This verse we were discussing last Friday. The subject matter is that we are trying to transfer our activities from the material platform to the spiritual platform. That is the whole idea. So material platform, as I have already explained to you several times, material platform means viṣayāḥ, viṣayḥ. Viṣayāḥ means four things: āhāra, nidrā, bhaya, maithuna—eating, sleeping and defending and mating. These are called viṣayāḥ. The materialistic way of life means these four things: eating, sleeping, defending and mating—sense gratification. But if we want to go to the spiritual platform, then these bodily demands, at least for the present, we have to regulate. We cannot enjoy material life without any restriction and at the same time, we can stand on the spiritual platform. That is the whole thing. The difficult problem is that: we want to be spiritualists by speculation only. That is the whole tendency. People are much interested in philosophical speculation without any practical life. In the modern world it is said, yaśo 'rthe dharma-yajanam. This is the symptom of this age. Yaśaḥ arthe. I want to associate with some organization, spiritual, just for the sake of name: "Oh, I am attached to that, such big organization." But, so far my life is concerned, it is as it is. As it is. I have seen that... I don't wish to name that particular... In some yoga institute, I have seen the members, they come. They hear, and they are hearing and coming for the last ten years. But unfortunately, they have not learned even the preliminary instruction of yoga. Yoga... Yoga... The whole process of yoga means indriya-saṁyama, controlling the senses. Controlling the senses. But I have seen. They have no control over senses. The whole yoga process means controlling the senses, nothing more. The haṭha-yoga means by different practice of āsana, posture or sitting posture or breathing posture... All these means concentrating myself, focusing my attention to the Supersoul. And because our mind is disturbed, because our mind is distributed in so many engagements, therefore the yogic process is a mechanical process by which we can, I mean to say, drag the mind from outside engagement to inner side and focus the same for perceiving or for realizing the Supersoul. (break)
Hatha-yoga means
Bhagavad-gita As It Is Lectures
The haṭha-yoga means by different practice of āsana, posture or sitting posture or breathing posture... All these means concentrating myself, focusing my attention to the Supersoul.
Lecture on BG 2.59-69 -- New York, April 29, 1966: Page Title: | Hatha-yoga means |
Compiler: | Rishab |
Created: | 25 of Oct, 2012 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0 |
No. of Quotes: | 1 |