustrated Weekly of the Times of India", Bombay, and you will find a nice article about ourselves on page 38. I think you can get this paper from any magazine store. It was published on January 21, 1968.
We have, however, submitted the Immigration application by the first week of January, 1968. So I think I shall have to wait for securing the visa. I quite appreciate your proposal that you cannot go out until the two books are published.
I think you are missing the four points of Krishna's superexcellent qualities to be added in the Teachings of Lord Caitanya.
Please follow the regulations and chant 16 rounds daily at least without any offense. The list of offenses, 10 kinds, are in my apartment in N.Y., and you ask your God-brother, Brahmananda, and he will supply you. Similarly, there is another list of the qualifications, as well as prayer for Spiritual Master, are also there. Try to secure them, and follow the regulations, and Krishna will help you in being elevated to higher and higher platforms of Krishna Consciousness.
Please follow the regulations and chant 16 rounds daily, at least, without any offense. The list of offenses, 10 kinds, are in my apartment in N.Y., and you ask your God-brother, Brahmananda, and he will supply you. Similarly, there is another list of the qualifications, as well as prayer for Spiritual Master, are also there. Try to secure them, and follow the regulations, and Krishna will help you in being elevated to higher and higher platforms of Krishna Consciousness.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated March 7, 1968, and I thank you very much for your encouraging news of the Sankirtana party. Please confer my blessings upon your very good wife, Himavati, and I am so pleased that she can sew nicely, and make the costumes for the Sankirtana party. It is very wonderful that you have secured already some engagements for our party, and it is indication that it will be great success. It has just begun, and already there are so many engagements. I am so glad that you have organized the Sankirtana party, and it is very satisfactorily progressing.
That is not possible of course in the preliminary stage, but when we shall be in a transcendental position not to be disturbed ever by such a horrible scene, then our position is secure. The suffering of the man and the sympathy of the other man, both are centered on the body. But this we have to understand by knowledge. Then such horrible condition of body won't be disturbing to us. That is the position of liberation. It doesn't mean that we shall not be sympathetic with one who is suffering, but we should always remember that such sufferings are due to the bodily concept of life.
I am glad to hear that the lawyer and psychiatrist are going to help with Advaita, and I am praying Krishna for his safety. We are awaiting to receive the judge's statement, and when we secure it, I shall send it to you.
Today I have received your dummy book, sent by Dai Nippon for sample, and it is very nice. I shall keep it with me, and bring it with me when I come to N.Y.
For television we should have at least one hour appearance; this 15 or 20 minutes, and with nonsense questions by the interviewer is not very good. We should be given time for Kirtana and for lecture. That will be best. And if you can secure some payment from each place we visit, that will be very nice.
I am pleased to hear that Damodara is returning; please treat him kindly and encourage him in all respects. So far the shipping is concerned, try to get a statement of account from them, as I think they still have some of our money from the last business transaction.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 13, 1968, and I noted thereof that you are a little bit disappointed. There is no question of disappointment in Krishna Consciousness. We shall try our best—success or no success, we shall depend on Krishna. Now, I do not know what is the position of securing advertisements. If advertisements are also not available, then I think we should go back to our mimeograph machine and put Back to Godhead out regularly. There is no scarcity of material, so we may distribute the message regularly, never mind it is not so highly printed. So far collections is concerned of the sales proceeds of Back To Godhead, I think you can entrust the matter to Gargamuni and Mukunda, and they will be able to distribute and send you back the money.
Regarding the cover of the Bhagavad-gita as it is: I want to present before a Consulate General this cover when I may be called to visit him, but because you have wanted it back, so I am sending it to you. If you can secure advance order, that is more important business than showing it to a Consulate General. So I am returning it back to you.
And by the Grace of Krishna we may be able to establish more centers in the very near future. I do not know where from you secured these nice Murtis, but I would like to have such Murtis at least 20 pairs, with height of not less than 24 inches. So if you kindly give me the quotation for such Murtis from the manufacturer where from you secured these Murtis, I shall arrange to send you the required money, either directly or by negotiation through some friends in India. It is my ambition that Indian Vaisnavas may contribute at least one pair of Murtis, following your nice example, and we can establish them in each and every center of our Society.
And by your labor you try to open a branch in Vancouver, and that will be very nice thing. And when I go to Vancouver, from Seattle, I shall offer my blessings in observing the rituals of our marriage system.
I shall give you one engagement and if you secure one dictaphone then I shall send you regular tapes for transcribing it into English version, and you will make two copies. One copy shall be sent to me, another copy shall be sent to Hayagriva Brahmacari. As Govinda dasi and her husband, is trying to help me in compiling essays and texts of Caitanya Caritamrta, similarly, I shall give you a task for the Science of Devotion.
The San Francisco center was also established by your endeavor and cooperation by Syamasundara, and now both of you are in London, so I am sure the London center will certainly be established.
Annapurna's father, Mr. Webb, told me that there are many old churches which are not being properly used. So if you can secure one big church, that will be very nice. I am glad to learn that in London there are 2 to 5 lacs of Indians. And if they cooperate with you, we can maintain a very big establishment. If they contribute one pound per annum per head, that means a lot of money. And temple organization is the best means to attract devotees.
Otherwise they must return to Germany to assist Sivananda there. In Bombay, they can work on behalf of our society by selling magazines, securing advertisements for Back To Godhead, and selling our books. That will be their main business. So far learning a new language, Bengali or Hindi, etc., this is simply a waste of time; they aren't scholarly boys. Had they been scholarly then they would have prosecuted their mother tongue education very nicely. So anyone who is not scholarly cannot pick up any foreign language so quickly.
It is understood also that her father is impressed with our society's work and her mother especially liked all the members of our society who have gone in London. So you work very diligently and secure some money. I am coming to Seattle by tomorrow evening and if you can see me at Seattle it will be very nice. You can also inform Mr. Renovich and Mr. Windisch that I am going to Seattle by tomorrow, and they can correspond with me for my visiting Vancouver and attending lectures, so that I can make my program there and come to Vancouver for a few days.
I have not heard anything from you since last few days; hope everything is going on well. Now regarding the house which you saw on 772 Sherbrooke Street, in front of MacGill University, do you think I shall seriously negotiate for securing the house? The condition is that we have to pay at least $12,000 per year, or $1000 per month. You assured me that by opening Prasadam restaurant downstairs you will be able to raise this $1000. If you are confident about this, then let me know immediately, so I shall renew negotiation with the party.
I have not heard anything from you since last few days; hope everything is going on well. Now regarding the house which you saw on 772 Cherbrooke St., in front of McGill University, do you think I shall seriously negotiate for securing the house? The condition is that we have to pay a lease $12000 down and $100 per month. You assured me that by opening Prasadam Restaurant downstairs you will be able to raise this. If you are confident about this, then let me know immediately, so I shall renew negotiation with the party.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated October 2, 1968, and I am very much pleased to learn that you have secured a very good apartment of 5 rooms, and it is very near to your office. I have received one letter from Pradyumna as well as Kirtanananda Maharaja, from New Vrindaban, and I am enclosing herewith the replies of Pradyumna's letter; I hope he has be this time come to you.
In the beginning you write to say that you have written at least 3 letters to me, but this is the first time I have received any letter from you. I do not know how they are missing. Anyway, I have also received one letter from Sivananda, it is understood that you are trying your best to secure a place in Hamburg, but still you have not been able to find out. In the meantime, before this, Sivananda wrote me a letter that he has already opened a branch in Berlin. And this news was spread by me to others. Now it is understood that you have changed your idea and you want to open our center in Hamburg. It is nice so far I get information that Hamburg is very more important than Berlin, but if you find difficulty in locating a place for our center in Hamburg, it is better go back to Berlin and take whatever place is available.
When you go to Columbus take Radha Krishna with you and teach Hayagriva also how to worship the Deities. If required, ask Acyutananda and Jaya Govinda to send you another pair of Deity for Hayagriva. Radhakrishna shall be your life companion and thus you will be always secure from the attack of Maya. So also Hayagriva. The present mode of worship is quite alright, don't worry. You have seen in Vrindaban so do follow as much as possible. Decorate the Deity as nicely as possible with nice flowers and dress. You will forget all other false beauty.
My intention of calling him is that he expressed a strong desire to live with me in Montreal, so I wish to keep him with me at least for some time and train him to act as secretary. Of course, he will work in other spheres also, to secure advertisement, but in case Govinda dasi goes to Hawaii, I shall require a secretary. Govinda dasi is quite competent to act and she is doing very nicely, she is willing worker, educated and intelligent, everything complete, but the only thing is that she is young girl and I am a Sannyasi. At the present time of course Gaurasundara has gone there without any money, so he has no sufficient means just now for her to go there. At the present moment she is living at night with Nandarani and in the daytime she is assisting me as my secretary.
So now there is plenty engagement for everyone at the temple and if you can secure funds simply by selling our literature, by prasadam program and by some sewing labor, then it will not be necessary to take karmi jobs outside. So Krishna has given you very good facilities to be engaged and make profit at the same time for the temple so even though you may live poorly, if you can support yourselves simply with these activities it will be very good.
I am also still more encouraged that you propose to build a temple and secure some land in the main island of Hawaii. I think that my presence in Hawaii will be nice when you are still more in sound footing there. So you arrange your program in that way.
Purusottama is helping me since he has come and I think that he should remain with me always. I require a male secretary because there are so many letters coming daily and which require expert management. At the same time he will be securing advertisements for Back To Godhead so I hope that you will not feel very much inconvenience because he is not there in New York. Regarding my health, I am glad to inform you that it is in better condition than that last year when I returned from India. I am feeling no more headaches nor any severe buzzing sound—but still some buzzing is going on. After all it is a broken house and I cannot expect all the comforts of a newly built house in an old broken residence.
1969 Correspondence
So far as your activities there I am very much pleased that they are going up to this point and I am asking Jaya Govinda to join you as soon as possible. You also try to correspond with him and surely when he comes, you four boys will be quite competent to secure seven local devotees to legalize our society in Germany.
I have read the translation of your German leaflet and it appears to be very nice. If there is any possibility of sales, get some copies of Bhagavad-gita As It Is also for selling in Germany. This Krishna Conscious literature is very nicely written and intelligent German people, if they can read, will derive much benefit from it.
Next January there will be an examination on this Bhagavad-gita. Papers will be sent by me to all centers, and those securing the minimum passing grade will be given the title as Bhakti-sastri. Similarly, another examination will be held on Lord Caitanya's Appearance Day in February, 1970 and it will be upon Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita. Those passing will get the title of Bhakti-vaibhava. Another examination will be held sometimes in 1971 on the four books, Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, and Nectar of Devotion. One who will pass this examination will be awarded with the title of Bhaktivedanta.
Therefore there is a great necessity of spreading this transcendental message all over the world. It is very encouraging to me that you are now in London as a retired gentleman and your cooperation in this movement will be highly effective. I hope that by this time you have already secured my book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and there are other books also. If you will kindly join our movement it will surely be a great stride.
We do not require any clothings because our devotees here are now expert in making nice clothings.
What you have to do is to purchase the deities, pack Them in nice wooden boxes securely, and dispatch to Calcutta to our shipping agents. We have arrangements with Scindia Steam Navigation Co. to carry our temple goods free of charge.
You will be pleased to note that I have established temples in the following important places: London, Hamburg, New York, San Francisco, Hawaii, Montreal, Vancouver, Boston, etc. In each of these temples we will require one pair of deities. Besides that, we have secured about 140 acres of land in West Virginia where the scheme is to construct 7 temples.
I am confident that this magazine will be improving more and more under your direction.
Regarding your need for more manpower, I have already asked Arabinda to go there, and he will be writing to you soon about this. Regarding the securing of advertisements, this responsibility should be divided among three centers, namely New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Purusottama has already gotten some advertisements for you, and he is teaching Sudama to help him also in Los Angeles. In San Francisco, both Cidananda and Dindayal will be trying for this also. In New York, Gargamuni and Nayana Bhirama should work in this way also. Nayana Bhirama did nicely in securing advertisements for this last issue, so I think he is skillful enough to be very helpful for the next issue also.
The other centers should sell the remainder of the copies, and if necessary, you can print more. Also, you should have the centers pay for their copies immediately upon receipt. If they do not have the money, then they must secure it by working, but somehow or other this system must be introduced so that you will not always be in financial difficulties for printing future issues. Also, I would be very much interested to see records of how much you are spending and earning in production and sales and advertisements for Back To Godhead.
I am very much encouraged by your proposal as stated in your letter of January 25, 1969 of constructing housing in New Vrindaban for an estimate of about $1,000. This money will be secured somehow or other and invested in New Vrindaban for constructing the proposed cottages. These cottages needn't be very high class finished. We simply want protection; that's all. They may be very roughly finished. Please send me your plans which you have mentioned, and we shall begin this housing scheme in April. We agree to invest the money in this project, and the persons you wanted will join you when you actually begin the work.
In New Vrindaban, nothing can immediately be done because there is no sufficient accommodations, but I am in correspondence with Hayagriva for renting one two-story big house near New Vrindaban for starting the press. I think we will be able to secure the house by next April when I will also go there, and our project of starting a school, press, etc., will be seriously taken at that time.
I thank you for your letter which was sent along with Yamuna's. I am pleased to hear that you are anxious to meet me, and I will be pleased to meet you when I go there. But first there must be a nice house secured. Our society is now legalized in London, so there should be no difficulty in securing a house immediately. Please help the devotees there to do this. I am simply awaiting their letter to start for London.
It is understood that you and Mulgi ba have been collecting for the new temple, but I do not know who is keeping account of this money. How much is there at present in this fund? Where is this fund being kept? Please inform me on these matters.
Regarding your efforts for securing advertisements for Back To Godhead, the best thing would be if we could stop these advertisements, but the difficulty is that without advertisements it would be very difficult to continue this magazine. So, under the circumstances, if you and other devotees can secure at least $100 per month for Back To Godhead, then it will not be necessary for you in San Francisco to obtain money by getting advertisements.
Next Spring by the first week for certain I shall be in New York and from New York I shall be glad to visit Boston, say for 15 days and you can give me a tentative program of lecturing in different Universities at that time. It is very engladdening to hear that you have now secured an eight week seminar in Yoga at Emerson College. I'm also glad to learn about Jadurani's health and by Krishna's grace she's improving. I do not give my permission just immediately for regular work but she can come to the temple in the morning and chant her beads silently. So far envy is concerned it can be used only upon the non-devotees. In the transcendental world a devotee is never envious of another devotee on account of his excellence but on the contrary if a devotee finds some excellence in other devotees he eulogizes the devotee admitting his own subordinate position.
Our religious principle is as old as 5000 years and the whole thing is explained in our recent publication of Bhagavad-gita As It Is, published by MacMillan, of New York and London. If required, a copy of this book may be secured and the whole idea may be grasped. And this is a missionary society for enlightening the people about God-consciousness, which we are preaching as Krishna Consciousness.
I thank you very much for your letter. I am very much pleased to note the list of engagements you have submitted, and I can see you have been working very hard to secure so many opportunities for spreading K.C. Yes, within those days stated in your letter of March 20th you can add more engagements as you like. I have no objection. I have not yet received word from Rupanuga, in this connection, but you can plan on your program as it is set up. In N.Y. we have got engagement and they are paying $100 for a meeting, so you try to settle fees not less than $50 per lecture. So you can engage the whole duration of my stay there, and I shall deliver every day one lecture.
I am going to S.F. on the 31st of March, and Dindayal has already sent the necessary passage money to go there. Another thing, that consignment of 2500 TLC is coming very shortly to L.A., so when the consignment comes, you have to keep them in the temple in a secure place so that copies may not be stolen. When I was in L.A. it was reported that 10 books of Bhagavad-gita were stolen. So this is not very good. So I hope you will take proper care. In this connection, the copies of the letter which I have sent Brahmananda is enclosed within. Also I am enclosing herewith one copy of the letter addressed to the manager of Equitable Savings, Fairfax branch, so please see them conveniently and inquire what is to be done in this connection.
The only problem is you have no place to live together. That you must make immediate solution. If you have no place to live together immediately, ask Mataji to give you a place. If she does not, then secure the mortuary at any cost. If they require a bank guarantee we shall arrange for this.
I am recognized as Ordained Minister of Religion in the United States of America, and in that status I am given permission of permanent resident, immigrant. So if these copies of certificates will help you to secure a church, then our London Yatra will be a grand success.
I am sending herewith also a rough plan of the proposed temple to be constructed by George Harrison. The plan is for inside temple structure and courtyard. This is only one side of the temple. Three other sides may be surrounded by living quarters.
I very much appreciate your securing the letters from the Hindu centers in London in support of our activities. I am also pleased to note that the BTG's are selling nicely. Try to sell them more and more, along with sales of our other books, TLC and BG.
So as you are serious in the matter of advancement in Krishna Consciousness, you will remember the above instructions given by Rupa Goswami, and you will feel more and more secure in your endeavor. I am keeping your daily reports, and they shall be a good example for the other students.
So whichever one is easier we shall accept. I am pleased to note that you will be coming here to New Vrindaban, and when you come you may bring with you the Radha-Damodara Temple File which is in the closet near my room in a box. All of my books and files should be kept very securely.
I am very anxious to know about Sadanandini, but this misunderstanding by rascals about a Krishna conscious person is always there. Hiranyakasipu understood Prahlada as crazy, and he tried to put him in so many forms of Bellevue organizations amongst the animals, amongst snakes, amongst fire and poison.
They want something dynamic, progress in spiritual understanding, but the Christian priests could not satisfy them. In comparison to all these dogmatic principles, our KC movement presents everything in the right perspective, even from scientific and philosophical point of view. So if you can secure one church in England for utilizing in our movement, I think we shall be able to secure many such churches all over the world. We have great respect for Lord Jesus Christ. We accept him as powerful incarnation of Krishna, as much as we accept Lord Buddha.
If you cannot train them, how can you take it for granted that someone from here can? Training is not imposition. It is voluntary accept by the trainee. Anyway, when you secure a larger place to accommodate everyone, you will have as many brahmacaris as you want, and I shall arrange for that. I can send even Purusottama, who is personally assisting me, provided it helps your propaganda there. Similarly I can ask Subala or someone else, so that is not a problem.
I have received a letter from Mandali Bhadra that they are reaching there on the 27th June, and when they arrive, do everything very nicely in a cooperative spirit.
I hope that by this time you have secured the typewriter and things are going on with the German translations. You have inquired if you should learn the German language, and my answer is yes, you should learn it by all means. Here in New Vrindaban the atmosphere is exactly like Vrindaban. They are performing the routine activities from 4 am. in the morning till 10 pm. at night. The aratriks are going on several times daily as you have seen in Vrindaban. The pictures which you have taken of Vrindaban have been published in BTG, and I have seen a special advance copy sent from Japan. It is very nice article, and you have done nicely.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 5, 1969, and with great joy I understand that at last you have secured one nice house which can accommodate twenty or thirty people. I have immediately asked Trivikrama das Brahmacari of Buffalo to go there, and he is sending Mukunda one telegram confirming this. I am also advising Vibhavati and Isana das to go there. Next I shall try to find out some other brahmacaris to go there as you require immediately some men for your great endeavor. You write to say you are too much strained in various ways, but by your such activities, Krishna will be very much pleased. I think because Krishna is pleased, therefore you have got at last a very nice place.
I was planning to go to Los Angeles because Tamala Krishna and others are insisting that I attend the Rathayatra Festival that they are performing very pompously in San Francisco. They have secured a wonderful hall at the beach where the festival will be held and the proprietor of the hall has donated the hall for one week's use. They have received promises from many persons contributing grains, fruits and flowers for holding huge prasadam distribution. It is understood that the hall has a kitchen with twenty burners, and it will easily accommodate 5,000 people. So I have not said anything to them yet unless I hear from you finally, but you may know that I am quite fit to go to London as soon as you can arrange for my arrival there.
So I have not said anything to them yet unless I hear from you finally, but you may know that I am quite fit to go to London as soon as you can arrange for my arrival there.
Regarding Rathayatra Festival in London, it is my great desire that you must perform it. I hope you have already secured permission from Scotland Yard in this connection. You will be glad to know that Mr. John Lennon had an interview with Vibhavati, and a nice article was published in the Montreal Star in which it is understood that he also is interested in our Krishna Consciousness Movement. You have already spoken about George Harrison, about his leaning towards Krishna Consciousness, and I understand they are anxious for some peace movement in the world.
Trivikrama das Brahmacari from Buffalo wanted to open a branch in Sacramento or Santa Monica, but I have advised him to go to London because recently I received a letter from Syamasundara that they have secured a nice house. It is not yet all settled up, but he wants the help of some brahmacaris. So I shall be glad to know if you can spare some brahmacaris for London. They are of course planning something very gorgeous, but till now it has not been tangible. But because they are working very seriously and sincerely it will be successful. At present my plan is that by the 10th of July either I go to London or to Los Angeles. That is certain.
Besides that, some of our men must work, otherwise it is difficult to maintain all the expenses in the European countries.
Regarding Sivananda's plan to go to Paris, it may be suspended till I request him to do so. In the meantime I have received information from London that they have secured a nice house at the cost of $400 per month, so they want me to go there by the end of July. In the meantime, if you think my presence in Hamburg will help your organization, I can go there for a few days. But I do not know what is your financial condition. So if you are serious to call me, you can let me know by return of post. I have received a letter from Mandali Bhadra that they are positively going there on the 27th of June. Regarding the conch shell that was donated, it is welcome. You can use it in the temple.
The purpose of sending this money is to purchase Brass Deities from Vrindaban. Arrangement has been mad that Sri Ramnath Mukutwala of Lohi Bazar, Vrindaban, will supply Radha-Krishna Brass Murtis, 24" high, at Rs 825.00 per pair. So please call him and pay him in advance Rs 100.00. After manufacturing the Murtis, he will securely pack and book the parcel to Calcutta by Ry Parcel. On delivery of the Ry receipt to you, along with the invoice you will pay him the balance Rs 725.00, including packing and forwarding charge.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated June 12, 1969, and I have noted the contents. You could not secure till now a good job, but that does not mean you shall return to New York. Keep yourself in San Francisco for some time more, and if there is no favorable response, then you may go to Paris where there is contemplation of opening a center. This will be settled up, say after a month. Till then you remain either in San Francisco or Los Angeles, and then decide. I think there is a great plan of Krishna that you should not get suitable service till now. It may be that you are required for preaching work 100%. So depend on Krishna, chant Hare Krishna, and everything will work out.
I understand from Janardana's letter that there is very good possibilities of spreading our Krishna Consciousness Movement there. So if Krishna desires, it will be possible to have three important centers in Europe very soon. I have been informed from a London letter that they have secured a very nice house, and the money for the deposit is already sent, so there will be no difficulty in establishing our London center immediately.
Perhaps you know there is a place known as Nandagram, wherein Bon Maharaja has got a place. I have heard that it is very nice, but nobody can live there securely. So at least in New Vrindaban I hope there will be no such disturbances. If we nicely organize as it is going on now, only selected persons will live there and peacefully cultivate Krishna Consciousness.
I shall be going to San Francisco by the 25th or 26th of July, and from there I may be going to Germany, because they also want me there. Krishna das has already purchased one ticket for me, but I asked him to postpone it till the end of the month. In London they have secured a house, and I understand it is very nice. But it is in office quarters, so there will be difficulties to use it as a living house. Anyway, whatever Krishna desires He will do.
In the meantime, as you are getting goods from Delhi, there is no worry. This Bank of America in Calcutta will be needed when we begin business with Calcutta. There is no immediate hurry. I shall think it over and let you know from London.
I am very pleased that Berkeley has just secured a nice temple, and the rent is also not very much. It is good news. You write that you are introducing our books in a new bookstore, and similarly try to introduce this valuable literature in many such bookstores in the Los Angeles area. I think you may introduce the ceremony of strolling the Deities round about the temple. If not every evening, then it can be done at least one day per week at a fixed up time.
We are expecting many engagements from different persons, and it appears that people are interested in the Krishna Consciousness Movement. So I shall be glad to know how your center is making progress.
The immediate problem is to secure a nice place, and if it is possible to do so during my stay in Europe, then I shall go there again to Hamburg to install the Deity. From India I have settled up with a firm to supply Deities along with other things. So I have ordered four pairs of Radha-Krishna Deities, 24" high, weighing about 30 lbs. each. The cost will be about $100 per pair, or 400 marks. The firm in Germany wanted $650 for the Deities, 12" high, so there is much difference of price.
If he can handle a Composer machine as we have purchased in Columbus, that will be a great help because as soon as we start our press we shall require so many composed matters for printing into books. The IBM machine is very nice in this connection. If he can handle such machine, then you can try to secure such machine and we can send manuscripts for composing. First of all see whether he sticks with us and becomes seriously engaged in our activities. Then consult with the people for Composer machine. That will be a great help.
I am very encouraged to learn that Laguna Beach is doing nicely. Similarly, I am getting good reports from Berkeley. But I have not as yet received any letter from Tokyo. Have they secured any place for starting temple? Regarding your proposed center in Santa Barbara, it is nice. If a California center is favorable, we should first open there. Regarding the photographs of the pictures I have asked you to take, yes, these should be of very fine quality for being published in our Nectar of Devotion and Krishna book. So far as the size is concerned, this you must consult with Brahmananda, because he is in charge of setting up the books.
Regarding the building, if it is already acquired by the university, then if you purchase, the university authorities must give you guarantee that they will return the money, whatever we have paid, after deducting the usual rent only. On this we can negotiate. For the land, first of all ascertain the real situation as I inquired in my last letter. Then try to secure it. But the university course should be given more stress than purchasing the house or securing the land. This is a very important thing. If such courses are taken by you, then practically there is no need of my employment there.
I am so glad to receive your letter dated December 17, 1969, and I can understand from the spirit of your letter that Krishna is fixing you in a particular type of duty which you may welcome for your benefit, for the movement's benefit, and for the benefit of the people in general. Yes, you secure an IBM composer and utilize it fully. Let Mandali Bhadra translate our magazines and books, and in the IBM machine you compose it, ready for being photographed and printed. You send the ready matters to Boston, and they will print the magazine without any price from you. The cost of the printing will be balanced by keeping some magazines here for sale; so in that way your center will not have any botheration for paying the price. The balance magazines will be sent to you by ship, and you clear it, sell it, and pay for the monthly installments of the machine.
Page Title: | Secure (Letters 1955 - 1969) |
Compiler: | Visnu Murti, RupaManjari |
Created: | 13 of Dec, 2011 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=90 |
No. of Quotes: | 90 |