So by if you are sincere, actually, if we actually want Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa is within your heart, īśvaraḥ sarva-bhūtānāṁ hṛd-deśe 'rjuna (BG 18.61). When Kṛṣṇa sees that "Here is a sincere soul, he wants Me," teṣāṁ satata-yuktānāṁ bhajatāṁ prīti-pūrvakaṁ, buddhi-yogaṁ dadāmi tam (BG 10.10). As soon as sees, Kṛṣṇa, that "Here is a sincere person who wants Me," He'll give you nice guru. Guru-kṛṣṇa kṛpa. Yasya prasādād bhagavat-prasādat. And if you have really a bona fide guru, then by pleasing him you will get the favor of Kṛṣṇa. Yasya prasādād bhagavat-prasādo yasyāprasādān na gatiḥ kuto 'pi **. If you have become more than your guru, then "Overcoming guru, I shall get Kṛṣṇa's prasāda, Kṛṣṇa's favor, I have learnt more, guru mara vidyā," that is also not good. Yasya prasādād bhagavat-prasādo yasya **. This is the injunction of the ācārya,
Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures
General Lectures
So Nārada Muni took the wife of Hiraṇyakaśipu to his āśrama: "My dear girl, my dear daughter, you please come with me, remain with me till your husband comes back." So she agreed, and woman's natural propensity is to serve, so she was very nicely serving Nārada Muni, and Nārada Muni became very much pleased and he instructed about transcendental knowledge. Although to the wife of Hiraṇyakaśipu, but still the Hiraṇyakaśipu's son Prahlāda Mahārāja was within the womb, he also heard the instruction and he learnt everything. Later on he will explain that "My mother, on account of being woman, she has forgotten the instruction of Nārada, but I heard it even from within the womb; I remember it."
Conversations and Morning Walks
1976 Conversations and Morning Walks
Brian Singer: Sometimes my understanding of the Kṛṣṇa teachings in the book is to reach a stage or a state in your person where there is no disappointment or no very happy...
Prabhupāda: No. If you follow Kṛṣṇa's instruction, you'll always be happy. And if you create your own plans, then you'll be unhappy. This is the whole instruction. Sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja: (BG 18.66) "You give up your own plans, nonsense plan. You take My plan. You'll be happy." This is the whole purpose of Bhagavad-gītā. You take Kṛṣṇa's plan and you'll be happy.
Brian Singer: And you avoid disappointment.
Prabhupāda: Yes. There will be no disappointment. And as, if you make your plan, it will be baffled and you'll be disappointed. That is going on.
Brian Singer: But sometimes in the past, I have noticed from very bad disappointment that I have learnt very much.
Prabhupāda: Well, you were lucky. You are sometimes not disappointed. But generally you are disappointed. So we are teaching that "You take Kṛṣṇa's plan. You'll be happy. Don't make your own plan. You'll never be happy." This is Kṛṣṇa consciousness.
1977 Conversations and Morning Walks
Prabhupāda: Everything is cheating because so long you are a conditioned soul, out of four defects, one of the defects is cheating propensity, kāraṇa pāṭava, er, vipralipsa.(?) That is a qualification. And in this material world, the more you are expert cheater, you are considered very able man. All over the world, so many expert cheaters are going on.
Devotee (4): Are these people consciously cheating or raised in cheating so that they don't know the difference?
Prabhupāda: That is another thing, but they are cheating. That is a fact. How we have learnt it, that is another thing. But you are cheating. That's fact.
1947 to 1965 Correspondence
It is a common saying that example is better than precepts. The example of the leading men in the right direction will very soon be followed by the common men. Mahatma Gandhi set the example at his fag-end of life and his daily prayer meetings in the midst of gravest political occupation must be taken note of. So also in the Bhagavad-gita. The Arjuna in the gravest moment of warfare learnt the teachings of Bhagavad-gita & he changed his personal opinion in the manner of the fighting.
Regarding your instruction for Spd Akincana Maharaja, I have intimated him about it and it is learnt that he has asked Sripada Bonbehariji to bring along with him the old receipts when he is coming to Delhi. Your note for Sriman Kesavanandaji has also been noted by him. All the press matters for September issue have been duly handed over to the Kapoor Art Press but till now we have not got any proof from them. I sent for it this morning and they have promised to deliver it from tomorrow. It is learnt from Kesavanandaji that they have promised to finish the task by the 25th of this month.
If you would have co-operated with me you could do so for the satisfaction of spiritual master as abovementioned and that was a chance to serve a real representative of the Lord. I was glad to hear your regard for the world preachers like Christ etc and I can see in you a desire for real service to the suffering men. Here is a chance for you and if you like you can utilize this opportunity for your as well as many other's benefit. It is not imagination nor self compliance but it is fact. I found you a good soul and therefore I did propose it to you but if you refuse co-operation then what I can do. Even Sri Krishna cannot compel one for co-operation because every living being is given full chance of utilizing independant views. The human form of life although temporary it has a great value for utilizing for the service of the Supreme. The Supreme is everything but everything is not the Supreme. The stomach can digest foodstuff for all the sense organs but all the parts of the body is not the stomach. This philosophy of acintya bhedabheda tattva was preached by Lord Caitanya for world welare. It is our duty to help its practical preaching by all efforts. Nobody is competent to interpret on the Sastras by one's whim. It is science, it has to be learnt from the proper sources. Sri Krishna is not a man in flesh and blood and His Lila was not meant for interpretation by any mundane scholar. There is way to learn it and unless we have it our energy will be spoiled only by attending any layman's hypocrisy. I had a mind to say you something about it but you have denied my co-operation and I have nothing to say about it. I hope you will think over this in your leisure hours and oblige.
I shall request you therefore not to mislead the people in general under the garb of religiosity and indulge in the transcendental pastimes of the Lord known by the name Rasa Panca Adhya. This society stands to rectify all these anomalies in the name of religion and I shall ask your good sense to join hands with us to stop all these nonsense. India's culture of spiritual value has an unique position and it has to be learnt by the human society in right earnest from the right sources. As an Indian and a man of good sense with practical business-brain you should not at least indulge in such organization under the influence of unauthorized person. Instead of indulging in the organization of such unauthorized persons you may kindly learn the science from the authority and make your life enlightened and attain success of the boon of human form of life. The League of Devotees is an organized effort to render this service to the human society without any pretentious conventions. We are publishing one paper of the name Back to Godhead to educate people in the right direction and I am sending herewith one pamphlet in which the opinions of several respectable gentlemen are inserted as to how they are being appreciated.
The human form of life is the highest developed stage in the evolutionary process and thus a civilization based on spiritual culture is the right type of human civilization. The human being must know what he is, where from he has come what is the position after death; why we are suffering threefold miseries of life; what is the ultimate goal of life; what is this cosmic universe; what is matter and what is spirit; which of them is superior etc. There are so many things to be learnt by the human being. Unfortunately, the present human society by the advancement of scientific knowledge, has manufactured lethal weapons to kill and destroy. They have no discovery for living and building peaceful and progressive life. The world has no information for the great problems life.
I am therefore thinking of bringing a Sankirtana party from India but I do not know how to do it. Unless there is an organized party or association it is very difficult to do it. The Rama Krishna Mission here is busy in preaching a misrepresentation and therefore practically they have failed to preach the real cult of India. The so called Yogis also could not establish the real cult of Bhagavad-gita. They are after material gains. The Bhagavata Cult is not there at all although it is the only remedy for raising the people in the world in the path of self realization and spiritual salvation.
I do not know what is in the mind of Lord Bala Krishna but I think that your attention to give an impetus to the Bhagavata cult and my humble attempt can serve great purpose. By the grace of the Lord you have a great position in the world and it is learnt that you are one of the richest woman in the world. But above all you are a pious lady with great devotion for Lord Bala Krishna and you can do a lot in this connection.
By the Grace of Lord Bala Krishna you are also free from all family encumbrances and as I have see you in your Palm Ban house, you live like a sage and a Tapaswini. I wish that you may take up this idea of Bhagavatam preaching work a little more seriously. What I want that immediately a society for this purpose may be formed and that will be recognized by the Government for cultural activity.
Yes I have extended my visa period up to 1st April 1966 by paying ten dollars but I do not know how I shall live. Another ship of Scindia Navigation is starting on the 17th November but my negotiation with some publisher is not yet finished. The Paragon Book Gallery has received the 25 twenty five sets of books as sent by Gopala. The arrangement is that after selling the 25 sets they will pay the money and further sets will be taken. Similarly I may arrange with other booksellers in Los Angeles because I learnt that in California people are more interested in such books. But I cannot go to California for want of money. Besides that I have to embark on ship from New York. California is 3000 miles away from here and it is better to return to India from California directly without coming back here. But I have got my return ticket from New York.
Yes there was all darkness in New York on the 10th instant and it was not a happy incident. I learn that may people remained in the elevators and in the subway trains for more than seven to eight hours in darkness. I do not read newspapers but there must have been some mishaps also which we may not know. That is the way of material civilization too much depending on machine. At any time the whole thing may collapse and therefore we may not be self complacent depending so much on artificial life. The modern life of civilization depends wholly on electricity and petrol and both of them are artificial for man. You will be surprised to know that I had to take help of the old crude method of lightening by burning some vegetable oil and use the small bowl as lamp to save myself from the extreme darkness. I could not procure any candle from the shop but by the Grace of Krishna one friend Mr. Bill happened to come and he arranged for some fruits and candle. Yes in India we such experience failure of electricity but I was surprised to see the same thing in America. In India the village people say that in Europe (Vilait) also there is ass. And I saw it practically that it is true. Even in such an advanced country there may be possibility such failure but failure in America is more dangerous than that in India. In India they are not so much dependent on electricity but in America the whole activity is dependent on electricity and think on that night it was a great deal of loss to the American nation. Any way the danger is passed but from the papers it is learnt the loss is very great. I do not feel much cold now but it is learnt that it will increase more and more and before that I wish to leave this place. But if you start the business I am sure I shall be very comfortable at your good motherly care. If you decide to come for a day or two please drop me a letter immediately when you are coming.
1967 Correspondence
I am in due receipt of your letter of the 7th February and am surprised to note that temperature of New York has gone down below Zero and there was a regular snow blizzard for two days. Certainly this situation would have been a little troublesome for me because I am old man. I think Krishna wanted to protect me by shifting here at San Francisco. Here the climate is certainly like India and I am feeling comfortable but uncomfortable also because at New York I felt at Home on account of so many beloved students like you. As you are feeling my absence so I am feeling for you. But we are all happy on account of Krishna Consciousness either here or there. May Krishna join us always in His transcendental service. I am very glad to learn that Eric has learnt Krishna Consciousness better than his parents. I thank him very much. This is the example of unsophisticated mind. The child is innocent and therefore he has taken the consciousness so quickly. And he appears to be previously practiced to such consciousness. Please help him more and it is the duty of good parents to help their children advanced in Krishna consciousness. I am glad to learn that devotees at New York are improving especially in the chanting on beads.
I am going to Delhi next week (Sept 5), and may not be returning to Vrindaban, so please direct all mail from now on to P.O. Box 1846, D Delhi 6. The 10.00 dollars monthly contribution from each center will be a nice resource for development of the Vrindaban House. I am so much pleased to learnt that you are getting a car from a friend; now please take care of it carefully. Offer my blessings to all the devotees.
So far as my health is concerned, I feel that I am now fit to return to your country. You can send me now an official invitation letter with guarantee for my maintenance and expenditure on printed stationery, and not only you, but also all the centers would send me such invitation so that they may be used for getting my permanent visa. Kirtanananda and Acyutananda went to the American Embassy and it was learnt that such letter are required for getting a permanent visa.
1968 Correspondence
Regarding certificate you can add the following words within bracket after the word Acarya (ordained Minister of Religion). You will be glad to know that I have been admitted in your country as permanent resident (Immigration Visa) under ordained Religious Minister and it is learnt that my initiated students may be saved from the military service. Please inform this matter to all others. I am herewith giving a note for Syamasundara. and Malati which please show them. Offer my blessings to your husband, Mukunda, Janaki & all others.
1969 Correspondence
Regarding the picture you have sent, I am so pleased to see it, because our little Sarasvati is also taking part in our transcendental movement. That is the practical proof how great is this movement. In any other movement, one has to learn something, one has to be trained to do something, but here is a movement where there is no necessity of any previous qualifications. That is the proof this movement is based on the spiritual platform. The Bhagavata says that system of religion is the first class wherein love of Godhead is aroused spontaneously without any material impediment. So our movement gives practical proof that there is no impediment of body or mind. That is the proof it is enacted from the spiritual platform wherein there is no distinction of material higher or lower gradation. So we have to push our philosophy very nicely. This means we shall simply become sincere to Krishna and the teachings of the disciplic succession. Then everything will be all right. There is no doubt about it. So please keep yourself in your present standard, and I am sure you will come out successfully. I have learnt that in San Francisco there was an article published with the title, "Krishna Chant Startles London." You may ask Aniruddha to send you a copy of this.
Regarding your question about Lord Jesus Christ, we accept him as saktyavesa avatara. Lord Buddha is in the same category also. Lord Buddha is mentioned specifically in Srimad-Bhagavatam as incarnation of Godhead, and yet Vaisnavas do not accept his philosophy, which is classified as atheism. Similarly, even if we accept Lord Jesus Christ as saktyavesa avatara., it doesn't mean that we have to accept his philosophy. But we have all respects for him without fail. Regarding books like Aquarian Gospel or even the Testiments, we cannot accept them as authorities because sometimes it is learnt that the words are not actually spoken by Christ, but they are so set up by the devotees. For example, in the Ten Commandments it is clearly stated "Thou shalt not kill", but some Bishop in Boston has changed it to "Thou shalt do no murder". This means the Bishop wants to keep hold for animal slaughter. So don't bother about all these literatures. We have all respect for these great preachers, but we do not require to study books save and accept for some reference. We must push on our philosophy how to love God. Our process is simple. We have got volumes of books also, so it is better for us to mind our own business than to divert our attention in the studies of other books. This was definitely forbidden by Lord Caitanya.
Page Title: | Learnt |
Compiler: | Visnu Murti, Alakananda |
Created: | 16 of Nov, 2008 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=2, Con=2, Let=14 |
No. of Quotes: | 18 |