Guest (1): Worship should go on.
Prabhupāda: Yes. Therefore we have temporary situated mandira in the same building. We cannot stop our worship. That is not possible. Because one cannot go upon the mandira, because the Lord is now being worshiped within the residence, it does not mean we can stop His worship. Worship must continue in any condition, apratihatā, without being impeded by any rules and regulations. This is called rāga-mārga. Vidhi-mārga, and there is rāga-mārga. Vidhi-mārga means under rules and regulations, and rāga-mārga means out of love. That is another thing. There is another instance. Govinda was personal servant of Caitanya Mahāprabhu. So after His dinner, Govinda used to give Him massage on the leg. So one day Caitanya Mahāprabhu fell down on the ground and began to sleep on the door. So Govinda was to give massage to His leg. So he crossed Caitanya Mahāprabhu, and began to...
Guest (1): Walk.
Prabhupāda: No, not walk. Giving massage. So He was sleeping. So at two or three o'clock when Caitanya, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu became awake: "Govinda, you are sitting here. You have not taken your dinner?" "No, sir." "Why?" "Now, how could I cross you and take my dinner?" "Then how you came?" "No, that is for Your massaging. (laughter) But I cannot cross You for my dinner."
Guest (1): Yes. "For You I can cross."
Prabhupāda: For You, I can do anything.
Guest (1): For You...
Prabhupāda: For Your service.
Guest (1): For your service.
Prabhupāda: But for my sense gratification, I cannot do that.
Guest (1): Very good answer.