Actually Vedānta, Veda means the knowledge. Vetti veda-vidaḥ jñānī. The vid-dhātu. Those who know Sanskrit dhātu, verbal form... So, so there are different forms of one root. Just like the real root is vid-dhātu. Now it, it is sometimes spoken as vetti. Sometimes it is called vida. Sometimes it is called vinte(?). Sometimes it is called vindati, vindate. There are different forms of the same root, vid-dhātu. So when which forms should be used, the grammarians, they know it. Sanskrit language is very difficult language. One has to learn the grammar portion of it only for twelve years. Then he becomes expert grammarian. And when one becomes nice grammarian, he can read any literature, different department of knowledge, Āyur Veda, Dhanur Veda, Yajur Veda, Jyotir Veda. So many Vedas. So real Vedas means knowledge. I've already explained when I was in 1968 in London, in the Conway Hall... That is published in Īśopaniṣad. So Veda means knowledge. Vetti veda vidaḥ jñāna(?). Jñāna, jñāna means knowledge. So veda-anta. Anta means end. There is everything of our material life, as for the beginning and at the end.
So here in this material world, every one of us, we come here ignorant, like animals, no knowledge. There are so many varieties of living entities. Gradually, by evolution, we come to the human form of life, when our consciousness is developed. We can understand higher knowledge. And that is called Veda. So Veda does not mean it is meant for the cats and dogs. Vedas means knowledge, this knowledge, is meant for the human beings. Vedic... Therefore Indian civilization, based on Vedic knowledge, is estimated so high, perfect. Perfect scheme system for human society, based on Vedic civilization. Everything is correctly visioned, and the ideas are given by persons who are above material contamination. Mukta-puruṣa. Mukta-puruṣa means one who is not affected by the material incompetency. There are material incompetencies. We commit mistakes. We are illusioned. Our senses are imperfect. And sometimes... Sometimes not. Always. We want to cheat. These are the defects of material knowledge. And one who is above these material incompetencies, he's called mukta-puruṣa. So one has to become mukta-puruṣa. That is called Vedic knowledge. That is called Vedānta. Vedānta-sūtra. Athāto brahma jijñāsā.
So Vedānta means the, the ultimate platform of acquiring knowledge, up to this. So that "up to this" is Kṛṣṇa.