So here it is said, prāyeṇa munayo rājan, "My dear King," nivṛttā vidhi-ṣedhataḥ... Vidhi and niṣedha. They are two things. We say, "You chant Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra," and prohibit, "No illicit sex," negative and positive. So vidhi means "do's" and niṣedha, "do not's." So this is the beginning of life. Don't try to become paramahaṁsa, munayaḥ, from the very beginning. Then you'll fall flat. That is not required. When you actually be situated nairguṇya... Nairguṇya means above the material nature. That is called nairguṇya. This material nature is called traiguṇya. Traiguṇya means three modes of material nature: goodness, passion and ignorance. So when you become above these three guṇas, then there is possibility of becoming nairguṇya.
Kṛṣṇa advised Arjuna, traiguṇya-viṣayā vedā nistraiguṇyo bhavārjuna. Vedas, they are dealing with these three guṇas, Vedas, giving direction according to the guṇa—the sattva-guṇa, rajo-guṇa, tamo-guṇa. So one who is in the sattva-guṇa, for them, there are six purāṇas. Sattva-guṇa, tamo-guṇa, rajo-guṇa. Eighteen purāṇas there are. Some of them are for the persons who are situated on the modes of goodness, and some of them are for the persons who are in rajo-guṇa, and some of them are for persons in tamo-guṇa. Just like in the Vedic śāstras, there is also recommendation to worship goddess Kali. That is for the tamo-guṇa, not for the sattva-guṇa. For the sattva-guṇa, the Viṣṇu-Purāṇa, Brahmāṇḍa-Purāṇa, Brahma-vaivarta-Purāṇa, Bhāgavata-Purāṇa, according to... Because knowledge has to be given to everyone, but according to his capacity. If one is in tamo-guṇa, you cannot say..., you cannot raise him immediately to the sattva-guṇa. Tamo-guṇa is meat-eating, drinking. These are tamo-guṇa, in the darkness. So the Vedas has given chance to them, "All right, you want to eat meat? All right, you eat meat. But offering to the goddess Kālī." Means restriction. It is not required, but the rascal will not hear immediately. Therefore give him some concession, "All right, you can eat meat by offering sacrifice..., not the cow, but one lower animal which is useless, like goats." Generally, goat and the chicken. They do that.