Who is that statue? You are...?
Paramahaṁsa: It's a decoration.
Bhagavān: Where do we go?
Paramahaṁsa: There's a promenade around the fountain.
Prabhupāda: So they have made this art. Suppose a real man and woman stands here. Will it be considered as art or criminal?
Paramahaṁsa: It would be considered criminal to them.
Prabhupāda: Then? Their art is criminal.
Paramahaṁsa: But their argument is that when you glorify the body of man with...
Prabhupāda: We don't glorify the body of... Who glorifies the body of man? We say it is dead body. Dead body means that does not need glorification. It is condemned. We say dead body, decoration of the dead body. We don't say art.
Paramahaṁsa: Catholic Renaissance Art, they glorified the dead body. Leonardo da Vinci, they glorified the body of man.
Prabhupāda: That is called bhūtejya. That is described in the Bhagavad-gītā as worshiping the material elements. That's all. Here in western countries, that is the prominent thing, bhūtejya.