Prabhupāda: In so many ways Kṛṣṇa is trying to convince that a living soul is different, completely different from matter. Acchedyo 'yam adāhyo 'yam (BG 2.24): "It cannot be cut into pieces. It cannot be burned. It cannot be moistened. It cannot be dried up." In so many ways. "It does not take birth. It does not die. It is not finished after the body is finished." This is the greatest ignorance. And if they want to keep people in ignorance, that is not good business. In the name of education, cheating people. Why there should be education? What is the benefit?
Girirāja: Well, this gives excuse for unrestricted sense gratification, although actually there's no benefit of that. It just makes people more unhappy.
Prabhupāda: Without scientific knowledge the animals are also gratifying their senses. Why they take to the platform of education for sense gratification? What can be benefit? It doesn't require... Viṣayaḥ khalu sarvataḥ syāt (SB 11.9.29). Even the birds and beasts, they have got facilities for sense gratification. The pig, they have got very good facility for sense gratification—no distinction between mother, sister or anyone. The pig has got greater facility. So why in the name of education?
Hari-śauri: Intellectual sense gratification.
Prabhupāda: What is that intellectual?
Girirāja: I think the idea is that if everything is just coming from matter and there's no God, then there's no rules and regulations to restrict the sense gratification.