Prabhupāda: Now His father is explaining:
- parjanyo bhagavān indro
- meghās tasyātma-mūrtayaḥ
- te 'bhivarṣanti bhūtānāṁ
- prīṇanaṁ jīvanaṁ payaḥ
He says, "My dear boy, water is very essential because without rains we cannot have any produce. Therefore... This rain is controlled by Bhagavān Indra. The heavenly king Indra, he controls the megha." Megha means cloud. He is the master of the cloud. He can send cloud, and he can stop cloud. He is representative of God, so he has got the power. Te 'bhivarṣanti bhūtānāṁ prīṇanam: "So when he allows this raining, people become satisfied. They get their produce."
- taṁ tāta vayam anye ca
- cārmucāṁ patim īśvaram
- dravyais tad-retasā siddhyair
- yajante kratubhir narāḥ
"Therefore it is our duty. Because he supplies us water, so it is our duty to show him respect by this sacrifice." This is the Vedic injunction. Just like we pay departmental tax. We pay to the Con Edison bills for the supply of electricity and gas. Similarly, we pay the bills of the telephone. But we have no program to pay the bills of the sun who is supplying us so much light. (aside:) What is that?
Dineśa: That needle doesn't seem to be working.
Prabhupāda: So it is our duty to sacrifice, and according to Vedic rituals, these are recommended, that we should satisfy. So Nanda Mahārāja explained,
- tac cheṣeṇopajīvanti
- tri-varga-phala-hetve
- puṁsāṁ puruṣa-kāraṇāṁ
- parjanyaḥ phala-bhāvanaḥ
"Now, this water is so important that it will produce grains and we shall live. And for perfection of our life we must first live. So this is very important thing, so we have to satisfy Indra."