Even if you have got desire to enjoy within this material world, still you take to Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Kṛṣṇa will satisfy you. He'll give you. There is no need of doing something else for your material enjoyment. If you want... Because we can not give up material enjoyment. We have been habituated since time immemorial, many life after many life, simply for sense gratification. It is not very easy to give up the idea. Therefore śāstra says even if you have got idea of sense gratification, still you take to Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Don't try it otherwise. Just like the devatās. They have got facilities for all sense gratification. Sense gratification means udara-upastha-jihvā, jihvā, this tongue and the belly and the genitals. This is the prime sense gratificatory sources. Very palatable dishes, fill up the belly as much as possible, and then enjoy sex. This is material. In the spiritual world these things are absent. In the material world these things are very prominent.
So Prahlāda Mahārāja warns his friends that if we become attached to this sense gratification, then vimocituṁ kāma-dṛśāṁ vihāra-krīḍā-mṛgo yan-nigaḍo visargaḥ. Nigaḍo, nigaḍo means the root, the root cause of accepting the material body. These things are sense gratification. Tato vidūrāt, from distant place. Tato vidūrāt parihṛtya daityā. "My dear friends, although you are born of daitya family, I am also born"—his father is also daitya. Daityeṣu saṅgaṁ viṣayātmakeṣu: "give up their..." Asat-saṅga-tyāga ei vaiṣṇava ācāra (CC Madhya 22.87). The same thing. Caitanya Mahāprabhu also said. Who is a Vaiṣṇava? Vaiṣṇava, He immediately explained, that Vaiṣṇava, what is the duty of Vaiṣṇava? Some devotee asked Caitanya Mahāprabhu, "Sir, what is the duty of a Vaiṣṇava?" So He immediately replied in two lines, asat-saṅga-tyāga ei vaiṣṇava ācāra: "To give up the company of materialistic persons." Then the next question may be "Who is materialistic?" Asat eka 'strī-saṅgī: "One who is attached to woman, he is asat." And kṛṣṇa-bhakta āra, "And one who is not a devotee of Kṛṣṇa."