Your article heading as "Let us be True to one another" published in the A.B. Patrika (Allahabad Edition) D/30.12.51 attracted my attention and I read it over and over again. This article contains the nucleus of future activities of the human society in the spiritual realm and I have read in your statement about your deep thought on the onward march of human civilization. You have rightly said the following words in this connection viz.
Human civilization (Letters)
1947 to 1965 Correspondence
Unfortunately, the present day human civilization is very much attracted with the beauty of Apara Prakrti the illusory material Nature and as such they are overpowered by a demoniac form of propensity in the atheistic set up of civilization manifested in the matter of sense gratification. This tendency is dangerously harmful to the real progress of life.
Those, who therefore consider God and living beings are identical in every respect, are polluted in thought. This pollution of thought of the empiric and atheistic philosophers now prevailing practically all over the world, has caused a tremendous deterioration of human civilization as to become agnostics in dealings. Symptoms of this agnostic trend of human civilization is described in the 16th chapter of the Bhagavad-gita and I need not describe it before you.
Respectable gentlemen specially the Bengali community may come forward first so that others will automatically follow the suit. The modern set of human civilization is an anachronism and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's message only can adjust the things all over the world. It is not blind conviction but actually this a fact which can be judged if people will make an analysis of the mercy bestowed by Lord Caitanya. The whole world is looking for it and it will be a credit for the Indians generally and he Bengalis specially if they can give the message to the suffering humanity in the right direction as chalked out by the authorized Acaryas.
The human form of life is the highest developed stage in the evolutionary process and thus a civilization based on spiritual culture is the right type of human civilization.
1968 Correspondence
I am in due receipt of your long letter dated October 11, 1968, and I am trying to reply this letter in two ways: The points of human civilization as well as about our constitutional program. The first thing I may inform you that I am going to Montreal by the 23 or the 24 of October, because I have got an appointment engagement with the Consulate General of United States in the matter of my permanent visa on the 25 of Oct. in Montreal. I tried to transfer my file to Vancouver, but that will take another month, so instead of waiting another month, I am going there to make the matter easier.
So at the present moment, the modern civilization on the basis of so-called scientific knowledge and economic development is trying to avoid God consciousness, or Krishna Consciousness—that is the defect of the modern civilization. Therefore, in spite of all advancement it is zero. So zero has no value. And millions of zeros put together does not make any value. But one is put on the left side of the zero, it increases the value. Then one zero becomes 10, two zero becomes 100, three zero becomes 1000, so it is very nice. This point should be clearly discussed, that without God conciousness, Krishna Consciousness, any attempt of human civilization so-called philosophical or political or economical or labor, they are all zeros. The human society should be divided as a social order, as the intellectual men, the administrator class, and the mercantile class, and the laborer class. And so far spiritual order, they should be divided as the renounced order of life, retired order of life, householder, and student life. Third point, all these 8 divisions are meant for understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and this Krishna Consciousness movement is meant for teaching this necessities of human civilization.
So the Krishna Consciousness movement is training people how to be absorbed in the thought of Krishna, 24 hours. Take for example, the Bhagavad-gita: the instruction of Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita are just suitable for a perfect human civilization. So one should learn this teachings of Bhagavad-gita as it is.
1970 Correspondence
The Krishna Consciousness Movement has a basic philosophy in view, which is propagation of the ideal of One God, one religion, one scripture, one hymn, and one human society. So far we Indians are concerned; we are ordered to preach the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness throughout the whole world, after personally realizing what it is. This means that as we have different types of limbs for different functions, but at the ultimate end all the different limbs of the body cooperate for the maintenance of the whole body. Similarly, if we accept the human society as one, then different sections of the human society may act differently for the one purpose of growth of human civilization.
At the present moment the human civilization has advanced very much to live comfortably so far our material necessities are concerned, but still we are not happy because we are missing the point. Simple material comforts of life are not sufficient to make us happy. The vivid example is America, and not to mention of other countries. The richest nation of the world having all facilities for material comforts, is producing a class of men completely confused and frustrated in life. I have dealt with them very intimately, and I have found out that the cause of their unhappiness is not material want, but it is insufficiency of spiritual comforts.
1973 Correspondence
A leader must be peaceful, self-controlled austere, pure, tolerant, honest, wise learned and religious. Not like your President Nixon—a rogue and thief—such men cannot do any good to society, only those who are trained up in the Ultimate Goal of human life, they can lead—because human life is meant for going back to Godhead. Therefore our society is serving the whole world by supplying the missing part for perfect advancement of human civilization, we are supplying the head. Although all parts, such as legs are necessary, the whole thing is useful only when there is a head. So, everything is already there but it is now mixed up, we want to bring the whole world in to order by giving the right directions to all classes of men. Right direction means, to deliver the instructions of Krishna, and because Krishna is perfect, if you present this knowledge anywhere it will automatically defeat all the existing concocted hodge-podge ideas congesting the feeble brains of so-called scientist, philosophers or anyone.
Page Title: | Human civilization (Letters) |
Compiler: | Visnu Murti, ParthsarathyM |
Created: | 27 of Mar, 2012 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=11 |
No. of Quotes: | 11 |