Category:Without Caitanya
Pages in category "Without Caitanya"
The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.
- The living entity must get strength from Nitai-Gaura, or Krsna-Balarama. Without the mercy of Nitai-Gaura, there is no way to come out of this dark well of ignorance
- This (that without the protection of Gaura-Nitai one cannot get out of the dark well of ignorance in material existence) is indicated here (in SB 7.15.46) by the word nocet, which means that one will always remain in the dark well of material existence
- Without Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, this kingdom is not pleasing to me. Therefore please try to devise some plan to enable the Lord to stay here
- Without the protection of Gaura-Nitai - Krsna and Balarama - one cannot get out of the dark well of ignorance in material existence
- Without Their (Gaura-Nitai's) strength, simply attempting to get out of the clutches of matter by speculative knowledge will be insufficient