Confirmed by authorities
SB Canto 1
Any decision, however important, should be confirmed by some authority
SB 1.19.12, Purport: Although the King had already decided to fast until death on the bank of the Ganges, he humbly expressed his decision to elicit the opinions of the great authorities present there. Any decision, however important, should be confirmed by some authority. That makes the matter perfect. This means that the monarchs who ruled the earth in those days were not irresponsible dictators. They scrupulously followed the authoritative decisions of the saints and sages in terms of Vedic injunction. Mahārāja Parīkṣit, as a perfect king, followed the principles by consulting the authorities, even up to the last days of his life.
Conversations and Morning Walks
1973 Conversations and Morning Walks
The things as they are we have to study. That body we change, but we are, as living entities, we are existing. Na hanyate hanyamäne çarére [Bg. 2.20]. This is confirmed by authorities. Na hanyate hanyamäne çarére
Room Conversation with Two Buddhist Monks -- July 12, 1973, London:
Death means forgetting. Just like in dream. At night, when we get another body and dream and hover, we go somewhere and talk with somebody, we forget about this body. And again, when I come to this body, I awaken, I forget the dreaming body. So I..., every day I am forgetting. At night I am forgetting this body, and daytime I am forgetting my night body. So forgetfulness is not the basic principle of knowledge. The things as they are we have to study. That body we change, but we are, as living entities, we are existing. Na hanyate hanyamäne çarére [Bg. 2.20]. This is confirmed by authorities. Na hanyate hanyamäne çarére [Bg. 2.20]. After destruction of this body, the soul is not destroyed. The soul continues. He accepts another body. Now, what sort of body we have to accept—that is responsibility.
Kṛṣṇa's, God's feature—everything is described in the Vedas: Brahma-saṁhitā, Yajur-veda, Sāma-veda, like that. And when Kṛṣṇa descends, He practically demonstrates all the symptoms of God. So then we accept God. And it is confirmed by authorities
Room Conversation with Latin Professor -- December 9, 1973, Los Angeles:
We take Vedic knowledge as perfect, and we understand everything by Vedic knowledge about God, about His place, about His activities. And God comes as incarnation. He sends His representative. Then it is corroborated. And that is perfect knowledge of God. Kåñëa's, God's feature—everything is described in the Vedas: Brahma-saàhitä, Yajur-veda, Säma-veda, like that. And when Kåñëa descends, He practically demonstrates all the symptoms of God. So then we accept God. And it is confirmed by authorities. Just like Kåñëa. Kåñëa Himself says that "I am the Supreme." Arjuna accepts, the direct listener from God. And later on, the äcäryas, big, big äcäryas, who control the society, just Çaìkaräcärya, Rämänujäcärya, Madhväcärya, they accept. Latest, Caitanya Mahäprabhu, He accepts. So our guru-paramparä all accepts Kåñëa. And Kåñëa describes Himself. So where is the difficulty to understand God? The symptoms are there in the çästras. And those symptoms are visible in Kåñëa. Just like everyone can understand, "God is all powerful." So Kåñëa showed that He is all powerful. So there is no difficulty to understand. So our method is easy.
Page Title: | Confirmed by authorities |
Compiler: | Siddha Rupa, Visnu Murti |
Created: | 17March08, |
No. of Quotes: | 3 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=1, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=2, Let=0 |