Expressions researched:
"Illusion Means"
|"Illusion, means"
Other Books by Srila Prabhupada
Sri Isopanisad
Illusion means to accept something which is not: māyā. Māyā means "what is not." Everyone is accepting the body as the self.
Sri Isopanisad Introduction: Ladies and gentlemen, today's subject matter is the teachings of the Vedas. What are the Vedas? The Sanskrit verbal root of veda can be interpreted variously, but the purport is finally one. Veda means knowledge. Any knowledge you accept is veda, for the teachings of the Vedas are the original knowledge. In the conditioned state, our knowledge is subjected to many deficiencies. The difference between a conditioned soul and a liberated soul is that the conditioned soul has four kinds of defects. The first defect is that he must commit mistakes. For example, in our country, Mahatma Gandhi was considered to be a very great personality, but he committed many mistakes. Even at the last stage of his life, his assistant warned, "Mahatma Gandhi, don't go to the New Delhi meeting. I have some friends, and I have heard there is danger." But he did not hear. He persisted in going and was killed. Even great personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, President Kennedy—there are so many of them—make mistakes. To err is human. This is one defect of the conditioned soul.
Another defect: to be illusioned. Illusion means to accept something which is not: māyā. Māyā means "what is not." Everyone is accepting the body as the self. If I ask you what you are, you will say, "I am Mr. John; I am a rich man; I am this; I am that." All these are bodily identifications. But you are not this body. This is illusion.
Bhagavad-gita As It Is Lectures
When one is under the thought that "I am this," this is illusion. Illusion means you accept something, something is presented as reality, and you accept it.
Introduction to Bhagavad-gita As It Is -- Los Angeles, November 23, 1968 : In the gross material concept of life we are under the impression that "I am this body." Therefore we are concerned with the senses. If our senses are gratified, we think we are now satisfied. So this is the gross type of existence, I mean to say, existence of ignorance. Illusion. Māyā. When one is under the thought that "I am this," this is illusion. Illusion means you accept something, something is presented as reality, and you accept it. Just like the example is given water in the desert. Mirage. There is no water, but a, an animal is hankering, is running after water in the desert. That is practical, that due to sunshine there is a reflection, it appears in the desert. Sometimes you might have seen—not here, in India we have seen several times—that exactly there is a vast water, and it is reflecting, the reflection. That is called mirage. There is not a drop of water, but the animal, when he is thirsty he..., it thinks that "There is water." He jumps into the desert and the water is going ahead, going ahead, and he is running after it and then dying. So this illusion, that "I am this body." So we are after this sense gratification. Body means the senses. So that is mirage, illusion. Just like the animal is running after water in the desert.
Illusion means, just like the example of illusion is the mirage. In the desert or in very scorching heat, summer season, you can find before your car there is water, reflection. So this is called illusion.
Lecture on BG 2.13 -- Manila, October 12, 1972: We ordinary human being, we have got four defects. First of all we commit mistake. Even big, big men, they commit mistake, because to err is human. Committing mistake is not a disqualification. As a human being, he is prone to commit mistake, everyone accepts: (indistinct) errors and omission excepted. Similarly, a man is in illusion. Illusion means, just like the example of illusion is the mirage. In the desert or in very scorching heat, summer season, you can find before your car there is water, reflection. So this is called illusion. There is no water, but it appears there is vast mass of water. The animals are bewildered. They are thirsty, they go to the desert to take water. Where is water in the desert? This is called illusion. So mistake, to commit mistake, to become illusioned, and to the propensity of cheating. Every man is imperfect, but he is talking just like perfect. That is called cheating. The so-called scientists, philosophers, they are theorizing, "It may be," "Perhaps." So what is this knowledge, "Perhaps," "It may be"? That is not knowledge. Say definitely. But nobody can say. They are blind. The doctor is giving medicine, but he is not definitely sure whether his patient will die or live. If you ask him whether the person is going to live, "Oh, that depends on God." Ultimately depends on God—although he is posing himself that authorized, he is giving scientific medicine. If you are giving scientific medicine, why you are not sure? This is called cheating.
Illusion means you are accepting something which is not possible.
Lecture on BG 2.24 -- Hyderabad, November 28, 1972: So this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is an attempt to bring all these sanātanas together. The living entity, sanātana; God, Kṛṣṇa, sanātana; and the place, sanātana. Just like here we are trying to live together, our family—father, mother, children, friends, countrymen, communitymen. We are trying to make a permanent settlement here. Making very nice building, spending millions of dollars, making it very strong so that it may not, may not be destroyed. So everyone is trying to keep himself permanent. A old man is trying to make himself young man. Nobody wants to become old man. Nobody wants to be destroyed. But the difficulty is that here everything is destroyed. Asanātana. But we have got a tendency to become sanātana. We want permanent life. We want permanent place. We want permanent relationship. But that is not possible. That is not possible. Therefore śāstra says, andhā yathāndhair upanīyamānāḥ (SB 7.5.31). The andhas—means blind, blind leaders—they are giving us false hope that we shall make here permanent settlement. Therefore they are called andhas. They have no sense. You cannot make it sanātana. But the whole attempt is going on to make everything sanātana.
This is called illusion. Illusion means you are accepting something which is not possible. But they do not know. Na te viduḥ svārtha-gatiṁ hi viṣṇuṁ durāśayā ye bahir-artha-māninaḥ (SB 7.5.31). Durāśā, this is a hope which is never to be fulfilled. Durāśayā. Āśā means hope. So the whole material world is going on, durāśayā. They are trying to make permanent settlement. But there is always disruption, fight... Just like they have now created the United Nations: "My dear all-nations, please do not fight. Let us make a permanent settlement, peace." But the result is the fighting is going on. It cannot be stopped.
Illusion means it is temporary. Just like you dream something. That is called illusion.
Lecture on BG 7.1 -- Bhuvanesvara, January 22, 1977: Indian: God..., or God is behind this manifestation. I am in delusion. This phenomenon...
Prabhupāda: Yes. God is behind this manifestation. But one should be intelligent enough to understand who is the person or what is that which is behind this manifestation. Athāto brahma jijñāsā. That is answered. Janmādy asya yataḥ (SB 1.1.1). Behind this everything there is a person or there is a thing which is the source of everything. So Kṛṣṇa says in the Bhagavad-gītā, nābhijānāti loko mām ajam avyayam: "These foolish rascals do not know that behind this manifestation, I am there."
Indian: Then you have to these names and forms?
Prabhupāda: Why forms?
Indian: Simply illusion. I think there is some spiritual behind these names and forms.
Prabhupāda: Illusion. Illusion means it is temporary. Just like you dream something. That is called illusion. But dream is actually not illusion. Because although in dream you see some tiger, he's attacking, that is illusion. And you are crying, "Save me! Save me! Here is a tiger!" But one who is awakened, he say, "Why you are crying?" "There is a tiger." "Where is tiger?" This is illusion. But when you are dreaming that there is a tiger, you are crying, that is not illusion. It is acting. Similarly, this material manifestation, it is not illusion, but for the time being it is illusion. We are attracted with this material world, society, friendship and love. But in a second we can be slapped by the material nature and get out of this illusion, just like dream. So in this sense it is illusion, but so long it is there, it is fact also. So chant Hare Kṛṣṇa.
Illusion means to accept something as something. That is illusion. Just like we are accepting this body as myself.
Lecture on BG 7.2 -- Nairobi, October 28, 1975: Jñānam, knowledge. Kṛṣṇa says to Arjuna that "I am giving you perfect knowledge." This is our process. We receive knowledge from the perfect person. There is no use getting knowledge from imperfect person. That is useless waste of time. And who is perfect person? Who does not commit any mistake, who is never illusioned, whose senses are not imperfect, and who is not a cheater. These are the qualification. (aside:) The children... These are the symptoms of perfect person. First thing is he does not commit mistake. Throughout the whole world you study big, big men. They committed mistake. Hitler committed mistake. Gandhi committed mistake. Churchill committed mistake. Because "To err is human," however big you may be, you cannot avoid mistakes because you are not liberated.
So these are the signs of becoming perfect man, that he does not commit mistake, neither he is illusioned. Illusion means to accept something as something. That is illusion. Just like we are accepting this body as myself. If you ask me, "What you are?" "I am Indian. I am brāhmaṇa. I am this. I am that." So what are these? These are all bodily concept of life.
Illusion means I am not this body. You have got experience when a man dies, his relatives and children cry, "My father is gone." But actually the father, the sons who knew the body of the father as the father, that was illusion.
Lecture on BG 7.2 -- Nairobi, October 28, 1975: Illusion means I am not this body. You have got experience when a man dies, his relatives and children cry, "My father is gone." But actually the father, the sons who knew the body of the father as the father, that was illusion. Now, after death he is coming to understand that "My father is gone." Why? Your father is lyi... It is lying there—the same hand, legs, heads, coat, pant—everything is lying there. Why do you say that your father has gone away? That means the real father he has never seen. He has seen the illusion of his father. This is called illusion. Is there any doubt? I am seeing you. What I am seeing, you? I am seeing your body, your shirt, coat, pant. That's all. But as Kṛṣṇa said, that dehino 'smin yathā dehe (BG 2.13), within this body the real person is there, just like within the shirt and coat the real person is there, so but the real person we never see. We see the shirt, coat, pant, and we take the shirt, coat, pant as this man. This is called illusion, to accept something for something else. The son did not know who is father. He is going on, calling the shirt, coat, pant of the father as "father." This is called illusion. To commit mistake and to become illusioned, and even if we try to become perfect, our senses are imperfect.
Illusion means, whatever you do for Kṛṣṇa, that is not pāpa.
Lecture on BG 9.2 -- Calcutta, March 8, 1972: Anything done on account of Kṛṣṇa, that is pious. There is no contamination. Api cet sudurācāraḥ. Even in the public eye it may appear sometime that it is not pious, still it is pious. Man-nimitte kṛtaṁ pāpaṁ, if one does. But we should not do that.
But even, just like Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa-Arjuna. Arjuna was considering that killing the other party, his kinsmen, "This is pāpa. Why shall I do this pāpa?" But he did it. But how he did it? For Kṛṣṇa. So that pāpa become puṇya. Is it not? From the Bhagavad-gītā you can understand. He was hesitating to fight with his kinsmen, with his brother, nephews, grandfather. He was concerning pāpa. He said that "I do not want this kingdom which is smeared with the blood of sinful activities." He said like that. Actually, killing is sinful, but when he did it for Kṛṣṇa's sake, Kṛṣṇa said that "You must fight," and when Arjuna agreed, "Yes, kariṣye vacanaṁ tava." After hearing Kṛṣṇa perfectly, he said, kariṣye vacanaṁ tava (BG 18.73), "My illusion is over." What is that illusion? Illusion means, whatever you do for Kṛṣṇa, that is not pāpa. Yat karoṣi, yat juhoṣi. But you must do according to the order of Kṛṣṇa, or according to the order of Kṛṣṇa's representative. You cannot manufacture your work. That you cannot do. Arjuna did not manufacture. Arjuna acted by the order of Kṛṣṇa. Similarly, if we do by the order of Kṛṣṇa and His representative, there is no question of sinful activities. There is no question of sinful... So this is rāja-guhyam. We cannot understand sometimes rāja-guhyam; therefore it is very confidential.
To accept one thing which is not. Illusion means to accept something for something.
Lecture on BG 9.15 -- New York, December 1, 1966: Our imperfectness I have several times described in this meeting. So long we are conditioned, there are four kinds of imperfectness, that we must commit mistake. So long we are conditioned, nobody can say that "I'll not commit mistake. I never commit any mistakes." It is not possible. You must have. To err is human. So this is one imperfectness. And to become illusioned. To accept one thing which is not. Illusion means to accept something for something. Just like we accept this body. We identify with this body, every one of us. If we ask you what you are, "Oh, I am American." What is your American? This body is American. But it is not... You are not this body. So this is illusion. So conditioned soul is to commit mistake, to be illusioned, and the senses are imperfect. We are very much proud of seeing, but as soon as the light is put off, we cannot see. So our seeing is conditional. And similarly, all senses are conditional. So therefore imperfect. And there is another thing which is very nice. We have got a cheating propensity. I do not know anything, but I want to cheat others that I know everything. I don't... I am a fool number one, but I want to start a group of students and teach him foolish things. This is cheating. One must know from the authoritative sources and preach that thing. Just like Arjuna was taught by Kṛṣṇa, and that philosophy is going on. And those who are accepting the principle of Arjuna, they're real student of Bhagavad-gītā.
Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures
Illusion means two plus two equal to four; I have written "five," but I am seeing it is all right. I'm seeing it is all right: "two." Therefore one should not correct himself.
Lecture on SB 1.15.31 -- Los Angeles, December 9, 1973: So we are born without any perfect knowledge. That is natural. We have to sent..., we have to be sent to school for learning. Therefore these books are there. Why for these books are being written? Just for the learning of the human society. So they can learn it. Cats and dogs cannot read these Bhāgavata or Bhagavad-gītā. It is meant for human society. So they should take advantage of this knowledge. But if they remain in the darkness of ignorance, then what is the meaning of their advancement? It has no meaning. So that is going on. They too do not accept knowledge from the authority. They manufacture. How you can manufacture? You are a fool, so whatever you manufacture, so-called knowledge, that is also foolish. How can we depend on your foolish knowledge? Abodha-jāta. Everyone is fool. He cannot manufacture. He has to learn to take knowledge from a person who knows. The he's perfect. That is our system. We are taking knowledge from Kṛṣṇa. We are taking knowledge is perfect. We are taking authority. As we are, we are defective. Our position is sometimes we do mistake—"two plus two equals five." But it is not fact. So two plus two must be four. But if we make "five" or "three," that means the whole background becomes wrong. That is... we are liable to do that mistake. And illusion. Illusion means two plus two equal to four; I have written "five," but I am seeing it is all right. I'm seeing it is all right: "two." Therefore one should not correct himself. Another person should take the editorial correction work, because the man who has written he sees that it is right. This is called illusion.
So this māyā, māyā, means an illusion, means it is not a fact. Just like you cannot eat—this is not a fact.
Lecture on SB 1.16.16 -- Los Angeles, January 11, 1974: We are cleansing the process which has covered our Kṛṣṇa-bhakti. Śravaṇādi-śuddha-citte karaye udaya. The love for Kṛṣṇa is there automatically. Everyone loves. But it is now covered by māyā. So śravaṇādi-śuddha-citte. Just like when you become diseased... Actually your position is, normal position is, that you can eat nicely, you can sleep nicely, you can talk nicely. That is healthy life. But when you cannot eat nicely, when you cannot sleep nicely, you cannot have sex life nicely, you take the help of a physician. The physician helps you, not that artificially he is creating some machine in you so that you can eat. The eating process is already there. You (are) competent to eat. But it has been disrupted by another influence. That is called māyā. Similarly kṛṣṇa-bhakti, or our love for Kṛṣṇa, is eternally fact. Some way or other, it has been interrupted by the influence of māyā, and we have to cleanse this. Or, as the physician cures the disease, so this māyā, māyā, means an illusion, means it is not a fact. Just like you cannot eat—this is not a fact. You can eat, but something has come between you and your healthy life. That is disease. So not to become Kṛṣṇa conscious is disease. To become Kṛṣṇa conscious is healthy. That is real health. Not to become Kṛṣṇa conscious, to become a demon, that is disease.
We are servant of māyā, illusion—means we are servant of our lusty desires, kāma, krodha, anger, lobha, greediness, moha, illusion, so many, mada, madness.
Lecture on SB 3.26.43 -- Bombay, January 18, 1975: So Kṛṣṇa says, jñātvā mām. What is that? So we have to know Kṛṣṇa, that He is actually enjoyer. Master and servant. If the servant knows that "In this house my master is the proprietor. He is the enjoyer. I am simply servant," then he is peaceful. But if he artificially tries to become the master although he is servant there, then there is all disturbance. So here our miserable conditions are caused by our thinking that "I am the proprietor. I am the owner. I am the enjoyer." One becomes to owner, proprietor, because he wants to enjoy. So this is our disease. Actually, we are servant of Kṛṣṇa. Jīvera svarūpa haya nitya-kṛṣṇa-dāsa (Cc. Madhya 20.108-109). This is our original position. We are servant, even in this condition. But we are servant of māyā, illusion—means we are servant of our lusty desires, kāma, krodha, anger, lobha, greediness, moha, illusion, so many, mada, madness. We are servant of these propensities. We are not master. When you become master of these sense gratification processes, then you are svāmī.
Nectar of Devotion Lectures
Illusion means actually there is nothing material.
The Nectar of Devotion -- Vrndavana, November 11, 1972: Caitanya Mahāprabhu ordered to distribute this knowledge all over the world. So let us try. Even the people do not take our instruction, that is not our disqualification. Our qualification is let us try our best. The māyā is very strong. To take the living entities out of the clutches of māyā is not very easy thing. My Guru Mahārāja used to say... He had so many temples all over India, and he used to say sometimes that "If by selling all these properties, temples, if I could turn one man to Kṛṣṇa consciousness, then my mission will be successful." He used to say that. So our purpose is not to construct big, big buildings. That is required for propaganda work, for giving shelter to people. But our main business is how to turn the face of the bewildered conditioned souls towards Kṛṣṇa. That is our method. That is our main purpose. Therefore, Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura and other Vaiṣṇavas, they did not advise to give much attention for constructing big, big temples and maṭhas. Because if our attention is diverted towards these material things... Material things means, as I have repeatedly explained, forgetful of Kṛṣṇa. Otherwise there is no, nothing material. It is illusion. Illusion means actually there is nothing material. How it can be material? If the Supreme Lord is Supreme Spirit, everything is coming from Him, so what we call the material energy, that is also coming from the Supreme.
Festival Lectures
This illusion means māyā. māyā... If you want to get out of this illusion, māyā, then you have to accept the Kṛṣṇa's formula.
Janmastami Lord Sri Krsna's Appearance Day Lecture -- London, August 21, 1973: If the politicians, diplomats, they are trying to establish peace in the world... The United Nation is there, and there are many other organizations. They are trying to have real peace and tranquillity, no misunderstanding between man to man, nation to nation. But that is not happening. That is not happening. The defect is that in the root is wrong. Everyone's thinking "It is my country. It is my family. It is my society. It is my property." This "mine" is illusion. In the śāstra it is said, janasya moho 'yam ahaṁ mameti (SB 5.5.8). This "I and my" philosophy is illusion.
So this illusion means māyā. māyā... If you want to get out of this illusion, māyā, then you have to accept the Kṛṣṇa's formula. Mām eva ye prapadyante māyām etāṁ taranti te. Everything is there in the Bhagavad-gītā for guidance if we accept the philosophy of Bhagavad-gītā as it is. Everything is there. Peace is there, prosperity is there. So that is a fact. Unfortunately, we do not accept it. That is our misfortune. Or we misinterpret it. Kṛṣṇa says in the Bhagavad-gītā, man-manā bhava mad-bhakto mad-yājī māṁ namaskuru (BG 18.65). Kṛṣṇa says that "You always think of Me," man-manā bhava mad-bhakto. "Become My devotee." Mad-yājī, "You worship Me." Māṁ namaskuru, "And offer obeisances unto Me." Is it very difficult task? Here is Kṛṣṇa's Deity. If you think of this Deity, Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa, is it very difficult? Man-manā. You come into the temple and, just as a devotee, offer your respect to the Deity, man-manā bhava mad-bhakto. As far as possible try to worship the Deity, patraṁ puṣpaṁ phalaṁ toyaṁ yo me bhaktyā prayacchati (BG 9.26). Kṛṣṇa does not want your whole property. Kṛṣṇa is open to the poorest man for being worshiped.
General Lectures
Illusion means that the material energy is so illusory that however a living entity may be in abominable condition, he thinks that he is happy.
Lecture to Technology Students (M.I.T.) -- Boston, May 5, 1968: We are thinking that we have made a paradise, but actually the place is miserable, because the threefold miseries, they are there. Either in America or in India or in any other country, China, or any other planet, the material miseries which are three kinds, ādhyātmika, ādhibhautika, ādhidaivika... Ādhyātmika means miseries pertaining to the body and the mind. Sometimes we are feeling headaches, sometimes we are feeling some other pains. Any things which are pertaining to the body and mind, there is some pain. These are called ādhyātmika. Similarly, there are other pains, inflicted by other living entities. They are called ādhibhautika. Similarly, other pains also, which is offered by the nature, by the laws of nature. All of a sudden there is earthquake, all of a sudden there is famine, or similar other which we have no control over. So these three kinds of miseries are always there. But under the spell of illusion we are thinking that we are happy. And the illusion means that the material energy is so illusory that however a living entity may be in abominable condition, he thinks that he is happy. You take any animal, just like take the hog—that life is most filthy life. Of course, you have no experience to see in your city, hogs. In India there are many hogs in the city, and they are living in filthy place—they are eating stool, and most abominable life. But even you ask a hog that "You are living in such abominable condition. Let me do you something good," he'll refuse to accept. If you give him something, nice preparation, as we have got in India, halavā, he'll not accept it. He will accept stool, because his body is meant for that purpose and he will not like any palatable foodstuff. He will like that stool. This is the spell of māyā.
Illusion means that this nice paraphernalia arrangement—home, life, apartment, wife, children, society, position—everything is all right, but as soon as this body is finished, everything is finished.
Lecture -- Los Angeles, November 13, 1968: Formerly, a person was considered to be rich man by possession of the number of cows, by possession of land, not these papers, this false money. At the present moment, if you have got some printed paper, thousand dollars, they are papers actually. When the government is a failure, it has no value. But actually if you possess some land and cows, the government may fail or not fail, your value is there. That is actual property. Therefore in Sanskrit language it is said gavayā dhanavān. A man is known as rich man by the number of, by possession of the number of cows. That was the mode of civilization in the Vedic age. Gṛha-kṣetra-suta. Suta means children. When you have got apartment, when you have got wife, when you have got..., then next demand is children, suta. Because without children no home life is pleasant. Putra-hīnaṁ gṛhaṁ śūnyam. A home life is just like desert without children. Children is the attraction of home life. So grha-kṣetra-suta āpta. Āpta means relatives or society. Sutāpta-vittaiḥ: and all these paraphernalia are to be maintained on money. Therefore money is required, vittaiḥ. In this way, one becomes entangled in this material world. Janasya moho 'yam. This is called illusion. Illusion. Why illusion? So important things, why illusion? Illusion means that this nice paraphernalia arrangement—home, life, apartment, wife, children, society, position—everything is all right, but as soon as this body is finished, everything is finished. You're in a next platform. You do not know what is next platform. The next platform may be a human being or a cat or a dog or a demigod or anything. You do not know. And as soon as you have got a next life, you forget all these things.
Conversations and Morning Walks
1973 Conversations and Morning Walks
Illusion means which is not fact. So the fact must be there; otherwise how the illusion, reflection, comes? Illusion is exemplified by the mirage, water in the desert. So the man is or the animal is running after water, but that is not water. This is illusion.
Morning Walk -- December 2, 1973, Los Angeles: Karandhara: A man is considered very rich if he can play golf every day. The rich men play every day.
Prabhupāda: It is very expensive, golf?
Karandhara: Well, if you play golf, you don't have to work. People who are rich, they don't work. They just play golf all day. (break)
Citraka: ...newspapers, that now he is follower of Śaṅkarācārya in India. The queen of Greece. She's a follower.
Prabhupāda: Queen of Greece. This cloth is very inconvenient... (break) ...illusion. Accepting this illusion, wherefrom the idea came? Just like in the tailor's window, there are nice beautiful women or men standing. That is illusion. Actually, that is neither man or woman. It is doll. But wherefrom the idea came of this illusion?
Hṛdayānanda: Kṛṣṇa.
Prabhupāda: No, no. Unless there is a real man, a real woman, how the illusory man and woman is there, doll? Illusion means which is not fact. So the fact must be there; otherwise how the illusion, reflection, comes? Illusion is exemplified by the mirage, water in the desert. So the man is or the animal is running after water, but that is not water. This is illusion. But that does not mean there is no water. This is the conclusion.
1974 Conversations and Morning Walks
You are being controlled by another agent of God. And because, although he's being controlled, he's thinking, "I am free," therefore he's in illusion. This is called illusion. Illusion means something which is not fact.
Morning Walk -- January 18, 1974, Hawaii: Bali-mardana: One has a choice to either be controlled by love or by force.
Prabhupāda: But love, there is no love when there is force.
Bali-mardana: No, but by Kṛṣṇa.
Prabhupāda: Yes, that is love. Just like you are being controlled by me. There is no force. Voluntarily, out of love... I am not paying you. Still, if I say something, immediately you do. Why? There is love. That's all.
Bali-mardana: One who actually understands the distinction, is it possible that he will still choose to be controlled by the material nature?
Prabhupāda: Yes, he has already chosen. But he's foolish. He does not know. He thinks that "I am now independent of the Supreme Lord." But because he's foolish, he cannot understand that you are not independent. You are being controlled by another agent of God. And because, although he's being controlled, he's thinking, "I am free," therefore he's in illusion. This is called illusion. Illusion means something which is not fact. That is illusion. So this materialist, the so-called scientist, he's thinking, "There is no God. We are independent." So many things, like rascal they are thinking. Foolish rascal, childish. And that is illusion. Ahaṅkāra-vimudhātmā. Therefore this very word is used, vimūḍhātmā: "befooled rascal." Actually, he's being controlled by material nature. So how to get out of this material nature? That is explained, mām eva ye prapadyante māyām etāṁ taranti te: "As soon as that rascal surrenders unto Me, immediately he's out of control." Hare Kṛṣṇa.
1975 Conversations and Morning Walks
If you remain in darkness, then where is your education? Illusion means darkness.
Room Conversation with Carol Cameron -- May 9, 1975, Perth: Prabhupāda: Education, if it is not for the benefit of the people, then what is the use of such education? That is not a good education. Education means something which will benefit the mass of people. That is education. To enlighten them to do something better. That is education. And this whole Darwin's theory is false. But people are giving too much stress. First of all, anyone, even Darwin, he's not independent. Just like Darwin has died. So, he is under the control of something higher. Nobody wants to die, but he is forced to die. Is it not? Then where is his independence?
Carol: That is the illusion.
Prabhupāda: Hmm?
Amogha: She says that is the illusion of independence.
Prabhupāda:? Yes, so if you simply in illusion you live, then where is your education? If you remain in darkness, then where is your education? Illusion means darkness. So if you are in darkness, now what is your education? And where is your philosophy?
Carol: The only way to remove this darkness is through love. Is this what you are saying?
Prabhupāda: Love is far away. First of all you be educated.
Carol: How? In what way?
Prabhupāda: Education means right knowledge. Right knowledge. Just like, everyone wants to live. Nobody wants to die. So, the enquiry should be that "I do not wish to die. Why death is forced upon me?" What is that force? What is the nature of that force? If I submit, "Yes, the force is there," then where is my knowledge? I do not wish to die. So why death is forced upon me? Nobody wants miserable condition of life, but miserable condition of life is enforced upon me. So this should be first of all enquired, that I do not want these things, and who is enforcing upon me these things? This is the first enquiry, philosophical.