Sri Krishna Caitanya preached as one of the Vaisnava acaryas like Ramanujacarya and others and His mission was to establish the same theory of deliverance as was propounded by Sri Krishna Himself in the Bhagavad-gita. In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord personally described as to the method of approaching Him, His real features, His different Potencies known as the mahamaya and the yogamaya, His virat appearance His method of creation maintenance and destruction of the material world, information of the transcendental world which does not annihilate even after the annihilation of the material world.
Ramanujacarya (Letters)
1947 to 1965 Correspondence
Interpretations of Vedanta made by them are neither Mayavada nor Satvatta. They have their own interpretation different from the Vyasa school of philosophers.
Other Acaryas such as Ramanuja, Madhva etc and lately Sri Caitanya—all belong to the original Vedantist school by direct disciplic succession.
According to these Acaryas Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam are, in their original stand, the real commentaries of the Vedanta Sutras. The Mayavadins who do not actually belong to the Vedanta school have overcast a cloud unnecessarily over the Bhagavad-gita and therefore common people are misled by them. In other words they have no entrance in the Vedanta Darsana so to say.
The sages of old age discovered it by spiritual culture that man's energy should be utilized only for spiritual realization. Not to speak of Lord Sri Krishna who spoke the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita near about 5000 years ago, we know that within 2000 years of human history no sages including Jesus Christ, prophet Mohammed, Lord Buddha, Acarya Sankara, Madhya, Ramanuja or even Lord Caitanya gave any importance to materialistic way of living. Material necessities were always subordinate to the spiritual realization. They saw it that the bread problem, clothing problem and shelter problem are never solved by material activities because in the law of nature the elephant is given the whole jungle to eat and the little ant is given a grain of sugar to solve their respective bread problems and yet the animals remain hungry.
There are thousands and one scholars in India and abroad but very few of them have followed the foot prints of Arjuna except the Vaisnava Acaryas such Sri Ramanuja, Sri Madhya, Lord Caitanya, Sridhara Swami, Madhusudana Sarasvati, Vishvanatha Cakravarti, Baladeva Vidyabhusana, etc. and many others who have followed the bona fide Acaryas.
The League of Devotees, is registered to train preachers and missionary workers for preaching the pure cult of the Bhagavad-gita not only in India but also throughout the whole world—exactly on the line of the bona fide Acaryas as it is recommended in the very Bhagavad-gita. And that is the right way to successful preaching of this Universal Truth for the benefit of all without any distinction of caste creed color or nationality.
The sages of India in the bygone ages cultivated on the Human Spirit in an elaborate way. Sripada Sankaracarya, Ramanujacarya, Madhva and later on Sri Caitanya dealt on the subject most scientifically for the welfare of all men in the world. I think therefore that the Indian Government should send there all the representatives of the abovementioned Acaryas to deliver the message of Atma or the Human Spirit.
After the session of your organized session of the Congress I wish to make an extensive tour in Japan, China and U.S.A. for preaching the Cult of Human Spirit and I shall be glad if you consider this proposal with due importance.
All great sages of the world like Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, Lord Christ, Hazrat Mohammed, Acarya Sankara, Acarya Ramanuja, Lord Caitanya, all lived for enlightening men on this culture of Human spirit. And men like us should follow their footprints for all round welfare of the human society. Your Foundation has rightly taken up the cause in due time and I have my full cooperation with you. Hope you are well.
1967 Correspondence
A female is never awarded the order of Sannyasam. Because a female is never considered independent and Sannyasam was never awarded to any female in the past by the great Acaryas like Sankara, Ramanuja etc. The female Sannyasins are to be immediately understood as pretenders or prostitutes. In India they have organized so many organizations where specially young females are maintained to attract rich women-hunters who pretend to pose as righteous in the society. This is the age of Kali which plunders away spiritual sense of the human being and it is only the Divine Grace of Lord Caitanya Who can protect us from all these dangerous pitfalls. You were not agitated by unfavorable criticism and yet you chanted Hare Krishna Mahamantra that is the way of chanting Hare Krishna. I thank you very much for this forbearance.
Janaki, Haridasa, Mukunda, Syamasundara, Malati, Hayagriva, Harsarani, Devakinandana, Lilavati, Ravindra Svarupa, Haladhara, Upendra, Subala, Krsna Devi, Dayananda, Nandarani, Jayananda, Ballabhi, Syamadasi, Ramanuja Yamuna, Gurudasa, Yogamaya, Mr. Mathews
My Dear Janaki Devi, Haridasa, Mukunda Das, Syamasundara Malati Devi, Hayagriva Das, Harsarani Devi, Devakinandana, Lilavati, Ravindra Svarupa, Haladhara Dasi, Upendra, Subala Das, Krishna Devi, Dayananda, Nandarani, Jayananda, Ballabhi Dasi, Syamadasi, Ramanuja Yamuna Devi, Gurudasa, Yogamaya, Mr. Mathews, and all other devotees and friends,
I am going to Calcutta on 9/10/67 with Acyutananda & Ramanuja. My address is overleaf. Swami Kirtanananda has given me a great shock. I advised him to go to London with introduction letter and money but he flew away to N. Y. without my knowledge. His first action after taking sannyasa is a great shock to me which please note.
The letter which you have enclosed therein to facilitate my permanent Visa appears to be nice but if an invitation or provisional appointment as lecturer is possible, I think that will be still nicer.
I am going to Calcutta with Acyutananda and Ramanuja to visit Lord Caitanya's birthsite at Mayapur. So until further information, you can address my letters to the abovementioned Calcutta address.
I think I have several times asked you for arranging my Permanent Visa or immigration Visa. This will settle myself in your country and I can move freely. While I was in the States you told that my certificates are sufficient to give me permanent Visa on the basis of being the Minister of the Society. Why not try for this and get me a permanent Visa. I am starting for Calcutta with Ramanuja and Acyutananda (9/10/67) who I think have already written to you about your Tanbura etc. Tanbura from Delhi by Air Mail is very costly. When I go to Calcutta on the 9th October 1967 I shall personally try for the Tanbura Harmoniums etc and settle the terms with Dwarkin and Sons. My address in Calcutta is mentioned above.
You will be glad to know that I've already secured my visitors visa for going to U.S.A. & I am advised by travel agent to book my seat conveniently. I am going to Navadvipa, the birth place of Lord Caitanya next with Acyutananda & Ramanuja. My next mailing address is; c/o Sri Caitanya Saraswat Math, Kolergunge, P.O. Navadvipa. District Nadia. W.B., India.
I have purchased one Tambura for you costing Rs 106/- from Dwarkin & Sons. They have allowed me 20% discount (special) on the price. This Tambura is going to be booked by air cargo tomorrow by Ramanuja. The charges will be too much. But hence forward you can order directly to M/S Dwarkin & son, 8/2 Esplanade East, Calcutta-1. The price is Rs 125/- Less 20% and there will be no sale tax charges if you send the amount by Bank draft in dollar direct to the firm. The will pack & ship the instruments by surface which will be very cheap. Always order in the ISKCON Stationery which are printed with my name.
SS Brijbasi has taken so much time for nothing, they do not even reply letters, but on the other hand they have promptly delivered Mukunda's order, this means that business managing is not regular. You can send the copy of the letter to Acyutananda in which they have acknowledged payment. Acyutananda and Ramanuja will return to Vrindaban next week and I am starting for Japan on Sun or Mon positively. I shall try to get some Friends there and also try to meet Prof Rudolf Stein in Hawaii.
You will be glad to know that I have arranged with Messrs. Dwarkin & Son, 8/2 Esplanade East, Calcutta-1, to supply all kinds of musical instruments to our society at a special discount of 20%. Ramanuja has already written you about this thing. There is one company, the "American Mail Line" Navigation Service from Calcutta to San Francisco, Los Angeles, etc. They have got their office in San Francisco at #601 California Street. You can see the manager there and try to get free or concessional freight service for our temple goods. The only thing is that you have to impress upon them that Krishna Consciousness is an international organization for invoking man's dormant spiritual life.
It may be that we can add another in Tokyo. Yes, we must have hundreds of such branches for preaching Krishna Consciousness all over the world. I have already made arrangements for supply of Saris, incense, musical instruments, mrdangams, karatalas, spices, etc. I am also arranging to print 2 volumes of Srimad-Bhagavatam in Delhi. Acyutananda and Ramanuja are going back to Vrindaban on the 15th after sending me off for San Francisco.
I am already in negotiations with the government of Rajasthan for securing one palace in Vrndavana. This house is perhaps the best house not only in Vrindaban but also it is one of the best palaces in all of India.
I am so glad to learn that Rayarama, Satsvarupa, yourself, Gaurasundara, Govindarani and others are doing so much for improving BTG. I quite appreciate your endeavours and you must continue the Mahajana series, and whenever necessary you can ask me for necessary informations. I would advise, unless there is dire necessity, you should not divert your attention from painting. Somehow or other you have to manage everything in full cooperation, but your main engagement is painting. Your God-brothers, Acyutananda and Ramanuja das are doing well here. We very much appreciate your offering of respects and they wish to convey the same to you.
I am very glad that you are prepared to go to Vrindaban. Many students, boys and girls, are also prepared here to go to Vrindaban. I am just in negotiation for a good place for you and as soon as it is fixed up, we shall go to Vrindaban, at least one dozen students. Acyutananda and Ramanuja had very good reception and they are planning to preach Krishna Consciousness and to open a branch there, and I have encouraged them in that idea. My dream is that at least one dozen students shall remain in Vrindaban and trained up nicely, and sent for preaching work all over the world.
1968 Correspondence
Acyutananda and Ramanuja Brahmacaris are now at the following address. c/o N. Banerjee, 114 Elliot Road, Kanpur 4, India. They are contemplating to open a preaching center at Kanpur, and you can open correspondence with them before starting for India.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated January 13, 1968. I have noted the contents carefully, and I thank you very much for you receiving my three disciples, Acyutananda, Ramanuja, and Harivilasa when they were in Delhi.
So far your coming here I think at the present moment it is impossible for the reason that the government of India will not allow anyone to go to foreign countries by spending Indian money. This time when I was coming back to the U.S. I had a great deal of trouble. Though when I went to the U.S. Consul General my visa was granted in 1/2 hours. The gentleman in charge was an Indian and as soon as he saw me he told me, "Swamiji, I'll give you your visa; simply wait here for half an hour."
Later on, it was organizedly recorded in the great voluminous literature, known world over as the Srimad-Bhagavatam, and the very famous Bhagavad-gita, by the original author of Vedic literature, Sri Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa. Since that time, this movement is current in India, supported by great Acaryas like Ramanuja, Madhva, and Visnu Swami, and Nimbarka. Later on, about 500 years ago, it received great impetus from Lord Caitanya, and since that time, there are millions of supporters for Krishna Consciousness in India. This Krishna Consciousness movement is still supported by conferences, seminars, and so forth, in several parts of India.
I have received another letter from Acyutananda in which it appears that he is not fixed up in staying in India. He is very seriously thinking of coming back, and this is very disappointing. If he comes back then our dream of opening a center in India is not very encouraging, because Kirtanananda came back, Ramanuja has joined with the Buddhist camp, and Acyutananda at the beginning showed very encouraging hopes, but that is gradually vanishing, and he is eager to come back. The other two boys living with Bon Maharaja, they are not very much hopeful, especially Harivilasa. I have heard about him lots of things from Ramanuja and Acyutananda, and you have written about him that he is little fanatical. Under the circumstances, how it is possible to combine them together and open a branch in India?
Similarly, if you have strength of mind, you can stay always in India even in the most inconvenient condition. Another difficulty is that although you are four already in India, you cannot live together. Ramanuja left the camp as soon as I left you. You do not like Harivilasa. So you are living scattered. That is another difficulty. If you would have lived together with mutual cooperation, there would have been no trouble; but I think that is also not possible.
For the time being, Lord Buddha's philosophy was accepted by emperor Asoka, and due to royal influence, it spread all over India. But later on, when Sankaracarya preached the Vedic principle, the voidism of Lord Buddha was driven out of India. Similarly, when Ramanujacarya found Sankaracarya a second edition of Buddhist philosophy, he also expunged Sankaracarya as compromising the Buddha, and he established Personal worship of Lord Visnu. Later on, other acaryas, including Sri Caitanya, developed the transcendental reciprocation of devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and Lord Caitanya preached that loving service in the highest conjugal love with Krishna is also possible.
And the enemy would die. Similarly, we have to introduce Krishna Consciousness in such a way that through politics and sociology they will be injected and become Krishna Consciousness. But instead of being a victim, they will be immortalized. That is the difference.
The story of Ramanujacarya as stated by you is not disobedience. It was a great fervor for the disciple to advance the missionary cause of the Spiritual Master. Such rare instances are sometimes visible in many places.
"That I cannot do. I came crossing You inside the room for Your service, but I cannot go out crossing You for taking my lunch. That would be for my sense gratification." The idea is for service of the superior sometimes such violation appears to be in the scene. Ramanujacarya violated the order of the Spiritual Master to advance the cause of the Spiritual Master. The Spiritual Master's mission was to deliver fallen souls, therefore Ramanujacarya considered that if the mantra was so powerful to deliver the persons, why not deliver it to everyone as soon as possible. That was a little tactic to advance the cause of the Spiritual Master. So everything has to be judged by the motive, and as the motive of such apparent violation was very good, Ramanuja's Spiritual Master embraced him. This is not actually violating the order of the Spiritual Master. But such actions are very rarely to be done.
1969 Correspondence
We have immense literatures, especially in the Gaudiya Sampradaya of the Vaisnava sect which is enriched by the contribution of the Gosvamis. These should all be presented to the western world. Similarly, Vedanta commentary by the Vaisnava acaryas like Ramanuja, Madhva, Baladeva., Sridhara Swami, etc. can all be presented successfully. You are a learned philosopher, and your Cultural Integration Fellowship Institute advocates universal religion and cultural harmony. I think if you will turn your attention to the Vaisnava literature you will find all of these ideas in complete fulfillment.
I am in due receipt of your letter of October 4, 1969 and I have also duly received your beads sent by Brahmananda. Your initiated name is Yamunacarya. Yamunacarya was a great devotee. Formerly he was a great king, and later on he became a great devotee and acharya of the Ramanuja Sampradaya. There are many such Mahatmas, or great souls, in the past, and if we follow in their footsteps carefully, that is the perfection of fulfillment of our human form of life. To follow in the footsteps of the Mahatmas means to give submissive aural reception to the words and instructions of the bona fide Spiritual Master in the line of disciplic succession from the Lord Himself.
Without knowing this fact some so-called Vaisnavas have turned to be sahajiya. This means one who takes everything as very easy. All the acaryas, beginning from Lord Buddha, Sankaracarya, Ramanuja, etc., all of them renounced this world. So renunciation is required, but when one makes further progress after renunciation towards spiritual life and enters into the Pastimes of Krishna, then things become perfect. The summary is that sannyasa is renunciation, which is imperative for all. Nityananda's breaking the sannyasi rod of Caitanya Mahaprabhu was with the purpose to show that Lord Caitanya is transcendental to all material conditions (CC Madhya 1.97).
So what other literature can be compared with Bhagavad-gita throughout the whole world or universe? The second proof is that Krishna is accepted as the Supreme Personality, not only in the modern age, namely within two thousand years, by great acaryas like Sankaracarya, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Lord Caitanya, etc., but before this in all Vedic literatures given by Vyasadeva, Krishna is accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So whatever is spoken by the Supreme Lord Himself is certainly the most authoritative. So far as we are concerned, we do not make any alterations in the statements of Krishna. Therefore we are also authority.
1970 Correspondence
Please, therefore, chant regularly without the offenses and be steady in your situation without any tottering of the mind. Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead without any question. He is accepted as such beginning from Arjuna through all the great Acaryas—Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Sankaracarya, Lord Caitanya, Lord Brahma, the Vedic authorities Vyasadeva and Narada—like that, down to ourselves.
1972 Correspondence
So you please go on increasing your involvement with the administration.
You speak of impersonalism. We welcome all impersonalists to come because if they are real impersonalists they will see that our Society is perfect and complete. Ramanujacarya is considered to be very stalwart acharya simply because he completely defeated the impersonalism of Sankaracarya. And even to this day in India, especially in the south, the followers of Ramanujacarya and Sankaracarya engage in talks and always the Sankarites are defeated. But most of the so-called impersonalists of today are rogues.
Regarding your question about writing songs about Krishna, this is not very important thing. You can write, but one cannot take it very seriously. If any Vaisnava is writing song about Krishna, that should be from one who himself has realized Krishna, just like our great saints and acaryas like Madhvacarya, Ramanujacarya, Rupa Gosvami, six Gosvamis, Bilvamangala, Bhaktivinode Thakura, like that. They are self-realized souls, therefore if they write something song about Krishna, that is perfectly from the transcendental platform, without any tinge of mundane influence or nonsense imagination.
There were four listeners when Krishna instructed Arjuna, so there are four bona fide Visnu sampradayas. Ramanuja is in the Sri or Laksmi sampradaya, Nimbarka is in the Kumara sampradaya, Vallabhacarya is a follower of Visnu svami or Rudra sampradaya, like that. Besides the Visnu sampradayas, there are other sampradayas, but they are following the directions given under off-shoot authorities. They have created so many, but these are not recognized by us. The four Visnu sampradayas are authorized by us, they are the original authorized sampradayas or religion, the Vaisnava religion. The original dharma is to follow the varnas and asramas, and these are created, according to Bhagavad-gita, to please Visnu. So sampradaya means one of the four original Visnu sampradayas.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 1, 1972, and I have noted the contents with great concern. I do not know why these things inventions are going on. That is our only business, to invent something new programme? We have already got our Vaisnava standard. That is sufficient for Madhvacarya, Ramanujacarya, it was sufficient for Lord Caitanya, six Gosvamis, for Bhaktivinode Thakura, for my Guru Maharaja Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, for me, for all big big saints and acaryas in our line—why it shall be inadequate for my disciples so they must manufacture something? That is not possible. Who has introduced these things, that women cannot have chanting japa in the temple, they cannot perform the arati and so many things? If they become agitated, then let the brahmacaris go to the forest, I have never introduced these things.
So this playing guitar and writing of songs is not very important thing. You can write and play, but one cannot take it very seriously. If any Vaisnava is writing song about Krishna, he should have realized himself what is Krishna, just like our great saints and acaryas like Madhvacarya, Ramanujacarya, Rupa Goswami, six Gosvamis, Bilvamangala, Bhaktivinode Thakura, like that. They are self-realized souls, therefore if they write something song about Krishna that will be perfectly from the transcendental platform, without any tinge of mundane influence or nonsense imagination. Unless he comes in the category of these big Vaisnava personalities, his manufacturing some songs will be misleading to himself and to others.
1974 Correspondence
Other's opinions are not important. For example, in the Bhagavad gita, Lord Krsna gives His opinion, but He is accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead by all the great sages of the Vedic philosophy including Vyasadeva the compiler of all the scriptures, as well as Narada, Brahma, Siva and in the modern time, Ramanuja, Sankaracarya, Lord Caitanya, etc. They all confirm that Krsna is the supreme truth, the Personality of Godhead. Although this is plainly described throughout the Vedas, you will not find it in the teachings of the so called swamis and yogis who are teaching nowadays. Therefore you have intelligently discovered that in my Bhagavad-gita the approach is very different from what you have found elsewhere. That is because I am not trying to avoid Krsna or give some misinterpretation, but I have accepted the actual Bhagavad-gita, wherein Krsna says, Mattah parataram nanyat (BG 7.7), there is no higher than Me.
The book compiled by your father V.R. Srisaila Chakravarti, namely "The Philosophy of Sri Ramanuja," given to me by you on 2/11/74 was very interesting to read. Of course we Gaudiya Vaisnava follow Srila Ramanuja's philosophy almost in the same manner. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu gives the identification of jiva soul as the eternal servant of Krishna and is situated as marginal potency of the Lord based on the philosophy of acintya-bheda bheda-tattva. This is almost similar to Visistadvaita vada. Vaisnava philosophy is now being pushed on all over the world under the Hare Krishna movement, and we feel Sripada Ramanuja a great support for the Vaisnava philosophical understanding. It is like a combination of nyaya sruti and smrti prasthans.
So far I am personally concerned, following the footsteps of my guru maharaj Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada, we accept the principles of all the acaryas, although officially we belong to the Madhva sampradaya. Our sampradaya is known as the Madhva Gaudiya sampradaya. We find great shelter at the lotus feet of Sri Ramanujacarya because his lotus feet are the strongest fort to combat the mayavadi philosophy.
1976 Correspondence
This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita: Mattah parataram nanyat, kincid asti . . . (BG 7.7) "There is no Truth superior to Me. Everything is resting upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread." And in many other sastras Krishna is accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. All the acaryas such as Ramanuja, Madhvacarya, Nimbarka, Lord Caitanya, and innumerable others have come to this conclusion: that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
This aim is a fact, and the path is a fact, and anyone who takes this path, he can achieve the goal. According to our authorities who have achieved this goal, there are many, many acaryas. In the recent years, within 1500 years, the following acaryas are actually leaders of this goal of life. They are Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu svami, and Nimbarka, and latest within the last 500 years is Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. There are many such leaders who have achieved the goal of life and if you want to follow them, the path is very clearly mentioned.
Yasodanandana Swami has written an article on Madhvacarya and Udupi and it has been submitted to my monthly journal Back To Godhead, which has a circulation of 10 lakhs copies monthly.
This Sanatana Dharma pracara is the real path followed by all pure acaryas such as Madhva, Ramanuja, Sri Caitanya and others. Kindly help us to spread this Krishna Consciousness movement all over the land of Bharata Bhumi.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 26, 1976 and I have noted the contents with care.
Concerning the installation ceremonies, it is approved that you get some leading Ramanuja Pandits from S. India. The Vrindaban Pandits were useless. But one thing. Along with the panditas, our men should also join in.
Concerning the Nellore project, it will automatically be dropped. Simply forget it, and there is no need to go there. Let them rather drop it instead of we dropping it. Let them say, you are not doing anything so we drop it.
Page Title: | Ramanujacarya (Letters) |
Compiler: | Visnu Murti, RupaManjari |
Created: | 14 of Apr, 2012 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=44 |
No. of Quotes: | 44 |