Kīrtanānanda: I don't think there's as much trouble from our government as from the Indian government. Our problem so far has been Indian government.
Prabhupāda: What is the difficulty? If somebody wants to go, migrate in America, what India government will do?
Kīrtanānanda: They won't give them passport.
Prabhupāda: No, no, passport means coming back. But if he's going to domicile, Indian government cannot check. If I want to go somewhere and live there...
Kīrtanānanda: You have to have passport. As far as I know.
Prabhupāda: But passport means if he wants to return.
Kīrtanānanda: No, in other words, in order to get visa from US, you have to present your passport.
Prabhupāda: There are different kinds of visa. Immigration visa. Suppose if anyone wants to migrate in America, our society here, we give guarantee. I think there will be no...
Kīrtanānanda: No difficulty. We can try.
Prabhupāda: Our society is here, and we give this man our guarantee for maintenance. So what is the objection? By law there is no objection. And if the immigration department allows, "Yes, you can come and live," then where will be...? Immigration means that here government should be satisfied that this man is coming, he will have no difficulty, government gives permit.
Kīrtanānanda: Should be like that, anyway.
Prabhupāda: Yes, that is (indistinct). Similarly, you can bring some men from India.
Kīrtanānanda: We would like that.
Prabhupāda: And they also will be very pleased. India is now so congested. If they get food.... Especially many East Bengalis who migrate in West Bengal for the troublesome condition there, they'll be very happy here. You can write to Gopāla to inquire that we require here some Indians to come to help us.
Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa: Mistris for construction?
Prabhupāda: Mistri or anyone, to develop this Kṛṣṇa culture, so the Society will give guarantee. Why not take permission?