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- A brahmana should be qualified with the eight qualities such as sama, dama, satya and titiksa
- A cloud is compared to a qualified person because it pours rain and gives sustenance to many people; a man who is qualified similarly gives sustenance to many living creatures, such as family members or many workers in a business
- A cloud is compared to a qualified person because it pours rain and gives sustenance to many people; a man who is qualified similarly gives sustenance to many living creatures, such as family members or many workers in business
- A conditioned living entity should become aware of his real position and should pray to the Lord, How much longer will I be under the rule of all these bodily functions such as lust and anger?
- A conditioned soul works in the service of his temporary body, bodily relatives like the wife and children, and the necessary paraphernalia for maintaining the body and bodily relations, such as the house, land, wealth, society and country
- A devotee once said, "My dear Lord Krsna, may Your challenger, Sridama, become glorious for his chivalrous activities, such as vibrating like a thunder cloud and roaring like a lion. May all glories go to Sridama's chivalrous activities!"
- A devotee should be satisfied to eat whatever is sent as prasada by the Supreme Lord. A devotee remains pure because he does not take to sinful activities such as gambling, intoxication, meat-eating and illicit sex
- A glossary of some of the important words in this chapter (SB 4th Canto, Ch 28): Dravida-raja - Devotional service or a person eligible to act in devotional service, Dvara - The doors of the body, such as the eyes and ears
- A glossary of some of the important words in this chapter (SB 4th Canto, Ch 28): Pratikriya - Counteracting agents such as mantras and medicines, Pura-palaka - The life air, Putra - Consciousness, Sainika - The condition of threefold miseries
- A government exacts various taxes from the citizens, such as income tax and sales tax, which the citizens are able to pay by their different material activities: agriculture, trade, industry and so on
- A human being is sometimes restricted in sense gratification due to certain circumstances such as disease, etc., but this is not the prescription
- A human being is sometimes restricted in sense gratification due to certain circumstances, such as disease, but such proscriptions are for the less intelligent - CC Preface
- A living entity especially empowered to act on behalf of the Lord is called vibhuti, whereas the visnu-tattva incarnations of the Lord, such as the Matsya avatara (kesava dhrta-mina-sarira jaya jagad-isa hare), are called vibhava
- A man in the renounced order of life must be purified by the process; thus he will feel the presence of the Lord everywhere and will have nothing to fear, such as being without any company
- A peaceful, equipoised person who's factually advanced in spiritual consciousness doesn't need to accept the symbols of a sannyasi, such as the tridanda & kamandalu. According to necessity, he may sometimes accept those symbols and sometimes reject them
- A person (who considers the association of Krsna to be the highest perfection of life) does not wish to be elevated to the higher planets such as the moon or sun, or even the highest planet Brahmaloka. He has no attraction for that. BG 1972 purports
- A person who is born into a responsible family - such as a ksatriya, or a government servant - but who neglects to execute his prescribed duties according to religious principles falls down at the time of death into the river of hell known as Vaitarani
- A person who is not at all demoniac, such as Prahlada Maharaja and Bali Maharaja, may outwardly be a demon or be born in a family of demons. Therefore in terms of real culture one should not be considered a demigod or demon simply according to birth
- A pure devotee of Krsna who loves Him exclusively will flatly refuse to accept any sort of liberation, such as equality of form, opulence or abode and the opulence of living near the Lord
- A pure devotee of Lord Krsna rejects even these types of liberation (such as salokya, samipya, sarupya and sarsti); he aspires only to serve Krsna birth after birth
- A pure devotee of Narayana is never afraid of any material danger. There are many examples of devotees such as Prahlada Maharaja, who was tortured by his father but was not at all afraid, although he was only a five-year-old boy
- A sinful life can be counteracted by various processes of religion such as yajna, vrata and dana - that is, the performance of sacrifices, the taking of a vow for some religious ritual, and the giving of charity
- A Vaisnava should follow the examples of such Vaisnavas as Haridasa Thakura, Nityananda Prabhu and also Lord Jesus Christ. There is no need to kill anyone who has already been killed
- A yogi can attain miraculous successes in material achievements, such as anima and laghima, by which one can become more minute than the minutest or lighter than the lightest, or one may achieve material benedictions in the shape of wealth and women
- According to other scriptures such as the Puranas, even a candala, or a person of the fifth social order (lower than a sudra), becomes more than a person of the first order (a brahmana) by dint of his transcendental devotional service
- According to Padma Purana (Prabhasa-khanda), in thirty days of Brahma many kalpas take place, such as the Varaha-kalpa and Pitr-kalpa
- According to Sri Isopanisad: The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because of this all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes
- According to the Vedic description of the planetary system, all the planets move from east to west. The sun, the moon and five other planets, such as Mars and Jupiter, orbit one above another
- According to this verse (SB 4.8.78) and other Vedic literatures, such as Bhagavad-gita, the resting place of Brahman is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, just as the resting place of the sunshine is the sun globe
- According to Vedic culture, learned men consider all natural products, such as food grains, fruits, flowers, and milk, to be God-sent. No one can manufacture these things in man-made factories, however scientifically advanced people may be
- According to Vedic culture, learned men consider all natural products, such as food grains, fruits, flowers, and milk, to be God-sent. Spiritually cultured men feel obliged to the Lord when they get sufficient natural foodstuffs by the grace of the Lord
- Activities such as mystic trance, becoming one with the Supreme, and the religious principles of brahminism, such as speaking the truth and tolerance, have their own respective attractions
- Activities such as seeing, hearing, speaking, evacuating, etc., are actions of the senses meant for work. A Krsna consciousness person is never affected by the actions of the senses. BG 1972 purports
- Actually such planets (as Candraloka, Suryaloka, Indraloka, Maharloka, etc.), being the manifestations of Krsna's energy, are also Krsna, but actually they only serve as a step forward for realization of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Additional principles (of devotional service) are as follows: (18) One should not tolerate blasphemy of the Supreme Lord or His devotees. (19) One should not indulge in idle talks, such as those about relationships between men and women
- Advaitam acyutam anadim ananta-rupam: (BS 5.33) when we speak of Krsna, we refer to all His avataras, such as Krsna, Govinda, Narayana, Visnu, Lord Caitanya, Krsna-Balarama and Syamasundara
- After a hole was dug in the sand, the body of Haridasa Thakura was placed into it. Remnants from Lord Jagannatha, such as His silken ropes, sandalwood pulp, food and cloth, were placed on the body
- After leaving householder life, one may go to a holy place, such as the bank of the Ganges or Yamuna, and erect a small cottage
- After offering prayers to the Lord's personal expansions known as the svamsa and saktyavesa-avataras, one should pray to the weapons of Lord Narayana, such as the Sudarsana, gada, sankha, khadga and bow
- After retiring from household life, upon accepting the order of vanaprastha, he (the brahmacari who was householder) undergoes severe penances, such as living in forests, dressing with tree bark, not shaving, etc. BG 1972 purports
- After seeing those footprints, they (the gopis) exclaimed, "Oh, here is the impression of the marks on the soles of Krsna's feet! All the marks, such as the flag, the lotus flower, the trident and the thunderbolt, are distinctly visible here"
- After speaking to Kamsa, the goddess Durga, Yogamaya, appeared in different places, such as Varanasi, and became celebrated by different names, such as Annapurna, Durga, Kali and Bhadra - SB 10.4.13
- After taking baths at different bathing places along the river Yamuna, such as Kesi-ghata and Kaliya-ghata, the pilgrims visited the temple of Gopala. Afterwards, they took rest in that temple
- All forms of happiness or distress, such as winter cold or summer heat, are due to material sense perception only. They come and go according to the laws of nature, and they are therefore to be tolerated without our being disturbed
- All great sages of the world - like Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, Lord Christ, Hazrat Mohammed, Acarya Sankara, Acarya Ramanuja, Lord Caitanya - all lived for enlightening men in this culture of human spirit
- All living entities are awarded different qualities, different names (such as brahmana, ksatriya and vaisya), different duties according to the varnasrama institution, and different forms. Thus Narayana is the cause of the entire cosmic manifestation
- All living entities can be divided into two divisions: those that can move and those that are stationary, such as trees. But there are also many further divisions. Some species fly in the air, some live in the water, and some live on the ground
- All the above statements by the Lord apply to different plenary portions of the Lord, namely His expansions such as Sankarsana, Vasudeva, Pradyumna, Aniruddha and Narayana
- All the associates of Lord Krsna, such as Brahma, Siva, Narada, Suka and Sanatana Kumara, are very pleased in the sentiment of servitude
- All the chaste and honest daughters of Maharaja Daksa, such as Sraddha, Maitri and Daya, whose blessings were always effective, bathed Maharaja Gaya with sanctified water. Indeed, they were very satisfied with Maharaja Gaya
- All the demigods and their exalted qualities, such as religion, knowledge and renunciation, become manifest in the body of one who has developed unalloyed devotion for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva
- All the devotees from Bengal stayed in Jagannatha Puri for the four months of the rainy season and observed many other ceremonies, such as the anniversary of Lord Krsna’s birth
- All the ecstatic symptoms, such as bhavodaya, bhava-sandhi and bhava-sabalya, awakened in the body of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. A great fight arose between one emotion and another, and each of them became prominent
- All the members of the Kuru dynasty, such as Dhrtarastra, Bhisma, Vidura and Arjuna, thought it an insult to their family tradition that the boy, Samba, could possibly have kidnapped their daughter
- All the planets of the materialistic persons, including all the heavenly planets, such as the moon, are vanquished when the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, goes to His bed of serpents, which is known as Ananta Sesa
- All the presidents of our centers should see that all the members are strictly observing the brahminical standards, such as rising early, cleansing at least twice daily, reading profusely, attending arati, like that
- All the sages who were sitting with Lord Siva, such as Narada and others, also offered their respectful obeisances to Lord Brahma. After being so worshiped, Lord Brahma, smiling, began to speak to Lord Siva
- All the trees mentioned are very pious in that they produce a nice aromatic flower, such as the campaka, kadamba and bakula
- All types of fruitive results actually come from the spirit soul, but because he has forgotten his real duty, he is embarrassed by many material consequences such as fear and attachment. The only remedy is to revert to the service of the Lord
- Although both Yogamaya and Mahamaya act in all material activities, doglike watchmen such as politicians and diplomats think that they are protecting their neighborhoods from the dangers of the outside world. These are the actions of maya
- Although if one is conscious of his eternal relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one can utilize one's material assets, such as great learning and beauty and exalted ancestry, for the service of the Lord; then such assets become glorious
- Although one may be promoted to a higher planetary system such as Candraloka, one must again come down (ksine punye martya-lokam visanti) - BG 9.21
- Although the original flame, or Sri Krsna, is accepted as Govinda, the Supreme Person, all other expansions, such as Rama, Nrsimha and Varaha, are as potent as the original Lord. All such expanded forms are transcendental
- Although these kayasthas or karanas are considered sudras, they are very intelligent and highly educated. Most of them are professionals such as lawyers or politicians. Thus in Bengal the kayasthas are sometimes considered ksatriyas
- Although these things were very difficult to give up, Maharaja Bharata was so exalted that he gave them up just as one gives up stool after evacuating. Such was the greatness of His Majesty
- Ambarisa Maharaja, as the head of the state, performed all these yajnas (such as the asvamedha-yajna) through great personalities like Vasistha, Gautama & Asita. Personally, however, he was engaged in devotional service, as mentioned before in SB 9.4.18
- Among Mayavadis, those who belong to other sampradayas & hold other titles, such as Vana, Aranya or Bharati, are considered to be lower-grade sannyasis. Caitanya accepted sannyasa from the Bharati-sampradaya & thus He considered Himself a lower sannyasi
- Among the sura-stri, the women of the heavenly planets, there are many devotees, such as the mother of the Upendra incarnation of Krsna. It was such devoted women who were called for in this connection
- Among these many sons, six were the foremost, such as Prthusrava and Prthukirti. The son of Prthusrava was known as Dharma, and his son was known as Usana. Usana was the performer of one hundred horse sacrifices
- An example of an object which caused ecstatic dread is the Putana witch. Dread can be caused by mischievous demonic characters, such as King Kamsa, and it can be caused by great powerful demigods, such as Indra or Sankara
- An ordinary man works for his own sense enjoyment, and when this principle of sense enjoyment is extended to include his society, nation or humanity in general, it assumes various attractive names such as altruism, socialism, communism, nationalism etc
- And here are all the residents of Kulina-grama, such as Satyaraja Khan and Ramananda. Indeed, all of them are present here. Please see
- Any devotee of Lord Krsna can attain all perfection, material gains and liberation simply by offering prayers to Him. There are many varieties of prayers to Lord Krsna chanted by great sages and great personalities such as Lord Brahma and Lord Siva
- Any place where the Supreme Personality of Godhead displays His pastimes, such as Vrndavana or Dvaraka, becomes a holy place
- Anyone who follows in the footsteps of recognized devotees, such as Brahma, Siva, the Kumaras, Manu, Kapila, King Prahlada, King Janaka, Sukadeva Gosvami, Yamaraja & their followers in disciplic succession, very easily finds the door of liberation open
- Anyone who seriously takes to Krsna consciousness - whether in the lowest species of life or a woman or of the less intelligent classes, such as the mercantile or laborer class - will go back home, back to Godhead, and reach the abode of Krsna
- Aquatic birds such as swans, ducks, water chickens, and cranes become greatly excited by the fragrance of lotus flowers, and the charming sound of bumblebees fills the air. The inhabitants of those lands are important leaders among the demigods
- Are all the chieftain sons of Lord Krsna, such as Susena, Carudesna, Samba the son of Jambavati, and Rsabha, along with their sons, all doing well?
- Are you one of those exalted, liberated saints such as Dattatreya and other highly advanced, learned scholars? May I ask whose disciple you are? Where do you live? Why have you come to this place? Is your mission in coming here to do good for us?
- Arjuna is here (in BG 4.15) advised to act in Krsna consciousness, following in the footsteps of the Lord's previous disciples, such as the sun-god Vivasvan, as mentioned hereinbefore. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna said: You are the primal God, transcendental & original, & You are the unborn & all-pervading beauty. All the great sages such as Narada, Asita, Devala, & Vyasa proclaim this of You, & now You Yourself are declaring it to me. BG 10.12-13 - 1972
- Arjuna, Prahlada, Janaka Maharaja, Bali Maharaja and many other devotees were not even in the renounced order of life, but were householders. Some of them, such as Prahlada Maharaja and Bali Maharaja, were born of demoniac families
- As an incarnation of the Personality of Godhead Himself, He helps by speaking instructions such as Bhagavad-gita
- As clearly stated in Bhagavad-gita (mamaivamso jiva-loke jiva-bhutah (BG 15.7)), the living entities do not arise from a combination of material elements, such as earth, water, air & fire, but are separated portions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As for behavior, there are many rules and regulations guiding human behavior, such as the Manu-samhita, which is the law of the human race. Even up to today, those who are Hindu follow the Manu-samhita. BG 1972 purports
- As He came forward, accompanied by His own associates bearing all paraphernalia, such as an umbrella and a camara fan, the white bunches of hair moved very gently, like two swans
- As long as one is too much absorbed in the bodily conception of life, he becomes interested in many different processes of self-realization, such as the mystic yoga system or the system utilizing the speculative empiric methods
- As meditation on any form of the Lord is valuable, so is chanting of different names of the Lord, such as Hari, Govinda and Narayana
- As meditation on any form of the Lord is valuable, so is chanting of different names of the Lord, such as Hari, Govinda and Narayana. But in this age we are especially advised to chant the Hare Krsna mantra as enunciated in the sastra
- As persons on earth are elevated to higher planets, people in higher planets such as Brahmaloka, Candraloka and Indraloka fall down to earth. BG 1972 purports
- As soon as irrevocable loving service is established in the heart, the effects of nature's modes of passion and ignorance, such as lust, desire and hankering, disappear from the heart. Then the devotee is established in goodness
- As soon as soft-hearted people such as women hear those transcendental pastimes of Lord Krsna, they immediately become attracted to Him. Soft-hearted women and girls are therefore very easily drawn to the Krsna consciousness movement
- As stated in the Brahma-samhita (Bs 5.38), ramadi-murtisu kala-niyamena tisthan: the Lord is always situated with all His plenary expansions, such as Rama, Nrsimha and Varaha
- As stated in the Bs 5.3: I worship the SPG, Govinda, who is always situated in various incarnations such as Rama, Nrsimha & many sub-incarnations as well, but who is the original Personality of Godhead, known as Krsna, and who incarnates personally also
- As the mother is the only authority to identify the father of a child, so the mother Vedas, presented by the recognized authority such as Brahma, Narada or Siva, is the only authority to inform us about the Absolute Truth
- As was the Vedic custom, the King offered Krsna and Balarama honey and fresh, washed garments. He was hospitable not only to Krsna, Balarama and kings such as Jarasandha but also to many other kings and princes
- As we have already explained, there are different ceremonies to be observed, such as the birthday of Krsna, the birthday of Lord Ramacandra, the birthday of some prominent Vaisnavas
- As we have already pointed out, these dualities - such as heat and cold, pleasure and pain - arise due to the contact of the senses with their objects. In other words, they are born of identification with the body
- At dasya-rati stage, there is an awakening of natural affection, such as is felt by a son who grows up and begins to appreciate his father's benedictions. At this stage the living entity wants to serve the Supreme Lord instead of serving maya, illusion
- At home Srimati Radharani had made various types of sweetmeats from milk and sugar, such as gangajala, amrtakeli, piyusagranthi, karpurakeli, sarapuri, amrti, padmacini and khanda-ksirisara-vrksa. She had then brought them all for Krsna
- At night, in the company of His most confidential devotees, such as Ramananda Raya and Svarupa Damodara Gosvami, He tasted the nectar of the transcendental mellows of Lord Sri Krsna's pastimes
- At that time there is an awakening of natural affection, such as is felt by a son who grows up and begins to appreciate his father's benedictions. At this stage the living entity wants to serve the Supreme Lord instead of serving maya, illusion
- At the time of Uddharana Thakura, Saptagrama was a very big town, encompassing many other places such as Vasudeva-pura, Bansabediya, Krsnapura, Nityananda-pura, Sivapura, Sankhanagara and Saptagrama
- Atma-tattva, or spiritual knowledge, will be revealed within the core of a devotee's heart because of his having taken shelter of the lotus feet of a mahajana such as Prahlada Maharaja
- Auspicious grains such as rice and barley, and flowers, fruits and many other auspicious presentations were scattered all over the city
- Balabhadra reported that Mahaprabhu had shown a good many miracles on His way to Puri, such as making tigers and elephants dance on hearing the name of Krsna
- Because it is not possible to be a bona fide rival of the Lord, the King of Cedi was extremely malicious toward Lord Krsna. In this he was like many other asuras, such as Kamsa and Jarasandha
- Because of the union of these sixty daughters (of Daksa) with various exalted personalities that the entire universe was filled with various kinds of living entities, such as human beings, demigods, demons, beasts, birds and serpents
- Because people want to be cheated, men such as you mention have become very popular. They are preaching all nonsense and the people are accepting them, but if someone wants to be cheated, what can be done?
- Because the Lord is all-powerful, it is possible for Him to adjust opposites such as birth and no birth, power and defeat, fear and fearlessness. A pure devotee knows very well how it is possible for the Lord to adjust opposite things
- Because Vidura was one of the descendants of that family, naturally he engaged in spreading wide the ever-new glories of the Lord. Maitreya felt happy to have such glorious company as Vidura
- Before taking a bath there are other auspicious substances, such as turmeric mixed with mustard seed oil, which are smeared all over the body. All kinds of auspicious substances were used to bathe Devahuti from top to toe
- Before the sunrise even takes place, the light of dawn destroys the fear of the dangers of the night, such as disturbances by thieves, ghosts and Raksasas, and when the sunshine actually appears, one engages in his duties
- Being harassed by Kamsa, the kings of the Yadu, Bhoja and Andhaka dynasties began to take shelter in different states, such as the state of the Kurus, the state of the Pancalas and the states known as Kekaya, Salva, Vidarbha, Nisadha, Videha and Kosala
- Being very satisfied, Sandipani Muni instructed Them in all the intricacies of Vedic wisdom and in supplementary literature such as the Upanisads
- Beneath Rasatala is another planetary system, known as Patala or Nagaloka, where there are many demoniac serpents, the masters of Nagaloka, such as Sankha, Kulika, Mahasankha, Sveta, Dhananjaya, Dhrtarastra, Sankhacuda, Kambala, Asvatara and Devadatta
- Besides that, it is learned from Vedic literature that in whatever part of the world this jewel was worshiped there was no possibility of famine, and wherever the jewel was present, there was no possibility of anything inauspicious, such as pestilence
- Besides the Srimad-Bhagavatam, the natural commentary by the author of Vedanta-sutra himself, there are Vedanta-bhasyas written by Vaisnava acaryas such as Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, and Baladeva Vidyabhusana
- Besides virasana there are other sitting postures, such as padmasana and siddhasana. Practice of these asanas without elevating oneself to the position of realizing the Supersoul, Visnu, is not the perfectional stage of yoga
- Beyond the material nature lies the realm known as paravyoma, the spiritual sky. Like Lord Krsna Himself, it possesses all transcendental attributes, such as the six opulences
- Bhagavan Acarya cooked varieties of vegetables and other preparations dear to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He also obtained remnants of food from Lord Jagannatha and digestive aids such as ground ginger and also lime with salt
- Bhattatharis know many tantric black arts, such as the art of killing a person, of bringing him under submission, and of destroying or devastating him
- Bhima is known as Vrkodara because he could eat as voraciously as he could perform herculean tasks, such as killing the demon Hidimba. BG 1972 purports
- Bhrama refers to false knowledge or mistakes, such as accepting a rope as a snake or an oyster shell as gold
- Brahma said, "Other demons belonging to the same family, such as Aghasura and Bakasura, were also favored with liberation and achieved You. Under the circumstances, I am puzzled"
- Brahma's township is known as Manovati, and those of his assistants such as Indra and Agni are known as Amaravati, Tejovati, Samyamani, Krsnangana, Sraddhavati, Gandhavati, Mahodaya and Yasovati
- Brahma, Narada & Siva know about God to a considerable extent, and one should follow the instructions of these great personalities instead of being satisfied with a tiny brain and its playful discoveries such as spacecraft and similar products of science
- Brahmanas said, "How wonderful it is that although these women have undertaken no reformatory performances such as accepting the sacred thread, have not resided in the monastaries of the spiritual master-they still have attained the favor of Krsna"
- By all this, the external feature of the Personality of Godhead is covered by gross forms such as those of planets, which were explained to you (Sukadeva) by me - Pariksit
- By an analytical study of the entire constitution of the body, one can surely come to the conclusion that the soul is different from all the body's material constituents, such as earth, water, fire and air
- By associating with such an unholy person (who is a playmate for women) one becomes bereft of all good qualities, such as fame, forgiveness, control of the mind and senses and all the opulences that are automatically obtained by a devotee
- By chanting all these mantras, welcoming the Supreme Personality of Godhead with faith and devotion, and offering Him items of worship (such as padya and arghya), one should worship Kesava, Hrsikesa, Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- By different processes of philosophical research under different concepts, such as the process of jnana-yoga, the same Bhagavan, or Supreme Personality of Godhead, is understood as impersonal Brahman
- By discharging pure devotional service one attains the highest stage of love of Godhead and is freed from all other obligations, such as those mentioned in the karma-kanda, jnana-kanda, and yoga-kanda sections of the Vedas
- By executing regulative devotional service, one is elevated to the platform of an eternally perfect associate, such as a servant, friend, superior or beloved woman. Each of these is of four varieties
- By his (Aniruddha's) bedside sitting place were other paraphernalia for residential purposes - nice drinks such as milk & sherbet and nice eatables which could be chewed or swallowed. Above all, she pleased him with sweet words and very obliging service
- By manipulation of earth and its products, such as stone, wood and jewels, these forms of the Supreme Lord can be present before our eyes
- By remaining in Kamsa's association, they (some of the chief devotees, such as Akrura) would be able to see the SP of G take birth and display His childhood pastimes, and Akrura would later go to Vrndavana to bring Krsna and Balarama to Mathura
- By seeing the form of Lord Krsna one cannot understand what He actually is, but this does not mean that He is false. The form of Krsna has to be understood as it is described in the books of knowledge such as Brahma-samhita
- By the beautifully positioned garden houses there were many luxuriant birds, such as swans, cakravakas, karandavas and cranes (in the palace of Maharaja Uttanapada). These birds generally do not live in filthy places like crows do
- By the plural word 'vrksah' ('trees'), all trees, such as banyan trees, fig trees, kapittha trees and mango trees, are indicated
- Certain birds, such as crows, can distinguish one form from another. Living entities that have many legs, like the wasp, are better than plants and grasses, which have no legs
- Charitable personalities such as Hariscandra, Rantideva and Mudgala, who used to live only on grains picked up from the paddy field, and the great Maharaja Sibi, who saved the life of a pigeon by supplying flesh from his own body
- Conceptions of the material world such as good and bad, lower and upper, important and insignificant, are estimations of the material energy, and the Supreme Lord is transcendental to all such conceptions
- Conchshells, drums such as panavas, and bugles of different sizes, such as turyas and bheris, combined to make a sound which was not only auspicious but very sweet to hear
- Conditioned soul has very little time to cultivate attachment to hearing the nectarean words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead because he is always disturbed by the bodily necessities such as hunger and thirst
- Consequently they have the natural perfections of mystic yoga, such as the power to become smaller than the smallest or greater than the greatest. There are also four celestial gardens named Nandana, Caitraratha, Vaibhrajaka and Sarvatobhadra
- Contemporary to Vyasadeva or even prior to him there were many other great sages, such as Gautama, Kanada, Jaimini, Kapila and Astavakra, and all of them have presented a philosophical path by themselves
- Could you please send down the necessary forms that we can fill out along with other requirements such as how many photographs are required for an extention of the tourist visa
- Danaih refers to charity which is offered to a suitable party. such as those who are engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, the brahmanas and the Vaisnavas. BG 1972 purports
- Day after day the symptoms increased, and at night they increased even more. All these symptoms, such as transcendental anxiety, agitation and talking like a madman, were present, just as they are described in the sastras
- Deeds of the most important kings, such as Priyavrata and Uttanapada, and many others, like Lord Ramacandra and Maharaja Yudhisthira, are recorded (in SB) because the activities of such pious kings are worth hearing
- Demigods such as Brahma and Siva are incarnations of the material qualities, which are also emanations from the body of Narayana. Actually, there was no one existing before the creation except Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Demigods such as Lord Brahma and Lord Siva come in contact with the material energy, and their power and potency are therefore of different gradations
- Demigods such as Lord Brahma, along with great sages and saintly persons, Siddhas, Caranas and Gandharvas - all being very curious to see the fight between Lord Siva and Lord Krsna and their assistants - hovered over the battlefield in their airplanes
- Demons such as Kamsa, Dantavakra and Sisupala, who all treated Krsna as an enemy, also got the highest benefit of being transferred to the spiritual world
- Described in the Bhagavad-gita: while others, such as yogis, try to control their senses by force, devotees, even though possessing full sensory powers, do not use them because they engage in higher, transcendental activities
- Devotees engage in the temple in the service of the Lord as arca-vigraha, a form made of material objects such as stone, metal, wood, jewels or paint. All of these are called sthula, or physical representations
- Devotees such as Maharaja Pariksit and Uddhava are all situated in ecstatic attraction on the basis of affection, and in that state of affection a feeling of friendship becomes manifest
- Devotional service of God involves 9 transcendental processes, such as hearing and chanting, by performing such easy and natural devotional services the devotees achieve the highest perfectional results, superior to merging into the existence of Brahman
- Different demigods, or directors, such as Candra, Varuna and Vayu, are called adhikari-devata. The demigods are departmental heads
- Different elements, such as sound, sky, air, fire and water, can be perceived in the earth. Another feature of the earth especially mentioned here (in SB 3.26.46) is that earth can manifest different forms of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Divisions of generalization and specification, such as nationality and individuality, are the imaginations of persons who are not advanced in knowledge
- Do you think that greater, more respectable personalities than you, such as Lord Brahma, do not know this inauspicious person who goes under the name Lord Siva?
- Due to this supernatural power of Svaphalka, his son Akrura was considered equally powerful, and people were under the impression that wherever Akrura or his father stayed there would be no natural disturbances, such as famine or drought
- During autumn, the fields become filled with ripened grain. At that time, the people become happy over the harvest and observe various ceremonies, such as Navanna, the offering of new grain to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Dvi-padam ca catus-padah: the four-legged animals (catus-padah), as well as food grains, are eatables for human beings (dvi-padam). These four-legged animals are those such as deer and goats, not cows, which are meant to be protected
- Each of the four Personalities of Godhead (Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha) expands into two other forms; thus there are eight forms, such as Purusottama, Acyuta, etc
- Ekale isvara krsna, ara saba bhrtya: (CC Adi 5.142) - Only Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and all others, including the demigods such as Lord Siva, Lord Brahma, goddess Durga and Ganesa, are His servants
- Empress Satarupa lovingly gave most valuable presents, suitable for the occasion, such as jewelry, clothes and household articles, in dowry to the bride (Devahuti) and bridegroom (Kardama Muni)
- Empress Satarupa lovingly gave most valuable presents, suitable for the occasion, such as jewelry, clothes and household articles, in dowry to the bride and bridegroom
- Even enemies of Krsna who thought of Krsna in fear (bhaya), such as King Kamsa, received bodies in a spiritual identity similar to that of the Lord
- Even if the devotee were offered such rewards (such as live on the same planet with the Supreme Lord, having the same form or opulence as the Lord, to live with Him side by side or to merge into His existence) by the Lord, he would reject them
- Even in our rebellious condition we get all our necessities from Him (the Lord), such as food, air, light, water, warmth, and coolness. Yet because we have detached ourselves from Him, we simply mismanage this paternal property
- Even on this planet we experience different climatic conditions. In temperate countries such as the United States, the climate is different from that of a tropical country like India
- Even such elevated persons fail to realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is eternally situated in the core of the heart. What then is to be said of others, such as human beings, who have fewer advantages?
- Even the most ferocious lower animals, such as tigers, can be tamed simply by regularly supplying meals and accommodations for sleeping. Only snakes cannot be tamed by such an arrangement
- Even though Narayana and Vasudeva are not different from Krsna, simply by surrendering to Krsna one fully surrenders to all His expansions, such as Narayana, Vasudeva and Govinda
- Even while within the material bodies there are yogis who are impervious to dualities such as heat and cold. As we begin to make spiritual advancement while in the material body, we begin to take on the qualities of a spiritual body
- Even with the synonyms for Bhagavan, such as Narayana, Visnu and Purusa, the last word is Krsna, as confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita: aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah samam pravartate (BG 10.8), etc
- Every part of our own body, such as the mouth, hands, thighs and legs, is meant to render service to the whole. That is their constitutional position. In subhuman life the living entities are not conscious of this constitutional position
- Everyone in heavenly planets such as Pitrloka must return to earth after exhausting the effects of his pious acts
- Everyone is subject to the miseries offered by material nature, but because the activities of miscreants, such as killing innocent people and animals or torturing women, are harmful to everyone and a source of pain for devotees, the Lord comes down
- Everyone requires possessions such as food grains, clothing, money and other things necessary for the maintenance of the body, but one should not collect more than necessary for his actual basic needs
- Examples of this subordination are Sarana, Gada and Subhadra. They were all members of the Yadu dynasty, and they always used to think themselves protected by Krsna. Similarly, Krsna's sons, such as Pradyumna, Carudesna and Samba, felt the same way
- Extending to the borders of the river Sindhu and the Himalayan Mountain valleys, these two branches expanded throughout India, including all the places of pilgrimage, such as Vrndavana, Mathura and Haridvara
- Fasting for some ulterior purpose, such as to promote a purely political end, is not mentioned in the scriptural directions. The scriptures recommend fasting for spiritual advancement, not for some political end or social purpose. BG 1972 purports
- Follow the regulative principles very diligently, maintain the highest level of standard in routine work such as rising early, cleansing, chanting, temple worship, street sankirtan, etc., always keep the devotees satisfied, like that
- Foolish as they are, they neglect these major problems of life (such as repeated birth, death, disease and old age) and busy themselves with false things that cannot help them solve their real problems
- For advanced education there are various kinds of books of knowledge, such as the four Vedas, their six supplements, the Vedanta-sutra, books of logic, books of religiosity and the Puranas
- For example, all the eatables of human society. These eatables include grains, fruits, vegetables, milk and sugar for persons in the mode of goodness, and also eatables for the nonvegetarians, such as meats, none of which can be manufactured by men
- For example, there are many things made of clay, such as earthen pots, dishes and bowls. After their annihilation, these things may be transformed into many other material objects, but in all cases their existence as clay continues
- For four consecutive months, the devotees observed all the festivals. The wives, such as Malini, extended invitations for lunch to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- For karma-kanda there are eighty authorized scriptures, such as Manu-samhita, which are known as dharma-sastras. In these scriptures one is advised to counteract his sinful acts by performing other types of fruitive action
- For performing sacrificial ceremonies, one requires sacrificial ingredients, such as flowers, leaves and straw, along with the sacrificial altar and a suitable time - spring
- For the enlightenment of bewildered conditioned souls, the Supreme Lord has presented voluminous Vedic literatures such as the Vedas, the puranas and the Vedanta-sutra. These are all intended to guide the human being back to Godhead
- From the first division come the three purusa-avataras - the Karanodakasayi Visnu, Garbhodakasayi Visnu and Ksirodakasayi Visnu - and from the other division come the lila-avataras, such as the Lord's incarnations as a fish, tortoise, etc
- Garga Muni said to Nanda Maharaja, you may designate your son with a similar name (to Lord Narayana), such as Mukunda or Madhusudana. But you must always remember that whenever you want to do something very good, there will be many hindrances
- General practice (positive functions): He must observe the fasting dates, such as the eleventh day of the growing and waning moon
- Generally the daughters were too shy to express their opinions before their father, but the father would accept the daughters' intentions through someone else, such as a grandmother to whom the grandchildren had free access
- Get married outside the temple, take all risk for supporting wife and home, live outside the temple, like that. But they should live nearby and take part as much as possible in temple activities, such as mangala aratrik, sankirtana, etc
- Ghosts are bereft of a physical body because of their grievously sinful acts, such as suicide. The last resort of the ghostly characters in human society is to take shelter of suicide, either material or spiritual
- God incarnates in different forms, such as those of a fish, a tortoise, a hog, a combined lion and man, just to give protection to civilized man, the cow & the demigods, who are directly responsible for the regulative life of progressive self-realization
- Gradually the Lord (Krsna) vanquishes all obstacles on the path of devotional service of a pure devotee, and the result of nine devotional activities, such as hearing and chanting, becomes manifested
- Gramya-kavi refers to a poet or writer such as the authors of novels and other fiction who write only about the relationships between man and woman
- Great sages, such as the four bachelor-devotees Sanaka, Sanatana, Sananda and Sanat-kumara, were attracted by the fragrance of flowers and tulasi leaves anointed with the pulp of sandalwood offered at the lotus feet of the Lord
- Great, self-realized mystic yogis such as the four Kumaras also derive great transcendental bliss from realizing the Supersoul within themselves
- He (a Krsna counscious person) is callous toward incidental occurrences-such as accidents, disease, scarcity and even the death of a most dear relative - but he is always alert to execute his duties in Krsna consciousness or bhakti-yoga. BG 1972 purports
- He (a person in Krsna consciousness) is very humble and is fixed in his purpose. He is victorious over the six material qualities such as lust and anger, and he does not eat more than he needs
- He (Arjuna) was considering whether respectable persons such as Bhisma and Drona should be killed or not, so he was not acting under the influence of anger, false prestige, or harshness. BG 1972 purports
- He (God) divided Himself into twelve parts and created seasonal forms, beginning with spring. In this way He created the seasonal qualities, such as heat, cold and so on
- He (God) is compared to a mine of gold, and the cosmic creations in so many different forms are compared to objects made from the gold, such as gold rings, necklaces and so on
- He (God) is known as the Supersoul, and when one worships the Supersoul, all other deities, such as Brahma and Siva, appear with Lord Visnu because they are directed by the Supersoul
- He (King Bhismaka) was hospitable not only to Krsna, Balarama and kings such as Jarasandha but also to many other kings and princes according to their personal strength, age and material possessions
- He (Krsna) has all the opulences or facilities of mystic powers, such as anima-siddhi, the power to become smaller than the smallest
- He (Krsna) remains as opulent as ever, without any change (advaitam). This is explained by different Vaisnava acaryas through philosophies such as visuddhadvaita, visistadvaita and dvaitadvaita. Therefore one must learn about Krsna from the acaryas
- He (Ravana) offered a program to the people by which he would prepare a staircase so that anyone could reach the heavenly planets without performing sacrifices, such as are prescribed in the Vedas. BG 1972 purports
- He (Sanatana Gosvami) constructed the temple of Madana-mohana at Vrndavana, and he wrote books on the principles of devotional service, such as Hari-bhakti-vilasa
- He (the demoniac man) is enamoured by the possessions he has already, such as land, family, house and bank balance, and he is always planning to improve them. BG 1972 purports
- He (the Lord) can be compared to a gold mine, and the cosmic creations can be compared to ornaments made from that gold, such as gold rings, necklaces, etc
- He (the Lord) is by nature merciful toward us, despite our rebellious attitude. Even in our rebellious condition we get all our necessities from Him, such as food, air, light, water, warmth, and coolness
- He (the transcendentalist) remains always separate from the mundaners, even though his material senses such as the hands, legs, eyes, and so on are engaged in temporary material activities
- He (Vasudeva) was therefore very difficult to see or approach through sensory perception. Indeed, he was unapproachable and unperceivable even for such formidable men as Kamsa, and not only for Kamsa but for all living entities - SB 10.2.17
- He (Vyasadeva) left all the Vedic knowledge in book form, such as the Puranas, Vedanta, Mahabharata and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- He controlled the period during the change of the Svayambhuva Manu and was assisted by demigods such as His son Yama
- He creates by engaging a father to beget a son, He maintains by engaging a government or king to see to the public's welfare, and He annihilates through agents for killing, such as snakes
- He relished the symptoms of various transcendental emotions, such as jubilation, lamentation, anger, humility, anxiety, grief, eagerness and satisfaction
- He was accompanied by great devotees like Narada, Nanda and all the principal demigods, led by the heavenly king, Indra, and the residents of various upper planetary systems such as Siddhaloka, Gandharvaloka and Caranaloka
- He was always absorbed in transcendental love. Due to this, all mystic powers automatically approached Him, such as the ability to travel in outer space at the speed of mind, to appear & disappear, to enter the bodies of others, & to see things far away
- Here (SB 4.29.3) it is clearly stated: namabhir va kriya-gunaih. The Lord has specific names such as Rama, Krsna, Govinda, Narayana, Visnu and Adhoksaja. There are indeed many names, but the conditioned soul cannot understand them
- Here, even the demigods, such as Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, and the prajapatis, such as Daksa, are said to be like illuminating sparks in the presence of the Supreme Lord, who is compared to a great fire
- High-thinking philosophers and scientists can tackle the material energy, but not being able to understand the spiritual energy, they can simply imagine an inactive state, such as the impersonal Brahman. This is simply the negative side of material life
- Higher planets, such as Maharloka, Tapoloka, Satyaloka and Brahmaloka, do not dissolve in the devastating water. This is because of the causeless devotional service rendered unto the Lord by their inhabitants
- Hiranyakasipu prayed for supremacy over the entire universe and requested the eight yogic perfections, such as anima and laghima
- His (a person's who had become so successful) spiritual activities did not depend on material things such as correct pronunciation. Rather, his success depended on strictly following the instructions of his spiritual master
- His (a realized student of Krsna consciousness) knowledge is perfect because it is coming from perfect books of knowledge such as Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- His (Krsna's) pastimes are wonderful even for other incarnations of the Lord, such as Sri Rama, Nrsimha & Varaha. His opulence was so superexcellent that His pastimes were adored even by the Lord of Vaikuntha, who is not different from Lord Krsna Himself
- His elders such as Lord Nityananda, Advaita Acarya and Srivasa Thakura, as well as His other devotees - whether His juniors, equals or superiors - are all His associates who help Him in His pastimes. Lord Gauranga fulfills His aims with their help
- I am so much grateful that you have enjoyed studying my books. Many young intelligent persons such as yourself are studying these books in the colleges and universities all over the world
- I cannot deal with so many managerial problems. The GBC is there to releive me from so many problems such as this one
- I have already answered all questions in my books such as Bhagavad-gita, so kindly read them and chant Hare Krishna Mantra
- I have simply presented the scriptures such as Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam as they are. Therefore just see the effect they (my books) have on the world
- I hope that you are being very careful to strictly observe all of our basic rules and regulations such as rising early (before 4:00 AM), attending mangala arati and classes
- I offer my obeisances unto Amogha Pandita, who was accepted by Lord Caitanya. As a result of this acceptance, he was always merged in ecstatic love, and he manifested ecstatic symptoms such as choking of the voice and standing of the hairs on his body
- I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who have two heads (prayaniya and udayaniya), three legs (savana-traya), four horns (the four Vedas) and seven hands (the seven chandas, such as Gayatri)
- I pray to that Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is eternally existing, who is invisible, who is the Lord of all great personalities, such as Brahma, and who is available only by transcendental bhakti-yoga
- I request you to study carefully the Bhagavad-gita As It Is because there is so much important service that an intelligent boy such as yourself can do in preaching work and spreading our movement around the world
- I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who by His various plenary portions appears in the world in different forms and incarnations such as Lord Rama, but who personally appears in His supreme original form as Lord Krsna
- I worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda, who is always situated in various incarnations such as Rama, Nrsimha and many subincarnations as well, but who is the original Personality of Godhead known as Krsna and who incarnates personally also
- If a person born in a sudra family has developed the qualities of a brahmana, such as satya (truthfulness), sama (peacefulness), dama (self-control) and arjava (simplicity), he attains the exalted position of a brahmana
- If at the time of death the devotee can remember his own name, such as Krsnadasa or Govinda dasa, he can be saved from the greatest danger. Therefore the change of names at the time of initiation is essential
- If in this battle you cut off my head with your thunderbolt and kill my soldiers, O Indra, O great hero, I (Vrtrasura) shall take great pleasure in offering my body to other living entities (such as jackals and vultures)
- If one chants the holy name of Hari and then dies because of an accidental misfortune, such as being bitten by a serpent, being afflicted with pain and high fever, one is immediately absolved from having to enter hellish life, even though he is sinful
- If one chants the name of Hari & then dies because of an accidental misfortune, such as falling from the top of a house, slipping & suffering broken bones while traveling, one is immediately absolved from having to enter hellish life even if he is sinful
- If one has any desire to go to the moon, the sun or any other planet, one can attain the desired destination by following specific Vedic principles recommended for that purpose, such as the process technically known as darsa-paurnamasi
- If one is conscious of his eternal relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one can utilize one's material assets, such as great learning and beauty and exalted ancestry, for the service of the Lord
- If one supplies water to the root of a tree, all the parts of the tree, such as the leaves and branches, are automatically satisfied, and if one supplies food to the stomach, all the limbs of the body - the hands, legs, fingers, etc. - are nourished
- If one thinks that Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the only perfect personality whereas the demigods, even such demigods as Lord Siva, are inclined to improper social affairs, he is an offender
- If our preaching work is neglected, or if we fall down in following the regulative principles such as rising before four, chanting 16 rounds, like that, if these things are not strictly observed then maya will enter and spoil everything
- If some demigod, even Lord Siva or Lord Brahma, wants to do harm to a devotee, Krsna protects the devotee. But when Krsna wants to kill someone, such as Ravana or Hiranyakasipu, no demigod can protect him
- If this pure mentality is there (the holy name has to be chanted to please God) then even though a person is born of a low family, such as a dog-eater's, he is so glorious that not only has he purified himself, but he is quite competent to deliver others
- If we at all want our activities to he auspicious, then we should work under the directions of the Supreme Lord. Such directions are given in authoritative scriptures such as Srimad-Bhagavatam & BG, or from a bona fide spiritual master. BG 1972 purports
- If we make our country the center of attraction, we designate ourselves with some limiting and divisive national label, such as - Bengali, Punjabi, or - English
- If we take food from the houses of others, such as karmis, we shall have to share the qualities of those from whom we take alms. Therefore Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took prasadam in the houses of Vaisnavas. This is the general process
- If you go to finer substances, then you study water, or liquid things, such as petrol and alcohol. Go still finer, and from water you will go to fire and electricity
- Illuminating all sides is His (Krsna's) gorgeous luster, which is called the brahmajyoti. He incarnates in different forms such as Rama, Nrsimha, Varaha and Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Impersonalists do not take to devotional service, but take to other practices, such as the analytical study of the material elements, the discrimination between matter and spirit, and the mystic yoga system
- In addition to these four prohibitions (yama), there are positive regulative principles (niyama), such as the daily chanting of sixteen rounds on japa-mala beads
- In another palace He (Krsna) was found hearing the narrations of the Puranas & of histories such as the Mahabharata, which are supplementary scriptures for disseminating Vedic knowledge to common people by narrating important instances in the history
- In answer to this question (of CC Madhya 10.136), Sri Caitanya replied that His spiritual master, Isvara Puri, was so empowered that he was as good as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. As such, Isvara Puri was the spiritual master of the whole world
- In any auspicious ceremony, such as a marriage ceremony, sacrificial ceremony or puja ceremony, it is auspicious for married women to decorate themselves very nicely with ornaments, fine clothing and cosmetics. These are auspicious signs
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.27), the Lord demands that whatever one may do in one's daily activities, such as worship, sacrifice, and offering charity, all the results should be offered to Him only
- In Bhagavad-gita the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, says - O son of Kunti! All forms of happiness or distress, such as winter cold or summer heat, are due to material sense perception only
- In devotional service there are certain activities which are called determined, such as fasting on certain days, like the eleventh day of the moon, Ekadasi, and on the appearance day of the Lord, etc. BG 1972 purports
- In different millennia there are different incarnations, and they are innumerable, although some of them are very prominent, such as Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Rama, Nrsimha, Vamana and many others. These incarnations are called lila incarnations
- In each of the seven groups was a principal dancer, such as Advaita Acarya or Lord Nityananda
- In every yuga, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, assumes the form of great yogis such as Dattatreya to teach the system of mystic yoga
- In every yuga, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, assumes the form of Siddhas such as Sanaka to preach transcendental knowledge and He assumes the form of great saintly persons such as Yajnavalkya to teach the way of karma
- In His (Krsna's) childhood body He also fought with demons, such as Putana, Trnavarta and Aghasura, with strength equal to that with which He fought in His youth against demons like Dantavakra and Sisupala
- In His childhood He killed many powerful demons, such as Aghasura, Bakasura and Sakatasura, and there was no question of His having acquired such power through any extraneous endeavor
- In India (Bharata-varsa), there are many worshipers of the demigods, the various officials appointed by the Supreme Lord, such as Indra, Candra and Surya, all of whom are worshiped differently
- In India also there are many examples of devotees risking their lives for the spreading of God consciousness, such as Thakur Haridasa. Why such risk? Because they wanted to spread Krsna consciousness, and it is difficult. BG 1972 purports
- In India the yogis, the transcendentalists or the devotees all leave home and reside in sacred places such as Prayag, Mathura, Vrndavana, Hrsikesa, & Hardwar & in solitude practice yoga where the sacred rivers like the Yamuna & the Ganges flow. BG 1972 p
- In India there are many parties of philosophers, such as the dvaita-vadis, advaita-vadis, vaisesikas, mimamsakas, Mayavadis and svabhava-vadis, and each of them opposes the others
- In Kali-yuga, intelligent men worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the form of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is always accompanied by His associates such as Nityananda, Advaita, Gadadhara and Srivasa
- In Krsna consciousness, a devotee may be interested in the paraphernalia and locations - such as the battlefield of Kuruksetra - which are associated with Krsna, but he is not concerned with simply any battlefield
- In literature such as Nama-kaumudi this state of existence is accepted as continual affection for or attraction to Krsna
- In material life, the senses are covered by designations such as " American," "Indian," and " African," but when our senses are no longer contaminated by all these designations (sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam (CC Madhya 19.170)), bhakti begins
- In most cities of the Western world we have been arrested many times by the police, but we are nevertheless executing the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu by chanting on the streets of all the important cities, such as Melbourne, Paris and Hamburg
- In most cities of the Western world we have been arrested many times by the police, but we are nevertheless executing the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu by chanting on the streets of all the important cities, such as New York, London, Chicago & Sydney
- In order to be initiated by us, one has to chant at least 16 times around his japa beads daily (the HK maha-mantra), he has to follow strict rules such as: no meat, fish, eggs, no intoxication - including tea and cigarettes, no illicit sex, & no gambling
- In our Krsna consciousness movement we therefore change a devotee's name to a form that reminds him of Visnu. If at the time of death the devotee can remember his own name, such as Krsnadasa or Govinda dasa, he can be saved from the greatest danger
- In our school at Dallas, the students are learning English and Sanskrit, and through these two languages they are studying all our books, such as Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita As It Is and The Nectar of Devotion
- In performance of yoga there are eight divisions, such as yama and niyama - controlling, following the rules and regulations, then practicing the sitting postures, etc
- In royal style, the bridegroom goes to the house of the bride, and in the presence of brahmanas, priests and relatives, the bride is given in charity to the bridegroom. Besides this, there are other systems, such as the gandharva and raksasa marriages
- In spite of having You (God), who are like a desire tree and are the cause of liberation from birth and death, foolish persons, such as me (Dhruva), desire benedictions from You for sense gratification
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated, jivo jivasya jivanam: "One living entity is food for another." (SB 1.13.47) Animals without hands are food for animals with hands, such as ourselves. Animals with no legs are food for animals with four legs
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam we also find that the Supreme Lord is defined as one who knows everything. This is not the case with even the most elevated living entities, such as Brahma and Siva. Only Visnu or Krsna knows everything
- In the age of Kali, the executive heads of state will be indifferent to religious principles, and therefore under their patronage the opponents of religious principles, such as greed, falsehood, cheating and pilfery, will naturally follow
- In the attitude of the denizens of Vrndavana, such as Nanda Maharaj and Mother Yasoda, is to be found the ideal transcendental concept of becoming the father and mother of Krsna, the original Personality of Godhead
- In the beginning of the would-be Vaivasvata Manu such devastation (vast water up to the earthly planets) would be seen by him. There would be many other incidents also, such as the killing of the famous Sankhasura
- In the Brahma-samhita also it is said indirectly that although there are many incarnations of the Lord, such as Rama, Nrsimha, Varaha, Matsya, Kurma and many others, the Lord Himself sometimes incarnates in person
- In the Garuda Purana it is said to be more rare to be a famous devotee of the Supreme Lord in the age of Kali than to be a demigod such as Brahma or Lord Siva
- In the heavens, different demigods from different planetary systems, such as Siddhaloka, Gandharvaloka and Caranaloka, also began to show their complete satisfaction
- In the inner portion of Gokula there is an elaborate arrangement for Sri Krsna's residence with His eternal associates such as Nanda and Yasoda. That transcendental abode exists by the energy of Sri Baladeva, who is the original whole of Sesa, or Ananta
- In the land of Bharata-varsa one can very easily perform the sankirtana-yajna, which consists of sravanam kirtanam visnoh (SB 7.5.23), or one can perform other methods of devotional service, such as smaranam vandanam arcanam dasyam sakhyam
- In the madhurya-rasa, characterized by conjugal love, one can become like Srimati Radharani or Her lady friends such as Lalita and Her serving maids (manjaris) like Rupa and Rati
- In the material conception of life, there are such divisions (as lower and higher classes of people), but for a person engaged in transcendental devotional service to the Lord, there are not. Everyone is eligible for the supreme destination. BG 1972 pur
- In the material world it is not possible to find this kind of love, for it exists only between Krsna and His intimate devotees, such as the gopis
- In the material world, Krishna also has eternal associates, such as Arjuna and Kunti Devi
- In the matter of the changes of the Manus or manvantaras, such as the Svayambhuva-manvantara and Caksusa-manvantara, as they are discussed in the Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Cantos of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Lord Krsna is indicated
- In the midst of that region of outer space (antariksa) is the most opulent sun, the king of all the planets that emanate heat, such as the moon. By the influence of its radiation, the sun heats the universe and maintains its proper order
- In the morning, when Srivasa Thakura saw all this paraphernalia (such as red flower, a pot of wine etc.) in front of his door, he called for the respectable gentlemen of the neighborhood and showed them that at night he was worshiping Bhavani
- In the negative descriptions of the Lord which occur in Vedic literature (as in apani-padah) there are indications that the Lord has no material body and no material form. However, He does have His spiritual transcendental body & His transcendental form
- In the past, great authorities selected those foods that best aid health and increase life's duration, such as milk products, sugar, rice, wheat, fruits and vegetables. These foods are very dear to those in the mode of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- In the varnasrama-dharma system, certain classes, such as the brahmanas and sannyasis, do not need encouragement from the opposite sex. Ksatriyas and grhasthas, however, actually need the encouragement of their wives in order to execute their duties
- In the Vedas it is said that the potencies of the SPG are called by different names, such as yogamaya and mahamaya. Ultimately, however, the Lord's potency is one, exactly as electric potency is one although it can act both to cool and to heat
- In the Vedic writings such as the Katha Upanisad, the Lord is described as the sarva-bhuta-antaratma, or the Personality of Godhead who resides in everyone's body and who directs everything for one who is a soul surrendered unto Him
- In the Visnu Purana it is said that all the qualities attributed to the Supreme Lord, such as knowledge, opulence, beauty, strength and influence, are known to be nondifferent from Him. This is also confirmed in the Padma Purana
- In the worship of the Lord certain paraphernalia is used, such as conchshell, water, fragrant flowers, prayers and hymns, and there is circumambulation and the offering of obeisances as well
- In this age there are different forms of so-called advanced scientific knowledge, such as anthropology, Marxism, Freudianism, nationalism and industrialism
- In this age, it is more important to create devotees than to construct temples. My Guru Maharaja advised me to give more stress on literary work such as publishing books and magazines in KC, and temple opening is a secondary consideration
- In this age, men are victims not only of different political creeds and parties, but also of many different types of sense-gratificatory diversions, such as cinemas, sports, gambling, clubs, mundane libraries, bad association, smoking, and so on
- In this life such a person (a man who follows the Vedic principles) gets all kinds of material opulences, such as sons and grandsons, because he is always engaged in various religious functions
- In this way (by absorbing the mind in material things such as birth, death, disease, illusion, attachment, greed and enmity) the living entity is conditioned, and he suffers material miseries
- In this way, according to the different positions of the various parts of the body, Prthu Maharaja merged the holes of his senses with the sky; his bodily liquids, such as blood and various secretions, with the totality of water
- In this world, human society is mad after temporary things such as the material opulence of possessing land, family & enjoyable paraphernalia. To achieve such temporary things, they worship the demigods or powerful men in human society. BG 1972 purports
- In Yamuna's letter I understood that many people are interested in our temple work, and they are prepared to contribute items such as deities. All such things being favorable, why you are not taking a temple at your own risk
- Incidents mentioned in the Vedic literatures, such as the Puranas, Mahabharata and Ramayana are factual historical narrations that took place sometime in the past, although not in any chronological order
- India has many holy places of pilgrimage, such as Gaya, Benares, Mathura, Prayaga, Vrndavana, Haridvara, Ramesvaram and Jagannatha Puri, and still people go there by the hundreds and thousands
- India has many sacred rivers, such as the Ganges, Yamuna, Narmada, Kaveri and Krsna, and simply by bathing in these rivers people are liberated and become Krsna conscious
- Individually one's self may differ from others in certain qualities and may engage in different activities, such as those of a brahmana, ksatriya or vaisya
- Indra brought a suitable sitting place for the goddess of fortune. All the rivers of sacred water, such as the Ganges and Yamuna, personified themselves, and each of them brought pure water in golden waterpots for mother Laksmi, the goddess of fortune
- Indra's other good qualities, such as tolerance and opulence, could not help him in his grief
- Indra, who has all the mystic powers (the yoga-siddhis such as anima and laghima), entered Diti's womb while she was unconscious, being fast asleep
- Intelligence is the chariot driver. The heart is the sitting place in the chariot, and the dualities of life, such as pleasure and pain, are the knotting place. The seven elements are the coverings of the chariot
- It (Bhagavad-gita) was spoken by Lord Krsna, who is beyond the material creation. That is accepted by such stalwart scholars as Sankaracarya, not to speak of other acaryas such as Ramanujacarya and Madhvacarya
- It appears that mother Yasoda did not want to forget Krsna's activities at any time. Therefore she poeticized all of Krsna's childhood activities, such as the killing of Putana, Aghasura, Sakatasura and Trnavarta
- It has been my desire to open 108 branches of our society all over the world and due to the sincere efforts of devotees such as your good self, it is actually happening
- It is not imagination but a fact that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, by His sweet will, appears in different incarnations, such as Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Nrsimha, Vamana, Parasurama, Ramacandra, Balarama, Buddha and many other forms
- It is not very astounding, for no one in this life can chant the holy name of the Lord unless he has passed all lower stages, such as performing the Vedic ritualistic sacrifices, studying the Vedas and practicing good behavior like that of the Aryans
- It is possible to worship a form of the Lord made of physical elements such as earth, water, pulp, wood and metal. In the forest one can make a form with no more than earth and water and worship Him according to the above principles
- It is still the system to go to places of pilgrimage and take a bath in the water there. In Vrndavana the people take baths in the River Yamuna. In other places, such as Prayaga, they take baths in the River Ganges
- It is the duty of the king, therefore, to perform different types of yajnas, such as the asvamedha-yajna, to maintain the production of food grains. Annad bhavanti bhutani. Without food grains, both men and animals will starve
- It is the practice of Vaisnavas while taking prasadam to chant the holy name of Lord Hari at intervals and also sing various songs, such as sarira avidya-jala
- It is understood that by regulation there are different plates of sacrifice required, such as srak, sruva, barhis, catur-hotra, ida, camasa, prasitra, graha and agni-hotra
- It was not that because Garga Muni gave the child the name Krsna, that was His only name. He has other names, such as Bhaktavatsala, Giridhari, Govinda and Gopala
- Jaipur is visited by many Vaisnavas as a holy place of pilgrimage. Especially Gaudiya Vaisnavas go there to see the duplicate Vrindaban Deities such as Govindaji, Radha Damodaraji, etc. So I want to open a duplicate Krishna Balarama temple in Jaipur
- Jiva Gosvami, examining the nature of Krsna's abode, refers to the Skanda Purana: The abodes of Godhead in the material world, such as Dvaraka, Mathura and Gokula, are facsimiles representing the abodes of Godhead in the kingdom of God, Vaikuntha-dhama
- Just do all our routine work nicely. This routine program is the backbone of our Movement, and we stand solid on such program such as chanting, speaking, arati, reading scriptures, prasadam, like that. These things are sufficient for us
- Kala, or the time factor, has many assistants, such as svabhava, samskara, kama, karma and guna. Svabhava, or one's own nature, is formed according to the association of the material qualities
- Karnapura wrote many books that are important in Vaisnava literature, such as the Ananda-vrndavana-campu, Alankara-kaustubha, Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika and the great epic Caitanya-candrodaya-nataka
- Kartaviryarjuna became undefeatable by enemies and received unobstructed sensory power, beauty, influence, strength, fame and the mystic power by which to achieve all the perfections of yoga, such as anima and laghima
- Keep trying to place my books in auspicious places such as libraries, universities, clubs, etc. and someday the world will realize and appreciate these transcendental literatures
- King Indra's city was full of pleasing orchards and gardens, such as the Nandana garden. Because of the weight of the flowers, leaves and fruit, the branches of the eternally existing trees were bending down
- Kings such as Janaka attained perfection solely by performance of prescribed duties. Therefore, just for the sake of educating the people in general, you should perform your work
- Kirtanam, or glorifying God, can be performed in very many ways such as remembering, visiting temples to see the Deity, offering prayers in front of God, hearing recitations of glorification of God as mentioned in the Bhagavatam or in the Bhagavad-gita
- Krsna activities are known as bhakti-yoga-always acting for Krsna. This includes not only Krsna, but His different plenary expansions such as Rama and Narayana. He has innumerable expansions. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna and Balarama learned the art of cutting valuable stones such as diamonds, and They also learned the art of questioning and answering by immediately composing poetry within the mind
- Krsna and Balarama passed Their childhood age in Vrajabhumi by engaging in activities of childish play, such as playing hide-and-seek, constructing a make-believe bridge on the ocean, and jumping here and there like monkeys - SB 10.11.59
- Krsna Consciousness is not a faith, such as the Hindu or Christian faith, but it is a science. When Krsna says Dehino smi yatha dehe…, the principle is that the soul is different from the body
- Krsna has many incarnations, such as Lord Nrsimha, Lord Boar, Lord Fish and Lord Tortoise, but there is no difference between Krsna's original two-handed form, like that of a human being, and these incarnations of gigantic animal forms
- Krsna has various plenary expansions and incarnations, such as Rama and Nrsimha, and a devotee can choose to fix his mind in loving service to any of these transcendental forms of the Supreme Lord
- Krsna is worshiped not only by all living entities, including the great demigods like Lord Siva and Lord Brahma, but also by Visnu expansions (forms of Godhead) such as Baladeva and Sesa
- Krsna replied, "Everyone takes birth in this material world in continuation of his previous life, and thus he is subject to the stringent laws of nature, such as birth and death, distress and happiness, profit and loss"
- Krsna replied, "In the past there were many rebellious kings, such as Haihaya, Nahusa, Vena, Ravana & Narakasura. Some of them were demigods & some were demons, but because of their false perception of their positions, they fell from their exalted posts"
- Krsna said, "As far as the lower animals are concerned, such as the dogs, and the lower grades of people, such as the candalas, or the fifth class of men, who are considered untouchable, they also may be given sumptuous prasadam"
- Krsna said, "For material happiness based on sex life is available in the most abominable species of life, such as hogs, dogs. No one should try to approach Me for such happiness, which is available even if one is put into a hellish condition of life"
- Krsna said, "Individually they (the trees of Vrndavana) are tolerating all kinds of natural disturbances, such as hurricanes, torrents of rain, scorching heat and piercing cold, but they are very careful to relieve our fatigue and give us shelter"
- Krsna said, "No one is denied shelter by these trees (in Vrndavana). They supply various kinds of facilities to human society, such as leaves, flowers, fruit, shade, roots, bark, flavor extracts and fuel. They are the perfect example of noble life"
- Krsna said, "Prepare rice, dhal, then halava, pakora, puri & all kinds of milk preparations, such as sweet rice, rabri, sweetballs, sandesa, rasagulla & laddu, and invite the learned brahmanas who can chant the Vedic hymns & offer oblations to the fire"
- Krsna used to give cows in charity to the brahmanas, with opulent decorations and paraphernalia. Then, wishing for the welfare of all living entities, He would touch auspicious articles such as milk, honey, ghee (clarified butter), gold, jewels and fire
- Krsna was sitting on an upside-down wooden mortar for grinding spices and was distributing milk preparations such as yogurt and butter to the monkeys as He liked - SB 10.9.8
- Krsna's face is decorated with ornaments, such as earrings resembling sharks. His ears are beautiful, His cheeks brilliant, and His smiling attractive to everyone. Whoever sees Lord Krsna sees a festival
- Krsna's rasa dance should never be compared to any kind of material dance, such as a ball dance or a society dance. The rasa dance is a completely spiritual performance
- Lake Bindu-sarovara was adorned by flowering trees such as kadamba, campaka, asoka, karanja, bakula, asana, kunda, mandara, kutaja and young mango trees
- Later the pond was excavated by Lord Caitanya's devotees, headed first by the six Gosvamis, such as Rupa and Raghunatha dasa. Presently there is a large lake known as Radha-kunda there
- Like Mayavadi philosophers in the past such as Prakasananda Sarasvati of Benares, modern impersonalists are not interested in Lord Caitanya’s Krsna consciousness movement. They do not know the value of this material world
- Lord Brahma is bhrtya, a servant of Krsna, and he is adi-kavi, the original creator of this universe (SB 1.1.1). Nonetheless, even he could not obtain such mercy as mother Yasoda. As for Lord Siva, he is the topmost Vaisnava
- Lord Caitanya as the incarnation of Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, is described secretly but not directly in the confidential parts of the revealed scriptures, such as the Upanisads, Mahabharata, Bhagavatam, etc. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Caitanya therefore taught us not to ask from the Supreme Personality any benediction such as material wealth, popularity or a good wife. One should simply pray to the Lord to be constantly engaged in His transcendental loving service
- Lord Krsna blessed Mayadevi by saying: In different places on the surface of the earth, people will give you different names, such as Durga, Bhadrakali, Vijaya, Vaisnavi, Kumuda, Candika, Krsna - SB 10.2.11-12
- Lord Krsna blessed Mayadevi by saying: In different places on the surface of the earth, people will give you different names, such as Madhavi, Kanyaka, Maya, Narayani, Isani, Sarada and Ambika - SB 10.2.11-12
- Lord Krsna is established as the Supreme Personality of Godhead by statements from many authorized persons, such as Brahma, Narada, Vyasadeva, Asita and Arjuna
- Lord Krsna is perpetually situated with His many expansions, such as Rama, Nrsimha, Vamana, Madhusudana, Visnu and Narayana
- Lord Krsna's conclusion is that devotional service is independent of any other process (such as cultivation of knowledge, renunciation or meditation)
- Lord Krsna's gentle behavior before His so-called superiors such as His father, grandfather and elder brother, His amiable behavior with His so-called wives, friends and contemporaries, His behavior as a child before His mother Yasoda
- Lord Rsabhadeva possessed all mystic yoga powers, but He was satisfied with His devotional love of Krsna, which was evinced by the ecstatic symptoms, such as crying, laughing and shivering
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu converted the inhabitants of South India. These people were as strong as elephants, but they were in the clutches of the crocodiles of various philosophies, such as the Buddhist, Jain and Mayavada philosophies
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has freely given this love of Krsna everywhere and anywhere, even to the most fallen, such as Jagai and Madhai. What then to speak of those who are already pious and elevated?
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is always accompanied by His very confidential associates such as Sri Nityananda, Sri Gadadhara and Sri Advaita and by many devotees like Srivasa
- Lord Visnu bestows all good fortune upon the living entities by teaching them to perform Vedic activities such as ritualistic ceremonies, mystic yoga, austerities, penances, and ultimately samadhi, ecstatic absorption in thoughts of You - SB 10.2.34
- Low-class men such as sudras worship demigods like goddess Kali, or Bhadra Kali, for the fulfillment of material desires
- Maharaja Pariksit is addressed here (in SB 8.5.24) as arindama, "subduer of all enemies." Not only do we have enemies outside of our bodies, but within our bodies there are many enemies, such as lusty desires, anger and greed
- Maharaja Vena was afraid of some of the great sages such as Bhrgu, whereas Hiranyakasipu ruled in such a way that everyone feared him but Lord Visnu, Lord Brahma and Lord Siva
- Maharaja Yudhisthira said: My dear brother (Arjuna), please tell me whether our friends and relatives, such as Madhu, Bhoja, Dasarha, Arha, Satvata, Andhaka and the members of the Yadu family are all passing their days in happiness
- Many demigods such as Lord Brahma seek the pleasure of the goddess of fortune, but the goddess of fortune herself, with a lotus flower in her hand, is always ready to render service to the Supreme Lord
- Many good men such as yourself are required here in India to complete the works that are started in various places such as Vrndavana, Mayapur, Hyderabad, Delhi, like that. But this is difficult work, and it will require very strong devotees
- Many realized souls, such as Raghunatha dasa Gosvami and King Kulasekhara, have recommended with great emphasis that one develop this spontaneous love of Godhead, even at the risk of transgressing all the traditional codes of morality and religiosity
- Material assets such as education, wealth, beauty and good parentage are undoubtedly nice, but when they decorate persons of a malicious nature, then they act adversely
- Material enjoyment includes activities such as great sacrifices for auspicious activity, charity, austerity, elevation to the higher planetary system, and even living happily within the material world
- Material existence is a life of revolt against the SPG. There are many ways in which the living entities can manifest this spirit of revolt, such as engaging in fruitive activities, mental speculation, or mystic yoga to achieve material perfections
- Materialistic persons are engaged in striving for temporary benefits, whereas persons advanced in spiritual knowledge, such as Prahlada Maharaja, are not interested in the materialistic way of life
- Mayavadi philosophers who aspire to merge with the body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as well as demoniac persons who are killed by Krsna, such as Kamsa and Sisupala, enter that Brahman effulgence
- Mayavadis generally allege that the bhakti path is for women and illiterates. This is a groundless accusation. The bhakti path is followed by the most learned scholars, such as the Gosvamis, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Ramanujacarya
- Meat, fish & eggs should not be offered to Krsna. If He desired such things as offerings, He would have said so. Instead He clearly requests that a leaf, fruit, flowers & water be given to Him, & He says of this offering, "I will accept it." BG 1972 pur
- Mind is the original cause of material bondage. It is followed by many enemies, such as anger, pride, greed, lamentation, illusion and fear
- Miseries inflicted by other living entities are called adhibhautika. These living entities need not even be large, for there are many - such as bugs - that can make us miserable even while we are sleeping in bed
- Mixed smell is sometimes perceived in foodstuffs prepared from various ingredients, such as vegetables mixed with different kinds of spices and asafoetida
- Modern science can communicate using material discoveries such as radio, television and computers, but the science invoked by the austerities of Sri Brahma, the original father of mankind, was still more subtle
- My dear Lord, due to my false identification, I have accepted as permanent everything which is nonpermanent, such as this material body, which is not spiritual and is the source of all kinds of miserable conditions
- My dear Lord, just as a puppeteer controls his dancing dolls and a husband controls his wife, Your Lordship controls all the living entities in the universe, such as the brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras
- My dear Lord, O Supreme Unborn, I know that the different varieties of living entities, such as animals, trees, birds, reptiles, demigods and human beings, are spread throughout the universe, which is caused by the total material energy
- My dear mother, someone may worship the SPG with a special self-interest, but even demigods such as Lord Brahma, great sages such as Sanat-kumara and great munis such as Marici have to come back to the material world again at the time of creation
- My Guru Maharaj said that this materialistic society is a society of cheaters and cheated. Because people want to be cheated, men such as you mention have become very popular
- My Lord, from the great leaders of the universe, such as Lord Brahma and other demigods, down to the political leaders of this world, all are envious of Your authority
- My Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, in Your holy name there is all good fortune for the living entity, and therefore You have many names, such as "Krsna" and "Govinda," by which You expand Yourself
- Nanda Maharaja wanted to see his newborn child happy. That was his purpose. Therefore he wanted to satisfy Lord Visnu, and to satisfy Lord Visnu it was necessary to satisfy His devotees, such as the learned brahmanas, magadhas and sutas
- Narada Muni wanted to impress upon people in general that Krsna is fully independent. His activities, such as His appearance in the family of Yadu or His friendship with Arjuna, do not necessarily oblige Him to act to enjoy their results
- Narada-pancaratra states, "I simply pray that You grant me the favor of keeping me under Your lotus feet. I do not wish any kind of liberation such as salokya, to reside on Your planet, or sarupya, to have the same bodily features as You"
- No one can avoid the Personality of Godhead in the statements of the Bhagavad-gita and other Vedic literatures such as the Mahabharata and the Puranas
- No one can estimate the value of such a large number of cows given in charity, but that was the system of Krsna's daily affairs while He was reigning in Dvaraka
- Nonbelievers put forward their own theories of the creation, which usually result in statements such as, "It's hard to understand," "Our imagination cannot conceive it, but it's quite possible," "It's incomprehensible," and so forth
- Not only does the human being have a material body, but other living entities, such as cats and dogs, also have material bodies
- Now that the Dallas Gurukula has been closed we have opened many smaller regional Gurukulas on some of our farming communities, such as our farms in Vancouver, Pennsylvania, and also Mississippi as well as others
- O hunter, the qualifications which you have acquired - such as nonviolence & others - are not astonishing, because one who is engaged in devotional service to the Lord cannot be a source of trouble for anyone under any circumstance - Skanda Purana
- O King (Pariksit), I (Sukadeva) shall nevertheless try to explain to you the principal regions, such as Bhu-goloka (Bhuloka), with their names, forms, measurements and various symptoms
- O King Pariksit, the cowherd men dressed very opulently with valuable ornaments and garments such as coats and turbans. Decorated in this way and carrying various presentations in their hands, they approached the house of Nanda Maharaja - SB 10.5.8
- O King, I have already described to you various incarnations of the Lord, such as Yajna. The Manus and others are chosen by these incarnations, under whose direction they conduct the universal affairs
- O mother Devaki, by your good fortune and ours, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, with all His plenary portions, such as Baladeva, is now within your womb - SB 10.2.41
- O my Lord, sages freed from the influence of the three modes of material nature - sages such as the four Kumaras (Sanat, Sanaka, Sanandana and Sanatana) - are able to think of You, who are concentrated knowledge
- O my lord, Your Lordship is eternally awake, seeing everything that happens. As eternal time, you reduce the duration of life for all living entities through your different parts, such as moments, seconds, minutes and hours
- O sober one, others, such as Hrdika, Carudesna, Gada and the son of Satyabhama, who accept Lord Sri Krsna as the soul of the self and thus follow His path without deviation - are they well?
- Observing the various types of festivals, such as Sri Janmastami, Rama-navami and Nrsimha-caturdasi, is also included in the process of Deity worship. In other words, it is compulsory for householder devotees to observe these festivals
- Of kings like Sambara, Dvivida, Bana, Mura, Balvala and many other demons, such as Dantavakra, some He killed Himself, and some He caused to be killed by others (Sri Baladeva, etc.)
- Offerings of natural products such as betel nuts, bananas, newly grown wheat, paddy, yogurt and vermillion, carried by the citizens and scattered throughout the city for receiving a prominent guest like a bridegroom, king or spiritual master
- Ominous planets such as Mars and Saturn shone brighter and surpassed the auspicious ones such as Mercury, Jupiter and Venus as well as a number of lunar mansions. Taking seemingly retrograde courses, the planets came in conflict with one another
- On that friendly platform there are different kinds of laughing and joking conversations. An example of such a friendly relationship with Krsna is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam when Krsna was once thinking
- On that mountain, in the four directions, are the residential quarters of demigods such as Indra. In the chariot of the sun-god, the sun travels on the top of the mountain in an orbit called the Samvatsara, encircling Mount Meru
- On the other hand, those who are not devotees but are engaged in uncertain processes of self-realization, such as jnana, yoga and karma, are understood to be still contaminated
- Once the family members of Lord Krsna, such as Samba, Pradyumna, Caru, Bhanu and Gada, all princes of the Yadu dynasty, went for a long picnic in the forest near Dvaraka
- One cannot derive the proper benefit from other methods, such as pious atonement, speculative knowledge and meditation in mystic yoga
- One cannot establish a friendship with the Supreme Lord Ramacandra on the basis of material qualities such as one's birth in an aristocratic family, one's personal beauty, one's eloquence, one's sharp intelligence or one's superior race or nation
- One class of philosophers, known as Mimamsakas, represented by sages such as Jaimini, have concluded that everyone should engage in pious activities or prescribed duties and that such activities will lead one to the highest perfection
- One has to become confident about this, and one also has to be confident that all activities other than devotional service - such as mental speculation, fruitive work or mystic endeavor - will never yield any enduring benefit
- One has to drive out the sense objects such as sound, touch, form, taste and smell by the pratyahara process in yoga, & then keep the vision of the eyes between the 2 eyebrows & concentrate on the tip of the nose with half closed lids. BG 1972 purports
- One is mistaken if he thinks that by applying modern machines such as tractors, grains can be produced. If one goes to a desert and uses a tractor, there is still no possibility of producing grains
- One may aspire to elevate himself to a heavenly planet within the material world, such as the moon, the sun or Venus, but if one is spiritually advanced in Krsna consciousness, he does not wish to remain within the material universe
- One must chant God's name, not, as the Mayavadi philosophers say, any name, such as a demigod's name or the names of God's energies. Only the holy name of the Supreme Lord will be effective
- One must offer Him various presentations for His worship, such as garments, a sacred thread, ornaments, scents, flowers, incense and lamps
- One should act accordingly (spiritual advancement is necessary), accepting only the bare necessities of life and depending more on God's gift without diversion of human energy for any other purpose, such as being mad for material enjoyment
- One should be intelligent enough to worship only the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His different forms such as Laksmi-Narayana, Sita-Rama and Radha-Krsna. Thus one will never be cheated
- One should be very humble and meek to offer one's desires and chant prayers composed in glorification of the holy name, such as ayi mukta-kulair upasya manam. One should chant such prayers to become free from offenses at the lotus feet of the holy name
- One should chant this mantra every day with great attention while worshiping Lord Visnu with all paraphernalia, such as water for washing His feet, hands and mouth and water for His bath
- One should give up association with a person who is a playmate for women, for by associating with such an unholy person one becomes bereft of all good qualities, such as truthfulness, cleanliness, mercy, gravity, intelligence, shyness, beauty, fame, etc
- One should not fail to observe the various festivals for the pleasure of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, such as Janmastami and Ratha-yatra
- One should perform activities for the benefit of the public, such as constructing public roads, planting trees on both sides of the road so that people can walk in the shade, and constructing public wells so that everyone can take water without difficulty
- One should tolerate insults against oneself, but when there is blasphemy committed against superiors such as other Vaisnavas, one should be neither humble nor meek: one must take proper steps to counteract such blasphemy
- One should treat animals such as deer, camels, asses, monkeys, mice, snakes, birds and flies exactly like one's own son. How little difference there actually is between children and these innocent animals
- One who becomes affected by the pleasure potency of the Supreme Lord manifests various symptoms of ecstasy, such as slackening of the heart, laughing, crying, shivering, and dancing. These symptoms are not material
- One who does not take to devotional service must follow the decision of these scriptures (such as Manu-samhita) by performing pious acts to counteract his impious acts. This is known as atonement
- One who engages in tapasya undertakes voluntarily very rigid regulations, such as brahmacari students (celibates) or sannyasis (renounced order) undertake
- One who is unable to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead by going through the pages of the Vedas may take shelter of one of the Lord's devotees, such as Uddhava, in order to advance further in knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One who wants to adopt such remedial measures must take shelter of literatures such as the Vedas and the Puranas
- Only by the practice of bhakti-yoga can one achieve the favor of the Lord & see Him face to face (premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santah sadaiva hrdayesu vilokayanti (BS 5.38)). One cannot see the Lord by other methods, such as karma, jnana or yoga
- Ordinary living entities are called vibhinnamsa expansions, and the unlimited expansions of visnu-tattva, such as Vamana, Govinda, Narayana, Pradyumna, Vasudeva and Ananta, are called svamsa-kala
- Other paths, such as the path of jnana and the path of karma, are not very profitable. Pious activities can elevate one to the higher planetary systems, and by speculative knowledge one can merge into the Brahman existence, but that is not real profit
- Other processes, such as jnana and yoga, can be successful only when mixed with bhakti. When we speak of jnana-yoga, karma-yoga and dhyana-yoga the word yoga indicates bhakti
- Other processes, such as karma, jnana and yoga, cannot cleanse the heart absolutely
- Other pure devotees, who are more or less attached to Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Advaita Prabhu, are attracted by other transcendental relationships, such as parental affection, friendship and servitorship
- Other sinful persons, such as dog-eaters & candalas, who are less than sudras, can also be freed in this way. But you are a devotee & we shall help you by performing the great horse sacrifice. If you please Narayana in that way, why should you be afraid?
- Our eyes can gather knowledge only under certain favorable conditions. We cannot see things that are too far away from us; we cannot penetrate the darkness, nor can we see things that are very close to the eye, such as our own eyelids
- Our father encouraged us in all respects to observe all functions such as the Ratha-yatra and Dola-yatra ceremonies, and he used to spend money liberally for distributing prasada to us children and our friends
- Our routine work--such as rising early, cleansing, chanting, temple worship, reading, sankirtan, etc.--should always maintained at the highest level of Krishna Conscious standard
- Our Society for Krishna Consciousness stands pledged to this philosophy, and I require strong men such as yourself for preaching this cult in this world
- Out of these twenty-four forms there are vilasa and vaibhava forms. Names mentioned herein (TLC 7), such as Pradyumna, Trivikrama, Vamana, Hari and Krsna, are also different in features
- Out of these twenty-four vilasa forms, some are vaibhava forms, such as Pradyumna, Trivikrama, Vamana, Hari and Krsna, which have different features
- Outside Srivasa Thakura's door he (Gopala Capala) placed various paraphernalia for worshiping Bhavani, the wife of Lord Siva, such as a red flower, a plantain leaf, a pot of wine, and reddish sandalwood paste
- Pariksit Maharaja recommends that one hear about Krsna's childhood activities, which are more attractive than the activities of other incarnations, such as Matsya, Kurma and Varaha
- People are very much interested in hearing social and historical presentations, Srila Vyasadeva has compiled many books such as the Puranas and Mahabharata
- Persons such as Vrkasura, who are situated in the material mode of ignorance, cannot stick to the worship of Visnu
- Pious activities of the people, such as performance of Vedic rituals, charity, austere penances & transcendental service, performed with a view to worship & satisfy You by offering You the fruitive results, are also beneficial. Such acts never go in vain
- Please follow the four principles of initiated disciples which are as follows: No eating of animal foods such as meat, fish and eggs; no gambling; no illicit sex life; and no intoxication of any kind
- Pradhana means subtle matter, such as ether. Purusa means the spiritual spark living entities who are entangled in that subtle material existence. These may also be described as para prakrti and apara prakrti, as stated in Bhagavad-gita
- Prahlada Maharaja is a mixed siddha; that is, he is perfect partly because of executing devotional service and partly because of eternal perfection. Thus he is compared to such devotees as Narada
- Prahlada Maharaja then worshiped and offered prayers to all the demigods, such as Brahma, Siva and the Prajapatis, who are all parts of the Lord
- Prahlada Maharaja was always absorbed in thought of Krsna. Thus, being always embraced by the Lord, he did not know how his bodily necessities, such as sitting, walking, eating, lying down, drinking and talking, were being automatically performed
- Preaching the cult of devotional service is something like declaring war against materialistic life. There are different kinds of materialists, such as the fruitive workers, the mental speculators, the mystic jugglers, and so many others
- Pregnancy takes place only in lower-grade life. Animals like dogs and hogs become pregnant twice a year, and each time they beget at least half a dozen offspring. Even lower species of life such as snakes give birth to hundreds of young at one time
- Pure devotees are not even attracted by Krsna's other features, such as the four-armed Maha-Visnu. They are simply attracted by the two-armed form of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Raghava Pandita also offers all kinds of pickles, such as kasamdi. He offers various scents, garments, ornaments and the best of everything
- Raksasas and demons worship various demigods, such as Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, just to take the post of these demigods
- Real opulence is supplied by natural gifts such as gold, silver, pearls, valuable stones, fresh flowers, trees and silken cloth. Thus the Vedic civilization recommends opulence and decoration with these natural gifts of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Regarding the hatha-yoga system, which aims at the localized aspect of the Lord, Paramatma, it has been experienced that many yogis, such as Visvamitra, fall down
- Regarding the spiritual science of the Self, there are many literatures, such as the four Vedas, the Vedanta-sutra and the Puranas, the Srimad-Bhagavatam and the Gita. These are all representatives of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Residing with the Lord at Jagannatha Puri were Pandita Gosani and other devotees, such as Vakresvara, Damodara, Sankara and Haridasa Thakura
- Riding in a palanquin covered with cloth and accompanied by maidservants, Sita Thakurani came to the house of Jagannatha Misra, bringing with her many auspicious articles such as fresh grass, paddy, gorocana, turmeric, kunkuma and sandalwood
- Rukmini continued, "My dear Lord, You have advised me to select one of the princes such as Sisupala, Jarasandha or Dantavakra, but what is their position in this world"
- Rukmini continued, 'My dear Lord, in my previous life I may have done public welfare work, digging wells & planting trees, or pious activities such as performing ritualistic ceremonies & sacrifices & serving the spiritual master, brahmanas & Vaisnavas'
- Rupa Gosvami & Visvanatha Cakravati described these speeches of Radharani in different varieties, such as udghurna, or bewilderment, & jalpa-pratijalpa, or talking in different ways. These are signs of ujjvala-rasa, or the brightest jewel of love of God
- Sages such as Parasari and Karmandi discussed the Vedanta before Vyasadeva
- Sahadeva said, "All Vedic ritualistic ceremonies, such as the performance of sacrifices, the offering of oblations into the fire, the chanting of the Vedic hymns and the practice of mystic yoga, are meant for realizing Krsna"
- Sahadeva said, "Although demigods such as Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Indra and many other exalted personalities are present in this assembly, no one can be equal to or greater than Krsna"
- Sanatana Gosvami told the Muslim jailkeeper, "Dear sir, you are a saintly person and are very fortunate. You have full knowledge of the revealed scriptures such as the Koran and similar books"
- Sense organs for acquiring knowledge, such as the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and touch, should be fully controlled and should not be allowed to engage in self-gratification. BG 1972 purports
- Sense perception of material objects by the mundane senses, such as the eye, ear, nose and hand, always produces definitely perverted knowledge
- Sense perceptions, such as aural perception of the sound of a drum, visual perception of a beautiful woman, or perception of the delicious taste of a milk preparation by tongue, all come through different senses and are therefore differently understood
- Several other religious organizations such as ours have received tax-exemption status. I trust that you will kindly provide our institution, being a purely religious and non-profit charitable organization, with the same facility of tax-exemption
- Signs of decoration in special festivals were also collected from the gifts of nature, such as the plantain trees, the mango trees, fruits and flowers
- Similarly, other animals, such as camels, elephants and asses, as well as infantry soldiers, all fell with severed heads
- Simply because they have not got any real substance for attracting, they offer what they think the public might like, such as sex, crimes, amusements, like that. That is not our method
- Simply by catching scent of that elephant, all the other elephants, the tigers and the other ferocious animals, such as lions, rhinoceroses, great serpents and black and white sarabhas, fled in fear. The camari deer also fled
- Since an animal such as me has surrendered unto You, who are supremely liberated, certainly You will release me from this dangerous position. Indeed, being extremely merciful, You incessantly try to deliver me
- Since Krsna is the Absolute Truth, there are no mundane distinctions such as moral and immoral. Whatever He does is good. This is the real meaning of "God is good." He is good in all circumstances
- Since the body is a great city, there must be various arrangements such as lakes and gardens for sense enjoyment. Of the various parts of the body, those which incite sexual impulses are referred to here (SB 4.25.17) indirectly
- Since the body itself is ultimately meant to become stool or earth, what is the meaning of the paraphernalia related to the body, such as wives, residences, wealth, children, relatives, servants, friends, kingdoms, treasuries, animals and ministers?
- Since you have come of your own accord from the heavenly planets, who on earth would not agree to serve a demigoddess such as you
- Sinful men take their baths in the waters of the Ganges and Yamuna at places such as Prayaga, Vrndavana and Mathura. In this way they are purified, but their sinful actions and reactions remain at the holy places of pilgrimage
- Siva appeared to be like that, but his name, Siva, is actually fitting, for he is very kind to persons who are in the darkness of the mode of ignorance, such as unclean drunkards who do not regularly bathe
- Smrtis are given by the Lord and His representatives. They come from spiritual authorities such as Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The sastra, or scripture, also gives this authority
- Smrtis such as the Brhan-naradiya Purana say the same thing - that in this age of Kali-yuga, the only possible means of God-realization is chanting the Lord's name
- So all of the girls you have mentioned, such as Ekayani, Kancanbala and Indira are similarly very good souls and I am always praying that Krishna will help you all more and more
- Some of the asuras, or demons, such as Ravana and Hiranyakasipu, also underwent a severe process of austerity and penance, but they obtained nothing except some temporary objects of sensory pleasure
- Some of the asuras, or demons, such as Ravana and Hiranyakasipu, underwent a severe process of austerity and penance, but they obtained nothing except some temporary objects of sensory pleasure
- Some of the chief devotees, such as Akrura, stayed with Kamsa to satisfy him. This they did for various purposes
- Some of the dead animals that were fit to be offered in sacrifices were carried by servants and sent to King Yudhisthira. The ferocious animals, such as tigers and rhinoceroses, were killed only to stop disturbances in the forest
- Some of them sacrifice the hearing process and the senses in the fire of the controlled mind, and others sacrifice the objects of the senses, such as sound, in the fire of sacrifice. BG 4.26 - 1972
- Some of these forms (of Krsna) are incarnations mentioned in the scriptures, such as the Visnu incarnation, Trivikrama incarnation, Nrsimha incarnation and Vamana incarnation
- Some other foods, such as baked corn and molasses, while not very palatable in themselves, can be made pleasant when mixed with milk or other foods. They are then in the mode of goodness. All these foods are pure by nature. BG 1972 purports
- Some things which give stimulation to ecstatic love of Krsna are His footprints, His place of pastimes (such as Vrndavana), His favorite plant (tulasi), His devotee and the periodical occasions for remembering Him
- Someone may aspire for one of the eight yogic perfections in the mystic yoga process, such as to become the smallest, to become the heaviest, or to acquire anything he desires, but these achievements are material; they are not perfection
- Sometimes great personalities - such as demigods like Lord Brahma, Narada or Lord Siva - are also addressed as bhagavan because they carry out the purpose of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sometimes ksatriyas go to the forest to kill animals like deer because they have to learn the art of killing, and sometimes they eat the animals also. Sudras, too, eat animals such as goats
- Sometimes the conditioned soul is separated from his father by death or other circumstances. Leaving him aside he gradually becomes attached to others, such as his children
- Sometimes unwanted creepers, such as the creepers of desires for material enjoyment and liberation from the material world, grow along with the creeper of devotional service. The varieties of such unwanted creepers are unlimited
- Sometimes we hear from the Vedic literature that some personalities from the Vedic age, such as Vyasadeva and Asvatthama, are still living. Here we understand that Maru is also still living
- Sometimes, while His friends were chanting and dancing, Krsna would praise them, "My dear friends, you are dancing and singing very nicely." The boys played at catching ball with fruits such as bael and amalaka
- Sri Caitanya has also given us a nice weapon for this age - in this age, the weapon to drive away maya, is the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra in pursuance of the associates of Lord Caitanya, such as Advaita Prabhu, Nityananda, Gadadhara and Srivasa
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "These ingredients, such as sugar, camphor, black pepper, cardamom, cloves, butter, spices and licorice, are all material. Everyone has tasted these material substances before"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then took all the remnants of food offered to Jagannatha, such as cakes and sweet rice, and distributed them to all the other devotees, calling them individually
- Sri Krsna is the possessor of the attributes cent percent. And His personal expansions such as svayam-prakasa, tad-ekatma up to the categories of the avataras who are all visnu-tattva, possess up to ninety-three percent of these transcendental attributes
- Sri Krsna, says - All forms of happiness or distress, such as winter cold or summer heat, are due to material sense perception only. They come and go according to the laws of nature, and they are therefore to be tolerated without our being disturbed
- Sri Madhavendra Puri had many renowned disciples, such as Nityananda Prabhu, Advaita Prabhu and Isvara Puri. Isvara Puri happened to be the spiritual master of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: As soon as the Lord was born as the son of Maharaja Nabhi, He manifested symptoms of the Supreme Lord, such as marks on the bottoms of His feet (the flag, thunderbolt, etc.)
- Srila Jiva Gosvami directs that drinking against the principles of scriptures, such as the sautramani-yajna, association with women outside marriage, and killing animals against the injunctions of scriptures are irreligious
- Srila Jiva Gosvami instructs that the other processes, such as arcana, vandana, dasya and sakhya, should be executed, but they must be preceded and followed by kirtana, the chanting of the holy name
- Srila Madhvacarya has also defined revealed scriptures as referring to books such as the Ramayana, Mahabharata, Puranas, Upanisads, Vedanta - and any other literature which is written in pursuance of such revealed scriptures
- Srila Sanatana Gosvami has forbidden us to hear the holy name of Krsna chanted by non-Vaisnavas, such as professional actors and singers, for it will have no effect. It is like milk touched by the lips of a serpent
- Srila Srinivasa Acarya describes in his prayers to the six Gosvamis that they were all highly learned scholars, not only in Sanskrit but also in foreign languages such as Persian and Arabic
- Srila Suta Gosvami fulfilled all these qualifications as a disciple, and therefore he was endowed with all favors by his learned and self-realized spiritual masters such as Srila Vyasadeva and others
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura remarks that in this verse (SB 10.6.12) the word rasa refers to the planetary systems below the earth, such as Rasatala, Atala, Vitala, Sutala and Talatala
- Statement in Srimad Bhagavatam: "How wonderful are the fortunate residents of Vrndavana, such as Nanda and the other cowherd men. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the supreme Brahman, has actually become their intimate friend!"
- Strictly speaking, if a devotee ignores the regulative principles and acts according to his whims - if, for example, he does not eat krsna-prasadam but eats anywhere and everywhere, such as in restaurants - there is every possibility of his falling down
- Such a sadhu engages in staunch devotional service to the Lord without deviation. For the sake of the Lord he renounces all other connections, such as family relationships and friendly acquaintances within the world
- Such opulence (natural gifts such as gold, silver, pearls, fresh flowers, etc) immediately changes the condition of the mind, and the entire atmosphere becomes spiritualized. King Prthu's capital was decorated with such highly opulent decorations
- Such pastimes as those of Nrsimhadeva are certainly not meant to create a fearful situation for the devotees, but nonetheless the devotees, being very simple and faithful, were afraid of the fierce incarnation of the Lord
- Such persons eat all kinds of obnoxious things, such as meat, and take pleasure in alcohol and other intoxicants, and after death they are forced to take birth in lower species of life
- Such philosophers (Mayavadis) see no distinction between a pot made of earth and the earth itself, reasoning that anything made of earth, such as different pots, is also the same earth
- Such plans (for material enjoyment) are sometimes compared to valuable jewels such as sapphires, rubies, pearls and emeralds. The heart becomes the center for all planning for material enjoyment
- Sukadeva Gosvami proves that because the body of the conditioned soul is infected by the three qualities of nature, dualities arise such as enmity and friendship, attachment and detachment
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: The Manus, the sons of Manu, the great sages, the Indras and all the demigods, O King, are appointed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His various incarnations such as Yajna
- Surrendered souls, even from groups leading sinful lives, such as women, the laborer class, the mountaineers and the Siberians, or even the birds and beasts, can also know about the science of Godhead and become liberated from the clutches of maya
- Surrounded by His personal expansions and assistants like Visvaksena, He exhibits all His perfect opulences, such as religion and knowledge, and His mystic powers such as anima, laghima and mahima
- Surrounded by His personal expansions and assistants like Visvaksena, the Supreme Personality of Godhead exhibits all His perfect opulences, such as religion and knowledge, and His mystic powers such as anima, laghima and mahima
- Surrounding Sumeru Mountain like filaments of the whorl of a lotus are twenty mountain ranges such as Kuranga, Kurara, Kusumbha, Vaikanka and Trikuta
- Taking advantage of chaotic condition (of society), many rascals have appeared and proclaimed themselves incarnations of God. As a result, the entire population is indulging in sinful activities such as illicit sex, intoxication, gambling and meat-eating
- Tat-purusa refers to a preacher of Krsna consciousness, such as the spiritual master
- That great archer the King of Kasi, the great fighter Sikhandi, Dhrstadyumna, Virata & the unconquerable Satyaki, Drupada, the sons of Draupadi, & the others, such as the son of Subhadra, greatly armed, blew their respective conchshells. BG 1.16.18 - 1972
- That great archer the King of Kasi, the great fighter Sikhandi, Dhrstadyumna, Virata, the unconquerable Satyaki, Drupada, the sons of Draupadi, and the others, O King, such as the mighty-armed son of Subhadra, all blew their respective conchshells
- That incarnation is yellowish in hue and is always associated with His plenary expansions (such as Sri Nityananda Prabhu) and personal expansions (such as Gadadhara), as well as His devotees and associates (such as Svarupa Damodara)
- The basic principles of irreligiosity, such as pride, prostitution, intoxication and falsehood, counteract the four principles of religion, namely austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness
- The best of human beings, Pururava, began freely enjoying the company of Urvasi, who engaged in sexual activities with him in many celestial places, such as Caitraratha and Nandana-kanana, where the demigods enjoy
- The Bhagavad-gita is the approved Vedic literature accepted by all the great acaryas, such as Sankara, Ramanuja, Madhva, Caitanya, Visvanatha, Baladeva, Siddhanta Sarasvati and many others
- The Bhagavatam enjoins that even without practicing Deity worship one can achieve the complete success of human life by any of the other devotional processes, such as simply offering oneself at the God’s feet for His protection
- The Bhagavatam enjoins that even without practicing Deity worship one can achieve the complete success of human life by any of the other devotional processes, such as simply offering oneself at the Lord’s feet for His protection
- The body of intelligence enjoys the objects of sense gratification that cover it, such as smell, vision and hearing. The word sunasam ("beautiful nose") indicates the organ for acquiring knowledge by smell
- The brahmana is always independent and busy studying sastra and preaching sastra to subordinate social members such as ksatriyas and vaisyas
- The brahmanas from different places, such as Kanyakubja and South India, who were all strict followers of the Vedic religion, offered invitations to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu with great humility
- The brahmanas, the members of the most elevated varna, are teachers, but a person in a lower family, such as a family of ksatriyas, vaisyas or even sudras, may be accepted as a teacher if he has knowledge
- The celestial beings such as the Siddhas, Caranas and Gandharvas, who are also known as demigods, enjoy the facilities of those four lakes
- The chanting of the holy name of Krsna has been praised by Srila Rupa Gosvami in his Namastaka (verse 1): O Hari-nama! You are eternally adored by liberated souls such as Narada and Sukadeva. I take complete shelter of You
- The concoctions of unauthorized persons pretending to be bona fide have not been accepted by Lord Caitanya. Presentations such as those of the gaura-nagaris are only disturbances to the sincere execution of the mission of Lord Caitanya
- The conditioned soul accepts a particular type of body, such as the body of a hog, by his work & by the superior authority of material nature. But when Lord Krsna appears in the incarnation of a boar, He is not the same kind of hog as an ordinary animal
- The conditioned soul eternally suffers the pangs of material existence known as the threefold miseries. He is also subjected to six enemies (such as lust, anger, etc.). Such is the everlasting disease of the conditioned soul
- The conditioned soul has many aspirations such as becoming a religious man, a rich man, or a first-class enjoyer or becoming God himself, or becoming powerful like the mystics and acting wonderfully by getting anything or doing anything
- The conditioned soul suffers many miserable bodily conditions, such as being affected by severe cold and strong winds. He also suffers due to the activities of other living beings and due to natural disturbances
- The consciousness of material identification (such as "I" and "mine") still continues because such consciousness has been extant from time immemorial
- The constant companions of Lord Krsna, such as Uddhava, are all liberated souls, and they descended along with Lord Krsna to this material world to fulfill the mission of the Lord
- The created beings are of many varieties, such as the demigods, human beings and lower animals, and all of them are subject to the reactions of their past good or bad activities. BG 1972 purports
- The dayita-patis offer food such as sweetmeats to Lord Jagannatha during the anavasara, the resting period after Snana-yatra. They also make the early-morning offering of sweetmeats daily
- The Deity should have nice flowers everyday etc., etc. You should try to bring Them up to the highest standard, such as we have in Los Angeles or New Vrndavana
- The demigods are generally in the mode of passion, and living entities lower than the demigods, such as human beings and animals, are in the mode of ignorance, or in mixed goodness, passion and ignorance
- The demigods were related to Visvarupa from his father's side, and therefore he visibly offered clarified butter in the fire while chanting mantras such as indraya idam svaha ("this is meant for King Indra") and idam agnaye
- The demigods, such as Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, King Indra, Candra and Surya, are all subordinate to the SPG. Aside from the demigods, even in human society there are many influential personalities supervising various businesses or establishments
- The demigods, who are denizens of higher planets, are also very much afraid of incidents such as the universe's becoming dark, and so they consulted Brahma. This indicates that the quality of fear exists for every living entity in the material world
- The destination of godless atheists such as Ravana, Hiranyakasipu, Kamsa and Dantavakra is a hellish condition of life. Mandodari, the wife of Ravana, could understand all this because she was a chaste woman
- The devotee becomes transcendental to all dualities, such as heat and cold, honor and dishonor. Being freed from all dualities, he feels transcendental bliss, and he no longer suffers cares and anxieties due to material existence
- The devotee undergoes processes of austerity such as observing Ekadasi and similar other fasting days and refraining from illicit sex life, intoxication, gambling and meat-eating. Thus he becomes purified from the reactions of his past impious life
- The devotees do not want the fruitive results of their work, nor do they want any kind of salvation. They relish the glorious superhuman activities of the Lord, such as His lifting Govardhana Hill and His killing the demon Putana in infancy
- The different avataras, such as the manvantara-avataras, lila-avataras and dasa-avataras, are all included in the krsna-avatara. When Krsna appears, all the avataras appear with Him
- The dualities found within this material world, such as beginning and end, mine and theirs, are all absent from the personality of the Supreme Lord
- The earthen pot or water jug may be broken or transformed into another shape, such as that of a dish or bowl, but the ingredient, or the material basis, namely the earth, continues to be the same
- The eight sons born of Sahadeva such as Pravara and Sruta, were exact incarnations of the eight Vasus in the heavenly planets. Vasudeva also begot eight highly qualified sons through the womb of Devaki
- The eightfold material perfections - such as anima, laghima, prapti, isita, vasita, prakamya, and so on - are concomitant in the attainment of perfection in mysticism, and are but indirect by-products of that process
- The eighth offense is to equate the chanting of Hare Krsna with other spiritual activities, such as meditation, austerity, penance or sacrifice. They cannot be equated at any level
- The elder members of the family, such as Bhisma, wanted to arrest him (Samba). Thus all the members of the Kuru dynasty, especially the great fighters, joined together just to teach him a lesson, and Karna was made the commander in chief
- The essence of all auspicious activities, such as performing yajna, giving in charity, observing vratas, and undergoing austerities, is included in the Krsna consciousness movement
- The essence of the samvit potency is knowledge that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is Lord Krsna. All other kinds of knowledge, such as the knowledge of Brahman, are its components
- The factual activities of the Lord, such as Lord Krsna's acting in the Battle of Kuruksetra, or the activities of the Pandavas, or the Lord's activities in Vrndavana or Dvaraka, are related in the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The first form of the Lord Sri Krsna first expands Himself as the form of Baladeva, and Baladeva expands in so many other forms, such as Sankarsana, Pradyumna, Aniruddha, Vasudeva, Narayana, Purusa, Rama and Nrsimha
- The first thing is to recruit many devotees there in Australia and send them out to the outlying districts such as Manilla and Hong Kong and Djakarta and other places and build up strength in these areas
- The followers of the Vedic injunctions take their information from Vedic statements, such as the verses from the Katha Upanisad and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The followers of Vedic wisdom are fully aware of various planets inhabited by varieties of living entities such as the demigods, the sages, the Pitas, the Gandharvas, the Pannagas, the Kinnaras, the Caranas, the Siddhas and the Apsaras
- The foretellings of astrological science, such as the occurrence of solar or lunar eclipses, are wonderful calculations, and by this particular science a person can understand the future very clearly
- The form of the Lord, though represented by material qualities such as stone, wood or oil paint, is not actually material. That is the absolute nature of the Supreme Lord
- The form of the Lord, though represented by material qualities such as stone, wood, or oil paint, is not actually material. That is the absolute nature of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The fourth offense (sruti-sastra-nindanam) is to blaspheme Vedic literatures such as the four Vedas and the Puranas
- The fourth offense is to consider the Vedic literatures, such as the Puranas or other transcendentally revealed scriptures, to be ordinary books of knowledge
- The Gandharvas were born from the womb of Arista, and animals whose hooves are not split, such as the horse, were born from the womb of Kastha
- The Ganges River is known by many names, such as the Bhagirathi and the Jahnavi. It purifies Dhruvaloka and the planets of the seven sages because both Dhruva and the sages have no other desire than to serve the Lord's lotus feet
- The great sage Narayana continued, "There was a great meeting of the denizens of the heavenly planets, and almost all the important brahmacaris, such as the four Kumaras - Sanandana, Sanaka, Sanatana and Sanat-kumara - attended"
- The great sages have written so many Vedic literatures such as the Puranas, etc. The Puranas are not imaginative; they are historical records. BG 1972 Introduction
- The great sages meditated. Hot tears were in the eyes of Devaki and other motherly ladies, and hairs stood on the bodies of the expert warriors. There was astonishment in the hearts of demigods such as Indra
- The great souls expert in describing Srimad-Bhagavatam have very diligently delineated the other nine categories, sometimes by direct narrations and sometimes by indirect narrations such as stories
- The guru is necessary; that's a fact. But go to the real guru. Who is the real guru? The real guru is Krsna or one who has seen Krsna, such as Arjuna
- The happiness of the citizens was due to the ample production of natural produce such as grains, fruits, milk, herbs, valuable stones, minerals and everything that the people needed
- The Hare Krsna mantra is specifically mentioned in many Upanisads, such as the Kali-santarana Upanisad
- The historical incidents in the puranas such as the history of Citraketu explained in the Bhagavata Purana, are sometimes misunderstood by outsiders, or nondevotees. Sukadeva Gosvami advised that the history of Citraketu be heard from a devotee
- The hundreds and thousands of stars and the great planets such as the sun, the moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter are not clustered together because of the law of gravity or any similar idea of the modern scientists
- The incarnations such as Matsya, the fish incarnation, appear in different yugas for specific pastimes
- The inhabitants of Gandharvaloka and Caranaloka then took the opportunity to play their musical instruments, such as conchshells, bugles and drums. They began dancing and singing along with their wives
- The inhabitants of Kulina-grama, such as Satyaraja Khan and Ramananda Vasu, were not brahmanas by caste, nor were the inhabitants of Khanda, such as Mukunda dasa, Narahari dasa and Raghunandana
- The inhabitants of Sakadvipa worship the SPG in the form of Vayu in the following words. O SP, situated as the Supersoul within the body, You direct the various actions of the different airs, such as prana, and thus You maintain all living entities
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana especially, such as the cowherd boys, the cows, the calves, the gopis and Krsna's father and mother, were never fully satisfied, although they saw Krsna's beautiful features constantly
- The innumerable forms of the Lord, such as Syamasundara, Narayana, Rama and Gaurasundara; the colors of these forms (white, red, yellow, cloudlike syama and others) - these and innumerable other uncommon acts and attributes are all mysteries
- The interior forests of Vrndavana are considered superior to Mathura because of the presence of the twelve forests (dvadasa-vana), such as Talavana, Madhuvana and Bahulavana, which are famous for the various pastimes of the Lord
- The jiva's spiritual existence in the abode of the Lord consists of service to Him in different mellows, such as servitude, friendship, parenthood, and conjugal love
- The kanistha-adhikari is in the lowest stage of realization. He goes to a place of worship, such as a temple, church or mosque, according to his religious faith, and worships there according to scriptural injunctions
- The karmis, or fruitive workers, can elevate themselves to the Svargaloka planets, which include the sun and the moon. Jnanis and yogis can attain still higher planets, such as Maharloka, Tapoloka and Brahmaloka
- The King stated that not only had he bestowed gifts upon the brahmanas, but he had performed other pious activities, such as digging wells, planting trees on the roadside and installing ponds along the highways
- The kings of the Yadu dynasty were all devotees, but there were many powerful demons, such as Salva, who began to persecute them
- The kings said, "We are no longer interested in the results of our pious activities, such as performing great sacrifices to be elevated to the heavenly planets"
- The Krsna consciousness movement is very eager to present Vedic literature in modern languages, especially Western languages such as English, French and German
- The lakes of Vrndavana are surrounded by green grasses, and various kinds of lotus flowers bloom there, such as the kahlara, kanja and utpala, and the air blowing in Vrndavana carries the aromatic pollen of those lotus flowers
- The learned sages inform us that one takes his birth in India, the holy land of Bharata-varsa, after the gradual process of evolution through 8,400,000 species of life, 2,000,000 nonmoving species such as vegetables and hills
- The left ear, which is known as Devahu, is utilized for hearing about even higher planetary systems, such as Maharloka, Tapoloka and Brahmaloka - or yet even higher planets, situated in the spiritual universe
- The less a person is concerned with material enjoyment such as eating, sex and sleeping, the more he is spiritually advanced. If the "devotee" himself lives like a hog or dog how can he preach?
- The living entity wants to serve, but because of his forgetfulness of his relationship with the Supreme Lord, he serves under the modes of material nature and manufactures various modes of service, such as socialism, humanitarianism and altruism
- The Lord (Krsna) smeared the body of the brahmana (Sudama) with different kinds of scented pulp, such as sandalwood, aguru and saffron
- The Lord has innumerable forms (ramadi-murtisu kala-niyamena tisthan (BS 5.39)), and unless these forms, such as Lord Ramacandra, Nrsimhadeva, Krsna and Balarama, were transcendental, how could they be worshiped by devotees since time immemorial
- The Lord has no material form, and yet, according to the liking of different grades of devotees, He simultaneously exists in multiforms, such as Rama, Nrsimha, Varaha, Narayana and Mukunda
- The Lord is full in six opulences. The yoga-siddhis, the perfections of yoga, such as the ability to become smaller than the smallest (anima-siddhi) or bigger than the biggest (mahima-siddhi), are present in Lord Visnu
- The Lord is situated in many forms, such as Rama, Laksmana, Bharata and Satrughna, and these forms may exist in any part of His creation. All these forms exist permanently, eternally, as individual PG, and they resemble many candles, all equally powerful
- The Lord is worshiped by Brahma, by Lord Siva, by Garuda and other demigods with selected poems, and great sages worship Him with the hymns of Vedic literatures, such as the Upanisads and Sama Veda
- The Lord replied, "A sannyasi has no use for oil, especially perfumed oil such as this. Take it out immediately"
- The Lord's original form is that of Sri Krsna, and Sri Krsna expands Himself into an unlimited number of forms, such as Baladeva, Rama, Nrsimha and Varaha. All of these forms are one and the same Personality of Godhead
- The Lord, being full in Himself, has no attraction for so-called heavenly happiness. The heavenly demigods are only His engaged servants. The proprietor never desires the low-grade happiness such as the workers may desire. BG 1972 purports
- The manifested world can be seen in the form of many stars and planets such as the sun and moon, but beyond this is the unmanifested, which is imperceptible to those who are embodied
- The material body, made up of material ingredients such as earth, water, fire, and air, is mortal
- The material body, made up of material ingredients such as earth, water, fire, and air, is mortal. Similarly, because this material universe is an amalgam of earth, water, fire, air, etc., it is also transitory
- The material scientists - the modern quasi priests who invoke such material activities - invent many objects to gratify the material senses such as the eye, ear, nose, and tongue and ultimately the mind, & there results a field of unnecessary competition
- The materially attached are very eager to promote themselves to the heavenly planets such as the moon
- The Mayavadi philosophers consider many Vedic mantras to be the maha-vakya or principal Vedic mantra, such as tat tvam asi (Chandogya Upanisad 6.8.7), idam sarvam yad ayam atma and brahmedam sarvam (Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad 2.5.1). That is a great mistake
- The Mayavadis are very proud of having monopolized the Vedanta philosophy, but devotees have their own commentaries on Vedanta such as Srimad-Bhagavatam and others written by the acaryas. The commentary of the Gaudiya Vaisnavas is the Govinda-bhasya
- The measurements given herein (SB 5.16.10), such as 10,000 yojanas or 100,000 yojanas, should be considered correct because they have been given by Sukadeva Gosvami
- The mind sometimes induces us to think that if we purchase an automobile we can enjoy the physical elements, such as earth, water, air and fire, combined in forms of iron, plastic, petrol and so on
- The moon is considered one of the planets of heavenly kingdom. One can be promoted to this planet by executing different sacrifices recommended in Vedic literature, such as pious activities in worshiping the demigods and forefathers with rigidity and vows
- The most important things are that you follow very carefully all of the rules and regulations such as rising early, and having mangala arati and classes, etc. and that you chant at least 16 rounds daily without fail
- The most learned scholars, such as the Gosvamis, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Ramanujacarya are the actual followers of the bhakti path. Regardless of whether or not one is educated or aristocratic, one must follow in their footsteps
- The Narada-pancaratra asserts: The infallible Personality of Godhead can manifest His body in different ways according to different modes of worship, just as the vaidurya gem can manifest itself in various colors, such as blue and yellow
- The natural gifts such as grains and vegetables, fruits, rivers, the hills of jewels & minerals, and the seas full of pearls are supplied by the order of the Supreme, and as He desires, material nature produces them in abundance or restricts them at times
- The neophyte devotees are advised to engage in devotional service, such as to hear and chant the holy name of God, to remember Him always, to chant on beads Hare Krsna
- The nine different modes of devotional service, such as hearing, chanting and remembering, are the beginning of the process
- The objects of the senses (such as sound and touch), the organic activities (such as evacuation) and the different types of bodies, society, friendship and personality are considered by learned scholars the fields of activity for the functions of the mind
- The other meaning of the word (pasu-ghna) refers to those who are actually killing animals. This means persons who are animal-eaters, for they are all engaged in killing animals, such as hunting & opening slaughterhouses
- The other paraphernalia, such as flower garlands, fruits and vegetables, should be collected according to the country and according to their availability
- The other rsis who came with him (Brahma), such as Marici and Atri, remained there because they were to be married to the daughters of Kardama
- The Panca-tattva is a very important factor in understanding Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. There are sahajiyas who, not knowing the importance of the Panca-tattva, concoct their own slogans, such as bhaja nitai gaura, radhe syama
- The particular thing to be noted is that the Personality of Godhead is not understood by great liberated persons, but only by devotees such as Queen Kunti in her humbleness
- The parts of the body, such as the senses, are the creation of the mahat-tattva, and when they are assembled by the will of the Lord, the material body comes into existence, and the living entity is allowed to use it for further activities
- The path of speculative knowledge and renunciation is not essential for devotional service. Indeed, good qualities such as nonviolence and control of the mind and senses automatically accompany a devotee of Lord Krsna
- The Personality of Godhead is perfect & complete, & because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes. Whatever is produced of the complete whole is also complete in itself
- The Personality of Godhead is perfect & complete, and because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes
- The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes
- The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes - Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad 5.1
- The personified Vedas continued, "No one can estimate how much the living entity is degraded by entering abominable species of life such as cats and dogs"
- The personified Vedas continued, "The influence of time - past, present and future - and the material miseries, such as excessive heat, excessive cold, birth, death, old age and disease, are all simply the movements of Your eyebrows"
- The physical characteristics of matter, such as softness, are subjects of sense perception, and thus physical knowledge is the subject matter of the touch sensation
- The pillars of the houses and palaces (in Dvaraka) were bedecked with jewels such as touchstone, sapphire and emerald, and the floors gave off a beautiful luster
- The places of the pastimes of Lord Krsna, such as Dvaraka, Mathura and Vrndavana, eternally and independently exist in Krsnaloka. They are the actual abodes of Lord Krsna, & there is no doubt that they are situated above the material cosmic manifestation
- The predominating deities of other planets, such as Brahma, Indra and Candra, could not find any way to save Lord Siva from the impending danger. Wherever Lord Siva went, they remained silent
- The primeval Lord, Sri Krsna, also says in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.26) that He is fully conscious of past, present and future and that no one, including demigods such as Siva and Brahma, knows Him fully
- The process by which one goes back to Godhead is a different branch of knowledge, and it has to be learned from revealed Vedic scriptures such as the Upanisads, Vedanta-sutra, Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The process of hearing attentively about the pastimes of the Lord will endow devotees with innumerable benefits, such as wealth, fame, longevity and other desirable aims of life
- The Puranas (such as the Brahma-vaivarta Purana, Naradiya Purana, Visnu Purana and Bhagavata Purana) are especially meant for Vaisnavas and are also Vedic literature
- The ratna-bhanda was a special treasury room which contained special jewelries, such as bangles, necklaces and so on, which were presented to the king by the citizens
- The real glory of mother Ganges is that she has grown from the lotus feet of Lord Visnu. Such a hypothesis is another ornament, called anumana
- The real point is to concentrate the mind on the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Women such as the gopis were attached to Krsna, being captivated by His beauty, and their mental concentration on Krsna was provoked by lust
- The real purpose of Lord Siva is to serve the Soul of the soul, Lord Krsna. He desires that all luxurious articles, such as nice garments, garlands, ornaments and cosmetics, be given to Lord Krsna only, because Krsna is the real enjoyer
- The regulative principles such as rising before four, chanting 16 rounds, like that, if these things are not strictly observed then maya will enter & spoil everything. So my best advice to you is to strictly observe these things
- The residents of all higher planetary systems, such as Gandharvaloka, Vidyadharaloka, Siddhaloka and Caranaloka, all combined and glorified the Lord by chanting His holy name as their wives and damsels danced with great joy
- The resultant manifestations such as moving the eyebrows, fear, astonishment and smiling, which have been explained hereinbefore, are called anubhava
- The Rsi (Narayana Rsi) answered by following in the footsteps of His predecessors. He narrated a story of how the same question had been discussed on the planet known as Janaloka, which is above the Svargaloka planets, such as the moon and Venus
- The Rsi Maitreya said: The Lord thus heard about the suspension of the progressive creative functions of the universe due to the noncombination of His potencies, such as the mahat-tattva
- The S Personality of Godhead is not different from the auspicious aspects of great sacrifices, such as the ingredients of the sacrifice, the chanting of Vedic hymns, the regulative principles, the performer, the priests, the result of the sacrifice
- The saktyavesa-avataras are categorized into (1) forms of divine absorption (bhagavad-avesa), such as Kapiladeva or Rsabhadeva, and (2) divinely empowered forms (saktyavesa), of whom seven are foremost
- The sastras recommend which names we should chant, such as Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare. It is not that we have to search for some name or manufacture one. Rather, we must follow the saintly persons & sastras in chanting His holy name
- The seven famous sages, and demigods like Indra and their followers, such as the Gandharvas, all appear simultaneously with Manu
- The Siddhas do not care for fruitive activities, such as performing sacrifices and achieving the good results
- The sinful life of the living beings results from ignorance. To destroy that ignorance, He has brought various weapons, such as His plenary associates, His devotees and the holy name
- The sixty-four regulative principles (of devotional service) are as follows: (9) To observe fasting days, such as Ekadasi. (10) To worship cows, brahmanas, Vaisnavas, and sacred trees like the banyan
- The sound incarnation of Lord Krsna, the Supreme Soul, enters into the heart of a self-realized devotee, sits on the lotus flower of his loving relationship, and thus cleanses the dust of material association, such as lust, anger and hankering
- The SPG, Sri Hari, is the master of all living entities, including all the prajapatis, such as Lord Brahma. Because He is the all-pervading and indestructible master, He has created all these trees and vegetables as eatables for other living entities
- The statements of the Sankara philosophy, which are the teeth of the Mayavadi philosopher, are always broken by the strong arguments of Vaisnava philosophers such as the great acaryas, especially Ramanujacarya
- The subordinate ecstasies are smiling, dancing and singing, as well as different manifestations in the body. The natural ecstasies, such as being stunned, are considered among the subordinate ecstasies (anubhava)
- The Supreme Brahman is the Absolute Truth, and the energies that have emanated from Him and are existing separately, such as the living entities and the cosmic manifestation, are also truths. This is an example of transformation
- The Supreme Brahman, the Personality of Godhead, is the master of both pradhana and purusa. Pradhana means subtle matter, such as ether. Purusa means the spiritual spark living entities who are entangled in that subtle material existence
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead has multifarious eternal forms such as Krsna, Baladeva, Sankarsana, Aniruddha, Pradyumna, Vasudeva, Narayana, Rama, Nrsimha, Varaha and Vamana, and the devotee of the Lord knows all those Visnu forms
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is described as Uttamasloka, "He who is worshiped by the best of selected Sanskrit verses," and His devotees such as Bali Maharaja are also worshiped by punya-sloka, verses that increase one's piety
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the supreme controller, who is infallible and indefatigable, is present in different forms of life, from the inert living beings (sthavara), such as the plants, to Brahma, the foremost created living being
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in everyone's heart as the Supersoul, sells Himself to His devotees such as Narada Muni. In other words, the Lord gives pure love to such devotees and gives Himself to those who love Him purely
- The symptom of unflinching faith in pure devotional service is that one has overcome the many disruptive desires that impede pure devotional service, such as (1) the desire to worship the demigods, (2) the desire to serve someone other than Krsna
- The symptom of unflinching faith in pure devotional service is that one has overcome the many disruptive desires that impede pure devotional service, such as (4) the desire to cultivate impersonal knowledge and thereby forget the Supreme Lord
- The symptom of unflinching faith in pure devotional service is that one has overcome the many disruptive desires that impede pure DS, such as (5) the desire to establish oneself as the Supreme, in which endeavor there is no trace of the bliss of DS
- The symptom of unflinching faith in pure DS is that one has overcome the many disruptive desires that impede pure devotional service, such as (3) the desire to work for sense gratification, without understanding one's relationship with Krsna
- The symptoms of life, such as desire, anger, hankerings, feelings of attraction, etc., cannot be annihilated
- The three deities approached the hermitage of Atri Muni, accompanied by the denizens of the heavenly planets, such as the celestial beauties, the Gandharvas, the Siddhas, the Vidyadharas and the Nagas
- The translating of our books such as Bhagavad-gita and Isopanisad is of the utmost importance and I am very thankful that you are seriously taking on this practical work for spreading Krsna Consciousness in your European zone
- The twelve different kinds of transcendental humors are controlled by different incarnations of God, such as Kapila, Madhava, Upendra, Nrsimha, Nanda-nandana, Balarama, Kurma, Kalki, Raghava, Bhargava, Varaha and Matsya
- The upper planetary systems such as Janaloka and Maharloka are the heart of the Lord, and the topmost planetary system, Brahmaloka, is considered the top of the Lord's head
- The use of the word 'kevala' ('only') prohibits all other processes, such as the cultivation of knowledge, practice of mystic yoga, or performance of austerities and fruitive activities
- The Vaisnavas, the devotees of Visnu, naturally do take all such precautions - still, unconsciously we kill many ants and other insects while discharging even the most ordinary duties, such as walking from one place to another
- The various forms of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, such as Narayana and Visnu, are beautifully decorated with different weapons. The Lord exhibits those forms to maintain all the varied planets created by His personal potency, yogamaya
- The Vedantists are simply reading the Sariraka-bhasya. They are not reading other bhasyas, such as the Srimad-Bhagavatam, which is the natural commentary. And they are cheating people. That's all
- The Vedas enjoin that if a man has the propensity to enjoy more than one wife, as is sometimes the propensity for men in the higher varnas, such as the brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas & even sometimes the sudras - he is allowed to marry more than one wife
- The Vedic histories, such as the Puranas and Mahabharata, relate human histories which extend millions and billions of years into the past
- The vyabhicari symptoms are 33 in number, and they involve words uttered by the devotee and different bodily features. These different bodily features - such as dancing trembling and laughing - when mixed with the vyabhicari symptoms are called sancari
- The water was full of many-colored lotus flowers and lilies (in the palace of Maharaja Uttanapada), and to get down to the lakes there were staircases made of valuable jewels such as emeralds
- The wife of Srivasa Thakura whose name was Malini, accompanied by the wife of Candrasekhara (Acaryaratna) & other ladies came there in great happiness to worship the baby with paraphernalia such as vermilion, turmeric, oil, fused rice, bananas & coconuts
- The wives of kamsa anf his brothers contiuned, "On account of your death, the auspicious functions to take place, such as the sacrifice of the bow, have all been spoiled"
- The woman must remain at home. She has only three stages of life: dependency on the father in childhood, dependency on the husband in youth and, in old age, dependency on the grown-up son, such as Kapila
- The word dharma is meant for human beings and is never used in connection with beings inferior to human beings, such as animals
- The word nr-loke, meaning "within the material world," indicates that before the Pandavas there had been many, many devotees, such as the descendants of the Yadu dynasty and Vasistha, Marici, Kasyapa, Brahma and Siva, who were all extremely fortunate
- The word upakarana indicates a variety of foods, such as dhal, vegetables and other varieties of possible dishes that one can eat very nicely with rice. It is not proper, however, for a sannyasi to eat such palatable dishes
- The word vimuktidat is also significant. There are different types of liberation, such as sayujya, salokya, sarupya, sarsti and samipya (CC Madhya 6.266), but vimukti means - special mukti
- Then He (Krsna) who is the original artist of all fine arts, such as dancing, began to dance upon the hoods of the serpent (Kaliya), although they were moving to and fro
- There (on Mount Kailasa) are different kinds of lotus flowers, such as kumuda, utpala and satapatra. The forest appears to be a decorated garden, and the small lakes are full of various kinds of birds who whisper very sweetly
- There (on Mount Kailasa) are varieties of deer, such as karnantra, ekapada, asvasya, vrka and kasturi, the deer which bears musk. Besides the deer there are many banana trees which decorate the small hillside lakes very nicely
- There are about fourteen villages (where Palapada is situated in the midst of various villages such as Beledanga, Berigrama, Sukhasagara, Candude and Manasapota), and the entire neighborhood is known as Pancanagara Paragana
- There are also special flavors experienced in friendship with the Supreme Lord, and these are manifested by friends such as Subala, whose devotion increases up to the point of bhava
- There are also the direct servants of Krsna, such as Citraka, Patraka and Raktaka, and these are the embodiments of service in the mellow of servitude. There are also friends like Sridama and Sudama, who embody service in fraternity
- There are different devotional activities, such as hearing, chanting, remembering, worshiping, offering prayer, rendering service and surrendering everything, and each of them can be divided into three qualitative categories
- There are different kinds of duties for the human being, such as political obligations, performance of Vedic rituals and social formalities and conventions, but all such activities are directed toward satisfying one's own senses
- There are different kinds of duties for the human being, such as political obligations, performance of Vedic rituals, obligations for maintaining the body but all such activities are directed toward satisfying one's own senses
- There are hundreds and thousands of plenary expansions of Visnu, such as Sankarsana, Pradyumna, Aniruddha and Vasudeva, but here in this material world, the Visvatma, the Supersoul for all living entities, is Ksirodakasayi Visnu
- There are many agents of the Lord, such as Indra, Candra, Varuna, goddess Durga, and Kali, who can chastise any formidable miscreants in the world
- There are many different pastimes of Krsna - such as His pastimes in the forms of Vasudeva and Sankarsana - and in the material sky His pastimes are carried on as the first purusa incarnation, the creator of the material world
- There are many examples, such as Prahlada Maharaja. He was only five years old, a pet child, but because he was a devotee of the Lord, his father became his enemy. This is the way of the world
- There are many fasts, such as Ekadasi and the appearance and disappearance days of God and His devotees. All of these are meant to decrease the fat within the body so that one will not sleep more than desired and will not become inactive and lazy
- There are many good reciters of Vedic literatures, and they recite works such as the Ramayana, Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita. Sometimes these professional readers manifest very good scholarship and exhibit word jugglery
- There are many historical instances of the achievement of spiritual perfection, such as that of the Sanakadi Rsis or the nine celebrated Yogendras, who attained perfection only after being situated in the devotional service of the Lord
- There are many improper explanations of the last portion of Lord Krsna's pastimes (such as descriptions of the incarnation of Krsna's hair), but Lord Caitanya properly described these pastimes and gave them the right interpretation
- There are many kinds of mystics, such as the karma-yogi, jnana-yogi, dhyana-yogi and bhakti-yogi. The karmis particularly search after the favor of the demigods, the jnanis want to become one with the Supreme Absolute Truth
- There are many lakes and reservoirs with clear, transparent water, agitated by jumping fish and decorated with many flowers such as lilies, kuvalayas, kahlaras and blue and red lotuses
- There are many other disturbing symptoms in ecstatic love, such as envy, anxiety, pride, jealousy, conclusion, cowardliness, forgiveness, impatience, hankering, regret, doubtfulness and impudence
- There are many other prohibitions, such as one should not cross or step over the flowers offered to the Deities, nor should one take a vow in the name of God
- There are many others (incarnations of the Lord), such as Sri Hayagriva, Hari, Hamsa, Prsnigarbha, Vibhu, Satyasena, Vaikuntha, Sarvabhauma, Visvaksena, Dharmasetu, Sudhama, Yogesvara, Brhadbhanu and others of the bygone ages
- There are many powerful demigods, such as Brahma, Siva, Indra, Candra & Varuna, but Krsna is the Lord of all these gods, whereas Rukmi was not only an ordinary human being but in fact the lowest of all because he had no understanding of Krsna
- There are many tattvas, such as visnu-tattva, jiva-tattva and sakti-tattva, but above everything is the visnu-tattva, which is all-pervading
- There are many traditionally pious activities in human society, such as altruism, philanthropy, nationalism, internationalism, charity, sacrifice, penance, and even meditation in trance
- There are many worshipers who are purified by different processes of worship - such as the Vaisnavas or the Aryans - who also worship the Supreme Lord according to their convictions and spiritual understanding
- There are nine different methods of cultivating devotional service such as hearing, chanting, remembering, etc, and all these processes are employed in the first stage of devotional service
- There are other kinds of marriage, such as gandharva marriage and marriage by love, which are also accepted as marriage. Even if one is forcibly kidnapped and later on accepted as a wife, that is also accepted
- There are other trees also which decorate the hill (Mount Kailash), such as the golden lotus flower, the cinnamon tree, malati, kubja, mallika and madhav
- There are other trees also which decorate the hill, such as the golden lotus flower, the cinnamon tree, malati, kubja, mallika and madhavi
- There are others who, for higher elevation in life or for promotion to higher planets within the universe, voluntarily accept many kinds of austerities such as candrayana and caturmasya. BG 1972 purports
- There are prescribed duties for everyone, such as the brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra, but anyone who deviates from his prescribed duty and declares another's duty to be his own is following a foul and improper duty
- There are qualitative incarnations such as Brahma, Visnu, and Siva (or Rudra) who take charge of the different modes of material nature
- There are sahajiyas who, not knowing the importance of the Panca-tattva, concoct their own slogans, such as japa hare krsna hare rama etc. Such chants may be good poetry, but they cannot help us to go forward in devotional service
- There are several origins or causes for this compulsive love of Krsna, such as Krsna Himself, the devotees of Krsna, Krsna's playing on the flute, etc. The effect is sometimes loving and sometimes stunted
- There are spiritual activities, such as the performance of Vedic ritualistic sacrifices, study of the Vedic knowledge, meditation upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- There are two kinds of bhauma ijya-dhih: those who worship the land of their birth, such as nationalists, who make many sacrifices for the motherland, and those who condemn the worship of the form of the Lord
- There are two kinds of devotees, known as sakama and akama. Pure devotees are akama, whereas devotees in the upper planetary systems, such as the demigods, are called sakama because they still want to enjoy material opulence
- There are two kinds of entities - the moving (such as human beings, animals and insects) and nonmoving (such as trees and mountains). Krsna says that material nature, which controls both kinds of entities, is acting under His direction
- There are variegated manifestations of living entities, such as human beings, animals, horses, cows, dogs, cats, etc. These are situated on the lower parts of the branches (of the banyan tree). BG 1972 purports
- There are various kinds of avataras, such as purusavataras, gunavataras, lilavataras, saktyavesa avataras, manvantara-avataras and yugavataras-all appearing on schedule all over the universe. BG 1972 purports
- There are various means of worship (of visnu-murtis), such as dancing and singing - SB 10.13.51
- There are various processes for self-realization, such as karma, jnana and yoga, but none of them is equal to the process of devotional service
- There are, however, many hundreds and thousands of species of life in different standards of living conditions, such as human beings, demigods, animals, birds and beasts
- There is a misconception about the Hindu religion among people who profess other religions, such as Christians and Muslims, who say that in the Hindu religion there are many Gods. Actually that is not a fact
- There may be, sometimes, such as Krsna is understood as incarnation of Visnu, and sometimes they understand Visnu as the incarnation of Krsna. That is sampradaya. But either Krsna or Visnu, He is Supreme, that is accepted by all
- There were many kings of different provinces such as Kuru, Srnjaya and Kekaya, and Lord Krsna duly reciprocated greetings and respects with them
- There were many other rsis contemporary with Vyasadeva who also discussed Vedanta-sutra. These sages were Atreya, Asmarathya, Audulomi, Karsnajini, Kasakrtsna, Jaimini, Badari and other sages such as Parasari and Karmandi
- Therefore, whether one is a demigod or a demon, a man or a creature other than man, such as a beast or bird, everyone should worship Lord Ramacandra, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who appears on this earth just like a human being
- These different stages of gradual development increase love of God to the highest stage, and in the highest stage there are still more symptoms, such as affection, anger and attachment, gradually rising in exceptional cases to the maha-bhava stage
- These literatures (such as Vedas, Upanisads, Purananas) are not meant for any particular class of men but for the totality of human society. All societies can take advantage of Vedic knowledge to perfect human life
- These moods (bhavas) bring under control the favorable ecstasies (such as laughing) and unfavorable ecstasies (such as anger). When these moods continue to remain as kings, they are called sthayi-bhava, or permanent ecstasies
- These planets (such as the sun, the moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter) and stars are all servants of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda or Krsna, and according to His order they sit in their chariots and travel in their respective orbits
- These threefold miseries are miseries suffered by mental calamity at the hands of the demigods (such as freezing wind and scorching heat), miseries offered by other living entities, and miseries arising from the mind and body themselves
- These two captains, with Their soldiers such as Srivasa Thakura, travel everywhere, chanting the holy name of the Lord
- These two characteristics (unflinching faith & cessation of all desires) of santa-rasa are present in other transcendental relationships, such as dasya (servitorship), sakhya (fraternity), vatsalya (paternal affection), & the madhura-rasa - conjugal love
- They (Bhismadeva, Dhrtarastra, Dronacarya, Duryodhana and Bahlika) welcomed Lord Balarama by giving Him in charity nice cows and arghya (a mixture of arati water and an assortment of items such as honey, butter, flowers and sandalwood pulp)
- They (materialists) devise many systems - such as capitalism and materialistic communism - to advance their material position. They are not interested in the laws of God or in a higher goal
- They (people in Kali-yuga) are always disturbed by material conditions, & they are mostly unfortunate. Under the circumstances, the performance of other processes, such as yajna, dana, tapah & kriya - sacrifices, charity & so on - are not at all possible
- They (some of the chief devotees, such as Akrura) all expected the Supreme Personality of Godhead to appear as the eighth child as soon as Devaki's other children were killed by Kamsa, and they were eagerly awaiting His appearance
- They (some other foods, such as baked corn and molasses) are quite distinct from untouchable things like meat and liquor. Fatty foods, as mentioned in the eighth verse (BG 7), have no connection with animal fat obtained by slaughter. BG 1972 purports
- They (The hippies) are becoming free from all sinful activities, such as illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling. This is practical proof of the effectiveness of the Hare Krsna movement
- They (the paramahamsas devotees) are naturally qualified with all the good attributes, such as pridelessness, freedom from vanity, nonviolence, tolerance, simplicity, respectability, worship, devotion and sincerity
- They (the unintelligent) think that there is no such thing as spirit. But the followers of the Vedic injunctions take their information from Vedic statements, such as the verses from the KU (2.3.9,12) and Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.84.13) quoted above
- They (Vaisnavas) worship the body by the yogic process of meditation on the different bodily parts, such as manipuraka, dahara and hrdaya, gradually rising to the brahma-randhra, on the top of the head
- They suffer from hunger and thirst, and sharp-beaked birds such as vultures and herons come at them from all sides to tear at their bodies. Tortured and suffering, they can then remember the sinful activities they committed in the past
- They're busy collecting the ingredients for ritualistic ceremonies that yield only temporary benefits, such as elevation to Svargaloka for material happiness. They're not attracted to the sankirtana movement
- This (accepting knowledge from perfect books of knowledge such as Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam) then is the process of Krsna consciousness. It is very easy, and anyone can adopt it and make his life perfect
- This art (how to manipulate thin threads for dancing puppets) includes how to string wires on musical instruments, such as the vina, sitar, esaraja and tamboura, to produce melodious sounds
- This description (in SB 10.5.10) of the village women gives a clear example of the contrast between natural life and the artificial life of a condemned society, such as that of the Western countries
- This fact (when Krsna comes as one of us, He is not in actuality "one of us") we must learn by submissive inquiry from authoritative sources, such as Bhagavad-gita or a spiritual master who is fully realized in Krsna consciousness
- This is not possible (leaving home & reside in sacred places such as Prayag, Mathura, Vrndavana, Hrsikesa, and Hardwar and in solitude practice yoga where the sacred rivers like the Yamuna and the Ganges flow), especially for Westerners. BG 1972 purports
- This is the duty of a servant of a guru and Vaisnavas - to counteract blasphemy committed against superiors such as other Vaisnavas
- This material body doesn't endure eternally, everything in relation with this temporary body, such as the wife, children, society and country, changes along with the change of body. This is called samsara or repetition of birth, death, old age & disease
- This material world is like a great forest, and its inhabitants are like forest animals such as deer and tigers meant to be killed
- This misleading conception of the Supreme Lord by the self-centered impersonalist continues, even though he is seen to be very interested in the Vedic literatures such as the Brahma-sutras and other highly intellectual sources of knowledge
- This omkara is a note of address, such as "O my Lord," just as om hari om means "O my Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead." As we have explained before, the Lord's holy name is identical with the Lord Himself. So also is omkara
- This Sanatana Dharma pracara is the real path followed by all pure acaryas such as Madhva, Ramanuja, Sri Caitanya and others. Kindly help us to spread this Krishna Consciousness movement all over the land of Bharata Bhumi
- Those entities which cannot move - like trees, for example - remain in one place and are classified as nonmoving entities, and those that move - such as the birds and beasts - are called jangama
- Those that move - such as the birds and beasts - are called jangama (moving entities) and are further divided into three categories: those that fly in the sky, those that swim in the water, and those that walk on land
- Those who are not devotees, therefore, are interested in so-called humanitarian or philanthropic work, such as opening a hospital or charitable institution
- Those who are situated in goodness generally worship the demigods. The demigods include Brahma, Siva and others such as Indra, Candra and the sun-god. There are various demigods. BG 1972 pur
- Though he (Maharaja Pariksit) was a young king, as soon as he heard that he was going to die within seven days, he immediately left his kingdom. He did not follow the dictates of enemies within his body, such as lust, greed and anger
- Thus he remains at home just like a pet dog & eats whatever is so negligently given to him. Afflicted with many illnesses, such as dyspepsia and loss of appetite, he eats only very small morsels of food, & he becomes an invalid, who cannot work any more
- Thus respectable personalities such as His father, mother and spiritual master all take birth on earth first
- Thus she (Rukmini) desired to dedicate her life to observing severe austerities and penances, such as fasting and going without bodily comforts
- Thus Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would chant and dance, always absorbed in the bliss of transcendental madness. He carried out the necessities of the body, such as eating and bathing, merely out of habit
- To be extremely opulent in materialistic advancement is sometimes very risky. The materially opulent person does not care about anyone, thus he commits offenses to great personalities, such as devotees & great saints. This is the way of material opulence
- To develop a farm community such as the one you are doing, it requires much hard work and endurance
- To go to Badari-narayana one has to pass through Hardwar on the path to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Similarly, there are other holy places of pilgrimage, such as Prayaga (Allahabad) and Mathura, and the topmost of them all is Vrndavana
- To preach, such sannyasis may accept the symbols of sannyasa, such as the danda and kamandalu, or sometimes they may not. Generally the Vaisnava sannyasis, being paramahamsas, are automatically called babajis, and they do not carry a kamandalu or danda
- To satisfy Lord Visnu it was necessary for Nanda Maharaja to satisfy His devotees, such as the learned brahmanas, magadhas and sutas. Thus, in a roundabout way, ultimately it was Lord Visnu who was to be satisfied
- To the people in general we are also indebted, as well as to our relatives, friends and even animals such as cows and dogs who render us so much service
- To think that the names of demigods such as Lord Siva are as good as the name of Lord Visnu - is blasphemous
- Transcendental alertness is possible when the illusory condition is completely overcome. At that stage, when in contact with any reaction of material elements, such as sound, touch or taste, the devotee realizes the transcendental presence of the SPG
- Transcendentalists such as yogis whose minds cannot accommodate the form of the Lord prefer to visualize something very great, such as the virat-purusa
- Trees which do not bear nice fruit or flowers are considered impious, and birds which are very nasty, such as crows, are considered impious
- Uddhava says to Krsna, "My dear Krsna, I have taken things which You have used and enjoyed, such as garlands of flowers, saintly articles, garments and ornaments, and I eat only the remnants of Your foodstuff because I am Your menial servant
- Uddipana is induced by Krsna's dwelling place and His paraphernalia of devotional service such as tulasi leaves, devotees, ceremonial performances and Ekadasi
- Unalloyed devotional service, which is transcendental to the activities of the body and mind, such as jnana (mental speculation) and karma (fruitive work), is called pure bhakti-yoga
- Under superior superintendence, various souls, according to their past activities, are given the chance to take a particular type of body, such as that of a tree, animal, bird or beast, & thus their different tendencies develop under these circumstances
- Under the circumstances, the Lord's various expansions, such as Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Candra and Indra, all thought - Gajendra is not asking our help. He is asking the help of the Supreme, who is above all of us
- Unfortunately, those entrusted with distributing Vedic knowledge, such as the devotees engaged in spreading Krsna consciousness, may sometimes be attacked by demons
- Unintelligent men, such as the Mayavadis, cannot understand the transcendental form of the Lord, and therefore Krsna chastises them by saying, avajananti mam mudha manusim tanum asritam: (BG 9.11) "Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form"
- Until the living entity is aloof from the association and contaminations of this material world, the mind will be absorbed in such material things as birth, death, disease, illusion, attachment, greed and enmity
- Utsava, the expression of complete happiness, is always present in the Vaikunthalokas, the abode of the Lord, who is worshipable even by demigods like Brahma, to say nothing of other, less important entities such as human beings
- Vaisnavas all worship such Deities as Radha-Krsna, Sita-Rama, Laksmi-Narayana and Rukmini-Dvarakadhisa, whereas durga-saktas worship the material energy under different names
- Vaisnavas worship the forms of Lord Visnu in His varied manifestations, such as Radha-Krsna, Laksmi-Narayana, Sita-Rama and Rukmini-Krsna
- Vandanam. Although prayers are a part of Deity worship, they may be considered separately like the other items, such as hearing and chanting, and separate statements are given
- Vasudeva also had a wife named Upadeva, from whom came ten sons, headed by Rajanya, Kalpa and Varsa. From Srideva, another wife, came six sons, such as Vasu, Hamsa and Suvamsa
- Vasudeva, by the womb of his wife Rohini, begot sons such as Bala, Gada, Sarana, Durmada, Vipula, Dhruva, Krta and others
- Veda refers to all kinds of Vedic literature, namely the four Vedas (Rk, Yajus, Sama and Atharva) and the eighteen Puranas and Upanisads, and Vedanta-sutra. BG 1972 purports
- Visnu's eight hands held a conchshell, wheel, club, lotus flower, arrow, bow, shield and sword, and they were decorated with golden ornaments such as bangles and bracelets
- Visnu-tattvas are represented by various names and forms, such as Narayana, Damodara, Vamana, Govinda and Adhoksaja
- Visvamitra said, "O Kusikas (descendants of Kausika), this Devarata is my son and is one of you. Please obey his orders." O King Pariksit, Visvamitra had many other sons, such as Astaka, Harita, Jaya and Kratuman
- Visvanatha said, "Sannyasis become attracted by philanthropic work, such as opening educational institutions, hospitals or monasteries, churches or temples of demigods, they find only trouble from such engagements, not only in this life but in the next"
- We are indebted to the general public for politics and sociology, and we are also indebted to lower animals such as horses, cows, asses, dogs and cats
- We are not powerful enough to enchant the lower animals such as tigers, snakes, cats and dogs or entice them to dance, but by chanting the holy names of the Lord we can actually convert many people throughout the world to Krsna consciousness
- We have actually seen that our Krsna consciousness movement has many opponents, such as the - deprogrammers - who instituted a strong legal case against the devotees
- We may take a premise such as, "All men are mortal," and no one need discuss how man is mortal. It is generally accepted that this is the case. The deductive conclusion is: - Mr. Johnson is a man; therefore Mr. Johnson is mortal
- We should become submissive and hear of the Supreme through the authoritative sources such as Bhagavad-gita or through the lips of a realized soul
- We should not make exorbitant profit by exploiting each other in the matter of vital Krishna Consciousness paraphernalia such as books, tapes, etc. which are vital for our preaching work and for the devotees' personal advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- When a living entity is enchanted by the external energy, he cannot revive his original Krsna consciousness independently. Due to such circumstances, Krsna has kindly given him the Vedic literatures, such as the four Vedas and eighteen Puranas
- When a person is in deep sleep, he dreams and sees in himself many other objects, such as great mountains and rivers or perhaps even the entire universe, although they are far away
- When any sacrifice is performed, although each and every sacrifice is intended to pacify God, Visnu, all the demigods, especially Lord Brahma and Lord Siva and the other principal demigods, such as Indra and Candra, are invited, and they take part
- When attachment produced in the lover and beloved before their meeting by seeing, hearing and so on becomes very palatable by the mixture of four ingredients, such as vibhava and anubhava, this is called purva-raga
- When bathing the Deity in the abhiseka ceremony with various liquids, such as milk, honey, yogurt, ghee, cow dung and cow urine, it is customary to supply yellow garments
- When He entered the palace, He offered obeisances to all the mothers, including Kaikeyi and the other wives of Maharaja Dasaratha, and especially His own mother, Kausalya. He also offered obeisances to the spiritual preceptors, such as Vasistha
- When in the ecstasy of a serving humor there are manifestations of dread, neutral love or chivalry (such as dharma-vira and dana-vira), the result is compatible
- When Krsna appears, He appears in full, including within Himself all His expansions, such as Narayana, Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Aniruddha and Pradyumna
- When Krsna is there, it is to be understood that all His plenary expansions, such as Narayana, and incarnations like Lord Nrsimha and Varaha, are with Him, and they are not subject to the conditions of material existence
- When Masipura merged into the riverbed of the Ganges, the Deities there were brought to Palapada, which is situated in the midst of various villages such as Beledanga, Berigrama, Sukhasagara, Candude and Manasapota
- When one hears or describes with great faith the pastimes of Lord Krsna, such as His rasa dance with the gopis, the disease of lusty desires in his heart and the agitation caused by the three modes of material nature are immediately nullified
- When one is controlled by Cupid or the beauty of women, he becomes stunned like matter such as stone
- When one's transcendental loving service to the Lord is actually awakened, it generates transformations in the body such as perspiration, trembling, throbbing of the heart, faltering of the voice and tears in the eyes
- When other spiritual ingredients, such as trembling, perspiration and tears, are added to this bhava stage, the devotee gradually attains love of Krsna
- When pure devotees of the Lord like Vasudeva are greatly disturbed by dangerous demons like Kamsa, Lord Krsna joins with all His pastime expansions, such as the Lord of Vaikuntha, and, although unborn, becomes manifest
- When the conditioned soul becomes liberated by executing devotional service, he is given a greater & greater chance to relish a relationship with the SPG in different transcendental statuses, such as dasya-rasa, sakhya-rasa, vatsalya-rasa & madhurya-rasa
- When the great sages saw the Lord as the brahmacari-dwarf Vamana, they were certainly very pleased. Thus they placed before them Kasyapa Muni, the Prajapati, and performed all the ritualistic ceremonies, such as the birthday ceremony
- When the luminaries in the sky, such as the moon, the sun and the stars, are reflected in liquids like oil or water, they appear to be of different shapes - sometimes round, sometimes long, and so on - because of the movements of the wind - SB 10.1.43
- When there is some disturbance caused by wild animals in a village or town, the police or others take action to kill them. Similarly, it is the duty of the government to kill at once all bad social elements such as thieves, dacoits and murderers
- When they (materialistic persons) are presented with genuine books of knowledge like Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, Visnu Purana or other scriptures of the world, such as the Bible and Koran, they are not interested
- When we profess a particular faith or religion and make this the center of attraction, again we designate ourselves with some sectarian label, such as "Hindu," "Muslim," or - Christian
- When we refer to the urge to speak, we refer to useless talking, such as that of the impersonal Mayavadi philosophers, or of persons engaged in fruitive activities
- Whenever Krsna played His flute, He conquered the minds of the gopis, and without seeing the gopis Krsna could not be happy. Other transcendentalists, such as jnanis and yogis, cannot conquer the SP of Godhead; only pure devotees can conquer Him
- Whenever the Lord is described as aguna, or without any quality, it does not mean that He has no quality, but that He has no material quality, such as the modes of goodness, passion or ignorance, as the conditioned souls have
- Whenever there is a war, there is certainly a massacre of many innocent living beings, such as boys, brahmanas and women, whose killing is considered to be the greatest of sins
- While performing a fire sacrifice, one pronounces the word svaha in mantras such as indraya svaha and adityaya svaha. These mantras are uttered to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead through demigods such as Indra and Aditya
- While Rukmini was praying, she presented a variety of items before the deity (Durga), chief of which were water, different kinds of flames, incense, garments, garlands and various foods prepared with ghee, such as puris and kachoris
- While the King (Yudhisthira) was taking the avabhrtha bath, different musical instruments vibrated, such as mrdangas, conchshells, panava drums, kettledrums and bugles, and the ankle bells of the dancing girls jingled
- Who but a rascal claims this property (the body) as his own and while maintaining it commits such sinful activities as killing animals just to satisfy his whims? Unless one is a rascal, one cannot commit such sinful activities - SB 10.10.12
- Who want some temporary material happiness, sacrifice their material possessions to satisfy demigods such as Indra, the sun-god, etc. And who are impersonalists, sacrifice their identity by merging into the existence of impersonal Brahman. BG 1972 pur
- Whoever is under the influence of supreme kala (eternal time) must surrender his most dear life, and what to speak of other things, such as wealth, honor, children, land and home
- With great faith they worship the Supreme Personality as the Supersoul according to ritualistic ceremonies handed down in the three Vedas, such as agnihotra and similar higher and lower fruitive acts, and according to the process of mystic yoga
- With the world spiritually manifest, its modes of nature, such as goodness, passion, and ignorance, cannot present any obstacle to one's spiritual advancement. When such obstacles are surpassed, one attains to the absolute vision
- With the world thus spiritually manifest, its modes of nature, such as goodness, passion, and ignorance, cannot present any obstacle to one's spiritual advancement. When such obstacles are surpassed, one attains to the absolute vision
- Without diverting his attention, he (Mucukunda) began to travel north. Eventually he reached the mountain known as Gandhamadana, where there were many trees, such as sandalwood & other flowering trees, whose fragrance made anyone who reached them joyful
- Worshiping the expansions for pastimes, such as Nrsimha, Rama, Sesa and Kurma, promotes one to the worship of the Sankarsana quadruple. From that position one is raised to the platform of worshiping Vasudeva, the Supreme Brahman
- Yamaraja, considering himself and his servants to be offenders, spoke as follows, begging pardon from the Lord: O my Lord, my servants have surely committed a great offense by arresting a Vaisnava such as Ajamila
- Yantra means a machine, such as an automobile. The driver of the machine of the body is the individual soul, who is also its director or proprietor, but the supreme proprietor is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Yoga means to get into touch with the SL. The process, however, includes several bodily features such as asana, dhyana, pranayama and meditation, and all of them are meant for concentrating upon the localized aspect of Vasudeva represented as Paramatma
- Yoga practice can be successfully performed by persons who have a very long duration of life, such as one hundred thousand years; in that way it is possible to have perfection in yoga. Otherwise, there is no possibility of attaining the real perfection
- You (Arjuna) are always the protector of the deserving living beings, such as brahmanas, children, cows, women and the diseased. Could you not give them protection when they approached you for shelter?
- You are the best of all enjoyers and the most powerful. O husband of mother Laksmi, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, who are accompanied by many associates, such as Visvaksena. I offer all the paraphernalia for worshiping You
- You can have practical solutions of all problems such as social, religious, cultural, political, economic as well as agricultural and industrial - from the Bhagavad-gita. It is possible only simply by assimilating it by direct perception
- You may also print pictures of great acharyas in our line, such as Ramanuga Acharya and Madhvacharya
- You may have heard that here at L.A. Temple, they are holding Kirtan and chanting 24 hours in the temple, and the program is very encouraging to all the devotees. Of course, that is only possible in a very large center such as L.A
- You must be attentive that our routine work--such as rising early, cleansing, chanting, temple worship, reading, sankirtan, etc.--should always maintained at the highest level of Krishna Conscious standard
- You must set nice example for the others by following very rigidly the regulative principles, such as chanting 16 rounds on the beads, reading the books, getting up to attend mangala aratrika, etc. In this way everyone shall be encouraged
- You should be very much careful to see that our devotees are following the regulative principles and standard practices such as attending morning Arati, classes, Sankirtana, and reading our books
- You yourself must be ideal in following the rules and regulations, rising early, and restricting eating and sleeping. The less a person is concerned with material enjoyment such as eating, sex and sleeping, the more he is spiritually advanced
- Your Majesty (King Jarasandha) must have heard the glorious names of charitable personalities such as Hariscandra, Rantideva and Mudgala, who used to live only on grains picked up from the paddy field, and the great Maharaja Sibi