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- "A person who is actually intelligent is able - by association of pure devotees - to hear about Lord Krsna and His activities." These activities are so attractive that when one hears of them, he does not give up his association with the Lord
- "And what is the best type of meditation?" Lord Caitanya inquired. "He who always meditates on the lotus feet of Radha and Krsna is the best meditator," Ramananda Raya answered
- "As a result of this chanting," the Lord (Caitanya) said, "I sometimes become very impatient and cannot restrain Myself from dancing and laughing or crying and singing. Indeed, I become just like a madman
- "Because you have understood the purpose of My incarnation, you are privileged to have seen this particular feature of My personality," the Lord said to Ramananda Raya
- "How is this?" the mendicant upbraided him (Sanatana Gosvami). "You appear to be a very nice gentleman, but you are mocking me in this unmannerly way"
- "Let me offer my obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna, and Aniruddha." This was the process of self-realization for the Dvapara age
- "Please rest assured that I have nothing to hide from you," Lord Caitanya told Ramananda. "Even if I do try to hide from you, you are such an advanced devotee that you can understand all My secrets"
- "Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya considers me to be one of his devotees," Ramananda Raya replied (to Lord Caitanya). "Therefore he has kindly recommended that You see me"
- "Tell Me if you know something beyond this (impersonal) conception of the Supreme Absolute Truth," Lord Caitanya finally said to Ramananda Raya
- "Where should a person live, giving up all other pleasures?" Lord Caitanya next inquired. Ramananda replied that one should give up all other pleasures and should live in Vrndavana where Lord Krsna had so many pastimes
- "You (Ramananda Raya) have the highest conception of the pastimes of Radha and Krsna," Lord Caitanya continued. "Therefore you are seeing Radha-Krsna everywhere"
- A bona fide spiritual master chants the holy names - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare - and the transcendental sound vibration enters into the ear of the disciple
- A bona fide spiritual master must always condemn such independent mental speculators (who are under the spell of material energy). If the bona fide spiritual master directly points out the foolishness of a disciple, it should not be taken otherwise
- A challenging puffed-up person cannot gain anything from a Krsna conscious man; he would simply remain in material consciousness
- A chemist can manufacture water in the laboratory by mixing hydrogen and oxygen, but in reality the living entity can only work under the direction of the Supreme Lord. Indeed, all materials used by a chemist are supplied by the Lord
- A class of common men claim that one can accept many different paths & still reach the same place, & they maintain that the Supreme Absolute Truth may be worshiped either as the Goddess Kali, or Goddess Durga, or Lord Siva, Ganesa, Rama, Hari, or Brahma
- A class of common men maintain that it does not matter how the Absolute Truth is addressed, for all names are one and the same. They give the example of a man with many names; if he is called by any of those names, he will answer
- A conditioned living entity should become aware of his real position and should pray to the Lord, How much longer will I be under the rule of all these bodily functions such as lust and anger?
- A conditioned soul falsely thinks himself happy in the material world, but if he is favored by the instructions of an unalloyed devotee, he gives up his desire for material enjoyment and becomes enlightened in Krsna consciousness
- A devotee has no particular interest in any types of liberation. He is satisfied simply by being engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- A devotee is always anxious to see that his time is not wasted in anything which is not connected with Krsna
- A devotee is especially adverse to merging into the existence of the Lord and losing his individual identity. Indeed, a devotee considers oneness with the Lord to be hellish
- A devotee of the Lord is always kind to everyone, and he does not pick quarrels. His interest is in the essence of life, which is spiritual. He is equal to everyone, and no one can find fault in him
- A devotee of the Lord is more merciful than the Lord Himself. When a devotee desires to show his mercy to a person, the Lord acts, and by His grace one becomes a devotee
- A devotee should accept only those things that are favorable for keeping his body and soul together and should reject those things that increase the demands of the body. Only the bare necessities for bodily maintenance should be accepted
- A devotee should always remain dependent on the mercy of the Supreme Lord and that as far as his material necessities are concerned, he should be satisfied with whatever is obtained without endeavor
- A devotee should never approach a materialistic person for any kind of help
- A devotee who is fully engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord is protected by the Supreme Person
- A devotee will accept one of the four other kinds of liberation in consideration for being engaged in the service of the Lord
- A devotee, although born in a candala (dog-eater) family, can purify his whole family for one hundred generations, past and future, by devotional service, whereas a proud brahmana cannot even purify himself
- A direct instruction from Krsna is more important than any Vedic instruction or even regulative service
- A godless concept of life is maya. One who is actually learned in the Vedic literatures surrenders unto the Supreme Lord with great devotion and accepts Him as the supreme goal
- A good analogy utilizes as many similarities between two objects as possible. A water pot is not an active living force, but we are. Ever silent meditation may be adequate for a waterpot, but not for us
- A great saintly acarya has sung: when will I be able to understand the literatures left by the Gosvamis so that I will be able to know of the transcendental pastimes of Radha and Krsna
- A great saintly acarya has sung: When will my mind be cleared of all contamination so I will be able to see Vrndavana as it is
- A highly elevated person born in a brahmana family cannot be a spiritual master unless he is a devotee of the Lord
- A human being is sometimes restricted in sense gratification due to certain circumstances such as disease, etc., but this is not the prescription
- A Krsna conscious person is never under the false conception that he is one with God. Knowing that he would not be happy by working for himself, he engages all his energies in the service of the Supreme Lord
- A Krsna conscious person knowing that he would not be happy by working for himself, he engages all his energies in the service of the Supreme Lord and thereby gains release from the clutches of illusory material energy
- A list of incarnations is given in SB which are: (13) Prthu, (14) Nrsimha, (15) Kurma, (16) Dhanvantari, (17) Mohini, (18) Vamana, (19) Bhargava (Parasurama), (20) Raghavendra, (21) Vyasa, (22) Pralambari Balarama, (23) Krsna, (24) Buddha (25) Kalki
- A list of incarnations is given in Srimad-Bhagavatam & they are: (1) Kumaras, (2) Narada, (3) Varaha, (4) Matsya, (5) Yajna, (6) Nara-narayana, (7) Kardami Kapila, (8) Dattatreya, (9) Hayasirsa, (10) Hamsa, (11) Dhruvapriya or Prsnigarbha, (12) Rsabha
- A living entity is eternally related with Krsna in the relationship of master and servant. Once that service is wanting - or, in other words, when one is not situated in Krsna consciousness - it is to be understood that study of Vedanta is insufficient
- A man is never so degraded as when he associates with persons who are too much attached to women
- A man may think he will be happy by performing rituals, but actually if he does gain some result from them, it is only temporary. His material distresses will continue
- A man may think he will be happy by performing rituals, but he will never become truly happy by following the ritualistic process. Instead, he will simply increase his material pangs more and more
- A member of the Ventor Gosvami Society, or the caste called gosvami, cannot be accepted as a descendant of the six original Gosvamis. Nor can so-called devotees who manufacture songs about Lord Caitanya, professional priests or paid reciters, be accepted
- A perfect devotee of Krsna is overwhelmed by seeing the beauty of Krsna's bodily luster, His face and smile
- A person born in a brahmana family may be conversant with all of the rituals of the Vedic scriptures but if he is not a pure devotee, he cannot be a spiritual master
- A person engaged in devotional service becomes heartsick when singing the glories of the Supreme Lord. Because the Lord is very dear to him, when he glorifies the Lord's name, fame and so on, he becomes almost like an insane man
- A person in bhava is confident in his work, and he is never under the impression that he is not making progress toward the supreme goal of life - going back to Godhead
- A person in bhava is very much attached to gratifying the Lord and in chanting or hearing about the Lord, and he is always attached to describing the transcendental qualities of the Lord. He also prefers to live in holy places like Mathura or Vrndavana
- A person in Krsna consciousness who is fully devoted to the transcendental loving service of the Lord develops all the godly qualities of the demigods
- A person properly initiated by a bona fide spiritual master and engaged in chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare gradually becomes freed from the conception of I and mine
- A person properly initiated by a bona fide spiritual master, becomes attached to the Lord's transcendental loving service in one of the five transcendental relationships. Such transcendental service is not a subject matter for gross and subtle bodies
- "A person who devotes his mind, body and speech to the service of the Lord, even though in the midst of a miserable life fraught with past misdeeds, is assured of liberation." Bhattacarya changed the word mukti (liberation) to bhakti - devotional service
- A person who beats an empty husk of wheat cannot get grain, and one who engages simply in speculative knowledge cannot achieve the desired result of self realization. The only gain is trouble
- A person who has developed bhava in devotional service. Such a person thinks of himself as the most wretched, and his only satisfaction is in thinking that some day or other Krsna will be kind enough to favor him by engaging him in devotional service
- A person who has developed from faith to the stage of bhava, states that such a person is never agitated even if there are causes for agitation. Nor does such a person waste his time even for a moment; he is always anxious to do something for Krsna
- A person who is completely ignorant of the science of God cannot be considered learned
- A person who is constantly engaged in devotional service to Krsna and who chants His holy name becomes so transcendentally attached to the chanting that his heart becomes softened without extraneous endeavor
- A person who is following the principles of householder life, as well as one following the principles of the renounced life in the order of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, is a devotee and cannot be compared to professional men
- A person who is in perfect knowledge of Vedanta becomes a servitor of the Supreme Lord, who is the maintainer and sustainer of the whole cosmic manifestation
- A person who is intelligent and able to understand the philosophy of Krsna consciousness naturally gives up everything and takes to the shelter of Krsna
- A person who is puffed up by so-called education and who has no humility does not seek the protection of a bona fide spiritual master
- A pious or religious man is generally inclined to worship deities in various temples
- A pure devotee accepts the transcendental loving service of the Lord but rejects all kinds of liberation for his personal sense gratification
- A pure devotee attached to devotional service should always remember the activities of a particular inhabitant of Vraja, even though he is not able to live in Vrajabhumi or Vrndavana. In this way he can always think of Vrajabhumi and Vrndavana
- A pure devotee is a soul who is forever surrendered to the Lord (Krsna), just as a child is surrendered to his parents or an animal to its master
- A pure devotee of Lord Krsna and one who follows the philosophy of Lord Caitanya are one and the same
- A pure devotee who is always engaged in KC can sacrifice everything for the service of the Lord. One who has dedicated his life to the service of Lord Caitanya, Krsna and the spiritual master, is a devotee and cannot be compared to professional men
- A pure devotee who is always engaged in Krsna consciousness can sacrifice everything for the service of the Lord
- A pure devotee who is attached to the Lord always follows in the footsteps of a personality of Vrajabhumi
- A serious person would accept Caitanya Mahaprabhu's instruction that anyone - regardless of his position - conversant with Krsna science must be accepted as the spiritual master
- A snake's body is never straight; it is always curling. Similarly, Krsna often stands in a three curved posture, and He has bitten the gopis with transcendental love
- A society which is civilized and organized should follow the prescribed rules and regulations for the particular classes - namely brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras
- A student is to be considered perfected when he understands the identity of the holy name and the Supreme Lord. Unless one is under the shelter of a realized spiritual master, his understanding of the Supreme is simply foolishness
- A surrendered soul should take shelter of a holy place like Vrndavana, Mathura, Dvaraka, Mayapur, etc., and should say, "My Lord, from today I am Yours. You can protect me or kill me as You like." A pure devotee takes shelter of Krsna in such a way
- A third-class devotee cannot actually be considered a pure devotee; he is almost in the devotional line, but his position is not very secure
- A touchstone may produce great quantities of gold in contact with iron, but still the touchstone remains as it is
- A verse appears again in krsna-karnamrta (92): "The body of Krsna is so nice, and His face is so beautiful. Everything about Him is sweet and fragrant"
- A worker is simply instructed here to offer the results of his work to the Supreme Lord, but there is no information given to enable one to get out of the material entanglement. Therefore Lord Caitanya rejected his proposal
- A worker's identification with material existence cannot be changed without proper guidance. Such fruitive activity will continue one's material existence
- Above that planetary (Sivadhama) system is the spiritual sky where innumerable spiritual planets, known as Vaikunthas, are situated. Above these Vaikuntha planets there is Krsna's planet known as Goloka Vrndavana
- Above the impersonal feature is the Paramatma, or the Supersoul, and above that is the Supreme Personality. Srimad-Bhagavatam gives information about the personal qualities of the Absolute Truth, qualities which are beyond the impersonal aspect
- Academic scholars have no entrance by means of logic and other argument into the understanding of the transcendental nature of the holy name of God
- According to a mantra in Taittiriya Upanisad (yato va imani bhutani jayante) this cosmic manifestation is but an emanation from the Supreme Absolute Truth, and it rests in the Supreme Absolute Truth
- According to authorized Vaisnava principles, one should follow a particular devotee, and not think of himself as Krsna's associate
- According to Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (NOD 1.2.270), "Devotional service with ecstatic attachment for that service, which becomes natural for the devotee, is called raga, or transcendental attachment"
- According to Lord Caitanya, the codes of the Pancaratra and the codes of Vedanta are one and the same. Since the Vedanta-sutra is compiled by Vyasadeva, it should be understood to be spoken by Narayana Himself
- According to Lord Caitanya, those who try to give personal interpretations to the Vedic statements are not at all intelligent. They mislead their followers by inventing their own interpretations
- According to Mayavadi philosophy, the Lord is a product of this material nature, and the living entity is in the lowest stage of ignorance. That is the sum and substance of Mayavadi philosophy
- According to Mayavadi philosophy, the Personality of Godhead, His abode, His devotional service and His emotional devotees are all under the spell of maya and are consequently subjected to the material condition
- According to Mayavadis, Vedanta refers to the Sariraka commentary of Sankaracarya. When impersonal philosophers refer to Vedanta & the Upanisads, they are actually referring to the commentaries of Sankaracarya, the greatest teacher of Mayavadi philosophy
- According to Muktika Upanisad, there are 108 Upanisads. Among these are: (1) Isa, (2) Kena, (3) Katha, (4) Prasna, (5) Mundaka, (6) Mandukya, (7) Tittiri, (8) Aitareya
- According to Muktika Upanisad, there are 108 Upanisads. Among these are: (9) Chandogya, (10) Brhad-aranyaka, (11) Brahma, (12) Kaivalya, (13) Javala, (14) Svetasva, (15) Hansa, (16) Arunih, (17) Garbha, (18) Narayana, etc
- According to ordinary experience, Vrndavana appears to be just like an ordinary village, but in the eyes of a highly elevated devotee, it is as good as the original Vrndavana
- According to Sankara's principles, a brahmacari of the Bharatic school is called Caitanya. However, although Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu took sannyasa, He kept His brahmacari name and did not take up the title of Bharati
- According to SB, there are twelve authorities, & they are all famous because they were all great devotees of the Lord. These authorities are Brahma, Narada, Lord Siva, Manu, Kapila, Prahlada, Janaka, Bhisma, Sukadeva Gosvami, Bali, Yamaraja & the Kumaras
- According to Svetasvatara Upanisad, although Brahman has no material hands and legs, He nonetheless walks in a very stately way and accepts everything that is offered to Him. This suggests that He has transcendental limbs and is therefore not impersonal
- According to the calculations of the spiritual master, Lord Caitanya appeared to be a fool; therefore he said that He should not indulge in the study of Vedanta but should continue chanting the Hare Krsna mantra. Lord Caitanya strictly obeyed this order
- According to the divisions & gradations of devotees, permanent devotional situations can be divided into 5 categories: (1) peacefulness, (2) service to Krsna, (3) friendship with Krsna, (4) parental affection toward Krsna, and (5) conjugal love for Krsna
- According to the evidences afforded by various Vedic scriptures, the Supreme Lord Krsna is accepted as the ultimate goal of Brahman realization
- According to the grammatical rules, there are many atmaramas, but one sense of the word is sufficient to represent the others. In the collective sense, all the atmaramas are inclined to worship the Supreme Lord Krsna
- According to the Hayasirsa-pancaratra, there are sixteen forms, and these forms are named differently according to the situations of the disc and mace
- According to the Mahabharata, there is no point in arguing about the Absolute Truth because there are so many different Vedic scriptures and philosophical understandings that no one philosopher can agree with another
- According to the material conception, there is duality between the name, form, quality, emotions and activities of a person and the person himself, but as far as the transcendental vibration is concerned, there is no such limitation
- According to the Mayavadi philosophy, the cosmic manifestation is but the transformation of the Absolute Truth, and the Absolute Truth has no separate existence outside the cosmic manifestation. This is not the message of Vedanta-sutra
- According to the principles of the Mayavadi sannyasis, singing, dancing and playing musical instruments are strictly prohibited, for they are considered to be sinful activities. The Mayavadi sannyasi is simply supposed to engage in the study of Vedanta
- According to the Sankara sect, there are ten different names for sannyasis. Out of them, three names - Tirtha, Asrama and Sarasvati - are given to the sannyasis considered to be the most enlightened and cultured
- According to the situation, sambhoga ecstasy is known by four names: (1) sanksipta, (2) sankirna, (3) sampanna, (4) samrddhiman. Such symptoms are also visible during dreams
- According to the Skanda and Vayu Puranas, the word sutra refers to a condensed work which carries meaning and import of immeasurable strength without mistake or fault. The word vedanta means - the end of Vedic knowledge
- According to the teachings of Caitanya, the bona fide spiritual master, those who do not understand the transcendental vibration as being nondifferent from the Supreme and who try to become Mayavadi philosophers or experts in Vedanta-sutra are all fools
- According to the Vaisnava almanac, the twelve months of the year are named according to the twelve Vaikuntha forms of Krsna, and these forms are known as the predominating Deities for the twelve months
- According to the Vedic method, sabda or transcendental sound, is regarded as evidence
- According to the verse cited by Ramananda Raya, one can rise to the point of devotional service by ritualistic performance
- According to the Visnu Purana (6.7.61-3), the living entities are considered ksetrajna energy
- According to their (Mayavadis') imperfect speculation, the impersonal Brahman is considered to be the only existence in the cosmic manifestation
- According to them (the Mayavadis), liberation means the end of individual identification, or of the pure living entity
- According to them (the Mayavadis), the material body and the activities of matter which identify the living entity are all material manifestations
- According to Vedic astrological calculations, the twenty-four hours of a day and night are divided into sixty dandas. The days are again divided into 3,600 palas. The sun disc can be perceived in every sixty palas, and that time constitutes a danda
- According to Vedic instructions, one should understand the constitutional position of the living entity, the position of the Lord, and the position of material energy in their interrelation
- According to Vedic literatures, one who does not accept the spiritual form of the Supreme Lord is an atheist. Because Lord Buddha did not accept these Vedic principles, the Vedic teachers consider him to be an atheist
- Acknowledging the benediction offered to him by Krsna, he (Brahma) became the original spiritual master of all living entities
- Active interest in Krsna - the understanding that Krsna is mine or that I am Krsna's, and that therefore my business is to satisfy the senses of Krsna - is typical of a higher stage than the neutrality of the santa-rasa
- Activities in devotional service increase the sense of devotional service
- Actually a mukta, or liberated soul, is he who understands his constitutional position as an eternal servant of the Lord. Such liberated souls engage with faith and devotion in the service of the Lord, and they are called krsna-bhaktas
- Actually all Vedic literature directs the human being toward the perfect stage of devotion
- Actually Caitanya-caritamrta is not intended for the novice, for it is the post-graduate study of spiritual knowledge. Ideally, one begins with and advances through Srimad-Bhagavatam to the Caitanya-caritamrta
- Actually devotional service is the eternal life of the living entity and is lying dormant in everyone's heart. The practice which invokes that dormant devotional service is called practical devotional service
- Actually every living entity is destined to reach the Supreme Lord. Indeed, it is possible for everyone to understand his relationship with the Supreme
- Actually Gopinatha Acarya had sincerely wished that his brother-in-law, Bhattacarya, would become a devotee of the Lord. He had sincerely desired that the Lord favor Bhattacarya, and he was glad to see that his desire was fulfilled by Lord Caitanya
- Actually He (Krsna) is in the same form in His vaibhava-prakasa and prabhava-vilasa, but He appears differently as Balarama and Krsna
- Actually in the first two chapters of Vedanta-sutra the relationship between the living entities and the Supreme Lord is explained, and in the Third Chapter the discharge of devotional service is explained
- Actually lust and sex are there in spiritual life, but when the spirit soul is embodied in material elements, that spiritual urge is expressed through the material body and is therefore pervertedly reflected
- Actually the body is not the living entity, but the doctrine of transformation accepts the body as the living entity. Every conditioned soul is undoubtedly contaminated by this doctrine of transformation
- Actually the example of the rope and the snake is not completely irregular. When we accept a rope to be a snake, it is to be understood that we have experienced a snake previously. Otherwise, how can the rope be mistaken for a snake?
- Actually the living entity is not intended to achieve success in religious rituals, economic development or sense enjoyment. The living entity should not even desire success in liberation, what to speak of success in religion, economics & sense enjoyment
- Actually the part and parcel of the Supreme is not eternally subjected to gross and subtle bodily life. The gross and subtle coverings do not comprise the living entity's eternal form; they can be changed
- Actually the Supreme Personality of Godhead has His transcendental body, Lord Siva states. But I describe the Supreme as impersonal. I also explain the Vedanta-sutra according to the same principles of Mayavadi philosophy
- Actually the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the master of all energies. It is only the living entity, who is an infinitesimal part and parcel of Him, who is overpowered by the material energy
- Actually this philosophy (of Karma-mimamsa) stresses the impersonal feature of the Supreme Absolute Truth. Because Lord Caitanya did not like such impersonalism, He rejected it
- Actually, in pure consciousness the living entity understands himself as the eternal servant of the Supreme Lord
- Actually, maya means "that which is not." It has no existence. Thus it is false to think that the living entity has no connection with the Supreme Lord
- Actually, relationships with the Supreme Lord begin with the master and servant relationship and further develop into friendship, paternal love and conjugal love
- Advaita Prabhu is also in the category of the Supreme Personality of Godhead but is subordinate to Lord Caitanya and Nityananda Prabhu
- Advaitacarya appeared just to distribute the knowledge of Krsna consciousness. Thus he is also the Lord incarnated as a devotee
- Advaitacarya, another principal disciple of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's, is accepted as an expansion of the Maha-Visnu. Thus Advaitacarya is also the Lord, or, more precisely, an expansion of the Lord
- Affection for matter is perishable, as indicated by the inebriety of sex in the material world, but there is no such inebriety in the spiritual world
- After attaining this position (of ultimate goal of devotional service), the plant (of devotional service) produces fruit, which is known as the fruit of love of Godhead
- After bathing, Candrasekhara gave him (Sanatana Gosvami) some good cloth. When Lord Caitanya was informed that Sanatana did not accept new garments but later accepted only some used garments from Tapana Misra, He was very glad
- After conquering Cupid's pride, the Lord engages in the rasa dance as the new Cupid. He is also known as Madana-mohana because of His ability to conquer the minds of women with His five arrows called form, taste, smell, sound and touch
- After describing the Lila and guna-avataras, Caitanya explains the manvantara-avataras to Sanatana Gosvami. He first states that there is no possibility of counting the manvantara-avataras. In one kalpa, or one day of Brahma, fourteen Manus are manifest
- After describing the Manu incarnations, Lord Caitanya explained the yuga-avataras to Sanatana Gosvami
- After describing the saktyavesa incarnations, Caitanya Mahaprabhu began to speak about the age of the Supreme Lord. He said that the Supreme Lord Krsna is always like a sixteen-year-old boy
- After discussing Krsna for some time, Ramananda Raya fell at the feet of the Lord and said, "My dear Lord, You have taught me as You formerly taught the Vedas to Brahma"
- After giving a summary of the beauty of Krsna, Ramananda Raya began to speak of the spiritual energy of Krsna, which is headed by Srimati Radharani
- After having his suggestions rejected twice, Ramananda proposed that one should forsake his occupational activities altogether and by detachment rise to the transcendental plane. In other words, he recommended complete renunciation of worldly life
- After he remained silent for some time, Lord Caitanya asked him, "My dear Bhattacarya, don't be confused by this explanation. Please take it from Me that the devotional service of the Supreme Lord is the highest perfectional stage of human understanding"
- After hearing Ramananda Raya expound upon the proper execution of a regulated life, Lord Caitanya said that such regulations are simply external. Indirectly He asked Ramananda to expound on something superior to such an external exhibition
- After hearing Ramananda Raya speak of the qualities of Radha Krsna, Lord Caitanya desired to hear from him about the reciprocation of love between Them
- After hearing the arguments and talks of Caitanya, all the Mayavadi sannyasis who were present became pacified and replied with sweet words: Dear sir, what You have spoken is all true. A person who attains love of Godhead is certainly very fortunate
- After hearing the different explanations of the word atmarama, Sanatana Gosvami was struck with wonder, and he fell down in devotion at the feet of Lord Caitanya
- After hearing the direct interpretation, one of the sannyasis immediately declared, O Caitanya, whatever You have explained of the indirect interpretation of omkara is most useful. Only a fortunate person can accept Your interpretation as the right one
- After hearing the direct interpretation, one of the sannyasis immediately declared, We shall be very glad to hear You (Caitanya) further explain the Vedanta-sutra by direct interpretation
- After his fourth proposal was rejected, Ramananda Raya said that devotional service rendered without any attempt at cultivation of knowledge or mental speculation is the highest stage of perfection
- After Kaliya was punished by Krsna, one of Kaliya's wives told Krsna, Dear Lord, we cannot understand how this fallen serpent got the opportunity of being kicked by Your lotus feet when even the goddess of fortune underwent austerities just to see You
- After Krsna departed to His abode with all religious principles, His representative, the Srimad-Bhagavatam, the Maha-Purana, remains as the blazing, illuminating sun
- After Krsna's disappearance, less intelligent people misunderstood Him. They became contaminated with the Mayavadi philosophy, which produced so many mental speculators that people forgot the actual position of the Absolute Truth and the living entity
- After Lord Caitanya accepted the renounced order of life (sannyasa), He traveled all over India. During this period He went to Maldah, a district in Bengal
- After Lord Caitanya accepted the renounced order, all agnostics, critics, atheists and mental speculators became His students and followers
- After Lord Caitanya explained the Vedanta-sutra by directly interpreting the verses, the chief disciple of Prakasananda Sarasvati stood up in the assembly and began to praise Lord Caitanya as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana
- After Lord Caitanya's departure, Ramananda Raya became overwhelmed due to his separation from the Lord, and he immediately decided to retire from service and meet the Lord again at Jagannatha Puri
- After many, many births of worshiping Brahman and Paramatma, when one surrenders unto Vasudeva as the supreme master and accepts himself as the eternal servant of Vasudeva, he becomes a great transcendentally realized soul
- After meeting for the first time that morning on the banks of the Godavari, Ramananda Raya and Lord Caitanya separated with the understanding that Ramananda Raya would come in the evening to see the Lord
- After offering obeisances to the disciplic succession, the author (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) pays obeisances to all the other devotees, God-brothers, the expansions of Godhead and the first manifestation of Krsna's energy
- After offering obeisances, the four-headed Brahma parted from Krsna, and he could understand the meaning of the Lord's "three-quarters energy
- After one attains these (vibhava, anubhava, sattvika & vyabhicari), there is actually an exchange of rasa or transcendental activity with the God. This exchange in loving reciprocation between the lover & the beloved is generally called krsna-bhakti-rasa
- After one makes further progress (in devotional service by following regulative principles), he attains the state called bhava, which is permanent. When such love of God increases, it reaches the highest stage of love of Godhead
- After one understands the position of maya, he can approach the Supreme Lord in pure devotional service. That is the actual purpose of philosophical speculation
- After performing these religious rituals (known as purascarya), the younger brother, Sakara Mallika (Rupa Gosvami), returned home with an immense amount of money which he had acquired during his government service
- After receiving spiritual messages from holy persons or pure devotees, if one tries to apply them in his own life, the path of Krsna consciousness naturally develops in faith, attachment and devotional service
- After receiving the prayers of Sanatana Gosvami, Lord Caitanya placed His feet on the head of Sanatana and gave him His benedictions so that all His instructions would develop fully
- After resting, Lord Caitanya introduced one Maharastriya brahmana, a devotee of His, to Sanatana, and that Maharastriya brahmana invited Sanatana to accept lunch daily at his place as long as he remained in Benares
- After Sankaracarya came Sadananda-yogi, who claimed that the Vedanta and Upanisads should be understood through the commentaries of Sankaracarya. Factually, this is not so
- After seeing Jagannatha temple, Bhattacarya returned home and brought with him much prasada purchased from the temple. He sent all this prasada to Lord Caitanya through his brahmana servant
- After some days had passed, Narada told his friend Parvata Muni: I have a disciple (Mrgari the hunter). Let us go to see him and see if he is doing well
- After sowing this seed (of devotional service), one has to water it in the form of chanting and hearing the holy name of the Supreme Lord or by taking part in discussions about the science of devotional service in a society of pure devotees
- After taking a bath on the banks of the Godavari, the Lord sat near the bank and began chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- After taking bath three times in that way, Her (Radharani's) body is covered with shining garments and decorated with Krsna's personal beauty, which is compared to cosmetics. Thus Her beauty constitutes the highest artistry
- After talking in this way, both Prakasananda Sarasvati and Lord Caitanya sat together. "Whatever You have said concerning discrepancies in the Mayavadi philosophy is also known by us," Prakasananda said
- After the conversion of the Mayavadi sannyasis to the path of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, many scholars and inquisitive people visited the Lord at Benares
- After the Lord (Caitanya) accepted the sannyasa order of life, He delivered speculative students, atheists and those who are attached to fruitive activities and unnecessary criticism
- After the plant (of devotional service) has grown some bit, an animal may come and either eat or destroy it. When green leaves of a plant are taken by some animal, the plant generally dies
- After this, they (the hunter and his wife) began to feel ecstasy and began to dance and sing Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. They raised their hands and danced with their clothes flying
- After visiting Jagannatha temple early in the morning, Bhattacarya went to visit Lord Caitanya, and he offered his respects by falling down before the Lord. He then began to explain his past undesirable behavior
- After visiting the temple of Jiyara-nrsimha, the Lord proceeded further south into India and ultimately reached the bank of the Godavari
- After visiting the temple, the Lord (Caitanya) accepted prasada (food offered to the Deity) at the house of a Deccanist (Southern) brahmana. While at the brahmana's home, the Lord was visited by Rupa Gosvami and Vallabha
- After washing, He (Caitanya) sat down beside the foot basin, a little distance from the other sannyasis. While He was sitting there, the sannyasis saw a glaring effulgence emanating from His body
- Aham is stated three times just to chastise one who cannot understand or believe in the transcendental nature and form of the Supreme Lord
- Akrura tells Krsna: Who can surrender to anyone other than Yourself? Who is as dear, truthful, friendly and grateful as You? You are so perfect and complete that even though You give Yourself to Your devotee, You are still full and perfect
- Akrura tells Krsna: You can satisfy all the desires of Your devotee and even deliver Yourself unto him
- All devotees of Krsna in full Krsna consciousness are free from all kinds of material pleasures and miseries. They are fully absorbed in the service of the Lord, and they are always jolly by virtue of their engagement in His transcendental service
- All fictions - dramas and novels - and material songs describe love between men and women. Since people are so attracted to this kind of literature, Krsna appeared in this material world and displayed His transcendental loving affairs with the gopis
- All incarnations are either direct expansions of Krsna or, indirectly, expansions of the expansions of Krsna. However, the name of Krsna indicates the original Personality of Godhead
- All living entities have this pleasure-seeking potency, for all beings are trying to have pleasure. This is the very nature of the living entity
- All material nature is divided into these eight elements (five gross elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether and three subtle elements: mind, intelligence and false ego) which together comprise the inferior nature, or energy, of the Lord
- All materialistic philosophers have tried to avoid the Supreme PG by putting forward their own mentally concocted philosophies. However, Vyasadeva has thoroughly studied all these philosophical speculations and in answer has compiled the Vedanta-sutra
- All of them (Nityananda, Advaita, Gadadhara) are engaged in the transcendental service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- All of this (the truth of Krsna, the principles of devotional service & the transcendental relationships with Krsna) was described in full detail so that in the future Rupa Gosvami could distribute this science of Krsna in his book Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu
- All other living beings can also enjoy spiritual bliss, eternal life and full knowledge in His (Krsna's) association
- All products of the three modes of material nature are covered by ignorance, and all are different from the supreme cause and effect
- All sastric injunctions, as well as the versions of great sages and authorities, establish that a bona fide spiritual master is not necessarily a brahmana. The only qualification is that he be conversant with the science of Krsna, Krsna consciousness
- All the demigods as well as the external energy herself, Durgadevi, and all the different departmental directors are but servants of the Supreme Lord in the material world
- All the demigods engaged in the administration of each universe (brahmanda) offer their respectful obeisances unto Him. Indeed, the helmets on their heads are beautiful because they are decorated with the imprints of the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord
- All the descriptions of the bhava stage of devotional service were quoted by Lord Caitanya to Sanatana Gosvami. Lord Caitanya next proceeded to describe the symptoms of actual love for Krsna
- All the great acaryas of the four Vaisnava sampradayas have made commentaries on the Vedanta-sutra, but the so-called devotees known as prakrta-sahajiya carefully avoid the study of Vedanta-sutra
- All the helmets of the various demigods and Brahmas shone brightly in the great assembly, and the prayers of the demigods made a great sound
- All the inhabitants of Benares were struck with wonder upon seeing the ecstatic dancing of Lord Caitanya. However, Lord Caitanya checked His continuous ecstasy and stopped dancing when He saw the Mayavadi sannyasis
- All the Mayavadi sannyasis replied: undoubtedly You (Caitanya) are very fortunate to have attained this stage of love of Godhead. But what is the fault in Vedanta? It is the duty of a sannyasi to read and understand Vedanta. Why do You not study it
- All the pastimes of Krsna are eternal, and this is confirmed in every scripture
- All the pastimes of Krsna can be seen in any of the universes, just as the sun can be seen in its movement through 3,600 palas
- All the sannyasis replied: We are very much obliged to see and hear You (Caitanya). Therefore we shall be very glad to hear patiently and accept whatever You say
- All the transcendental ecstasies are manifested in the body of Srimati Radharani
- All the universes and the innumerable planets within them are similar to such rockets, and they are all controlled by the Personality of Godhead
- All the Vaikuntha planets are like petals of a lotus flower, and the principal part of that lotus, called Krsnaloka or Goloka Vrndavana, is the center of all the Vaikunthas
- All the Vedas and Puranas affirm that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is full of spiritual energies, but foolish people simply reject this and deride His activities
- All the Vedic verses and hymns indicate that everything about Him (Krsna) is spiritual and transcendental
- All these criticisms were carried to Lord Caitanya when He was at Benares, and He was not at all surprised at them (the Mayavadi philosophers). He even smiled when the news was carried to Him
- All these faulty explanations of Vedanta-sutra are considered atheistic. Because the Mayavadi philosophers do not accept the eternal transcendental form of the Supreme Lord, they are unable to engage in real devotional service
- All these relationships (santa-rasa, dasya-rasa, sakhya-rasa and vatsalya-rasa) culminate on the highest platform of conjugal love (madhura-rasa), wherein all these transcendental relationships exist simultaneously
- All these symptoms (of transcendental activities) are not awakened simultaneously; they act according to the exchange of transcendental relationships. Sometimes one symptom is prominent, and at another time another is prominent
- All Vedic literature recommends that one accept this process - of devotional service the Lord
- All Vedic literatures, including the puranas, confirm that the Supreme Lord is the center of all spiritual energy and variegatedness
- Although a conditioned soul may be fallen to the lowest position, it is possible for him to advance in spiritual science if he is innocent
- Although a person in bhava is situated in the best position, he does not hanker after honor or personal respect
- Although a person may desire material benefits from Krsna, the Lord, being all-powerful, considers the person's position and gradually liberates him from a materially ambitious life and engages him more in devotional service
- Although all these great scriptures are on the absolute level, for the sake of comparitive study Caitanya-caritamrta is considered to be on the highest platform. Every verse in it is perfectly composed
- Although any number of candles can be lighted, the original candle still retains its identity as the origin. In this way Krsna expands Himself into so many lights, and all these expansions are called Visnu-tattva
- Although both the Supreme Lord and the living entities are qualitatively fire, there is yet a distinction. Visnu the Supreme is infinite, whereas the living entities, which are but sparks, are infinitesimal
- Although Caitanya is Sri Krsna Himself, He appears as a devotee to teach people in general how to love Krsna
- Although Caitanya Mahaprabhu was inside the house, He could understand that Sanatana had arrived at the door, and He asked Candrasekhara to call the man who was sitting there. "He is a Vaisnava, a great devotee of the Lord," Caitanya Mahaprabhu said
- Although each of them (the prabhava-vilasa of Krsna including Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha) is eternally in the spiritual sky, some of them are nonetheless manifest in the material world also
- Although everything is under the control of the Supreme Lord and is situated in His energy, everything is nonetheless different from Krsna in His personal form
- Although from Vedic literatures we can understand that there are forms in other parts of the world, at present there is no information of their location
- Although He (Caitanya) is Krsna, His complexion is not blackish like Krsna's in Dvapara-yuga but is golden
- Although he (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) was very old, he started out that very night and went to live in Vrndavana. While he was there, he met some of the Gosvamis, principal disciples of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Although He (Lord Caitanya) was a brahmana and was not rich, He took sannyasa, the renounced order of life, and thus extricated Himself from family entanglement
- Although He (omkara) has no material form, He is unlimitedly expanded, and He has unlimited form. By understanding omkara one can become free from the duality of the material world and attain absolute knowledge
- Although He (the Absolute Truth) has no material ears, He can hear everything and anything. Having perfect senses, He knows past, future and present. Indeed, He knows everything, but no one can understand Him
- Although He (the Garbhodakasayi Visnu) is within each material universe, the influence of material energy cannot touch Him. When it is required, this very same Visnu takes the form of Lord Siva and annihilates the cosmic creation
- Although He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) is master of all objects movable and immovable in the material world, He is totally independent
- Although he (Vyasadeva) is the author of all Vedic literature, he specifically recommends the study of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Although He has innumerable pastimes, the most important is that of Krsna in human form frolicking in Vrndavana, dancing with the gopis, playing with the Pandavas on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra and playing in Mathura and Dvaraka
- Although it was early in the morning, Bhattacarya understood that the Lord had come and was knocking on his door. He at once rose from his bed and began to say, "Krsna! Krsna!" This was heard by Lord Caitanya
- Although Krsna is always enjoying the company of His pleasure potency expansions, He is all-pervading
- Although Lord Caitanya accepted the highest realization of the Supreme Lord as conjugal lover, He nonetheless requested Ramananda Raya to proceed further
- Although Lord Caitanya accepted the principles, He still requested Ramananda Raya to further explain advanced devotional service. Thus Lord Caitanya gave Ramananda Raya a chance to discuss gradual advancement from the principles of varnasrama-dharma
- Although Lord Caitanya appears in the guise of a devotee, we should always remember that Lord Caitanya is Krsna (God) Himself teaching us how to become Krsna conscious, and we must study Him in that light
- Although Lord Caitanya approved of a householder having regulated sex in marriage, He was very strict with those in the renounced order, and He even banished junior Haridasa for glancing lustfully at a young woman
- Although Lord Caitanya was born in a high brahmana family and was situated in the highest perfectional stage of sannyasa, He nonetheless showed by His behavior that even an elevated person would not hesitate to take lessons from Ramananda Raya
- Although Lord Caitanya was overlooking the blanket, Sanatana understood that He did not approve of such a valuable garment on his body, and therefore Sanatana decided to get rid of it
- Although Mayavadi philosophers pretend to accept the Vedic principles, they indirectly preach Buddhist philosophy, or atheistic philosophy, and do not accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although one may complain that no kalpa-vrksa, wish-fulfilling trees, exist there, when the Gosvamis were there, kalpa-vrksa were present. It is not that one can simply go to such a tree and make demands; one must first become a devotee
- Although qualitatively one with the Supreme Lord, the living entity has the tendency to lord it over material nature; however, being infinitesimal, he is actually controlled by material nature
- Although Ramananda Raya was born in a nonbrahminical family, he was far, far advanced in spiritual knowledge and activity. Therefore he was more respectable than one who simply happens to be born in a brahminical family
- Although Ramananda, out of his meek and gentle behavior, considered himself to be born in a lower sudra family, Lord Caitanya nonetheless considered him to be situated in the highest transcendental stage of devotion
- Although Sanatana Goswami was known by the masses of people as a greatly learned man (and actually he was a highly learned Sanskrit scholar), and although he accepted this designation, he did not actually know what his constitutional position really was
- Although Sankara was attempting to cover the Supreme Lord by his Mayavadi philosophy, he was simply following the order of the Supreme Lord. It should be understood that his teachings were a timely necessity but not a permanent fact
- Although She (Radharani) possesses so many transcendental qualities, She is always engaged in the service of Krsna
- Although Sri Krsna, the SP of Godhead, embodies all superexcellence and beauty, when He is amongst the damsels of Vraja, He is known as Gopijanavallabha. The devotees cannot relish the beauty of the Supreme Lord more than the damsels of Vraja
- Although superficially accepting the Vedic principles and considering themselves to be transcendentalists, the philosophers of Benares do not accept spiritual variegatedness
- Although the associates of Radharani do not expect any personal attention from Krsna, Radharani is so pleased with them that She arranges individual meetings between Krsna and the damsels of Vraja
- Although the brahmana who invited Him (Caitanya) knew that the Lord did not accept any invitations, he was still very eager to invite Him
- Although the hunter formerly took great pleasure in half-killing animals, since he became a great devotee of the Lord, he was not prepared to give pain even to an ant
- Although the hunter was very sinful, his heart became softened, and he became afraid of his sins by virtue of his association with a great devotee like Narada
- Although the husband of Rukmini and Radha's Krsna are on the same level in the ordinary sense, still, in the spiritual world, the names indicate different understandings of various aspects of Krsna's transcendental personality
- Although the living entity is constitutionally conversant with spiritual energy, or has the potency to understand spiritual energy, he is covered by the material energy and consequently identifies the body with the self
- Although the living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord and is fully cognizant, he nonetheless becomes entrapped by material contamination and suffers all the miseries of material life
- Although the living entity's mind, intelligence & identity are beyond the range of this material world, when he enters into material world due to his desire to dominate matter, his original mind, intelligence & body become covered by the material energy
- Although the name Vasudeva indicates the plenary portion of the Personality of Godhead, and although all the different forms of the Lord are identical with Vasudeva, in this text Vasudeva principally indicates the divine son of Vasudeva and Devaki
- Although the Supreme Lord was present as their child, Devaki and Vasudeva began to pray to Him
- Although the word Brahman indicates Krsna and nothing else, still, according to the process that is followed, the Lord is realized in three different aspects
- Although there are many expansions, Lord Sri Krsna is the origin, as confirmed in Brahma-samhita. He is like the original candle from which many thousands and millions of candles are lit
- Although there is no creation in the spiritual world - for there the planets are beginningless - there is creation in the material world
- Although there is no creation in the spiritual world, which is eternal, it is still to be understood that the Vaikuntha planets depend on the thinking energy of the Supreme Lord
- Although there is no material contamination when one attains the stage of Brahman realization, that stage is not perfect because there is no positive engagement in spiritual activity. Because it is still on the mental plane, it is external
- Although there were many gopis to dance with Krsna, Krsna especially wanted to dance with Radharani
- Although they (gopis) were all equally beautiful, He (Krsna) satisfied Her (Srimati Radhika) in this way, and She began to think proudly, "My dear Lord Krsna has left the beautiful gopis, and He is satisfied with Me alone"
- Although they officially promote love of Godhead, they have no idea how to execute it. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu gives a practical demonstration of how to love God in a conjugal relationship
- Although this is figurative language, it conveys the meaning behind the appearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The full significance of His appearance will be explained in later chapters
- Although this material manifestation is a by-product of fire, water, air and earth, it nonetheless appears to be factual. However, it is in Him (God) only that the spiritual and material manifestations as well as the living entities rest
- Although Vedic literatures confirm the fact that the Supreme Absolute Truth has multiple energies, the Mayavadi impersonalists still try to establish that the Absolute Truth has no energy
- Although Visnu is equal to Krsna, Krsna is the original source. Visnu is a part, but Krsna is the whole. This is the version given by Vedic literatures
- Although we cannot see the informant, we accept his information as valid on the basis of sound. Sound vibration, then, is very important in the transmission of Vedic knowledge
- Although we may not be in touch with the original personality who first imparted the knowledge, we may receive the same knowledge through this process (disciplic succession) of transmission
- Although we speak of "when" Krsna desires, just when He did desire we cannot say. We only speak in this way because in conditional life we take it that everything has a beginning; however, in absolute or spiritual life there is neither beginning nor end
- Ambarisa engaged his sense of smell by relishing the fragrance of flowers offered to Krsna, his tongue in tasting the tulasi leaves offered to the lotus feet of Krsna, his legs in going to the temple of Krsna, & his head in offering obeisances to Krsna
- Amongst sages Narada Muni is considered to be the greatest
- Amongst the created living entities, one being can excel another in one capacity or another. The Lord is an individual, just as the living entities are individual, but He is different in that He is the supreme individual
- Amongst the other gopis Radharani was not so much an object of special love, Krsna stole Her away from the area of the rasa dance and showed Her special favor
- Amongst these five diverse manifestations (Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu, Advaita Prabhu, Gadadhara, and Srivasa) of the Supreme Lord (as the Lord Himself and His incarnation, expansion and energies) there is no spiritual difference
- An expansion of this Vrndavana, which is the supreme abode of Krsna, is also present on this earth, and superior devotees worship it as the supreme abode
- An impersonalist thinks that his actual identity is in being one with Krsna, but a devotee does not destroy his identity in this way. He lives with full faith that Krsna will kindly protect him in all respects
- An incarnation of the Supreme Lord never declares Himself to be an incarnation, but His followers must ascertain who is an incarnation and who is a pretender by referring to authoritative scriptures
- An inscription in the temple (Jiyara-nrsimha-ksetra) states that the King of Vijayanagara formerly decorated this temple with gold and even smeared the body of the Deity with gold
- An intellectual person can believe in the assurances of the great sage Vyasadeva and patiently hear the messages of Srimad-Bhagavatam in order to realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead directly
- An intelligent man will not accept anyone as an avatara without studying the principal and marginal features
- "And out of all songs, what song do you think is the best of all?" Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked. And Ramananda replied that any song which describes the pastimes of Radha and Krsna is the best song. In conditional life, the soul is captivated by sex
- And what do you recommend a person to think of? - Lord Caitanya asked. Ramananda replied that one should always think of the pastimes of Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness
- "And what is the best subject to hear of?" Caitanya Mahaprabhu next asked. "The pastimes of Radha and Krsna," Ramananda replied. Actually when the pastimes of Radha and Krsna are heard from the right source, one at once attains liberation
- And what is the greatest reputation one can have?" Lord Caitanya asked Ramananda Raya, and Ramananda immediately replied that a person reputed to be Krsna conscious should be considered the most famous man in the world
- "And who is the most worshipable Deity?" Caitanya Mahaprabhu next inquired. Ramananda Raya immediately replied that the transcendental couple, Sri Radha and Krsna, is the ultimate object of worship
- Another four items of devotional service: (1) marking one's body with sandalwood pulp , (2) painting one's body with the holy names, (3) covering one's body with the remnants of the Deity covers, (4) accepting caranamrta, the water which washes the Deity
- Another great acarya, Sri Rasikananda, accepted Sri Syamananda as his spiritual master, although he was not born of a brahmana family
- Another meaning of atma is "intelligence." One who has special intelligence is also called atmarama
- Another meaning of the word dhrti is "to realize oneself as elevated." When one realizes his own elevation, he feels that he is free from all miseries and is elevated to the highest platform of life
- Another meaning of the word nirgrantha is "a foolish person." Thus even birds, bees and foolish people engage in the service of the Supreme Lord when they are favored by the pure devotee
- Another name for God is asamordhva, which indicates that no one is equal to or greater than Him
- Another name for this inferior nature is maya, or illusion. Beyond these 8 inferior elements (5 gross elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether and 3 subtle elements: mind, intelligence and ego) there is a superior energy, which is called para-prakrti
- Anubhava occurs when feelings and emotions within oneself are exhibited
- Any action or reaction of a part of a body becomes a cognizable fact to the embodied whole. Similarly, if the creation abides in the body of the Absolute Truth, then nothing is unknown to the Absolute, directly or indirectly
- Any attempt to arrive at this information (about the Vaikuntha planetary systems) through experimental knowledge is not possible. The knowledge simply has to be accepted
- Any book which deals with the subject matter indicated by all the Vedas is called Vedanta. For example, Bhagavad-gita is Vedanta because in Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that the ultimate goal of all Vedic research is Krsna
- Any devotee who is acting in devotional service dedicates his life and body for the purpose of the Lord
- Any intelligent person can understand the characteristics of an avatara by understanding two features - the principal feature, called personality, and the marginal features
- Any intelligent person who tries to understand the pastimes of Radha and Krsna is most fortunate. The songs that tell of those pastimes are the greatest songs in the world
- Any representational incarnation of the Supreme Lord is nondifferent from Him. Such an incarnation or representation is as good spiritually as the Supreme Lord
- Anyone who attentively hears these discourses and instructions of Lord Caitanya to Sanatana Gosvami very soon attains to Krsna consciousness and engages in devotional service to the Lord
- Anyone who is actually intelligent can understand that the Supreme Lord Krsna is the source of everything and thus engage in His service
- Anyone who is engaged in devotional service of any form or extension of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is called atmarama. All such devotees engage themselves either in the regulative principles of devotional service or in DS in transcendental love
- Anyone who is fully engaged in devotional service in Krsna consciousness is understood to be already realized in Brahman
- Anyone who is not attracted to Krsna is understood to be still under the spell of the illusory energy (maya), but one who is attempting to be liberated by the process of devotional service is actually liberated from the spell of maya
- Anyone who sincerely chants this holy name very soon attains elevation to the platform of love of God and becomes mad after God. This madness arising from love of God is the first perfectional stage for a human being
- Anyone who tries to prove that the Vedic literatures aim at anything else (except understanding our relationship with the Absolute SPG, acting according to that understanding, & achieving love of Godhead) is of necessity a victim of his own imagination
- Approaching a spiritual master is not just a fashion but is a necessity for one who is seriously conscious of the material miseries and who wants to be free of them. It is the duty of such a person to approach a spiritual master
- Arjuna attempted to save some youths who had died untimely at Dvaraka, and when he failed to save them, Krsna took him to the Bhuma-purusa
- Arundhati, who is known as the most chaste lady in the universe, desires to learn the standard of chastity from Srimati Radharani
- As a parent of the SPG, the devotee sometimes chastises the Lord and considers himself to be the Lord's maintainer. This transcendental sense of being the maintainer of the supreme maintainer is very pleasing both to the devotee and to the Supreme Lord
- As a performer, He (the Absolute Truth) is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for these are symptoms of personality
- As a resident of Vrndavana, Krsnadasa Kaviraja offered his respects to the Deities in these temples (of Madana-mohana, Govindaji and Gopinatha) and requested God's favor: "My progress in spiritual life is very slow, so l'm asking Your help"
- As already explained, Vrndavana is the spiritual abode of Krsna, and the word Cupid is also spiritual and transcendental. One should not take the material Cupid and Krsna to be on the same level
- As clouds appear from the ocean, distribute water all over the world, and return to the ocean, so by the grace of Lord Caitanya, Ramananda Raya attained his higher knowledge of devotional service
- As confirmed in Aitareya Upanisad (1.1), sa aiksata: "The Lord glanced at material nature." The cosmic manifestation did not exist before His glance; therefore His glance is not materially contaminated
- As confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, Mahabharata and the Upanisads, He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna Himself, and He is worshipable by everyone in this age of disagreement
- As confirmed in Visnu Purana (1.12.69): "The pleasure potency of Krsna gives Krsna transcendental pleasure and bliss." Thus when Krsna wants to enjoy pleasure, He exhibits His own spiritual potency known as hladini
- As described in Bhagavad-gita: A devotee who is not dependent on the ordinary course of activities, who is pure, expert, without cares, free from all pains, and who does not strive for some result, is very dear to Me
- As described in Bhagavad-gita: He for whom no one is put into difficulty and who is not disturbed by anxiety, who is steady in happiness and distress, is very dear to Me
- As described in Bhagavad-gita: one who is always satisfied and engaged in devotional service with determination and whose mind and intelligence are in agreement with Me - he is very dear to Me
- As described in Bhagavad-gita: One who is not envious but who is a kind friend to all living entities, who does not think himself a proprietor, who is free from false ego and equal both in happiness and distress is very dear to Me
- As described in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 9.5.16), Durvasa Muni, a great mystic yogi who considered himself very elevated, envied Maharaja Ambarisa, who was known as the greatest devotee of the time
- As described in Ujjvala-nilamani: "The path of loving affairs is just like the movement of a snake. Amongst young lovers, there are two kinds of mentality - causeless and causal"
- As each of the Brahmas saw Krsna, each thought that He was only within his universe. After this incident, Krsna wished all the Brahmas farewell, and after offering respects to Him, they returned to their respective universes
- As explained in Gautamiya-tantra: "Lust means attachment to one's personal sense gratification. But as far as Radharani and Her associates are concerned, they did not desire personal sense gratification. They only wanted to satisfy Krsna."
- As far as citrajalpa is concerned, in Srimad-Bhagavatam, there is a portion known as Bhramara-gita in which various kinds of citra jalpa are mentioned
- As far as devotional service is concerned, there are two divisions. In the beginning there is vidhi-bhakti, or devotional service with regulative principles. In the higher stage there is raga-bhakti, or devotional service in pure love
- As far as habitual emotions are concerned, they are manifested as pastimes, enjoyment, preparation and forgetfulness
- As far as His (Krsna's) bliss is concerned, His spiritual energy is manifested as the pleasure giving potency. His eternity is manifested as energy, and His knowledge is manifested as spiritual perfection
- As far as His svayam-rupa (or pastime form) is concerned, it is in that form that He remains always in Vrndavana with the inhabitants of Vrndavana. This personal form (svayam-rupa) can be further divided into the prabhava and vaibhava forms
- As far as Krsna Himself is concerned, He is directly situated in His spiritual energy, or specifically in His internal potency
- As far as Krsna's ornaments are concerned, when they decorate His body it appears that they do not beautify Him, but the ornaments themselves become beautiful simply by being on His body
- As far as Lord Caitanya was concerned, He said that He did not understand the explanation of Bhattacarya not because it was too difficult for His understanding but because He did not approve of the Mayavadi interpretation
- As far as material enjoyment is concerned, there are so many varieties that no one can enumerate them
- As far as one's bodily necessities are concerned, one can pick up torn clothing out of the street, can take fruits offered by trees, can drink water which flows from rivers, and can live in a cave constructed by nature herself
- As far as perfections in mystic power are concerned, there are 18, and as far as types of liberation from material bondage are concerned, there are 5. The state of being where all varieties of enjoyment are conspicuous by their absence is called ahaituki
- As far as spiritual energy itself is concerned, it is exhibited in three forms because Krsna is a combination of eternity, bliss and knowledge
- As far as the adhidaivika miseries are concerned, these are natural disasters that originate with the demigods of the higher planets. For instance, we sometimes suffer from severe cold or hot weather, thunderbolt, earthquakes and many natural disasters
- As far as the avesa-rupa is concerned, when Krsna empowers some suitable living entity to represent Him, that living entity is called avesa-rupa or saktyavesa-avatara
- As far as the bodily emotions are concerned, they are manifested in posture and movement
- As far as the emotions of the mind are concerned, they are manifested as beauty, luster, complexion, flavor, talking, magnanimity and patience
- As far as the guna-avataras, or qualitative incarnations of Visnu, are concerned, they are three - Brahma, Visnu and Siva
- As far as the incarnation of Krsna's hair is concerned, there is mention in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, the Visnu Purana, and the Mahabharata
- As far as the manifestation of the supreme energy is concerned, there is no question of transformation
- As far as the omkara pranava is concerned, it is considered to be the sound incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. As such, omkara is eternal, unlimited, transcendental, supreme and indestructible
- As far as the saktyavesa-avataras are concerned, they include Kapila and Rsabha, Ananta, Brahma (sometimes the Lord Himself becomes Brahma), Catuhsana (the incarnation of knowledge), Narada (the incarnation of devotional service)
- As far as the saktyavesa-avataras are concerned, they include King Prthu (the incarnation of administrative power), and Parasurama (the incarnation who subdues evil principles)
- As far as the Vasudeva form is concerned, the three expansions manifested from Him are Kesava, Narayana and Madhava
- As far as the vilasa forms are concerned, there are innumerable prabhava-vilasas by which Krsna expands Himself as Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna, and Aniruddha
- As far as the word atmarama is concerned, the Lord (Caitanya) explained that the word atma is used to indicate: (1) the Supreme Absolute Truth, (2) the body, (3) the mind, (4) endeavor, (5) conviction, (6) intelligence, and (7) nature
- As far as the word muni is concerned, there are additional meanings. The word also refers to a bird and a large black bee
- As far as those relating to Krsna in paternal love, they include devotees like Yasoda and Maharaja Nanda - that is, Krsna's mother, father, uncle and similar relatives
- As far as vibhati, or the special favor of the Supreme PG, is concerned, it is described in the Tenth Chapter of BG that a living entity who appears to be especially powerful or beautiful should be known to be especially favored by the Supreme Lord
- As He (Krsna) breathes out, innumerable universes are produced, and as He inhales, they are annihilated. All of the energies of the Maha-Visnu are spiritual, and they have nothing to do with the material energy
- As His (Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's) associate, Nityananda, He is the first manifestation of energy; as Advaita, He is an incarnation; as Gadadhara, He is the internal potency; and as Srivasa, He is the marginal living entity
- As Krsna is the highest emblem of spiritual perfection, so Radharani is the highest emblem of that spiritual pleasure potency by which Krsna is satisfied
- As Krsna states in Bhagavad-gita: "Amongst vibrations, I am the syllable om." (BG 9.17) This means that omkara is nondifferent from Krsna
- As Krsna states in Bhagavad-gita: To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me
- As living entities, we can move, but a table cannot because it does not possess living force. Movement and activity may be considered to be signs or symptoms of the living force
- As living entities, we perform many activities, but we have a tendency to fall down into material nature. God has no such tendency
- As long as Caitanya Mahaprabhu remained at Karpura, all kinds of people met Him, and by His grace everyone became a devotee of the Supreme Lord
- "As long as I remain in Benares, I will beg from door to door," Sanatana said. "But the Lord (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) will be so good as to accept this invitation for daily lunch at your (Maharastriya brahmana) house"
- As long as Lord Caitanya stayed in Benares, He remained at Candrasekhara's home, and He took His food at the home of Tapana Misra
- As long as one cannot understand the cosmic manifestation as a representation of the three modes of material nature, he must be considered to be in the darkness of inebriety and caught in the duality of this material world
- As long as one desires material benefit or liberation, which are called the two witches of allurement, he cannot relish the taste of transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord
- As long as one is absorbed in impersonal thoughts or in thoughts of the void, his entrance into an eternal blissful life of knowledge is not completed
- As long as one is not transcendental to the service of the limited, he cannot have knowledge of Vedanta
- As long as one is within the limited jurisdiction of fruitive activities or is involved in mental speculation, he may be eligible to study or teach the theoretical knowledge of Vedanta-sutra, but he cannot understand the supreme vibration of Hare Krsna
- As masters of the conditioned soul, lust and anger are never merciful. Indeed the conditioned soul will never cease rendering service to such bad masters.when he comes to his real consciousness, or Krsna consciousness, he abandons these bad masters
- As mentioned in the Mandukya Upanisad, the rope for a snake and the oyster for gold examples have their different applications and can be understood as follows
- As one advances in devotional service, he attains love of Godhead, and as he advances in this love, he becomes free from all material bondage
- As one can understand the different incarnations for different millenniums by referring to Vedic literatures,"the Lord replied, "one can similarly understand who is actually the incarnation of Godhead in this age of Kali."
- As one practices this (chanting the holy name of the Lord) sound vibration, he passes through three stages of development: the offensive stage, the clearing stage and the transcendental stage
- As one's faith in devotional service gradually increases, he becomes assured of a higher perfectional position
- As soon as a pure devotee hears the glories and transcendental qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is seated in everyone's heart, his mind immediately flows toward the Lord, just as the waters of the Ganges flow toward the sea
- As soon as he (Prakasananda Sarasvati) saw the beautiful body of Lord Caitanya and the Lord dancing with His associates, Prakasananda Sarasvati also joined and began to sing: Hari! Hari
- As soon as one comes to know his real position in transcendental service, he at once becomes freed from all these miseries. The position of servitor is wasted in the material conception of life
- As soon as one enters into Krsna consciousness, his desire for material enjoyment is at once vanquished, and he gradually becomes free from material entanglement
- As soon as the body is finished, all name, fame and profit are finished also. It is only due to ignorance that everyone is striving after the name, fame and profit connected with the body
- As soon as the Lord stopped chanting and dancing, Prakasananda Sarasvati fell at His feet
- As soon as the Supreme Personality of Godhead is introduced, they (the Mayavadis) consider that His personality arises from maya, or the external material energy. Such persons consider all incarnations of the Supreme Lord to be contaminated
- As stated by the Gosvamis: Persons whose senses are fixed in the service of the Supreme Lord can be called peaceful
- As stated in BG, although the conditioned soul is the son of the wealthiest personality - the Personality of Godhead - he does not realize it. Therefore Vedic literatures are given to him to help him search out his father and his paternal property
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, one who is fortunate enough to receive the Lord's favor can understand all these explanations by the mercy of the Lord
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita: For those whose minds are attracted to the unmanifested, impersonal feature of the Supreme, advancement is very troublesome. To make progress in that discipline is always difficult for those who are embodied - BG 12.5
- As stated in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu: Krsna is the reservoir of all pleasures, and He is always attracting the gopis by the spiritual luster of His body. He especially attracts Taraka, Pali, Syama, and Lalita
- As stated in Brahma-samhita (5.43), all the Vaikuntha planets in the spiritual sky (known as Visnuloka) are situated in the planet known as Krsnaloka, Goloka Vrndavana
- As stated in CC, (Madhya 23.1): O SP of Godhead, who but You has ever awarded such pure devotional service? O most magnanimous incarnation of the Personality of Godhead, for my part I offer my respectful obeisances to this incarnation known as Gaurakrsna
- As stated in SB 10.82.44: "Devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the life of every living entity." Indeed, the Lord informed the damsels of Vraja that their love for Him was the only cause of their achieving His association
- As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 11.29.6): My dear Lord, even if someone attains a life as long as Brahma's, he would still be unable to express his gratitude for the benefits derived from remembering You
- As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam: What to speak of persons who are intelligent enough to study the Vedas - even less intelligent persons like women, laborers, the Huna, Sabara, and the birds and beasts can achieve the highest perfectional stage of life
- As stated in the first verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Brahma was taught Vedic knowledge by the Personality of Godhead
- As the ablative performer of this cosmic manifestation, all thinking, feeling and willing come from Him (the Absolute Truth). Without thinking, feeling and willing, there is no possibility of arrangement and design in the cosmic manifestation
- As the cause of all causes, Lord Krsna is the cause of the Maha-Visnu, the first incarnation and controller of this material creation
- As Vamanadeva, the Lord was so powerful that simply by stepping forward He covered the whole universe from Brahmaloka down to Patalaloka
- As Vasudeva He (Krsna) sometimes desires to enjoy as the cowherd boy Govinda does, although the Govinda form and the Vasudeva form are one and the same
- At dasya-rati stage, there is an awakening of natural affection, such as is felt by a son who grows up and begins to appreciate his father's benedictions. At this stage the living entity wants to serve the Supreme Lord instead of serving maya, illusion
- At length, Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked Sanatana to sit down with Him on a bench. He was touching the body of Sanatana with His hand, and Sanatana asked Him again, "My dear Lord, please do not touch me"
- At length, Narada inquired of the hunter-devotee: Are you getting your foodstuff regularly?
- At present the followers of all the acaryas have written many books following the principles of Srimad-Bhagavatam as the commentary on the Vedanta
- At present we are trying to enjoy our pleasure potency by means of the body in the material condition. By bodily contact we are attempting to derive pleasure from material sense objects
- At some time or another all the transcendentalists ultimately come to understand the necessity of rendering devotional service to Krsna & become fully Krsna conscious. Even if one is very learned or extravagant, he can still engage in the DS of the Lord
- At that time (when one becomes a great transcendentally realized soul), due to his thick and thin relationship with the Supreme Absolute Truth, one begins to render some sort of transcendental loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- At the beginning of Srimad-Bhagavatam the sages of Naimisaranya asked, My dear Sir, kindly tell us whether the principles of religion have gone with the Lord, after His departure for His own abode. How can we find such principles after His departure
- At the conclusion of the Ninth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krsna directly says: "Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, offer obeisances and worship Me. Being completely absorbed in Me, surely you will come to Me." - BG 9.34
- At the present moment a person may consider himself to be matter, but in his liberated state he will understand that he is not matter but spirit soul, part of the infinite
- At the present moment, our senses are all designated because the body is designated. Consequently we think that this body belongs to a particular society or a particular country or a particular family. In this way the body is bound
- At the request of Bhattacarya, Lord Caitanya explained the Atmarama sloka. The words of the verse were analyzed thus: (1) atmaramah, (2) ca, (3) munayah, (4) nirgranthah, (5) api, (6) , (7) kurvanti, (8) ahaitukim, (9) bhaktim, (10) itthambhuta-gunah
- At the request of Bhattacarya, Lord Caitanya explained the Atmarama sloka. The words of the verse were analyzed thus: (11) harih. This verse has already been explained in the Lord's teachings to Sanatana Gosvami
- At the time of separation, Ramananda fell at the feet of Caitanya and prayed: dear Lord, You have come just to deliver me from this mire of nescience. I request that You remain here for at least ten days to purify my mind of this material contamination
- Atheists like Ravana and Hiranyakasipu had to undergo severe penances before they could flout the authority of the Lord, but ultimately they were so helpless that they could not save themselves when the Lord appeared before them as cruel death
- Attachment to Krsna can also be broken down into two categories. On one platform there is attachment with awe and veneration
- Attachment to Krsna is permanent. That permanent loving attitude is sometimes mixed with different kinds of taste, called vibhava, anubhava and vyabhicari
- Attainment of ecstasy is produced by execution of devotional service. When one continues the process of hearing and chanting, attachment grows and assumes the name of love of Godhead
- Authoritative books indicating the ultimate goal and written by liberated souls like Vyasadeva (for example, Bhagavad-gita, Mahabharata and the Puranas, especially Srimad-Bhagavatam, the Maha-Purana) are called smrti-prasthana
- Because a devotee has been blessed by the Supreme from within his heart, he can see the Supreme Lord wherever he looks. Indeed, he can see nothing else
- Because all his (Maharaja Ambarisa's) desires and ambitions were engaged in the devotional service of the Lord, Maharaja Ambarisa is considered the leader in discharging devotional service in all kinds of ways
- Because all the universes are produced simultaneously by the exhalation of the Maha-Visnu, no one can begin to calculate how many Manus are manifest at one time
- Because almost all of these twenty-five lila-avataras appear in one day of Brahma, which is called a kalpa, they are sometimes called kalpa-avataras
- Because cow dung and conchshells are considered pure by the Vedas, they are accepted as pure by the followers of the Vedas. If we want to understand the statements by indirect interpretation, then we have to challenge the Vedic statements
- Because everyone in the material world is envious, there is competition. The devotees of the Lord are not only free from all material envy, but they are also kind to everyone in an attempt to establish a competitionless society with God in the center
- Because grantha is also used for the purpose of collecting riches, the word nirgrantha also indicates a poor man, bereft of all riches, who is attempting to collect riches
- Because He (Lord Caitanya) was in the renounced order of life, He restrained Himself from going to see a political personage
- Because he (Sanatana Gosvami) was a sincere soul, Lord Caitanya showed him special favor by granting him a wealth of spiritual information
- Because he (the devotee of Lord Krsna) is carrying the Supreme Lord within his heart, the devotee can purify everyplace and everything
- Because He (the Supreme Lord) is the source of all knowledge, He is omniscient; there is no illusion for Him as there is for the relative knower
- Because He is master of all opulences, all Vedic literatures acclaim Krsna to be the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Because Krsna was unable to estimate the pleasure potency of Radharani, He decided to accept the role of Radharani, and that combination is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Because Lord Caitanya neither studied Vedanta formally nor ceased from singing and dancing He was criticized by all the sannyasis at Benares, as well as by their householder followers
- Because Lord Visnu is in no way touched by matter, He is not subject to enjoy material nature the way the living entities do
- Because most people are fallen and because there is no time to elevate them by a gradual process, the best course, according to Caitanya, is to let them remain in whatever condition they are in but to engage them in hearing of the activities of the God
- Because of their acceptance and rejection of material pleasure and misery, the Mayavadi philosophers are eternally subjected to material misery
- Because Sankaracarya wanted to establish the doctrine of monism, he had no alternative but to interpret the Vedanta-sutra in a different way
- Because such vibrations of transcendental sound (Omkara or Hare Krsna) can deliver a conditioned soul, they are known as tara, or deliverers
- Because the Absolute Truth has such inconceivable energies, the material quality of ignorance cannot pertain to Him
- Because the impersonalist (Mayavadi) philosophers cannot understand this, Lord Caitanya advented Himself to enlighten the people in general about the real nature of the relationship between the Supreme and the many entities
- Because the impersonalist experiences material activity as miserable, he wants to establish spiritual life without activity. He has no understanding of the activities of devotional service
- Because the living entities are infinitesimal parts and parcels of the Supreme, there is a reciprocation of feelings between the infinite and the infinitesimal
- Because the living entity is eternally part & parcel of God, when he is liberated, he revives his original, eternal, part-and-parcel identity. The realization of aham brahmasmi (I am not this body) does not mean that the living entity loses his identity
- Because the living entity is infinitesimal, he is covered by an inferior energy
- Because the living entity tends to be controlled by material nature, he cannot at any stage become one with the Supreme Lord
- Because the Lord (Caitanya) felt inconvenienced in crowded places, He asked Rupa Gosvami to accompany Him to a place on the banks of the Ganges known as Dasasvamedha-ghata
- Because the Lord is all-attractive, He is called Krsna, but the damsels of Vrndavana are attractive even to Krsna. Therefore they are not of this material world
- Because the Lord is on the absolute platform, there is no difference between the holy name of the Lord and the Supreme Lord Himself. There are different names for the Supreme Lord, and these names have different purposes and meanings
- Because the Supreme Lord is not subject to illusion, He is unconditioned; because we, as finite living entities, are prone to fall into illusion, we are called conditioned
- Because the vaidyas were supposed to be descendants of brahmana fathers and sudra wives, they were sometimes called sudras. Thus Candrasekhara Acarya, although born in a vaidya family, was called a sudra in Benares
- Because there is no difference between Krsna and His name, the holy name of Krsna is as pure, perfect and liberated as Krsna Himself
- Because these important subject matters (science of devotional service) are unknown to the conditioned soul, Lord Caitanya, out of His causeless mercy, instructed Rupa Gosvami in the principles of devotional service
- Because they (the Mayavadis) reject devotional service, they are unintelligent and unable to understand the effects of devotional service
- Because they (the philosophers of Benares) have no information about devotional service, they are called nondevotees, or those who are against the devotional service of Lord Krsna
- Because they (those who are ambitious to derive material benefit from devotional service) engage themselves in the devotional service of the Lord they ultimately come to understand that material enjoyment is not the goal of devotional service
- Because we have no experience with spiritual energy, we think that Brahma’s birth from the navel of Visnu is simply a fictional story
- "Because you (Sanatana Gosvami) are a humble devotee," the Lord continued, "you are asking Me to confirm what you already know. This is very nice." These are the characteristics of a true devotee
- Because You are asking me to speak of the pastimes of Radha and Krsna, Ramananda Raya humbly submitted, I will obey Your order. I will speak in whatever way You like
- Before accepting sannyasa (the renounced order), Lord Caitanya was known as Visvambhara. The word visvambhara refers to one who maintains the entire universe and who leads all living entities
- Before Ramananda Raya could even ask the Lord a question about the advancement of spiritual knowledge, the Lord Himself said, "Please quote some verses from scripture about the ultimate goal of human life"
- Before reaching the Lord, Mukunda Datta, who had also undertaken the delivery of the verses, had copied the verses (written by Bhattacarya) in his book
- Behind each and every energetic exhibition (of Krsna) there is the background of eternity, pleasure, potency and full cognizance
- Being a great devotee, Ramananda Raya was attracted by the features of Lord Caitanya, who appeared as a sannyasi, and he himself came to see the Lord
- Being all-powerful, He (God) never comes under the control of material nature. Indeed, material nature is but one display of His inconceivable energies
- Being attracted by this glaring effulgence (emanating from Caitanya's body), all the Mayavadi sannyasis stood up and showed Him their respects. Amongst them was one sannyasi named Prakasananda Sarasvati
- Being engrossed in the material body, the conditioned soul increases the pages of history by all kinds of material activities
- Being full in the transcendental service of the Lord, they (Krsna's Devotees) desire neither material objects or material sense pleasures
- Being in love with the Godhead is compared to the sunshine emanating from the sun; this shining makes the devotee's heart more and more lovely. The heart of such a devotee is situated in a transcendental position beyond even the mode of goodness
- Being inspired by Lord Caitanya, they (Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami) decided to retire from government service and join His sankirtana movement
- Being situated in imperfect knowledge of liberation, the Mayavadi decries eternity, knowledge and bliss as materialism
- Being so pleased, Lord Caitanya embraced Bhattacarya, and they both began to dance in transcendental ecstasy
- Being under the spell of conditional life, people in general are averse to rendering devotional service and practicing Krsna consciousness
- Being very satisfied, Lord Caitanya smiled and showed Ramananda His real form as the combination of Sri Radha and Krsna. Thus Lord Caitanya was Sri Krsna Himself with the external features of Srimati Radharani
- Besides five primary rasas, or relationships, there are seven secondary rasas which consist of laughing, having wonderful visions, entering into a chivalrous relationship, experiencing pity, feeling anger and experiencing ghastliness and devastation
- Beyond the sun there are other planetary systems where persons who are elevated by great austerities and penances are situated
- Bhagavad-gita (7.4-5) clearly states that earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego are the eight elementary energies of the Supreme Lord and are of inferior quality, whereas the living entity is of superior quality
- Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.19) Krsna tells Arjuna: After many births and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is very rare
- Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.7) confirms that there is nothing superior to Krsna
- Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, which aim only at Krsna, are to be understood to be Vedanta
- Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (NOD 1.2.156): "O lotus-eyed one, when will I be able to always chant Your holy name, and being inspired by that chanting, when will I be able to dance on the banks of the Yamuna?"
- Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (NOD 1.3.38) in which Rupa Gosvami states: "O Govinda! This young girl with tears in her eyes is crying in a sweet voice, chanting Your glories"
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati has remarked that there is a class of common men claim that one can approach the Supreme Lord either through fruitive activities, speculative knowledge, meditation or austerity and that any one of the methods will succeed
- Bhattacarya again began to praise the Lord and said, "Although I was very expert at logical arguments and grammatical explanations of the Vedas, I was as hard as a lump of iron"
- Bhattacarya again began to praise the Lord and said, "You have turned a stonehearted man like me into a devotee, and that is very wonderful indeed"
- Bhattacarya appreciated Lord Caitanya's explanation, and he concluded that Lord Caitanya was none other than Krsna Himself
- Bhattacarya asked Lord Caitanya to explain the famous Atmarama verse, for he desired to hear it from the Lord Himself
- Bhattacarya became overwhelmed with ecstasy by the Lord's touch, and he practically fell unconscious. He cried, trembled, shivered and perspired, and sometimes he danced and sang and fell at the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya
- Bhattacarya began to deprecate his own position, relating that he had at first considered Lord Caitanya to be an ordinary human being and therefore committed an offense
- Bhattacarya began to explain his realization of bhakti. "Anyone who does not accept the transcendental Personality of Godhead and His transcendental form cannot know the Absolute Truth," he said
- Bhattacarya began to explain the Atmarama sloka, using his methods of logic and grammar. Thus he explained the Atmarama sloka in nine different ways
- Bhattacarya began to praise the Lord and said, "Your influence and temperature were so great that You could melt away a piece of iron like me"
- Bhattacarya dispatched two verses written on palm tree leaves and requested Jagadananda to render him a favor by delivering them. Thus Lord Caitanya was offered the prasada and the verses on the palm leaves
- Bhattacarya lectured on the Vedanta-sutra continuously for seven days, and the Lord (Caitanya) heard him without speaking a word
- Bhattacarya offered him his due respect and replied, "My dear Gopinatha Acarya, it is through your mercy that I have received the mercy of the Supreme Lord"
- Bhattacarya replied (to Lord Caitanya) that mukti is not as valuable as bhakti and that mukti is actually a sort of punishment for the pure devotee. For this reason he changed the word mukti to bhakti
- Bhattacarya said (Caitanya): You have been hearing Vedanta-sutra from me for the past week, but You have not asked any questions, nor have You indicated that I am explaining it nicely. Therefore I cannot tell whether You are understanding me or not
- Bhattacarya was freed from all material contamination and attachment, and as he began to eat the prasada, he cited a verse from Padma Purana
- Bhattacarya was overwhelmed by the explanations of Lord Caitanya. After hearing Mayavada philosophy explained by Lord Caitanya, he could not speak
- Bhattacarya was very glad to receive this prasada from the hands of Lord Caitanya Himself. Indeed, without taking his bath and without performing his daily duties or even washing his teeth, he began immediately to eat the prasada
- Bhattacarya's brother-in-law, Gopinatha Acarya, and the devotees of the Lord were surprised to see the Bhattacarya transformed into a great devotee
- Bhattacarya, who had taken pleasure in explaining Mayavadi philosophy, became such a staunch devotee that he even hated to utter the word mukti. This is only possible by the causeless mercy of the Lord Sri Caitanya
- Bhava is the permanent characteristic of the living entity, and the crucial point of progress for bhava is called the marginal state of love of Godhead. When the bhava state becomes deeper and deeper, learned devotees call it love of Godhead
- Bilvamangala Thakura lamented: I was situated as a monist in order to become one with the Supreme, but somehow or other I contacted a naughty boy and became His eternal servitor
- Both brahmanas and Vaisnavas are supposed to be fully engaged in transcendental service, and Rupa Gosvami, considering their important transcendental position, gave them fifty percent of his wealth
- Both internal devotees and confidential devotees are attracted by the conjugal love of the Supreme Absolute Truth. These are the most confidential devotees of Lord Caitanya
- Both Krsna and the gopis increase their transcendental beauty at every moment, and there is always transcendental competition between them
- Both Narada and Parvata Muni disappeared from the hunter's home. Lord Caitanya recited this story in order to show that even a hunter can engage in the devotional service of Krsna by the influence of pure devotees
- Both the spiritual and material worlds are manifestations of the energy of acting, in which Krsna acts in the form of Sankarsana and Balarama
- Both the Supreme Brahman & the individual Brahman have been denied spiritual form and individuality, although it is clearly stated that the Supreme Lord is the one supreme living entity & the other living entities are the many subordinate living entities
- Brahma and Lord Siva are obedient servants of the Supreme Lord, and the Supreme Lord as Visnu is an expansion of Krsna
- Brahma in his prayer admitted that although anyone and everyone could say that they knew about Krsna, as far as he was concerned, he did not know anything about Him
- Brahma informed Narada that none of the great sages, including himself, could estimate the potential strength & energy of the Supreme Lord. He admitted that even if Ananta with His thousands of tongues tried to estimate the Lord's energies, He would fail
- Brahma is born from the navel of Garbhodakasayi Visnu, who is but a partial manifestation of the Maha-Visnu
- Brahma is one of the living entities, but due to his devotional service he is very powerful. This primal living entity, master of the mode of material passion, is directly empowered by the Garbhodakasayi Visnu to create innumerable living entities
- Brahma offers his respectful obeisances to Govinda, the cause of all causes
- Brahma saw that each of the cowherd boys had become a four-handed Narayana like the predominating Deity of each brahmanda, and he also saw that innumerable Brahmas were engaged in offering obeisances to the Lord
- Brahma says: O my dear Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, O Supersoul, O master of all mystic powers, no one can know or explain Your expansions, which You manifest by Your yogamaya energy. These expansions extend throughout the three worlds
- Brahma was struck with wonder. Why did Krsna ask such a question (which Brahma are you)? He informed the doorman, Please tell Him that Brahma, who is the father of the four Kumaras and who has four heads, has come to see Him
- Brahma-samhita (5.37) confirms that Krsna expands Himself by His pleasure potency in the spiritual world and that these potencies are all nondifferent from Krsna
- Brahman and Paramatma realization are considered stages toward the ultimate realization, which is realization of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the real conclusion of all Vedic literatures
- Brahman indicates that the greatest is full with six opulences; the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the reservoir of all wealth, all fame, all strength, all beauty, all knowledge and all renunciation
- Brahman indicates the greatest, and the greatest is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- Brahman, the impersonal manifestation, Paramatma, the localized manifestation, and Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, are one and the same. However, according to the process adopted, He (Krsna) is realized as Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan
- Brahmanas are meant to understand the Absolute Truth, and once they understand the truth and actually engage in the loving service of the Lord, they can be called Vaisnavas
- By accepting such a secondary word (tat tvam asi) and leaving aside the principal vibration (omkara), he (Sankara) has given up a direct interpretation of the scripture in favor of his own indirect interpretation
- By advancing in hearing and chanting, a devotee becomes more firmly fixed in his faith, and gradually his initial faith develops into a taste for devotional service, and that taste gradually develops into attachment
- By analytically studying the five diverse manifestations of the Supreme Lord, we can come to know that Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the Supreme Absolute and that Lord Nityananda is an immediate expansion of the Supreme Absolute Truth
- By associating with holy persons and discussing transcendental subject matters with them, one becomes convinced of the value of spiritual life. Very soon, hearing of Krsna becomes pleasing to the ear and begins to satisfy one's heart
- By associating with pure devotees, one actually develops attraction for Krsna
- By associating with such an unholy person (who is a playmate for women) one becomes bereft of all good qualities, such as fame, forgiveness, control of the mind and senses and all the opulences that are automatically obtained by a devotee
- By attaining one's spiritual identity and thinking of Krsna's associates, one can become qualified to transfer to the spiritual kingdom
- By beginningless it is meant that conditional life exists prior to the creation; it is simply manifested during and after the creation
- By being influenced by the sound vibration of Krsna's flute, Brahma, the supreme creature and first living entity of this material world, was initiated as a brahmana
- By chanting and hearing the holy names of Krsna, a person can remember the forms and qualities of Krsna
- By chanting the holy name of the Lord one can directly associate with the Supreme Lord by sound vibration
- By developing chanting and hearing, one can advance further and further in regulative devotional service to the Supreme Lord. As one so advances, his misgivings about devotional service and his attraction for the material world proportionately diminish
- By developing devotional service, such a person (a pure devotee) can perceive that every living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme. In each and every living entity he can see the Supreme Person
- By devotional service in full Krsna consciousness, the original Personality of Godhead is realized
- By devotional service one can understand that Krsna first of all manifests Himself as svayam-rupa, His personal form, then as tad-ekatma-rupa, and then as avesa-rupa. It is in these three features that He manifests Himself in His transcendental form
- By executing religious rituals one can achieve economic development, sense gratification or liberation (merging into the existence of the Supreme), but the results of transcendental devotional service are completely different from such temporary benefits
- By failing to indicate the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the impersonalists are left with an incomplete conception
- By following the regulative principles of devotion, the perfect associates of the Lord are further divided into four classes: the servants, the friends, the parental superiors and the fiancees
- By gradually developing his love of Godhead, he increases his affection, his emotion and his ecstasy. Such attachment, mahabhava, is the highest stage of devotional love. It may be likened to sugar candy, which is the most powerful form of sugar
- By hearing the pastimes of Radha and Krsna, one can get rid of all material lust. If one does not become freed from material lust in this way, then he should not indulge in hearing of the pastimes of Radha and Krsna
- By his mystic power, Brahma stole all the cows, calves and cowherd friends of Krsna and hid them. However, when he returned to see what Krsna was doing alone, he saw that Krsna was still playing with the same cows, calves and cowherd boys
- By His Vaikuntha potency, Lord Krsna had expanded all the stolen cows, calves and friends. Indeed, Brahma saw millions and billions of them, and he also saw millions and billions of tons of sugarcane and fruit, lotus flowers and horns
- By impartially judging, one can find that the internal potencies of the Supreme Lord who are engaged in conjugal love with the Lord are the best of all devotees
- By it I (Caitanya) live simultaneously to preach and popularize this movement in the material world. - In that sankirtana movement of Lord Caitanya, Nityananda and Advaita are His expansions, and Gadadhara & Srivasa are His internal & marginal potencies
- By making one's bodily necessities secondary, one can primarily devote his time to the cultivation of Krsna consciousness through the chanting of the holy names of God
- By material senses He (the Absolute Truth) cannot be understood. Being the origin of all emanations, He is the supreme, the greatest, the Personality of Godhead
- By mundane scholarship Sankaracarya has tried to obscure the actual meaning of the Vedanta-sutra. Not only has Sankaracarya done this, but all authors who attempt to give their own views of necessity misinterpret Vedanta-sutra
- "By present some imaginary interpretations of Vedic literatures in order to divert people from the actual purpose of the Vedas you will attempt to make them atheists," the Lord said. "After that, they can produce more population"
- By realizing the impersonal Brahman, one simply realizes the effulgence emanating from the transcendental body of Krsna. This effulgence is compared to the sunshine
- By receiving transcendental messages from the lips of realized souls a person may continue to live in whatever condition he is in and still make progress in spiritual advancement. Thus one can surely advance and fully realize the SPG
- By rendering devotional service to Krsna, one automatically satisfies the requirements for all other forms of worship. One who is faithful and firmly convinced of this is eligible to be elevated as a pure devotee
- By scientifically understanding the scriptural information through the bona fide spiritual master, one learns, by one's own realization, the actual situation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- By Srimad-Bhagavatam one can understand reality as it is, and such understanding helps one transcend the three kinds of material miseries
- By studying Srimad-Bhagavatam, we can obtain information about our eternal relationship with the Supreme Lord, understand the procedure by which the Lord can be attained and receive the ultimate realization, which is love of Godhead
- By the description of the incarnation for the Kali millennium, Sanatana Gosvami could understand that Lord Caitanya was indeed that incarnation of Krsna
- By the expansion of His opulence, He (the Supreme Lord) is present in all the Vaikuntha planets as Narayana. By expanding His material energy, He creates innumerable universes with innumerable planets within them
- By the grace of Lord Caitanya, Ramananda Raya attained his higher knowledge of devotional service and again, after retiring from service, resolved to see Lord Caitanya in Puri
- By the letter O, Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is indicated; by the letter U, Krsna's eternal consort Srimati Radharani is indicated; and by the letter M, the eternal servitor of the Supreme Lord, the living entity, is indicated
- By the Maha-Visnu's breathing, innumerable universes are produced, and in each universe there are innumerable Visnu-tattvas, but it should be understood that Lord Krsna is the master of them all, and they are but partial plenary expansions of Krsna
- By the mercy of the spiritual master and Krsna, one receives the seed of devotional service. He has only to sow the seed in the field of his heart, just as a gardener sows the seed of a valuable tree
- By the method of philosophical speculation, the impersonal Brahman feature of Krsna is understood. By the process of meditation or mystic yoga, the feature of the Supersoul, the all-pervading expansion of Krsna, is understood
- By the results of fruitive activities, one can either go to the heavenly planets or the hellish ones
- By understanding the Lord's simultaneous oneness with and difference from His creation, one can immediately attain freedom from the threefold miseries - miseries inflicted by the body and mind, by other living entities and by acts of nature
- By vibrating the sound of omkara, or of Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, one can be delivered from the contamination of this material world
- By virtue of His (Krsna's) internal energy, He exists in Himself with His spiritual paraphernalia; by means of His marginal energy, He exhibits Himself as the living entities, and by means of His external energy He exhibits Himself as material energy
- By virtue of such attraction (of Krsna), one can give up fruitive activities and all endeavors for liberation and can even abandon the intense desire to achieve success in yoga mystic power
- By watering the root of a tree, one automatically nourishes the branches, twigs and fruits, and by supplying food to the stomach, all the senses are satisfied
- By Your (Krsna's) mercy, everything is all right, they all (the demigods) replied. There are no disturbances at present, for by Your incarnation everything inauspicious is vanquished
- Caitanya admitted that Sankaracarya was an incarnation of Lord Siva, and it is known that Lord Siva is one of the greatest devotees (a mahajana) of the Bhagavata school
- Caitanya advised Prakasananda Sarasvati: Always read Srimad-Bhagavatam and try to understand each and every verse. Then you will actually understand Brahma-sutra
- Caitanya advised Prakasananda Sarasvati: You say that you are very anxious to study Vedanta-sutra, but you cannot understand Vedanta-sutra without understanding Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Caitanya also described different methods for worshiping the Lord, which are the methods of the fivefold paraphernalia and fifty-fold paraphernalia
- Caitanya also spoke of the effect of going to holy places where there are different temples of the Lord and seeing the form of God in the temple
- Caitanya cited one verse from the scriptures which stated that it is possible for a brahmana, who has studied the four Vedas, to not be accepted as a devotee of the Lord and that a pure devotee could come from a very low family and yet be accepted by Him
- Caitanya described how one should worship the spiritual master and mark one's body with gopi-candana. He also described how one should collect the tulasi leaves and wash the room and temple, & He also described how one should awaken Krsna from His sleep
- Caitanya describes Srimad-Bhagavatam as the spotless Purana because it contains transcendental narrations of the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna
- Caitanya discussed the Atmarama verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam with Prakasananda Sarasvati. Lord Caitanya's admirer, the Maharastriya brahmana, related that the Lord explained this verse in sixty-one different ways
- Caitanya explained briefly the transcendental situation and spiritual enjoyment of life, and He taught that the first stage of perfection is to become a religious man in the ordinary sense, as known in the material world
- Caitanya explained that not only Krsnaloka but even Vrndavana, Lord Krsna's abode on this planet, cannot be estimated as far as potency is concerned
- Caitanya explained the transcendental constitution of Krsna, His expansions, His bodily luster and everything connected with Him. In short, Lord Caitanya explained Krsna as He is, as well as the process by which one can approach Him
- Caitanya further informed Prakasananda Sarasvati: I do not exactly know how I have become just like a madman, but I believe the name of Krsna has induced Me
- Caitanya further taught Sanatana Gosvami how one can live in the material world while being in a complete relationship with Krsna, and He also taught him that there is no necessity for dry renunciation
- Caitanya informed Sanatana Gosvami that the length and breadth of each and every Vaikuntha planet is millions and billions of miles. Each of these planets is unlimitedly expanded
- Caitanya informed: I realize that the transcendental pleasure derived from chanting Hare Krsna is just like an ocean. In comparison, all other pleasures, including the pleasure of impersonal realization, are like shallow water in channels
- Caitanya instructed Sanatana Gosvami to give documentary evidence from the puranas in every step. He also mentioned how to establish temples of the Lord, and He described the general behavior, symptoms, and duties and occupation of a Vaisnava
- Caitanya is Krsna, but He has taken the mode or role of Radharani to show us how to love Krsna. Thus He is addressed: "I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Lord who is absorbed in Radharani's thoughts"
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu came to deliver Krsna. His method of deliverance was not meditation, fruitive activities or scriptural study, but love
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu distinguished Srimad-Bhagavatam from all other puranas by recommending it as the spotless Purana
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu explains that Krsna is just like the sun, and maya, the illusory material energy, is just like darkness. One who is constantly in the sunshine of Krsna cannot possibly be deluded by the darkness of material energy
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu gives evidence from Brahma-samhita of the transcendental properties of Lord Krsna's body
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu gives evidence that Krsna is the original Personality of Godhead, full in all six opulences. It is Sri Krsna whose abode, known as Goloka Vrndavana, is the highest planetary system in the spiritual sky
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu informed Sanatana Gosvami that the planets in the spiritual sky, known as Vaikunthas, and the universes of the material manifestation are actually different types of manifestations
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu informs us that in every country and in every scripture there is some hint of love of Godhead. Unfortunately no one knows what love of Godhead actually is
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu pointed out that although (according to Padma Purana) there are different scriptures for worshiping different types of demigods, such instructions only bewilder people into thinking that the demigods are supreme
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu pointed out that devotional service to Krsna is the only process by which He can be approached. This is the verdict of Vedic literature
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu proclaimed the potencies and opulences of Krsna to be unlimited. Whatever He told Sanatana Gosvami was only partial, but by such a partial presentation one can try to imagine the whole
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu quoted from the Seventh Chapter of Bhagavad-gita in which it is stated that earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and ego all combine together to form the inferior energy of the Supreme Lord
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu quoted his (Sridhara Svami's) writings and explained that in the Tenth Canto of Bhagavatam the life and activities of Krsna are described because Krsna is the shelter of all manifestations
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu quoted Srimad-Bhagavatam to the effect that if a brahmana is not a devotee of the Supreme Lord, then he is lower than the lowest of the low, even though he may be qualified with the twelve brahminical qualities & born in a high family
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu quotes the verse from Bhagavad-gita: The divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it - BG 7.14
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu told Sanatana Gosvami about Krsna's multiforms and His unlimited opulence. He also described the nature of the spiritual manifestation, the material manifestation, and the manifestation of the living entity
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu went on to teach that for each and every moment he is engaged in some fruitive activity, the conditioned soul forgets his real identity
- Caitanya protested against being called the Supreme Lord, and He said, My dear sir, I am an ordinary living entity. I cannot know the real meaning of Vedanta-sutra, but Vyasadeva, who is an incarnation of Narayana, knows its real meaning
- Caitanya protested against misinterpretations of the Upanisads, and He rejected any explanation which did not give the direct meaning of the Upanisads
- Caitanya quoted a sloka from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 3.15.43) dealing with the Kumaras. When the Kumaras entered the temple, they were attracted by the aroma of flowers and tulasi leaves offered to the lotus feet of the Lord with pulp of sandalwood
- Caitanya quoted a verse from 2nd Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 2.1.9) in which Sukadeva Gosvami admits that although he was elevated to the liberated stage & free from the clutches of maya, he was still attracted by the transcendental pastimes of Krsna
- Caitanya quoted from the Lord's instructions to Uddhava in SB: My dear Uddhava, neither philosophical speculation, nor meditational yoga, nor penances can give Me such pleasure as devotional service practiced by the living entities - SB 11.14.20
- Caitanya quoted: One who is transcendentally situated at once realizes the Supreme Brahman. He never laments nor desires to have anything; he is equally disposed to every living entity. In that state he attains pure devotional service - BG 18.54
- Caitanya recited a verse from SB which was delivered by Narada to indicate the path of bhagavata cultivation. Narada Muni pointed out that the four divisions of human society, as well as the 4 orders of life, are born out of the gigantic form of the Lord
- Caitanya recites a verse spoken by Uddhava in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 3.2.23):How can one take shelter of anyone but Krsna? He is so kind
- Caitanya recommends that one should scrupulously renounce the association of unwanted persons and completely take shelter of the Supreme Lord Krsna
- Caitanya replied to Bhattacarya, There is nothing really difficult about the meaning of the original Vedanta-sutra, but the way you explain Vedanta-sutra appears to obscure the real meaning
- Caitanya replied to Bhattacarya, You do not elucidate the direct meaning but imagine something and consequently obscure the true meaning. I think that you have a particular doctrine which you are trying to expound through the codes of Vedanta-sutra
- Caitanya replied, I can find no one else in the world who can realize the transcendental loving reciprocation between Radha & Krsna. You (Ramananda Raya) are asking Me to stay here for ten days, but I feel like remaining with you for the rest of My life
- Caitanya replied: I do not understand why Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya so much appreciated My explanation. As far as I am concerned, I don't even remember what I said to him. because you (Sanatana) are asking Me, I shall try to explain whatever I can remember
- Caitanya replied: My spiritual master told Me, Just go on chanting this Hare Krsna mantra: it will make You all-perfect
- Caitanya requested Sanatana Gosvami to write down the symptoms of a true guru and the symptoms of a true devotee
- Caitanya said that all the Vedic statements of the Upanisads aim at the ultimate truth known as Brahman. The word Brahman means - the greatest
- Caitanya said that direct commentaries on the Upanisads and Vedanta-sutra are glorious, but that anyone who follows the indirect path of Sankaracarya's Sariraka-bhasya is certainly doomed
- Caitanya said that one should be in a humble state of mind, should think himself lower than the grass on the street, should be more tolerant than a tree, and should be devoid of all sense of prestige and ready to offer all kinds of respects to others
- Caitanya said to Ramananda Raya, Please come to Jagannatha Puri, My headquarters, and we will remain together for the rest of our lives. Thus I can pass My remaining days in understanding Krsna and Radha by your association
- Caitanya said, You (Prakasananda Sarasvati) are like the Supreme Brahman, & if I allow you to fall down at My feet, I will commit a great offense. Although you have no vision of duality, for the sake of teaching the general people you should not do this
- Caitanya sang a nice song about the opulences of Krsna, and Sanatana Gosvami listened. All the pastimes of Krsna are exactly like the activities of human beings," the Lord sang. Therefore it is to be understood that His form is like that of a human being
- Caitanya spoke of the glorification of the transcendental name of the Lord and the different offenses which one can commit while worshiping
- Caitanya told Prakasananda Sarasvati that the holy name of Krsna, called the maha-mantra (great chanting), enables anyone who chants it to attain the stage of love of Godhead, or intensified bhava. Such love of Godhead is the ultimate human necessity
- Caitanya told Ramananda Raya, Such a position (of transcendental loving reciprocation) cannot be attained without the performance of transcendental activities. So will you kindly explain to Me how I can raise Myself to this platform?
- Caitanya told Sanatana Gosvami about the beautiful aspects of Krsna. He said that one who understands these beautiful qualities enjoys an ocean of nectar
- Caitanya told Sanatana Gosvami that all scriptures stress association with pure devotees of the Godhead. The opportunity to associate with a pure devotee of the Supreme Lord is the beginning of one's complete perfection
- Caitanya told Sanatana Gosvami: I was just like a madman in describing this Atmarama verse in so many ways. Do not mind if I have said something mad. But if someone becomes a madman like Me, he can understand the real meaning of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Caitanya was neither foolish nor ignorant of the principles of Vedanta. His purpose was to demonstrate to modern society that fools who have no history of penance and austerity should not try to study Vedanta just for some recreational purpose
- Caitanya was very satisfied to hear these statements from Ramananda Raya & He embraced him. Then both of them began to cry in the ecstasy of transcendental realization. Thus the Lord & Ramananda Raya discussed the transcendental pastimes of Radha & Krsna
- Caitanya's philosophy is that one should give up everything and worship God, Krsna. Krsna, as the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, spoke the same words, indicating Himself as the Supreme Lord
- Caitanya's philosophy of the Absolute Truth centers about the fact that the Supreme Lord is simultaneously one with and different from His creation. Nothing is absolutely equal to the Absolute Truth, but at the same time nothing is independent of it
- Caitanya, preaching as an acarya, a great teacher, taught that we can enter into a relationship with God and actually become God's friend
- Caitanya-caritamrta shows that there are many wonderful things to discover by glorifying the Supreme
- Caitanya-caritamrta states that earth, water, fire, air and ether (the five gross elements) are developed from subtle forms to grosser forms
- Caitanya-caritamrta teaches that the spirit soul is immortal and that our activities in the spiritual world are also immortal
- Candrasekhara came out to see the man, but he saw no Vaisnava at the door. He saw only a man who appeared to be a mendicant. The Lord then asked to see the mendicant, and when Sanatana entered the courtyard, Caitanya hurriedly came to see and embrace him
- Characteristic symptoms exhibited by a pure devotee are generally laughing and crying; when emotions are favorable, a pure devotee laughs, and when emotions are not favorable, he cries
- Coming to the prabhava-vilasa of Krsna (including Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha), there are a total of twenty further variations. All of these have Vaikuntha planets in the spiritual sky and are situated in eight different directions
- Concerning man's search for the ultimate goal of life, Caitanya Mahaprabhu relates a story from the commentary of Madhva which occurs in the Fifth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam (Madhva-bhasya) Sarvajna to a poor man who came to him to have his future told
- Concerning talks between Narada and Pundarika, Yudhisthira said, "He is most famous and can deliver all others who, after many, many births, comes to understand that he is the servant of Vasudeva"
- Conditioned souls who are interested in devotional service should follow in the exemplary footsteps of Lord Caitanya in order to learn how Krsna can be achieved by DS. Thus the Supreme Lord Himself teaches the conditioned soul how He should be approached
- Conditioned souls, beginning from Brahma, the engineer of this particular universe, down to an insignificant ant, are all creating something, but none of them are independent of the Supreme Lord
- Conjugal love is very prominent, and it is symptomized by the devotee's decorating his body to attract Krsna
- Consciousness in the mode of goodness is described in the Eleventh Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam. The predominating Deity of the mode of goodness is called Aniruddha
- Consciousness in the mode of ignorance causes the production of ether, the sky and the sense of hearing
- Consciousness in the mode of material passion produces intelligence, and the predominating Deity in this case is Pradyumna. He is the master of the senses
- Consequently devotee does not like the benefits derived from fruitive activity, yogic meditation or the cultivation of knowledge. His attachment is to discourses which are favorably related to Krsna
- Continuing to explain the Atmarama verse, Lord Caitanya pointed out that the word atma also indicated all varieties of the Personality of Godhead. Generally the Personality of Godhead Himself, Krsna, and His different expansions are all known as the PG
- Countless universes reside like seeds within the skin pores of Maha-Visnu & when He exhales, they all are manifest. In the material world we have no experience of such a thing, but we do experience a perverted reflection in the phenomenon of perspiration
- Customarily, a sannyasi is supposed to take shelter and eat in the home of a brahmana, but Caitanya Mahaprabhu, as the independent Supreme Personality of Godhead, used His own discretion and decided to stay at Candrasekhara's house
- Dear Krsna, You are wandering in the forest and walking over rough stones, and we do not know how You are feeling. Since You are our life and soul, the displeasure You are undergoing in traveling over the rough stones is giving us great distress
- Dear Lord, the demigods said, it is Your great mercy that You have called us to see You. Is there any particular order? If so, we will carry it out at once
- December is called Narayana, January is called Madhava, February is Govinda, March is Visnu, April Sri Madhusudana, May Trivikrama, June Vamana, July Sridhara, August Hrsikesa, September Padmanabha, and early October is known as Damodara
- Deluded by the false ego, the bewildered living entity in material existence changes his different bodies and suffers various kinds of miseries
- Deluded by this false belief (that spiritual variegatedness is no different from material variegatedness), the Mayavadis deride the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Demigod worship is discouraged in BG: Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, & their fruits are limited and temporary. Those who worship the demigods go to the planets of the demigods, but My devotees ultimately reach My supreme planet - BG 7.23
- Despite being a material product, if the sun can maintain its original temperature & yet produce so many byproducts, is it difficult for the Supreme Absolute Truth to remain unchanged in spite of producing so many by-products by His inconceivable energy?
- Despite expanding Himself in multiple forms and diffusing His (Krsna's) innumerable energies, He can maintain His transcendental position
- Despite His producing huge material cosmic manifestations, the Supreme Lord is always in His transcendental form
- Despite the fact that unlimited energy is always being generated, the Supreme Absolute Truth remains always the same. He is not affected by the emanation of unlimited energies. Sankaracarya has therefore incorrectly established his theory of illusion
- Devotee always thinks of his special devotional service & attachment. Such attachment does not violate the regulative principles of devotional service, & a real devotee adheres to these principles strictly; yet always thinks of his particular attachment
- Devotees (of Krsna) take shelter of the Vrndavana in India, for it is considered to be a replica of the original Vrndavana
- Devotees are empowered by the Lord to distribute devotional consciousness, or Krsna consciousness, to the people in general. They are known as authorized spiritual masters & it is by their mercy that a conditioned soul gets the seed of devotional service
- Devotees have no need to compete with materialists because they are on the path back to Godhead, back home where everything is eternal, full and blissful. Such transcendentalists are a hundred percent nonenvious and are therefore pure in heart
- Devotees in the third stage, the stage of friendship, are Sridama in Vrndavana and Bhima and Arjuna in Dvaraka and on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. There are many others also
- Devotees never advertise themselves as great, but the Lord is very anxious to advertise the glory of His devotees
- Devotees of the Lord are generally compassionate upon the miseries of living entities, and what to speak of the great sage Narada? He became very much aggrieved, and after proceeding a few steps, he saw the hunter engaged in hunting with bow and arrows
- Devotional service and attachment (of prakrta-sahajiya) are false, and those so engaged are actually gliding down a hellish path. This is not the standard of ragatmika, or devotion. The prakrta-sahajiya community is actually cheated and very unfortunate
- Devotional service can be discharged independently of the cultivation of knowledge and renunciation
- Devotional service can be practiced with one's senses under the direction of a bona fide spiritual master
- Devotional service discharged with such attachment is called ragatmika, and deep attachment with deep absorption in the object of love is called ragatmika. Examples of these can be seen in the activities of the residents of Vrajabhumi
- Devotional service is above the four principles of religion and the understanding derived from liberation
- Devotional service is performed on this excellent platform, and knowledge of the devotee's relationship to Krsna as lover and beloved was given by Caitanya Mahaprabhu. It was never given by any previous incarnation or acarya
- Devotional service is pure when one engages in the service of the Supreme Lord without any motive and without being hampered with material impediments
- Devotional service is so nice and pure that it purifies the devotee, and he forgets all material ambitions as soon as he engages fully in the transcendental loving service of Krsna. A practical example is Dhruva Maharaja
- Devotional service is so strong that one is attracted to Krsna even from the platform of Brahman worship. The Lord awards the devotee the perfection of a spiritual body, and he eternally engages in the transcendental service of Krsna
- Devotional service is the only path by which one can achieve the Supreme Person. This is the only perfection accepted by all Vedic literature
- Devotional service may be regulative or affectionate. One who has not developed transcendental affection for Krsna should conduct his life according to the directions and regulations of the scriptures and the spiritual master
- Devotional service of the Lord begins by hearing about Him (Krsna). There are nine different methods in devotional service, of which hearing is the chief
- Devotional service of the Lord is ever green, and it is increasingly transcendentally pleasing. Thus there is a gulf of difference between the results derived from devotional service and those derived from religious rituals
- Devotional service to Lord Krsna is the highest perfectional path to self-realization, and it is recommended that it be performed directly
- Devotional service to the Lord is the only means by which the Lord can be attained, and this devotional service can be accepted by everyone and anyone in any country and under any circumstance
- Devotional service unto You (the Lord) is the best path for self-realization
- Devotional service with attachment can be executed in two ways - externally and internally. Externally the devotee strictly follows the regulative principles beginning with chanting and hearing, while internally he thinks of the attachment
- Devotional service with attachment is natural, and one who has been attracted by it does not argue with those who oppose him, even though others may argue by presenting scriptural injunctions
- Dhruva Maharaja said: Even those who believe that the body is the self, or those who are full of material desires, are also atmarama. When they associate with pure devotees, they give up their material desires & become perfect in the service of the Lord
- Dhruva Maharaja wanted something material from Krsna & engaged in DS. When the Lord appeared as four-handed Visnu before Dhruva, Dhruva told the Lord: My dear Lord, because I engaged myself in Your DS with great austerity & penances, I am now seeing You
- Dhruva Maharaja was fully satisfied, and he refused to ask anything of the Lord
- Different potencies of the Lord are engaged in serving the Supreme Lord in different transcendental relationships. They are situated in conjugal love, in parental affection, in friendship and in servitude
- Digging on the northern side, or searching for the treasure by means of the meditational yoga process. By this process a person thinks of becoming one with the Supreme Lord, but this merging into the Supreme is like being swallowed by a large serpent
- Diseased and conditioned, the living entity transmigrates throughout the universe. Sometimes he is situated in the upper planetary system and sometimes in the lower system. In this way he leads his diseased life
- Distribution of personal wealth is very instructive for all who desire to be elevated in spiritual knowledge
- Do not try to praise Me in that way, the Lord told Sanatana. Just try to understand the real nature of Srimad-Bhagavatam. Srimad-Bhagavatam is the sound representation of the Supreme Lord Krsna; therefore Srimad-Bhagavatam is not different from Krsna
- Don't worry about your (Mrgari the hunter) livelihood, Narada said. I shall send you sufficient grains in order to live
- Dry mental speculators try to restrain themselves from material attachment, but it is generally found that the mind is too strong to be controlled and that it drags them down to sensual activities. A person in Krsna consciousness does not run this risk
- Due to a poor fund of knowledge, the Mayavadi philosophers cannot go beyond the Brahman effulgence, which may be compared to the sunshine
- Due to forgetfulness of his nature, the living entity, although spirit, suffers all kinds of miseries in material existence
- Due to his material inebriety, the living entity in the marginal position becomes entangled with the inferior energy, matter. At such a time he forgets his spiritual significance
- Due to his poor fund of knowledge, the materialist cannot see beyond the purview of his imperfect senses; he thinks that matter automatically takes its own shape independent of a conscious background. This is refuted by Vyasadeva in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Due to such a false interpretation, omkara comes to be considered something material, and consequently omkara is misunderstood and praised as being simply an exhibition or symbol of the Lord
- Due to the conditioned soul's eternal attitude of separation from Krsna, the spell of material energy awards him two kinds of bodily existence - the gross body consisting of five elements, and the subtle body consisting of mind, intelligence and ego
- Due to the infinite desires of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there is existence in the spiritual world, and due to the infinitesimal desires of the living entity, there is existence in the material world
- Due to the propensity for material enjoyment, the living entity becomes contaminated by the material world
- During Caitanya's time there were impersonalist philosophers known as the Mayavadi philosophers of Saranatha. Saranatha is a place near Benares where Buddhist philosophers used to reside, and even today many stupas of the Buddhist Mayavadis can be seen
- Durvasa admitted his fault & said, "For pure devotees who are always engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, nothing is considered impossible, for they are engaged in the service of the God, whose very name is sufficient for liberation"
- Each and every one of man's imperfect machines has to be handled individually by a mechanic. Because no one can be equal in intelligence to God
- Each division (of devotional situations) has its own different taste and relish, and a devotee situated in a particular division is happy in that position
- Each Manu is called by a different name. The first Manu is called Svayambhuva, and he is the son of Brahma. The second Manu, Svarocisa, is the son of the predominating deity of fire. The third Manu is Uttama, and he is the son of King Priyavrata
- Each of the infinite planets, although unlimited in length and breadth, lies in a corner of the spiritual sky known as the brahmajyoti
- Each process of worship involves understanding different forms of the Lord, as mentioned in scriptures, but the ultimate idea is to worship the Supreme Lord Himself
- Eight dandas make one prahara, and the sun rises and sets with in four praharas. Similarly, four praharas constitute one night, and after that the sun rises
- Ekadasi occurs on the eleventh day after the full moon and the eleventh day after the new moon. On such days no grains, cereals or beans are eaten; simply vegetables and milk are moderately taken, & chanting Hare Krsna & reading scriptures are increased
- Elevation to the higher planets or to a higher life status is never permanent. One must again come down to be submerged in the water. All this is constantly going on in this material existence
- Encouraged by Lord Caitanya to proceed further, Ramananda Raya said that the fraternal relationship with Lord Krsna is on an even higher transcendental plane
- Eternally liberated living entities never come into contact with material nature, and therefore they do not have any experience of material life. They are eternally engaged in Krsna consciousness, or devotional service to the Lord
- Even after millions and millions of births one cannot achieve a sense of devotional service, but if, somehow or other, one desires to attain devotional service, the association of a pure devotee will render it possible
- Even an elephant in the jungle is caught by the use of a trained she-elephant who leads him into a pit. Maya has many activities, and in the material world her strongest shackle is the female
- Even demigods like Brahma and Siva cannot see or even estimate the extent of the Vaikuntha planets. This is confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Even great demigods and sages have difficulty in seeing You (Krsna). Now I (Dhruva Maharaja) am pleased, & all my desires are satisfied. I do not want anything else. I was searching for some broken glass, but instead I have found a great & valuable gem
- Even if a low caste person is engaged in chanting the transcendental vibration, it is to be understood that he has performed all types of renunciation, austerities & sacrifice & has studied all the Brahma-sutras. Thus one can be able to chant Hare Krsna
- Even if a person desires material enjoyment or liberation, he should engage in devotional service
- Even if he (a person who has developed from faith to the stage of bhava) has no engagement, he will find some work to do for Krsna's satisfaction. Nor does such a person like anything which is not connected with Krsna
- Even if one is a liberated soul and is actually free from material contamination, he can still, without cause, become attracted to the devotional service of the Supreme Lord
- Even if one is born in a low family, like a family of candalas (dog-eaters), one can become filled with transcendental symptoms through realization of the supreme stage of love of Godhead. These transcendental symptoms are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Even if one is not situated in such a transcendental position, if he simply approves of such a transcendental life, he also becomes very dear to Krsna
- Even if one is very learned, it is very difficult for him to understand a pure devotee who is in love with the Lord. This is also confirmed in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu
- Even if the devotee were offered such rewards (such as live on the same planet with the Supreme Lord, having the same form or opulence as the Lord, to live with Him side by side or to merge into His existence) by the Lord, he would reject them
- Even in the material creation, the living entities are innumerable. If by chance a living entity in the material world can associate with a pure devotee, he can engage in the pure devotional service of Krsna
- Even in the material world we accept a great deal of information which is sent thousands of miles by telephone or radio. In this way we also accept sound as evidence in our daily lives
- Even in this material world we can have a little sense of love. How is this possible? It is due to the presence of our original love of God
- Even Krsna Himself accepted a spiritual master, for that is the system. In this way the Lord sets the example for men. We should not think, however, that the Lord takes a spiritual master because He is in want of knowledge
- Even many who were not Hindus and who did not follow the Vedic principles accepted Caitanya as the supreme teacher. The only persons who avoided the mercy of Caitanya Mahaprabhu were those sannyasis who were known as the Mayavadi philosophers of Benares
- Even pure knowledge is insufficient if it is devoid of transcendental devotional service, Narada said. And what to speak of fruitive activities when they are devoid of devotional service? How can they be of any benefit to their performer?
- Even the aborigines and uncivilized human beings like Kiratas, Hunas, Andhra, Pulinda, Pulkasa, Abhira, Sumbha, Yavana and Khasa, as well as many other human beings in the lower species, can all be purified simply by taking shelter of the pure devotees
- Even the foolish atmaramas can give up everything and engage themselves in Krsna consciousness in pure devotional service
- Even the greatest scholar becomes bewildered in trying to understand the supreme truth because the entire perceivable cosmic manifestation is situated within Him
- Even the Mayavadi impersonalists who flatter themselves and believe that they have become the Lord themselves are not abhijnah or svarat, fully cognizant or fully independent. The Mayavadi monists undergo a severe process of austerity and penance
- Even the preliminaries of devotional service are transcendental to the highest understanding derived from liberation and the understanding derived from ordinary religion
- Even the transcendental relationship experienced by a devotee of Narayana in Vaikuntha is incomplete in that it is not realization of a relationship with Krsna in Goloka Vrndavana
- Even this material universe, which comprises only one-fourth of His (Krsna's) energy, cannot be described
- Even though a person may be born in a very respectable brahmana family, he cannot become a bona fide spiritual master if he is not a devotee of the Lord
- Even though Bakasura's sister planned to kill Krsna when He was an infant by applying poison to her breast and offering it to Krsna to suck & thus die, still that heinous woman received salvation & was elevated to the same platform as Krsna's own mother
- Even today in India people decorate thrones and recreate this scene during the month of July. Generally at that time people go to Vrndavana to offer their respects to the Deities there
- Even when some people transcend material enjoyment, they still try to enjoy the spiritual world by merging into the existence of the Supreme Lord
- Every day he (the hunter) was offered grains and fruit, so much so that no less than ten to twenty people could have eaten there. According to Narada's instructions, he did not accept anything more than what he and his wife required for sustenance
- Every living entity can be attracted by the beautiful qualities of Kṛṣṇa
- Every living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, and therefore it is the duty of every living entity to serve that supreme whole. Without such service, the living entity falls into material contamination
- Every man, after his birth, immediately becomes indebted to so many people, and one is expected to discharge many kinds of ritualistic functions because of this indebtedness. However, if one is fully surrendered to Krsna, One becomes free from all debts
- Everyone assembled was very eager to hear the different versions of the Atmarama sloka again, and since they were so eager, Lord Caitanya again explained the sloka in the same way that He had explained it to Sanatana Gosvami
- Everyone can join in His (Lord Caitanya's) sankirtana movement. No previous qualification is necessary. just by following His teachings, anyone can become a perfect human being
- Everyone has his intellectual equal and superior, and no one can claim that he has neither. However, this is not the case with the Lord
- Everyone has to learn from his superior about knowledge; even Brahma, who is the first living being within this material world, has to meditate upon the Supreme Lord and take help from Him in order to create
- Everyone has to suffer or enjoy the fruits of his activity; no one can check the laws of material nature which govern such things. As long as one is engaged in fruitive activity, he is sure to be baffled in an attempt to attain the ultimate goal of life
- Everyone is sustained by His mercy; therefore devotional service unto Him constitutes the true religion
- Everyone marked a great change in Bhattacarya, and they concluded that this change was made possible only by the inconceivable power of Lord Caitanya. Thus they took it for granted that Lord Caitanya was none other than Lord Krsna Himself
- Everyone should engage in devotional service to the Supreme Lord, who is the maintainer of this whole universe
- Everyone who heard the explanations of the Atmarama sloka was amazed. Indeed, everyone considered Lord Caitanya to be none other than Sri Krsna Himself
- Everything connected with the Supreme Lord is eternal, blissful and full of knowledge
- Everything generated from the body or the mind is always imperfect and perishable, but transcendental spiritual activities are always bright and wonderful
- Everything that is perceived is calculated by material perception
- Examples of devotees in the second stage, the dasya stage of servitorship, are Raktaka, Citraka and Patraka in the Gokula rasa. These all function as servants of Krsna. In Dvaraka there is Daruka, and in the Vaikuntha planets there are Hanuman and others
- Examples of direct or saksad-avataras are the Sesa incarnation and the Ananta incarnation. In Ananta the power for sustaining all planets is invested, and in the Sesa incarnation the power for serving the Supreme Lord is invested
- Examples of indirect avataras are the four Kumaras, Narada, Prthu and Parasurama. These are actually living entities, but there is specific power given to them by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Examples of santa-bhaktas, or devotees in the neutral stage, are the nine yogis named Kavi, Havi, Antariksa, Prabuddha, Pippalayana, Avirhotra, Dravida or Drumila, Camasa and Karabhajana
- Externally the brothers (Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami) became just like ordinary mendicants, but their hearts were filled with transcendental loving service and a great love for the cowherd boy of Vrndavana
- Falling flat at the feet of Lord Caitanya, Sanatana Gosvami requested Him to explain the Atmarama verse as He had explained it to Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya. Sanatana explained his eagerness to hear the same explanation in order that he might be enlightened
- Feeling such transcendental sentiment, one sometimes laughs and sometimes cries, sings and dances like a madman, and sometimes traverses hither and thither
- Feelings of separation which are present under certain conditions even when the lovers meet are called love anxieties. Such love anxieties are exhibited in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.90.15) by the princesses who kept awake nights and watched Krsna sleep
- Firm conviction to execute the order of the Lord is known as faith
- First class devotee always sees the Supreme Lord as the soul of all living entities. Thus in seeing all living entities, he sees Krsna and nothing but Krsna
- First of all, one should try to understand the constitutional position of the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead
- Five items-time, worship, offering of respect, offering of oblation into the fire and offering of food to a brahmana-comprise purascarya. This and other rituals are mentioned in the hari-bhakti-vilasa, the authoritative book of directions
- Fixing one's mind on Krsna by seeing the beautiful transcendental form of the Lord nicely decorated, hearing His transcendental glories, tasting food offered to Him, associating with His devotees
- Following the footsteps of Kaviraja Krsnadasa Gosvami, we offer our respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya
- Foolish and demoniac persons go to the hellish planets is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita: Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me (Krsna) into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life
- Foolish mental speculators think that after liberation one's identity is lost, but that is not so
- Foolish people contaminated by material nature do not give much importance to Your (Krsna's) transcendental form, and consequently they glide down to hell
- Foolish persons, unable to understand the spiritual activities of the Supreme Lord, consider Krsna to be a product of this material nature. This is the greatest offense any human being can commit
- Fools deride Me (Krsna) when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature and My supreme dominion over all that be. (BG 9.11) That such foolish and demoniac persons go to the hellish planets is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- For devotional service, all other transcendental processes are just like nipples on the neck of a goat. The nipples on a goat's neck may be squeezed, but they do not supply milk
- For each class (namely brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras) there are prescribed rules and regulations as well as occupational functions. The prescribed duties and qualities of the four classes are described in - Bhagavad-gita 18.41-44
- For example, Bhisma related to Krsna as a warrior in the chivalrous rasa. Hiranyakasipu, however, experienced an exchange of the ghastly and devastating rasa
- For spiritual advancement, the four stages of asrama must also be followed: namely, student life - brahmacarya, householder - grhastha, retired - vanaprastha and the renounced life - sannyasa
- For ten days He (Lord Caitanya) instructed Rupa Gosvami about the truth of Krsna, the principles of devotional service and the transcendental relationships with Krsna
- For the association of pure devotees, all other association is kaitava, or cheating. This is confirmed in the First Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam wherein it is stated that all cheating processes which obstruct transcendental realization are to be thrown off
- For the enlightenment of bewildered conditioned souls, the Supreme Lord has presented voluminous Vedic literatures such as the Vedas, the puranas and the Vedanta-sutra. These are all intended to guide the human being back to Godhead
- For the good of the people in general, Rupa Gosvami distributed this information of the science of devotional service
- For the impersonalist and voidist philosophers, the next world is a world of senseless eternity and bliss
- For the past five hundred years many scholars have made elaborate commentaries upon Srimad-Bhagavatam and have displayed unique scholarship
- For the sake of relishing transcendental flavors in the Absolute Truth, there are five diverse manifestations. These are called the form of a devotee, the identity of a devotee, the incarnation of a devotee, the pure devotee and devotional energy
- For the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he (Rupa Gosvami) distributed fifty percent of his accumulated wealth to persons engaged in the Supreme Lord's transcendental loving service
- For the Supreme Absolute Truth, there is no change. It is simply that a by-product results from His inconceivable powers of action. In other words, a relative truth is produced out of the Supreme Truth
- For understanding one's relationship with the Supreme Lord human society is divided into four classes: the intellectuals - brahmanas, the administrators - ksatriyas, the merchants - vaisyas, and the laborers - sudras
- Formal execution of rituals and religion is useless unless it culminates in the perfection of devotional service
- Formerly a king used to punish a criminal by dunking him in the river, raising him up again for breath and then again dunking him in the water. Material nature punishes and rewards the individual entity in just the same way
- Formerly I (Caitanya) thought of sixty different meanings for the word atmarama, the Lord told Sanatana Gosvami, but here another meaning comes to My mind by your association
- Fortunate beginners can develop only in the association of pure devotees of Lord Krsna. When one associates with pure devotees, he becomes a pure devotee himself
- Four other Manus are known as Rudrasavarni, Dharmasavarni, Devasavarni and Indrasavarni
- From a distance the two brothers (Rupa Gosvami and Vallabha) fell down on the ground to offer obeisances (to Lord Caitanya), and they chanted many Sanskrit verses from the scriptures
- From Caitanya-caritamrta we learn how Caitanya taught people to become immortal, and thus the title may be properly translated as "the immortal character of the living force"
- From childhood He (Krsna) displays many pastimes, and ultimately He exhibits the rasa dance
- From each Narayana the forms of Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha are manifested. Thus Narayana is the center, and the four forms of Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha surround the Narayana form
- From His (Krsna's) navel, the stem of a lotus flower grows, and on that lotus flower the first creature, Brahma, is born. Within the stem of that lotus flower are fourteen divisions of planetary systems, which are created by Brahma
- From omkara all Vedic hymns have emanated, and the world itself has also emanated from this omkara sound
- From one point of view, Vrndavana is estimated to be thirty-two square miles in area, yet in one part of this Vrndavana all the Vaikunthas exist
- From revealed scriptures it is understood that Krsna lives in three transcendental places. The most confidential residence of Krsna is Goloka Vrndavana
- From Srimad-Bhagavatam we can know the substance as well as the relativities in their true sense and perspective
- From the 4 principal four-handed forms (Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha) there are manifest the principal twenty-four forms called vaibhava-vilasa, & they are named differently according to the placement of different symbols in their hands
- From the first division come the three purusa-avataras - the Karanodakasayi Visnu, Garbhodakasayi Visnu and Ksirodakasayi Visnu - and from the other division come the lila-avataras, such as the Lord's incarnations as a fish, tortoise, etc
- From the instructions of Caitanya to Sanatana Gosvami we can understand the science of God as it relates to God's transcendental form, His opulences, & His devotional service. Indeed, everything is being explained to Sanatana Gosvami by the Lord Himself
- From the Maha-Visnu and the Causal Ocean all the universes spring, and all these universes float in the Causal Ocean
- From the Maha-Visnu, the Garbhodakasayi Visnu and Ksirodakasayi Visnu come; thus Krsna is master of the Garbhodakasayi Visnu and Ksirodakasayi Visnu, and He is also the Supersoul within every living entity in the universe
- From the nine sages who were instructing Maharaja Nimi, maya is defined as "forgetfulness of one's relationship with Krsna"
- From the very beginning of Vedanta-sutra it is accepted that the cosmic manifestation is but an energetic display of the Supreme Lord
- From the very beginning the Vedanta-sutra explains the doctrine of by-products. These activities of production, maintenance and dissolution are carried out by the inconceivable energy of the Supreme Lord
- From Vedic literatures we understand that the Absolute Truth has varieties of energy and that the living entities and the cosmic manifestation are but a demonstration of His energies
- From Vedic literatures we understand that the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, eternally exists with His diverse energies. Caitanya appeared with full diverse energies, & they are five in number; therefore Caitanya is said to be Krsna
- From Vedic literatures we understand that the Vedas originated from the breathing of Narayana
- Fruitive activity, mystic meditation and philosophical speculation are not direct methods of self-realization. They are indirect
- Further, he (Narada Muni) saw that a boar was also suffering, and, in another place, he saw a rabbit twitching in pain. All this made him very compassionate, and he began to think, Who is the foolish man who has committed such sins
- Gadadhara & Srivasa, although included in Visnu-tattva, are dependent, diverse energies of the Supreme Lord. In other words, they are not different from the energetic, but they are manifest diversely for the sake of relishing transcendental relationships
- Ganganarayana Cakravarti accepted Narottama dasa Thakura as spiritual master
- Gautama and Kanada have given stress to this theory that the creation resulted from a fortunate combination of material elements, and they have tried to establish that atomic energy is the origin of creation
- Generally a human being is interested in religion, economic development, sense gratification and liberation, but love of God is above all these
- Generally a person bequeaths all his accumulated wealth to his family members and then retires from family activities in order to make progress in spiritual knowledge
- Generally a philosophical mind is inquisitive to learn of the origin of all creations
- Generally in the Upanisads the Supreme Absolute Truth is described in an impersonal way, but the personal aspect of the Absolute Truth is mentioned in the Isopanisad
- Generally Mayavadi philosophers are perplexed before a learned Vaisnava because the Mayavadis cannot explain the cause of bondage of the living entities
- Generally people cannot understand how Krsna performs His pastimes, but Lord Caitanya clarified this by comparing His pastimes to the orbit of the earth about the sun
- Generally people come into the association of devotees in order to mitigate some material wants, but the influence of a pure devotee frees a man from all material desires so that he eventually comes to relish the taste of devotional service
- Generally such persons (who are liberated theoretically by knowing simply that the living entity is not material) are very much attached to Vedic rituals and righteous activities, performing them in order to enjoy material prosperity
- Generally there are two kinds of philosophers in the renounced order of life. The goal of one is nirvana, and the goal of the other is the impersonal Brahman effulgence
- Giving up all speculation and fruitive activity, one should simply worship and desire to attain to love of God
- God is a greater mechanic than the watchmaker because He simply creates one machine in male and female forms, and the male and female forms go on producing innumerable similar machines without the further attention of God
- God is infallible, and in Bhagavad-gita He is addressed as Acyuta, which means, "He who never falls down." This is indicated because in Bhagavad-gita Arjuna had fallen into delusion but Krsna had not
- God is known as Paramatma, the Supersoul, Brahman the Supreme Absolute, Srstikarta the creator, Narayana the transcendental Lord, Rukminiramana the husband of Rukmini, Gopinatha the enjoyer of the gopis, and Krsna
- God is so attractive, and because He is so attractive, He is called Krsna
- God is so kind and merciful that He can give Himself in exchange for the devotional service of the devotee
- God's qualities are always inconceivable, and all processes of self-realization inquire into the potencies, energies and qualities of the SP of Godhead. However, the devotees of the Lord immediately accept the inconceivable position of the Lord
- Goloka Vrndavana is larger than all the material and spiritual planets put together. In the prayer contained in the Harivamsa, Indra admitted that he could not understand the situation of Goloka even by asking Brahma
- Gopinatha Acarya began to thank the Lord: It is by Your grace only that Bhattacarya has been transformed from his stonelike position into such a devotee
- Gopinatha Acarya, his brother-in-law, was so pleased to see Bhattacarya's condition that he began to dance in ecstasy and vibrate the transcendental sound Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- Govinda-lilamrta (10.16) confirms that Radharani is the expansion of the pleasure potency of Krsna and is compared with a creeper, and Her associates, the damsels of Vraja, are compared to the flowers and leaves of that creeper
- Grantha means revealed scriptures, and nir is an affix which is used to mean "no connection," "constructing," and also "prohibiting"
- Greedy to get the money, the jailkeeper agreed to the proposition and let him (Sanatana Gosvami) go. In the meantime, Rupa Gosvami, with his younger brother Sri Vallabha, had started for Vrndavana to meet Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Guna indicates the unlimited transcendental qualities of Krsna, primarily His sac-cid-ananda form. In His transcendental blissful knowledge & eternity, He is fully perfect. His perfection is increased when He is controlled by the attention of His devotee
- Had there been no infinitesimal living entities, the Supreme Lord would have been inactive, and there would not be variegatedness in spiritual life
- Hanuman, who attained perfection simply by becoming the servant of Lord Rama; Arjuna, who attained perfection simply by being a friend of Krsna's; and Bali Maharaja who attained perfection simply by offering whatever he had in his possession
- Hare Krsna, Hare Rama addresses not only Krsna and Balarama but Lord Caitanya and Nityananda as well
- He (a devotee of the Lord) is always sane and is respectful to others, but he does not require respect for himself. He is grave, merciful, friendly, poetic, expert and silent
- He (a devotee) is a benefactor to all living entities and is peaceful and always surrendered to Krsna. He has no material desires. He is very humble and is fixed in his purpose
- He (a devotee) should nonetheless completely depend on the Supreme Lord, understanding that the Supreme Lord provides everyone with food and shelter
- He (a person in Krsna consciousness) is very humble and is fixed in his purpose. He is victorious over the six material qualities such as lust and anger, and he does not eat more than he needs
- He (a person who is puffed up by so-called education) thinks that he does not require a spiritual master and that he can achieve the highest perfection by his own efforts. Such persons are not eligible for the study of Vedanta-sutra
- He (a pure devotee) becomes highly developed in Krsna consciousness. At this stage he does not distinguish between the devotee and the nondevotee, for he sees everyone in the service of the Lord
- He (a pure devotee) continues to develop all great qualities while engaged in Krsna consciousness and devotional service
- He (Advaita) is also called acarya, teacher, because He disseminated Krsna consciousness. In this way He is just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- He (Akrura) also saw there the Lord in His Visnu form as well as Narada and the four Kumaras, who were worshiping Him
- He (Brahma) saw that all of them were emanating from the body of Krsna and, after a second, also entering into His body. Lord Brahma became struck with wonder
- He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) taught Sanatana Gosvami to write elaborately on the subject of devotional service in his different books
- He (Caitanya) also advised Prakasananda Sarasvati to always chant Hare Krsna, And, by doing so, you will very easily be liberated. After liberation you will be eligible to achieve the highest goal of life, love of Godhead
- He (Caitanya) cited a verse from the Sixth Chapter of Visnu Purana in which it is stated that all the energies of the Lord are spiritual
- He (Caitanya) described how one should worship the Lord by offering Him arati five times a day, and He described how one should offer food to Krsna and lay Him down on the bed
- He (Caitanya) did not associate with the Mayavadi sannyasis but remained alone and executed His own mission. After staying for some days in Benares, He started for Mathura
- He (Caitanya) further informed Prakasananda Sarasvati that His spiritual master had taught Him that Srimad-Bhagavatam is the actual commentary on Vedanta-sutra, as stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam by Vyasadeva, the author of Vedanta-sutra
- He (Caitanya) quoted a verse from Padma Purana which is found in the Vaisnava tantra (Hari-bhakti-vilasa 1.73): A person who compares the Supreme Lord even with the greatest of demigods like Brahma and Siva must be considered a number one atheist
- He (Caitanya) said that it is the greatest offense to compare anyone with the Supreme Lord Krsna
- He (Caitanya) said that no one can understand the constitutional position of the Supreme Lord - His situation, His transcendental qualities, His transcendental activities and His six opulences
- He (Caitanya) was teaching the Mayavadi philosophers that one should not falsely pose himself as the Supreme Lord and thereby misguide people. Nor should followers be foolish enough to accept anyone and everyone as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He (God) attracted the mind of Sanaka Kumara simply by the aroma emanating from the flowers offered to Him
- He (God) is the controller, friend and maintainer of all living entities
- He (Krsna) bathes in the ocean of transcendental convulsions. Before Krsna's beauty, these convulsions often continue without treatment, just as ordinary convulsions which a physician will allow to continue, not even allowing a drink of water for relief
- He (Krsna) expands Himself in various multiple forms, and some of these are known as His personal forms and some as His separated forms. Thus He enjoys Himself in all the spiritual planets, as well as in the material universes
- He (Krsna) is full with six opulences - all wealth, strength, fame, beauty, knowledge and renunciation
- He (Krsna) is the shelter of the Absolute Truth (para-tattva) because He is param brahma. There is nothing material in His opulences and exhibitions of wealth, fame, strength, beauty, knowledge and renunciation
- He (Krsna) is the soul of everything great. He is all-pervading and all-witnessing, and He is the supreme form of everything
- He (Krsna) sometimes manifests four hands and sometimes two. The two-handed form is actually vaibhava-prakasa, and the four-handed form is prabhava-prakasa
- He (Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu) is simply stressing the importance of accepting the disciplic succession. The knowledge of that disciplic succession actually comes from the Lord Himself, and if the knowledge descends unbroken, it is perfect
- He (Madhvacarya) quoted a verse from Skanda Purana in which it is stated that the Rg Veda, Sama Veda, Atharva Veda, Mahabharata, Pancaratra and the original Ramayana are actually Vedic evidence
- He (Maharaja Ambarisa) engaged his hands in washing the temple of the Deity, his ears in hearing the words of Krsna and his eyes in beholding the Deity. He engaged his sense of touch by rendering service to the devotees
- He (omkara) is the beginning, middle and end, and He is beginningless as well. When one understands omkara as such, he becomes immortal. One should thus know omkara as a representation of the Supreme situated in everyone's heart
- He (one who is engaged in devotional service relishes the fruit of love of Godhead) no longer desires to satisfy his senses, and he no longer desires to become one with the Supreme Lord by merging into His effulgence
- He (Prakasananda Sarasvati) not only appreciated the explanation of Vedanta-sutra by Caitanya, but stated that the direct explanation of the Upanisads and Vedanta-sutra is so pleasing that we forget ourselves & forget that we belong to the Mayavadi sect
- He (Prakasananda Sarasvati) was the chief amongst the impersonalist sannyasis, and he addressed Lord Caitanya with great humility, asking Him to come and sit amongst them
- He (Ramananda Raya) compared his tongue to a stringed instrument, saying, "You are the player of that instrument." Thus as Lord Caitanya would play, Ramananda Raya would vibrate the sound
- He (Sanatana Gosvami) constructed the temple of Madana-mohana at Vrndavana, and he wrote books on the principles of devotional service, such as Hari-bhakti-vilasa
- He (Sanatana Gosvami) could understand that in the future there would be many people who would try to imitate Lord Caitanya because the Lord played as an ordinary brahmana, despite the fact that His devotees accepted Him as an incarnation
- He (Sankaracarya) also has the audacity to say that Vyasa is mistaken
- He (Sukadeva Gosvami) studied Srimad-Bhagavatam from his great father, Vyasadeva
- He (the Absolute Truth) has no material eyes, but He does have spiritual eyes by which He can see everything and anything
- He (the Absolute Truth) is causative, for He is the original designer of the cosmos. And He is locative: that is, everything is resting in His energy. These attributes are all clearly attributes of personality
- He (the chief engineer) knows everything about the construction directly and indirectly
- He (the creator of this body) is not conversant in the art of ecstasy but is simply a prosaic creator. He does not know how to arrange things properly so one can see only Krsna
- He (the devotee of the Lord) is said to be always tolerant and merciful. A friend to all living entities, he has no enemies. He is peaceful, & he possesses all good qualities. These are but a few of the characteristics of a person in Krsna consciousness
- He (the Lord) can be compared to a gold mine, and the cosmic creations can be compared to ornaments made from that gold, such as gold rings, necklaces, etc
- He (the Lord) does have His spiritual transcendental body and His transcendental form. Because the Mayavadi philosophers misunderstand His transcendental nature, they explain Him as impersonal
- He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) is known as the greatest Lord, the Personality of Godhead. His energies and potencies are multiple and variously distributed
- He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) is the Lord of time, nature, cause and effect, mind, ego, the five elements, the three modes of nature, the senses and the universal form
- He (Visnu) is as powerful as Krsna, but the original Visnu is Krsna
- He (Vyasadeva) was not satisfied until he wrote Srimad-Bhagavatam. His dissatisfaction was observed by his spiritual master, and consequently Narada advised him to write on the transcendental activities of the Lord Sri Krsna
- He appears in the material world to satisfy His devotees, and His qualities are so attractive that Krsna Himself becomes eager to understand Himself
- He was just about to call Narada vile names, but, due to the influence of saintly Narada, the hunter could not utter such blasphemies
- He who follows this imperishable path of devotional service and who completely engages himself with faith, making Me the supreme goal, is very, very dear to Me. BG 12.13-20
- He who has attained a taste for chanting the transcendental vibration, however, actually attains the conclusion of Vedanta
- Hearing, chanting remembering, worshiping - all these are used in the process of attaining the highest perfection by understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Her (Radharani's) body is also decorated with the ornaments of spiritual ecstasy - trembling tears, petrification, perspiration, choking, cessation of all bodily functions due to transcendental pleasure, stumbling, high blood pressure and madness
- Her (Radharani's) patient calmness is compared with a covering of cloths which have been cleansed by camphor. Her confidential agony for Krsna is the knot in Her hair, and the mark of tilaka on Her forehead is Her fortune
- Hindrances on the path of sense satisfaction cause material distress, but one cannot compare that with spiritual separation
- His (a devotee's) interest is in the essence of life, which is spiritual. He is equal to everyone, and no one can find fault in him. His magnanimous mind is always fresh and clean and devoid of material obsessions
- His (God's) transcendental qualities are such that the perfection of His beauty, His perfect reciprocation of love between Himself & His devotees & the flavor of His transcendental qualities attract different kinds of transcendentalists & liberated souls
- His (Krsna's) abode is the supreme planet known as Goloka Vrndavana, and by His will, this Goloka Vrndavana is manifested in this universe and in other universes as well
- His (Krsna's) activities are just like the waves of the Ganges River. Just as there is no limit to the flowing of the waves of the Ganges, there is no cessation of Lord Krsna's incarnations in different universes
- His (Krsna's) spiritual abode is at the top of the spiritual sky, and He resides there with His associates, the cowherd boys, the gopis, and all the goddesses of fortune. It is there that He is known as Madana-mohana
- His (Krsna's) transcendental body is composed of eternity, bliss and knowledge, and He is known as the son of Maharaja Nanda and the inhabitant of Goloka Vrndavana
- His (Krsnadasa Kaviraja's) family also worshiped Radha-Krsna, and once when there was some misunderstanding amongst his family about devotional service, Krsnadasa Kaviraja was advised by Nityananda Prabhu in a dream to leave home and go to Vrndavana
- His (Sanatana Gosvami's) brother, Rupa Gosvami, was also a minister in the government, but both of them gave up their lucrative government posts to become mendicants and serve the Supreme Lord
- His (the living entity's) disease can be cured only when he meets and follows the expert physician, the bona fide spiritual master
- His (the Lord's) seeing power existed before the material creation; therefore His body is not material. His thinking, feeling and acting are all transcendental
- His expansions as Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha are in the original catur-vyuha, or four-handed forms
- History repeats itself, and what was occurring in the past will recur again and again when there is necessity. Whenever the authority of the Lord is neglected, the penalties dealt by the laws of nature are always there
- How a devotee becomes the greatest of all transcendentalists is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 6.14.5):There are many liberated souls and perfected souls, but out of all of them he who is a devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is best
- How can there be meaning to the word "lord" if there is no one to overlord? The conclusion is that the living entities are considered to be expansions of the energy of the Supreme Lord, and the Lord, the Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is the energetic
- How is this living force displayed immortally? It is not displayed by man or any other creature in this material universe, for none of us are immortal in these bodies
- How Krsna is attracted by His own beauty is described in Lalita-madhava (8.34). Upon seeing His own picture, Krsna lamented, How glorious this picture is! It is attracting Me just as it attracts Radharani
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, by whose mercy even a person in the lowest form of life can find direction in transcendental devotional service to the Lord - CC Madhya 20.1
- I (Narada Muni) beg one thing from you only," Narada implored. "Please accept it
- I (Prabhupada) sincerely hope that by understanding the teachings of Lord Caitanya, human society will experience a new light of spiritual life which will open the field of activity for the pure soul
- "I am a Mayavadi sannyasi," Lord Caitanya protested. "I have no knowledge of the transcendental features of devotional service"
- I am a fool, the Lord replied, I have no capacity to study Vedanta-sutra, but since you asked Me to hear you, I am trying to listen
- "I am not joking with you," Sanatana informed him (mendicant). "I am very serious. Will you kindly exchange that torn quilt for this blanket?" Finally the mendicant exchanged his torn quilt for the blanket, and Sanatana returned to the Lord
- "I am touching you just for My purification," the Lord (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) replied (to Sanatana Gosvami), "for you are a great devotee. By your devotional service you can deliver the whole universe and enable everyone to go back to Godhead"
- I can understand that You (Caitanya) are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, Prakasananda Sarasvati continued, and even though You present Yourself as a devotee, You are still worshipable
- "I do not know anything," Ramananda Raya replied (to Lord Caitanya) in all humility. "I am simply saying what You are causing me to say. I know that You are Krsna Himself, yet You are relishing hearing about Krsna from me"
- "I do not know the mercy of Krsna," Sanatana replied (to Caitanya Mahaprabhu), "but I can understand that Your mercy upon me is causeless. You have delivered me from the entanglement of material life"
- I do not want such things (animal skins)," Narada replied. However, I do want something else. If you kindly grant it to me, I shall tell you. Please, henceforth from tomorrow, whenever you kill an animal, kill it completely. Don't leave it half-dead
- I have come to you to purify Myself by hearing from you (Ramananda Raya) the transcendental pastimes of Radha and Krsna," the Lord replied. "I am so fortunate, for you are the only teacher of such transcendental pastimes
- "I (Caitanya) have seen your two brothers (Rupa Gosvami and Vallabha)," the Lord then informed him (Sanatana Gosvami), "and I have advised them to proceed toward Vrndavana"
- I offer my obeisances unto the Supreme Truth - This is the first introductory verse dealing with the Supreme Truth, which is described in Srimad-Bhagavatam as the source of creation, maintenance and destruction for the cosmic manifestation
- I shall tell You (Krsna) of my purpose in coming here, Brahma replied, but first I have a doubt which I ask You to kindly remove. Your doorman told me that You asked which Brahma has come to see You. May I inquire if there are other Brahmas besides me
- I understand that You (Caitanya) are personally the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, Sanatana said, and with Your breathing there are many manifestations of Vedic literature
- I understood that you (Sanatana Gosvami) had eight coins with you, and I was thinking of killing you to take them," the hotelkeeper confessed. "But I can understand that you are such a good man that you don't have to offer me the money
- If a devotee wants to worship Krsna in conjugal love, Krsna plays the part of a husband or paramour perfectly. However, Krsna Himself has admitted that His loving relationship with the damsels of Vraja in conjugal love is the highest perfectional stage
- If a disciple follows in the footsteps of his spiritual master and chants the holy name with similar respect, he actually comes to worship the transcendental name
- If a living entity takes to those ritualistic activities by which pure devotional service to the Lord is developed in the association of pure devotees, then one's mind naturally becomes attracted to devotional service
- If a living entity were equal to the Supreme Lord, there would be no possibility of his being controlled by material energy
- If a man could manufacture a set of machines capable of producing other machines without the man giving the matter any further attention, then a man could be said to equal the intelligence of God. Of course this is not possible
- If a man is born in a brahmana family but his personal qualifications are those of a sudra, he should be accepted as a sudra
- If a man is captivated by material enjoyment, and even if the seed of such enjoyment is within the heart of the conditioned soul, he can be overpowered by a flood of transcendental activities performed in love of God
- If a man's mind can produce rockets and spaceships, it is conceivable that a mind higher than man's can produce superior things. A reasonable person will accept this argument but stubborn obstinate people will not
- If a person in the mode of goodness happens to hear this Mayavadi philosophy, he falls down, for when teaching Mayavadi philosophy, I (Lord Siva) say that the living entity and the Supreme Lord are one and the same
- If a person is born in a sudra family but has the qualifications of a brahmana, he should be accepted as a brahmana
- If a person is lacking in devotion or Krsna consciousness, he cannot be released from material bondage, even if he executes his prescribed duty. On the contrary, even by discharging his prescribed duty he will glide down into hell
- If a person is not engaged in the devotional service of the Lord, he falls from his position, regardless of whether he executes his prescribed occupational duty or not
- If a person who is about to die takes full shelter of the Supreme Lord and places himself fully under His care, he actually attains immortality and becomes eligible to associate with the Supreme Lord and enjoy transcendental bliss
- If a person's heart is always tied to the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord with the rope of love, the Lord does not leave him. Indeed, even if his remembrance is not perfect, he is to be considered a first class devotee
- If a seed is overpowered by too much water, there is no possibility of its fructifying
- If Brahma or the sun cannot create anything without acquiring knowledge from a superior, then what is the situation with the material scientists who are fully dependent on so many things?
- If brains like those of Einstein or Newton could have been manufactured by a human being, then mankind would produce many such brains instead of eulogizing their passing
- If devotional service is added, the knower of Brahman can then become liberated; otherwise there is no possibility of liberation
- If he (a person) performs sinful activities (not willfully but by chance), Krsna gives him all protection. It is not necessary for him to purify himself by any other method
- If He (the Absolute Truth) were alone, how could He have produced or generated the infinitesimal living entities?
- If he (the living entity) sincerely surrenders unto Krsna by simply saying once, "My dear Lord Krsna, from this day I am Yours," he at once gets out of the clutches of material energy
- If in some kalpa there is no suitable living entity capable of acting in Brahma's capacity, Garbhodakasayi Visnu Himself manifests as Brahma and acts accordingly
- If love of Godhead is elevated to the personal platform, it is called prema-bhakti
- If one bona fide spiritual master is born in a brahmana family & another in a sudra family, one should accept the one who is born in a brahmana family. This statement serves as a social compromise, it has nothing to do with spiritual understanding
- If one by chance, even without his knowledge, he offers his obeisances to Lord Visnu or receives the favor of a Vaisnava, a devotee of the Lord, he at that time acquires the asset necessary to approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If one can fix his mind on Krsna without deviation, he can attain a steadfast position in Krsna consciousness, santa-rasa. When one attains santa-rasa, unflinching faith in Krsna is established, and all material desires cease
- If one carefully scrutinizes and studies the Puranas, he will find that Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the only object of worship
- If one chants the holy names and still has material attachments, he must be committing some offense
- If one desires to understand the sun as it is, one must first face the sunshine, then the sun globe and, after entering into that globe, come face to face with the predominating deity of the sun
- If one develops devotional service and attachment by following in the footsteps of the Vrajavasis, he attains raga-marga-bhakti, or devotional service in attachment to the Lord
- If one does not follow these principles strictly (one should not indulge in illicit sex life, intoxication, meat eating or gambling), there may be a severe disturbance in the discharge of devotional service
- If one equalizes Rukminiramana, Radharamana, Narayana or any other name of the Supreme Lord, he commits the fault of overlapping tastes, which is technically called rasabhasa
- If one faithfully discharges his prescribed duties, he is sure to advance toward perfection. Thus regulated life is the source of perfection for everyone
- If one has faith he is firmly convinced that simply by rendering devotional service to Lord Krsna all other activities are automatically performed - including ritualistic duties, sacrifices, yoga and the speculative pursuit of knowledge
- If one is actually fortunate enough to have faith in these discussions (between Ramananda Raya and Lord Caitanya), he can enter into the transcendental association of Radha and Krsna
- If one is attracted by a large number of disciples and material conveniences offered by these disciples and forgets his duty as a bona fide master, the growth of the plant will be impeded
- If one is convinced that devotional service to the Lord includes everything, no other activity is required
- If one is eager to attain the highest understanding, he must begin with an inquiry into the differences between copper and bronze, then silver and gold and so on
- If one is engaged in chanting and hearing with devotion and faith, his material misgivings gradually become vanquished
- If one is fortunate enough to be attracted by His (Lord Caitanya's) features, one is sure to be successful in one's life mission
- If one is not particularly careful, even by watering the plant of devotional service, unnecessary weeds will grow & hamper progress
- If one is so absorbed in the rendering of service, he can be understood to be elevated to the highest position of bhakti. By such transcendental loving service alone can one surpass the influence of maya and relish pure love of Godhead
- If one is to derive actual perfection from his process, he must take to the devotional service of Krsna
- If one mistakenly considers his position to be equal to that of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he becomes contaminated by the doctrine of nonduality, and his efforts in transcendental life are rendered ineffective
- If one offers charity to a brahmana who is not a devotee, the Lord does not accept; but if something is offered to a devotee, the Lord accepts. In other words, whatever a person wishes to offe