Prabhupāda: Now, now, here you see that because Arjuna has taken up that transcendental bliss, that he wants to keep with the company of the Lord. So if anyone wants to keep company with the Lord, he's welcome. There are five different kinds of relation with God: śānta, dāsya, sākhya, vātsalya... I think I gave you one day...
Woman: Yes. Could you give them by name, the five kinds of liberation? In English?
Prabhupāda: Yes. Yes. I'll give.
Woman: One is with the Lord, we merge, we merge...
Prabhupāda: Mergence means... The merging into the existence, this is called sāyujya-mukti. Sāyujya-mukti.
Woman: No, but in English.
Prabhupāda: English, there is... Sāyujya, to become one.
Woman: Yes, to become one.
Prabhupāda: Sāyujya-mukti means liberation by becoming one with the Lord.
Woman: Yes. Okay. What is number two?
Prabhupāda: Yes. I'll explain. Yes.
Student: Mukti?
Prabhupāda: Mukti means liberation. Mukti means... Now we are in egoistic condition in this material body. Now, mukti means when we shall be liberated from the material existence and we shall get our spiritual life, proper. That is called mukti. Just like a person is suffering from disease, fever. Now, when he, he's out of feverish attack, he's called mukta. Rogya-mukta. Rogya-mukta means he's free from the disease. Similarly, mukti means because we are now encumbered with this material body, as soon as we become free from this material conception of life, that is called mukti. That is called brahma-bhūta. Brahma-bhūta (SB 4.30.20). Generally, Dr. Mishra is teaching this, that you, what you think of your, what I am, I am not this body. That is the whole process of his teaching. So we have already discussed. This is same point is being discussed nicely in Bhagavad-gītā, that we are not this body. Our material identification is wrong.