Category:Women in General
Pages in category "Women in General"
The following 25 pages are in this category, out of 25 total.
- Generally it is not good for the women with babies to worship the Deity, because a baby means uncleanliness
- Generally women are very much passionate and are less intelligent; therefore somehow or other a man should not be under the control of their passion and ignorance
- Girls and women are generally very soft hearted and they take things very easily, but then there is also chance of being misled. So you chant the Holy Name of Krishna and Krishna will keep you from being misled
- I am very glad that your wife Mona is gradually understanding Krishna Consciousness. Women are generally less intelligent. Give her time & scope & she will turn out a very good assistant for your life. Convey my blessings for her
- In Sanskrit a woman's voice is called nari-svara because women generally sing and their singing is very attractive
- The creeper (in the forest of material existence) itself is women in general
- The little taste experienced in sex is our desire to enjoy another's wife, and the flies are the guardians of women, like the husband, father-in-law, mother-in-law and so forth. The creeper itself is women in general
- The Lord (Krsna) is so kind that He does not show special favor only to one who is a great philosopher. He knows the sincerity of purpose. For this reason only, women generally assemble in great number in any sort of religious function
- The Manu-samhita recommends that to keep a wife satisfied a husband should give her some ornaments because women are generally fond of home, ornaments, dresses, children, etc. In this way the woman is the center of all material enjoyment
- The qualification for leading class is how much one understands about Krsna & surrendering to the process. Not whether one is male or female. Of course women, generally speaking are less intelligent, better she has heard nicely then she will speak nicely
- Women are generally after sense gratification. That is the disease. Chant 24 hours a day and don't dress nicely to attract men. It is better that you don't make a large program. Remain a humble program. In bhakti there is no grotesque program
- Women are generally attached to material enjoyment, and because of this tendency they sometimes forget devotional instructions
- Women are generally considered less intelligent. Because of ignorance only, the queens thought of the dead body as their husband and somehow or other thought that if the body were kept their husband would remain with them
- Women are generally known as the fair sex, and especially in youth, at the age of sixteen or seventeen, women are very attractive to men. Therefore a woman's face is compared to a blooming lotus flower in autumn
- Women in general are unable to speculate like philosophers, but they are blessed by the Lord (Krsna) because they believe at once in the superiority and almightiness of the Lord, and thus they offer obeisances without reservation
- Women in general are very much sexually inclined. Indeed, it is said that a woman's sex desire is nine times stronger than a man's
- Women in general should not be trusted, and what to speak of a woman loitering like a prostitute
- Women in general should not be trusted, and what to speak of a woman loitering like a prostitute?
- Women in general, being very simple at heart, can very easily take to KC, and when they develop love of Krsna they can easily get liberation from the clutches of maya, which are very difficult for even so-called intelligent and learned men to surpass