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  1. 750106 - Lecture SB 03.26.29 - Bombay: - This material body is simply outward... = Real Body Is Within
  2. 750107 - Lecture SB 03.26.30 - Bombay: - Those who are not enthusiastic... = Those Who Are Not Enthusiastic—Lazy, Lethargetic—They Cannot Advance in Spiritual Life
  3. 750109 - Lecture SB 03.26.32 - Bombay: The difference between the life... = The Difference Between the Life of the Fish and My Life
  4. 730113 - Lecture BG 07.01 - Bombay: - There is definition of Bhagavan... = Definition of Bhagavan
  5. 750114 - Lecture SB 03.26.39 - Bombay: Because the mind is now contaminated... = We Are Making Millions and Trillions of Ideas and Becoming Entangled in Those Ideas
  6. 760115 - Lecture Excerpt - Mayapur: Simply they are ecstatic in chanting... = Kindly What You Have Begun, Do Not Break It - Continue It Very Jubilantly
  7. 740118 - Lecture SB 01.16.22 - Hawaii: Krsna dictated that... = Krishna dictated "You Go To the Western Countries. Teach Them"
  8. 740119 - Lecture SB 01.16.23 - Hawaii: Monkey's business is simply waste of time... = The Busy Fool is Dangerous
  9. 740120 - Lecture SB 01.16.24 - Hawaii: Those who are not accustomed... = No Matter What is the Profit, I Shall Speak for Krishna
  10. 740121 - Lecture SB 01.16.25 - Hawaii: To surrender to the Supreme... = Become a Lover of God. This is First-Class Religion
  11. 770124 - Lecture CC Madhya 08.128 - Bhuvanesvara: At the present moment we have no natural... = We Must Understand by Knowledge What is Krishna
  12. 750126 - Conversation with Children - Hong Kong: Fortunately, we had the good opportunity... = My Father Was a Devotee, and He Trained Us


  1. 770201 - Morning Walk - Bhuvanesvara: The child may be foolish... = Sons and Disciples Should Be Always Chastised
  2. 760205 - Lecture Initiation Sannyasa Excerpt - Mayapur: By the grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu... = Taking Sannyasa - Keep it Very Perfectly
  3. 750206 - Lecture BG 16.10 - Honolulu: Naisthika-brahmacari - throughout the life... = Control Your Lusty Desire by Krishna Consciousness
  4. 750209 - Lecture Arrival - Los Angeles: You cannot speculate,... = You Cannot Imagine God. That is Foolishness
  5. 750211 - Lecture Arrival - Mexico: If we study all these books... = Don't Be Lazy. Always Remain Engaged
  6. 740219 - Lecture BG 07.04 - Bombay: Wherefrom the citric acid chemical... = Chemicals Come From Life; Life Does Not Come From Chemical
  7. 760222 - Lecture SB 07.09.15 - Mayapur: Bhaktih paresanubhavo viraktir... = The Test of Bhakti
  8. 760229 - Lecture SB 07.09.22 - Mayapur: Those who have taken to... = Things Are Not Going to Happen so Easily. Maya is Very, Very Strong


  1. 750304 - Lecture CC Adi 01.15 - Dallas: According to Vedic civilization, one should... = Rise Early in the Morning and Chant Hare Krishna
  2. 760306 - Lecture SB 07.09.28 - Mayapur: I am the servant of the servant... = I am the Servant of the Servant of the Servant of Krishna
  3. 740307 - Lecture CC Adi 07.05 - Mayapur: Radha-Krsna lila is not... = One Who Understands Radha-Krishna Lila as Material, They Are Misled
  4. 750308 - Arrival - London: Others may violate the laws... = Sannyasi Commits Little Offense, It Is Magnified a Thousand Times
  5. 760310 - Lecture SB 07.09.32 - Mayapur: Siddhanta, what is Krsna, if... = Siddhanta Boliya Citte - Don't Be Lazy in Understanding Krishna
  6. 750312 - Lecture Departure - London: Bhagavata-dharma is not meant... = Bhagavata-dharma Is Not Meant For Persons Who Are Envious
  7. 750314 - Conversation A - Tehran: Unless one is person, how... = I Cannot Serve the Air or the Sky. I Must Serve a Person
  8. 680315 - Lecture SB 07.06.01 - San Francisco: Prahlada Maharaja says... = Time is So Valuable that if You Pay Millions of Golden Coins, You Cannot Get Back Even a Moment
  9. 710318 - Lecture SB 07.07.19-20 - Bombay: The spiritual master's mercy... = One Who Cannot Speak, He Becomes a Great Lecturer
  10. 760319 - Lecture SB 07.09.41 - Mayapur: We are so foolish that... = We Are So Foolish That We Do Not Believe In The Next Life
  11. 750320 - Lecture Arrival - Calcutta: To become Krsna conscious... = Give Up All These So-called or Cheating Type of Religious System
  12. 740321 - Lecture BG 04.01 - Bombay: First spiritual knowledge is this... = First Spiritual Knowledge Is This - "I Am Not This Body"
  13. 750326 - Lecture CC Adi 01.02 - Mayapur: Now these same two... = Krishna & Balarama have again descended as Caitanya & Nityananda
  14. 750330 - Lecture CC Adi 01.06 - Mayapur: We shall try to... = We Shall Try To Construct a Very Nice Temple for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
  15. 750331 - Lecture CC Adi 01.07 - Mayapur: If we want to know visnu-tattva... = We Have To See Through The Pages Of Sastra


  1. 740402 - Lecture BG 04.13 - Bombay: This is the purpose of Krsna... = Purpose of Krishna Con. Mov. - Thorough Overhauling of the Human Society
  2. 750403 - Lecture CC Adi 01.10 - Mayapur: Unless we accept inconceivable power... = Inconceivable Power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
  3. 750407 - Morning Walk - Mayapur: If you manufacture your... = If You Manufacture Your Program of Enjoyment, Then You Will be Slapped
  4. 760408 - Lecture SB 07.09.53 - Vrndavana: You may be very rich man... = As Soon As You See Krishna, Then You Get Your Eternal Life
  5. 760409 - Lecture SB 07.09.54 - Vrndavana: You believe or not believe... = You Believe or Not Believe, The Words of Krishna Cannot Be False
  6. 730414 - Lecture SB 01.08.22 - Los Angeles: We want some generation who... = We Want Some Generation Who Can Preach Krishna Consciousness
  7. 730416 - Lecture SB 01.08.24 - Los Angeles: Draupadi prayed... = Draupadi Prayed, "Krishna, If You Like, You Can Save Me"
  8. 730421 - Lecture SB 01.08.29 - Los Angeles: Just like a devotee wants... = The Lord Wants to Satisfy the Devotee
  9. 750424 - Lecture SB 01.07.07 - Vrndavana: Krsna is feeling pain... = Krishna is Feeling Pain. So You Become Krishna Conscious
  10. 760426 - Lecture BG 09.10 - Melbourne: Why we offer our respect... = Why We Offer Our Respect to Mother?
  11. 730429 - Lecture SB 01.08.37 - Los Angeles: You should take food... = You Should Take Food Just to Maintain Your Health Nicely


  1. 730501 - Lecture SB 01.08.39 - Los Angeles: Krsna can be present... = Krsna Can Be Present More Acutely in Separation
  2. 760504 - Conversation - Honolulu: All these big, big men... = Big Men, Let Them Have One Set of Books and Study
  3. 740505 - Lecture Festival Appearance Day, Lord Nrsimhadeva, Nrsimha-caturdasi - Bombay: This is very instructive... = Very Instructive Struggle Between the Atheist and the Theist
  4. 760508 - Lecture SB 06.01.07 - Honolulu: Surfer. I call... = Sea-sufferer
  5. 760511 - Lecture SB 06.01.10 - Honolulu: Modern education there is no... = Modern Education - There Is No Real Knowledge
  6. 750515 - Morning Walk - Perth: Real good is... = He Has Forgotten God. Revive His Consciousness - That is Real Good
  7. 760516 - Lecture SB 06.01.16 - Honolulu: Bhakti-yoga means not only... = Serve a Person who has Dedicated His Life to Krishna
  8. 750522 - Lecture SB 06.01.01-2 - Melbourne: In New Vrindaban we are... = The Cows Know That "These people will not kill me." They Are Not In Anxiety
  9. 760523 - Lecture SB 06.01.23 - Honolulu: Whichever asrama is suitable... = Sex Life Is Not Forbidden In This Movement, But Hypocrisy Is Forbidden
  10. 750525 - Lecture - Honolulu: We have got so many books... = Whoever Comes here Must Read the Books
  11. 760529 - Lecture SB 06.01.30 - Honolulu: Take this opportunity... = Be Very Strict; Sincerely Chant. Your Life Is Saved, Your Next Life Is Saved
  12. 760530 - Conversation - Honolulu: Everyone will become guru... = Everyone Will Become Guru When He Is Expert Disciple, But Why This Immature Attempt?
  13. 720531 - Lecture SB 02.03.14-15 - Los Angeles: The workers, laborers... = The Laborers Thought, "Jesus Christ Must Be One of the Workers"


  1. 740602 - Lecture SB 01.13.11 - Geneva: You should be fully conscious... = Be Fully Conscious, that "Everything Belongs to Krishna and Nothing to Us"
  2. 740603 - Lecture SB 01.13.12 - Geneva: Srimad-Bhagavatam is so nice... = Simply by Reading Srimad-Bhagavatam, You Will be Happy. So Adopt this Practice
  3. 760605 - Lecture SB 06.01.39 - Los Angeles: When anartha-nivrttih syat... = Tatah Rucis. Then Taste. You Cannot Live Outside this Camp. Taste has Changed
  4. 740607 - Lecture BG 08.01 - Geneva: Mukti means no more material body... = Mukti Means No More Material Body. That Is Called Mukti
  5. 750608 - Lecture SB 06.01.06-7 - Honolulu: Vaisnava himself is... = Vaishnava Himself Is Very Happy Because He Is In Direct Connection With Krishna
  6. 740609 - Lecture SB 02.01.01 - Paris: I love the soul. This is the fact... = I Love the Soul. Atma-tattva-vit. And Why I Love Soul? Because I Love Krishna
  7. 690611 - Lecture SB 01.05.12-13 - New Vrindaban, USA: A devotee cannot be equally... = Devotee Can’t Be Equally Interested with Material Pleasure & Transcendental Pleasure
  8. 690613 - Lecture SB 01.05.13 - New Vrindaban, USA: The aim of education... = The Whole Scheme of Vedic Civilization - Give Liberation to the People
  9. 720615 - Lecture SB 02.03.19 - Los Angeles: Our attention should always... = Our Attention Should Always Be How We Are Executing Our Spiritual Life
  10. 760618 - Lecture SB 07.06.02 - Toronto: We have to follow the injunction... = We Cannot Manufacture our own Ways of Spiritual Advancement
  11. 760624 - Lecture SB 07.06.08 - New Vrindaban, USA: Family attachment is the greatest... = Family Attachment is the Greatest Impediment to Advance in Krishna Consciousness
  12. 750625 - Lecture SB 06.01.12 - Los Angeles: The education is that a... = "What is the wrong if I become a dog?" This Is The Result of Education
  13. 720626 - Lecture SB 02.04.02 - Los Angeles: The more you develop your... = The More You Develop Your Consciousness, The More You Become a Freedom Lover
  14. 750630 - Lecture SB 06.01.17 - Denver: The greatest contribution... = Greatest Contribution to the Human Society is Knowledge


  1. 750702 - Lecture SB 06.01.19 - Denver: This material world is full of danger... = You Cannot Become Happy in a Place Which is Meant for Miseries
  2. 760703 - Lecture SB 07.06.20-23 - Washington D.C.: By speculation, by our research... = We Can Get a Glimpse of Knowledge of the Absolute Truth
  3. 750705 - Lecture SB 06.01.21 - Chicago: Real perfection of yoga... = Real Perfection of Yoga Means to Fix Up the Mind at the Lotus Feet of Krishna
  4. 750713 - Lecture SB 06.01.28-29 - Philadelphia: Do not give up chanting... = Do Not Give Up Chanting. Then Krishna Will Protect You
  5. 730718 - Lecture BG 01.21-22 - London: We are fallen conditioned souls... = In this Material World We Have Come with an Enjoying Spirit. Therefore We are Fallen
  6. 750725 - Lecture SB 06.01.44 - Los Angeles: Bad work means maya and good work means God... = If We Do Not Act in Godly Situation then We Must Be Acting in Maya's Clutches
  7. 750728 - Interview - Dallas: Dictatorship is good... = Dictatorship is Good, Provided the Dictator is Highly Qualified Spiritually
  8. 750730 - Lecture SB 06.01.48 - Dallas: The conclusion is that... = Awaiting Punishment by Yamaraja
  9. 730731 - Lecture BG 01.44 - London: People misunderstand that... = People Misunderstand that Bhagavad-gita is Ordinary Warfare, Violence


  1. 740802 - Lecture BG 04.10 - Vrndavana: So long we have got this body... = We Must Try to Understand Why We are Unhappy - Because We are in this Material Body
  2. 730812 - Lecture BG 13.04 - Paris: First of all, you have to... = The Field of Activities, the Owner of the Field and the Supervisor of the Field
  3. 750814 - Lecture SB 06.01.56-57 - Bombay: Nowadays the education is... = How to Make Friendship with Others' Wife & How to Take Away Others' Money by Tricks
  4. 680817 - Lecture SB 07.09.11 - Montreal: Neither any material opulence... = One Can Satisfy the Lord Simply by Love and Devotional Service
  5. 720820 - Lecture SB 01.02.17 - Los Angeles: Without Krsna being friend... = Without Krishna being Friend of Everyone, Nobody Can Live for a Moment
  6. 730822 - Lecture - London: Guru is coming from... = There is No Difference Between Instruction. Therefore Guru Is One
  7. 730823 - Lecture BG 02.17 - London: Rascal guru will say... =Rascal Guru Will Say, "Yes, you can eat anything. You can do anything"
  8. 720827 - Lecture SB 01.02.24 - Los Angeles: Foolish activity has no... = Modern World - They're Very Active, but Foolishly Active, in Ignorance and Passion


  1. 660902 - Lecture BG 06.01-4 - New York: I am speaking simply what... = Don't Think that I am Speaking. I am Simply Instrument. Real Speaker is God
  2. 760903 - Lecture BG 07.15 Arrival - Vrndavana: Just like fighting soldiers... = On Behalf of Krsna, Preaching People to Take to Krsna - They are Great Soldiers
  3. 730904 - Lecture BG 02.36-37 - London: Dancing girl, when she was... = You are a Dancing Girl. Now You Have to Dance. You Cannot Be Shy
  4. 730905 - Lecture Arrival - Stockholm: Complete freedom... = Complete Freedom - Eternity, Blissful and Full of Knowledge
  5. 730906 - Lecture SB 05.05.01-8 - Stockholm: Karl Marx. He is thinking... = Karl Marx. He is Thinking How The Workers Senses Will Be Gratified
  6. 760914 - Lecture SB 01.07.16 - Vrndavana: Technology means sudra... = Technology is Not the Business of a Brahmana, Ksatriya, or Vaisya
  7. 760915 - Lecture SB 01.07.18 - Vrndavana: We have to become dhira... = Krishna Consciousness Movement is So Nice that Adhira can be Dhira
  8. 760916 - Lecture SB 01.07.19 - Vrndavana: Pure devotion means... = My Lord, Kindly Engage me in Your Service - That is the Perfection of Life
  9. Special treat, two for the same day. 760916 - Lecture SB 01.07.19 - Vrndavana: We have learned from our... = We Have Learned From Our Guru Mahārāja that Preaching is Very Important Thing
  10. 690917 - Lecture SB 05.05.02 - London: People do not understand... = In Krishna Consciousness they are Educated what is Bondage and what is Liberation
  11. Audio already made: 760920 - Lecture SB 01.07.23 - Vrndavana: If you simply speak... = Follow Krishna and His Representatives, Then You Become Mahajana
  12. 760923 - Lecture SB 01.07.26 - Vrndavana: We have discussed about brahmastra... = Brahmastra is Made of Mantra. That is the Subtle Way
  13. 730926 - Lecture BG 13.03 - Bombay: We cannot cheat Krsna... = We Cannot Cheat Krishna
  14. 740928 - Lecture SB 01.08.18 - Mayapur: Shortcut of "demon-cracy" is "democracy."... = Shortcut of "Demon-Cracy" is "Democracy"


  1. 741003 - Lecture SB 01.08.23 - Mayapur: This is the study of Krsna... = Don't be Agitated by the Dangerous Condition of this Material World
  2. 761008 - Lecture SB 01.07.51-52 - Vrndavana: This is Rupa Gosvami's instruction... = Rupa Gosvami's Instruction - Somehow or Other, You Become Attached to Krishna
  3. 741010 - Lecture SB 01.08.30 - Mayapur... = Krsna is available so cheaply... = We are Reluctant to Chant the Holy Name
  4. 751011 - Lecture BG 18.45 - Durban: We are dependent on the laws of nature... = Real Independence is how to Get Out of the Clutches of these Material Laws
  5. 741012 - Lecture SB 01.08.32 - Mayapur: God has nothing to do... = God Has Nothing To Do. He is Self-sufficient. Neither He Has Got Any Aspiration
  6. 751013 - Lecture BG 13.01-3 - Durban: God is witness... = God is Witness and He is Giving the Result
  7. 751015 - Lecture SB 01.07.05-6 - Johannesburg: Yantrarudhani mayaya... = This Body is a Machine, but We Are Accepting Machine as Myself
  8. 751019 - Lecture BG 04.13 - Johannesburg: Whether you have understood God... = Simply Stamping "I am Christian," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," there is No Profit
  9. 681021 - Lecture SB 07.09.08 - Seattle: How do we enter... = On the Platform of Goodness, You Can Understand the All-Good
  10. 681023 - Lecture SB 02.01.02-5 - Montreal: Asrama means... = Asrama Means Situation for Spiritual Cultivation
  11. 761024 - Lecture SB 05.05.02 - Vrndavana: Guru means whatever... = Guru Means Whatever Instruction He'll Give, We Have to Accept Without any Argument
  12. 761025 - Lecture SB 05.05.03 - Vrndavana: Pandita does not... Pandita Does Not Mean One who has got Degree. Pandita Means Sama-cittah
  13. 751027 - Lecture SB 03.28.18 - Nairobi: The more you glorify the Lord... = You Become Pious Simply by Kirtana
  14. 751030 - Lecture SB 03.28.20 - Nairobi: That is the birthright... = That is the Birthright in India - they are Automatically Krishna Conscious


  1. 751101 - Lecture BG 07.05 - Nairobi: In the spiritual world there... = In the Spiritual World there is No Disagreement
  2. 741102 - Lecture SB 03.25.02 - Bombay: Kovida means intelligent... = Human Life Should Only Endeavor How to Get in Touch of the Lotus Feet of Krishna
  3. 721104 - Lecture NOD - Vrndavana: They (people) like it... = Our Movement is Transferring that Hard Working to the Business of Krishna
  4. 721105 - Lecture NOD - Vrndavana: Acarya's duty is to point... = Acarya's Duty is to Point Out the Sastric Injunction
  5. 761106 - Lecture SB 05.05.18 - Vrndavana: Anyone who takes... = Anyone Who Takes Care of His Subordinate, He is Guru
  6. 721107 - Lecture NOD - Vrndavana: My Guru Maharaja used to say... = The Four Walls Will Hear You Chant. That is Sufficient. Don't be Disappointed
  7. 721109 - Lecture SB 01.02.30 - Vrndavana: This is the Vaisnava... = This is the Vaisnava Philosophy. We Are Trying To Be Servant
  8. 721113 - Lecture NOD - Vrndavana: We cannot follow... = We Cannot Follow Asadhu-marga. We Must Follow Sadhu-marga
  9. 741116 - Lecture SB 03.25.16 - Bombay... = Cleanliness is next to godliness... = Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness
  10. 751118 - Lecture Initiation Sannyasa - Bombay: You are taking this pledge... = Pledge for Serving as a Sannyasi in Front of Krishna, Vaisnava, Guru and Fire
  11. 741119 - Lecture SB 03.25.19 - Bombay: Bhakti is only for... = Bhakti Is Only For Bhagavan
  12. 761120 - Lecture SB 05.05.33 - Vrndavana: Krsna said... Modern Politicians Stress on Karma Because They Want to Work Hard like Hogs & Dogs
  13. 661122 - Lecture CC Madhya 20.100-108 - New York: We should be prepared to sacrifice anything... = Be Prepared to Sacrifice Anything for Perfection of this Human Form of Life
  14. 731130 - Lecture SB 01.15.20 - Los Angeles: We may be very... = We May be Very Powerful so long Krishna Keeps us Powerful


  1. 731201 - Lecture SB 01.15.21 - Los Angeles: Everything will be... = Everything Will Be Null and Void When There Is No God
  2. 751203 - Lecture SB 07.06.02 - Vrndavana: When he is engaged... = When We Are Children and Not Polluted, We Should Be Trained Up in Bhagavata-dharma
  3. 751204 - Lecture SB 07.06.03 - Vrndavana: There was a prostitute... There was a Prostitute Whose Charges was One Lakh of Pieces of Diamond
  4. 731213 - Lecture Festival Disappearance Day, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati - Los Angeles: Although this... = Spiritually, there is No Difference between Appearance and Disappearance
  5. 761214 - Lecture BG 16.07 - Hyderabad: Krsna Consciousness... = Krishna Consciousness Movement is Training of Nivrtti-marga - So Many No's
  6. 761215 - Lecture BG 16.07 - Hyderabad: This asuric public... = Very Beginning of Life is Mistaken. They are Thinking this Body is the Self
  7. 731216 - Lecture SB 01.15.38 - Los Angeles: If the king is real... = Simply by Pleasing the King, You Please the Almighty Father, God
  8. 761217 - Lecture BG 03.25 - Hyderabad: Even the dog knows how... = Even the Dog Knows How To Use Sex Life. It Doesn't Require a Freud's Philosophy
  9. 741221 - Lecture SB 03.26.09 - Bombay. The material world is... = The Material World is Shadow Reflection of the Spiritual World
  10. 731224 - Lecture SB 01.15.46 - Los Angeles: This description of... = Description of the Kali-yuga is Given in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
  11. 741227 - Lecture SB 03.26.18 - Bombay: Guru means who... One Cannot Become Guru Unless He Knows Krsna-tattva
  12. 731231 - Lecture SB 01.16.03 - Los Angeles: We want to see God... = We Want to See God, But We do Not Acknowledge that We are Not Qualified