Category:That Is Not Bhakti - Devotional Service to God
Pages in category "That Is Not Bhakti - Devotional Service to God"
The following 28 pages are in this category, out of 28 total.
- Bhakti does not mean stop your work. Bhakti does not mean sentimental fanaticism. That is not bhakti. Bhakti means to engage all your senses for the satisfaction of the proprietor of the senses. That is called bhakti
- Bhakti is only for Bhagavan. Not that "My bhakti for this or that, for this demigod, for that demigod, for my family, for my country, for my society, for my wife, for my cat, for my dog." This is not bhakti. They are imitation only. That is lust
- Bhakti means to satisfy Krsna. Bhakti cannot be applied to anyone else. If somebody says that "I am a great devotee of Kali, goddess Kali," that is not bhakti; that is business. Because any demigod you worship, there is some purpose behind
- Bhakti minus respect, that is not bhakti. With love, with respect, with designated duties, if you be engaged in Krsna consciousness, then your life will be successful
- Bhakti, or devotional service is not such a thing which can be checked. "Sir, I was feeling very sick, therefore I could not chant." No, that is not bhakti. We are subjected to all these tribulations utterly
- Bhakti-yoga means vairagya, detachment for material enjoyment. That is the sign. Not that "I am a big, big devotee, but I have got very great attachment for material enjoyment." That is not bhakti
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, brahma-janme nahi mora asa: "I do not desire even to take birth as Lord Brahma." Because that is not pure bhakti
- If he has got any other desire to fulfill, then it is mixed. It is not suddha-bhakti; it is vaidhi-bhakti. Karma-misra-bhakti, jnana-misra-bhakti, yoga-misra-bhakti. Bhakti must be there. Otherwise, karma, jnana, yoga, nothing is successful
- If I am trying under the, I mean to say, cover of becoming bhakta and trying to gather some material profit, that is not bhakti. That is very dangerous
- If the conclusion of philosophical speculation is voidism or impersonalism, that is not bhakti
- Kamsa was liberated. Although he was unfavorably Krsna conscious, but he was thinking of Krsna. Hiranyakasipu, he was also thinking of Krsna. But unfavorably. So that is not bhakti. We must think of Krsna favorably
- Krsna is asking me to tell lie. "Yes, I shall tell lie." That is bhakti. If I consider, "Oh, I never spoken lies in my life. How can I speak lie?" that is not bhakti. Because it is pratikula, against Krsna's desire. Common people cannot understand this
- So bhakti is not very ordinary thing. It begins after one is liberated. The Mayavadi says that "By bhakti one can become one with God." No. That is not bhakti. That is Mayavada. That is mistake
- So devotional service, this line of activities should not be taken for some material gain. This is not bhakti. Bhakti must be pure, cent percent pure, free from all material desires
- So long I keep God as my order-supplier, that is not bhakti. Generally, people keep God as his order-supplier: "O God, give us our daily bread," "O God, I am in distress, "O God, I am in difficulty, "O God, I am..." God supplies them
- So many mahatmas, sadhus, yogis, they are all useless, all useless, because they have no bhakti. Simply artificially cheating people. This is a society of cheaters and cheated
- Sometimes people criticize these American and European devotees, that they think that "They are American devotee; we are Hindu devotee. There is difference." This is not bhakti-marga. This is upadhi. Why you should think yourself as Hindu?
- Then as soon as relationship (sambandha) is understood, then our real activity begins. That real activities is called bhakti, and the material activities, which is not bhakti, that is maya
- There are five kinds of direct asakti. Asakti means attachment. And there are seven kinds of indirect attachment. Indirect attachment is not bhakti, but direct attachment is called bhakti
- There are five types of direct attachment, and there are seven types of indirect attachment. Indirect attachment is not bhakti. Direct attachment is called bhakti
- To render service to God, that is bhakti. We are rendering service to so many things. That is not bhakti
- That Is Not
- Bhakti - Devotional Service to God
- No's and Not's - Umbrella Category
- Devotional Service to God - Umbrella Category
- Bhakti - Devotional Service to God - Umbrella Category
- Not Nurturing Devotional Service to God - Umbrella Category
- Devotional Service and Krsna Consciousness - Umbrella Category
- All Categories - Vaniquotes