Category:Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto 04 Chapter 27 Purports - Attack by Candavega on the City of King Puranjana - the Character of Kalakanya
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- A beautiful wife is an enemy. Of course every woman in the eyes of her husband is very beautiful. Others may see her as not very beautiful, but the husband, being very much attracted to her, sees her always as very beautiful
- A devotee follows the principles of pancaratrika-vidhi as well as bhagavata-vidhi
- A devotee knows that after death he is going back home, back to Godhead; therefore he has no fear of death. Thus instead of depressing a devotee, advanced age helps him become fearless and thus happy
- A grhamedhi is one who wants to remain within this material existence. This means that he wants to remain within this body or society and enjoy friendship, love and community
- A household life is better than a sinful life devoid of responsibility, but if in the household life the husband becomes subordinate to the wife, involvement in materialistic life again becomes prominent
- A living entity is similarly engaged in the material world in sinful activities. These sinful activities may be compared to King Puranjana's hunting in the forest
- A man in ignorance does not know that when the sun rises early in the morning it begins to take away the balance of his life. Thus day after day the span of one's life is reduced
- A man is allowed to keep more than one wife because he cannot enjoy sex when the wife is pregnant. If he wants to enjoy sex at such a time, he may go to another wife who is not pregnant. These are laws mentioned in the Manu-samhita
- A man is allowed to keep more than one wife because he cannot enjoy sex when the wife is pregnant. If he wants to enjoy sex at such a time, he may go to another wife who is not pregnant. These are laws mentioned in the Manu-samhita and other scriptures
- A saintly person may either live or die, for during his life he is engaged in serving the Lord and after his death he also serves the Lord. Thus this life and the next are the same for a saintly devotee, for in both he serves the Lord
- A sane person, by attaining old age, will become fearful of death. Foolish people engage in material activities as if they will live forever and enjoy material advancement, but actually there is no material advancement
- A sannyasi's title is svami or gosvami, which means that he completely refrains from sense enjoyment
- A sinful life can be counteracted by various processes of religion such as yajna, vrata and dana - that is, the performance of sacrifices, the taking of a vow for some religious ritual, and the giving of charity
- A systematic family life as enjoined in the Vedas is better than an irresponsible sinful life
- A Vaisnava acarya like Narada Muni knows very well that persons engaged in such animal-killing in the name of religion are certainly becoming involved in the cycle of birth and death, forgetting the real aim of life: to go home, back to Godhead
- A wife is therefore supposed to be an inspiration and should keep the husband's intelligence in good order so that they can combinedly prosecute the affairs of family life without impediment
- A woman is generally accustomed to dress herself nicely with fine garments and decorative ornaments. She may even sometimes wear flowers in her hair
- A woman should have a few children and in this way not be disturbing to the man. Unfortunately, if the man becomes attracted to the woman simply for sex enjoyment, then family life becomes abominable
- According to religious injunctions a man is restricted to enjoy sex only once in a month, after the menstrual period of the wife, and if the wife is pregnant, he is not allowed sex life at all. That is the law for human beings
- According to Rsabhadeva, such activities (sinful) are inauspicious because they force one to accept an abominable body in the next life
- According to the Vedic principles, one should rise early in the morning, take bath, chant Hare Krsna, offer mangala-arati to the Deities, study Vedic literature, take prasada and engage in dressing and decorating the Deities
- According to the Vedic scriptures the contraceptive method should be restraint in sex life. It is not that one should indulge in unrestricted sex life and avoid children by using some method to check pregnancy
- According to the Vedic system, after a certain age a man is recommended to abandon his family life for the stages of vanaprastha and sannyasa
- According to Vedic civilization, the animal-eaters are recommended to sacrifice a goat in the temple of Kali under certain restrictive rules and regulations and eat the flesh
- Actually the living entity does not take birth nor does he die, but he has to fight with the stringent laws of material nature throughout the entire span of his lifetime. He must also face different kinds of miserable conditions
- Actually the supreme controller is the Personality of Godhead, Krsna, and everyone is His servant. Yavana-raja, the King of the Yavanas, was also a servant of Krsna. Consequently, he wanted to execute the purpose of Krsna through the agency of Kalakanya
- Actually, in this world there is no happiness. People are simply engaged trying to counteract unhappiness. Foolish people accept unhappiness as happiness
- After forty years, one simply leads a disillusioned life because he has no spiritual knowledge. For such a person, the expiration of youth occurs in half a moment
- After hunting in the forest, King Puranjana returned home, and after refreshing himself by taking a bath and eating nice food, he searched for his wife
- All devotees are in the disciplic succession stemming from Narada Muni because they worship the Deity according to Narada Muni's direction, namely the Narada Pancaratra, or the pancaratrika-vidhi
- All kinds of happiness disappear in old age. Consequently, no one likes old age, or jara. Thus Jara, as the daughter of Time, is known as a most unfortunate daughter. She was, however, at one time accepted by a great king, Yayati
- All living entities are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord
- All of this (enjoyment of the five sense objects) is also very pleasing to the animals; therefore in human society there are restrictions in the enjoyment of the five sense objects. If one does not follow, he becomes exactly like an animal
- All these communities, societies, dynasties and nations simply expand from sex life
- Although Kalakanya means invalidity or old age, Yavana-raja wanted to serve Krsna by introducing Kalakanya everywhere. Thus a sane person, by attaining old age, will become fearful of death
- Although King Puranjana had begotten so many children, they were not varna-sankara. All of them were good, well-behaved children, and they had good qualities like their father and mother
- Although Yavana-raja accepted the request of Narada Muni to show respect to him, he was nonetheless thinking of illicit sex. This was due to his being the King of the yavanas and mlecchas
- Any living entity can know that he is covered by the body if he only contemplates the body a little bit. Just with a little contemplation he can come to understand that the body is his possession
- Apparently a devotee may grow old, but he is not subjected to the symptoms of defeat experienced by a common man in old age. Consequently, old age does not make a devotee fearful of death, as a common man is fearful of death
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 5.29), bhoktaram yajna-tapasam sarva-loka-mahesvaram: the real proprietor of all wealth is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is the actual enjoyer
- As such they (those who are rascals, sinners and the lowest of mankind, who are bereft of all intelligence) become implicated and take on so many activities. Most of these activities center around the killing of animals
- As the sun rises and sets, it snatches away the balance of our life-span. Thus as each day passes, each one of us loses some of life's duration
- As time passes, it is calculated in terms of years. One year contains 360 days, and the soldiers of Candavega herein mentioned (in SB 4.27.13) represent these days
- Because a devotee rigidly follows the instructions of Narada Muni, he has no fear of old age, disease or death
- Because the students in this Krsna consciousness movement are advised to follow the Vedic principles, they naturally become hygienic
- Being a great Vaisnava, Narada Muni wanted to stop animal-killing in sacrifices. He knew that if he tried to stop the King from performing sacrifices, the King would not hear him. Therefore he is describing the life of Puranjana
- Being deluded by false ego, one identifies himself with a certain family, nation or community. In this way one's attachment for the material world grows deeper and deeper
- Being the most perfect Vaisnava, Sri Narada Muni is always willing to do good to others, even to one who curses him. Although Kalakanya, the daughter of Time, was refused by Narada Muni, she was given a shelter
- Bhagavata-vidhi includes preaching work - sravanam kirtanam visnoh (SB 7.5.23) - the hearing and chanting of the glories of Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The pāñcarātrika-vidhi includes arcanaṁ vandanaṁ dāsyaṁ sakhyam ātma-niv
- By coming home, taking his bath, eating nice foodstuffs, getting refreshed and searching out his wife, King Puranjana came to his good consciousness in his family life
- By engaging oneself in devotional service, one can gradually enter into the eternal kingdom of God
- By performing bhakti-yoga, or devotional service, a man can be raised to the platform of goodness. If a husband situated in the mode of goodness can control his wife, who is in passion and ignorance, the woman is benefited
- Carvaka recommended that man should live very opulently by either begging, borrowing or stealing
- Checking population by contraceptive method is another sinful activity, but in this age of Kali people have become so sinful that they do not care for the resultant reactions of their sinful lives
- Children are called parinama, or by-products, and when one consults his good intelligence he can see that his by-products should be the expansion of his Krsna consciousness
- Children begotten under the rules and regulations of the scriptures generally become as good as the father and mother, but children born illegitimately mainly become varna-sankara
- Combined and strengthened by the soldiers of Yavana-raja - namely nonhygienic conditions, illicit sex and ultimately a high degree of temperature to bring on death - they (Prajvara, and Kalakanya) would be able to smash the materialistic way of life
- Days are considered to be white, and nights are considered to be black, there are two kinds of nights - black nights and white nights. All these days and nights combine to pass away our span of life and everything we manufacture for sense gratification
- Death is not very much welcome for those who are too much attached to material enjoyment, which culminates in sex. There is an instructive story in this connection
- Dehino'smin yatha dehe. The proprietor of the body, the soul, is within the body
- Despite this struggle (struggle for existence), however, the living entity does not die. As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.20), the living entity is eternal
- Dharma is transcendental. As Lord Sri Krsna teaches, we must give up all other systems of religion and simply surrender unto Him. Thus the Lord & His devotees and representatives teach the transcendental dharma, which does not allow animal-killing at all
- Due to a lack of Krsna consciousness, all this creation and annihilation is going on under the name of human civilization. This cycle continues due to man's lack of knowledge of the soul and the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Even though we may produce many good children, our desire for sex that is beyond the prescribed method is to be considered sinful
- Eventually the sage met a brahmacari devotee, and he blessed him, saying, My dear devotee, you may die immediately. Finally the sage met a hunter, and he blessed him, saying, Neither live nor die
- Every living entity is a spiritual being, and consequently without spiritual advancement the human form of life is ruined
- Every moment of our lives should be utilized properly, and the proper use of life is to increase devotional service to the Lord
- Everyone can experience that although we try to keep the body in a comfortable position, it is always giving pain and is subjected to the threefold miseries. Otherwise, why are there so many hospitals, welfare boards and insurance establishments?
- Everyone desires to have more sons than daughters, and since the number of daughters was less than the number of sons, it appears that King Puranjana's family life was very comfortable and pleasing
- Everyone is engaged in decorating the world with highways, motorcars, electricity, skyscrapers, industries, businesses, etc. All this appears very nice for those who are simply engaged in sense gratification and who are ignorant of spiritual identity
- Foolish people accept unhappiness as happiness; therefore the King of the Yavanas decided to attack such foolish people imperceptibly by old age, disease, and ultimately death
- Foolish people engage in material activities as if they will live forever and enjoy material advancement, but actually there is no material advancement
- Foolish scientists are thinking that they have advanced materially. When Kalakanya, the invalidity of old age, attacks them, they become fearful of death, if they are sane
- For an intelligent person, the appearance of old age is an impetus to spiritual life. People naturally fear impending death. The King of the Yavanas tried to utilize Kalakanya for this purpose
- For the soul there is never birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying & primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain
- Forgetting her natural inclination for passion and ignorance, the woman becomes obedient and faithful to her husband, who is situated in goodness. Such a life becomes very welcome
- Forgetting the duty of human life, the foolish man simply remains in the company of his wife and enjoys her in a secluded place. Such a condition is called apakrsta-cetana, or degraded consciousness
- Formerly people used to beget one hundred to two hundred sons and daughters. As will be evident from the next verse (SB 4.27.7), King Puranjana not only begot 1,100 sons but also 110 daughters
- Formerly the varna-sankara population was checked by the observation of the reformatory method called garbhadhana-samskara, a child-begetting religious ceremony
- Fruitive activities and mental speculation are simply cups of poison. Whoever drinks of them, thinking them to be nectar, must struggle very hard life after life, in different types of bodies
- Gandharvas are both male and female. This indicates that both men and women lose their life-span imperceptibly by the force of time, which is herein (SB 4.27.13) described as Candavega
- Generally a householder does not take the passing of days and nights very seriously. A person in ignorance takes it as the usual course that days come, and after the days, the nights come. This is the law of material nature
- Generally a prince has enough money to enjoy his senses; therefore the great sage said that he should live forever, for as long as he lived he could enjoy life, but after his death he would go to hell
- Generally people think that religion and piety come at the end of life, and at this time one generally becomes meditative and takes to some so-called yogic process to relax in the name of meditation
- Generally the karmis, who are attached to increasing descendants, have to perform so many sacrifices and worship so many demigods for future generations, as well as to satisfy so many leaders, politicians, philosophers and scientists
- Generally women are very much passionate and are less intelligent; therefore somehow or other a man should not be under the control of their passion and ignorance
- Government men - including kings, presidents, secretaries and ministers - are in a position to utilize taxes collected from the citizens for sense gratification
- He (a grhamedhi) enjoys sex and produces children, who in their turn marry and produce grandchildren. The grandchildren also marry and in their turn produce great-grandchildren. In this way the entire earth becomes overpopulated
- He (Carvaka) also maintained that one should not be afraid of death, the next life, the past life or an impious life because after the body is burnt to ashes, everything is finished. This is the philosophy of those who are too much materially addicted
- He (the living entity) remains within the material world simply for the purpose of sense gratification & transmigrates from one body to another. His process of reproducing so many sons & grandsons results in so-called societies, nations, communities
- He who discards scriptural injunctions& acts according to his own whims attains neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme destination. One who does not strictly follow the terms of the Vedic injunctions never attains success in life or happiness
- His (a grhamedhi's) only enjoyment is in increasing the number of sex enjoyers
- Human consciousness should be used for elevation to Krsna consciousness
- Human life is meant for self-realization. First of all one has to realize his own self, which is described in this verse as nijam. Then he has to understand or realize the Supersoul, or Paramatma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- I (Srila Srinivasa Acarya) offer my respectful obeisances unto the six Gosvamis, namely Sri Sanatana Gosvami, Sri Rupa Gosvami, Sri Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami, Sri Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, Sri Jiva Gosvami and Sri Gopala Bhatta Gosvami
- If a husband and wife combine together in Krsna consciousness and live together peacefully, that is very nice
- If a man is in good consciousness, he consults with his religious wife, and as a result of this consultation, with intelligence, one advances in his ability to estimate the value of life
- If a person is Krsna conscious, he can work like a young man even if he is seventy-five or eighty years old
- If one associates with mahatmas, or devotees, his path of liberation is opened
- If one becomes too much attached to women or to persons who are also attached to women - that is, attached to women directly or indirectly - he opens the tamo-dvaram, the door to the darkest region of hellish life
- If one is fortunate enough to have a good, conscientious wife, he can decide by mutual consultation that human life is meant for advancing in Krsna consciousness and not for begetting a large number of children
- If one is trained only according to the bodily conception of life, he simply leads a disappointed life because bodily sense enjoyment finishes within forty years or so
- If people would take shelter of the KCM & practice the simple austerities of no illicit sex, intoxication, gambling & no meat-eating, & chant the HK mantra regularly (16 rounds), by this practical method it would be a very easy task to get salvation
- If the husband becomes too much attracted to the wife due to sex, the position becomes very dangerous
- If the husband sees the wife as very beautiful, it is to be assumed that he is too much attracted to her. This attraction is the attraction of sex
- If, after performing one's occupational duty very perfectly, one does not make progress in Krsna consciousness, it should be understood that he has simply wasted his time in valueless labor
- In different types of bodies, the living entity enjoys various senses, and through creating various types of facilities, he chews the chewed
- In due course of time, when the body becomes old and practically invalid, it is subject to jara, the sufferings of old age
- In India we have actually seen one industrialist who, like King Puranjana, was very much sexually inclined and had a half dozen wives. Each of these wives had a separate establishment that necessitated the expenditure of several thousands of rupees
- In materialistic life one is encaged within the body and deluded by false egoism. Thus one thinks, I am this body, I am a human being, I am an American, I am an Indian. This bodily conception is due to false ego
- In old age the senses lose their strength, and although an old man desires to enjoy his senses, and especially sex life, he is very miserable because his instruments of enjoyment no longer function
- In one stroke Narada Muni gave shelter to Kalakanya and counterattacked the ordinary karmis. If one accepts the instructions of Narada Muni, the ocean of fear (bhaya) can be very quickly removed by the grace of that great Vaisnava
- In the modern age the consciousness of people is too much covered by wine, women and flesh. Consequently, people are completely unable to make any progress in self-realization
- In the second stage of self-realization, one comes to know that every soul, every individual living entity, is part and parcel of the Supreme Soul, Paramatma, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In this connection it is significant that Narada was immune to the attack of jara, or invalidity, and similarly jara, or the destructive force, cannot attack any follower of Narada Muni or a pure Vaisnava
- In this Kali-yuga, the demoniac mentality is employed in manufacturing various machines to facilitate the process of sense gratification
- In this verse (SB 4.27.11) Narada frankly says like you (yatha bhavan), which indicates that King Puranjana is none other than King Pracinabarhisat himself
- In this verse (SB 4.27.11) the great sage Narada discloses that the character of Puranjana was being described to give lessons to King Pracinabarhisat. Actually the entire description was figuratively describing the activities of King Pracinabarhisat
- In this verse (SB 4.27.14) the word vilumpanti ("plundering") is used. Everything is being plundered from the very beginning of our lives
- In this verse (SB 4.27.6) there are several significant words, the first of which are ekadasa satani
- In this verse the words priya-yositam and apriyah are very significant. The word yosit means "woman," and priya means "dear" or "pleasing
- In this way (the performance of sacrifices, the taking of a vow for some religious ritual, and the giving of charity) one may become free from the reactions of sinful life and at the same time awaken his original Krsna consciousness
- In this way people engage in various laborious activities, and their attachment for body, home, family, nation and community becomes more and more deep-rooted
- In youth a person becomes very lusty to enjoy all kinds of sense objects. The sense objects are form, taste, smell, touch and sound. The modern scientific method, or advancement of scientific civilization, encourages the enjoyment of these five senses
- Industrialists, businessmen or karmis are called mudhas in the sastras. They work very hard, accumulate money, and are satisfied to see that this money is plundered by their sons and grandsons
- It is a man's duty to keep a woman under his control by satisfying her, giving her ornaments, nice food and clothes, and engaging her in religious activities
- It is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam that in this Kali-yuga government men (rajanyas) and those connected with the government, as well as exalted government ministers, secretaries and presidents, will all simply collect taxes for sense gratification
- It is the duty of the wife to dress herself up very nicely so that when her husband returns home he becomes attracted by her dress and cleanliness and thus becomes satisfied
- It is the greatest misfortune that in India many so-called missionary workers are spreading irreligion in the name of religion. They claim an ordinary human being to be God and recommend meat-eating for everyone, including so-called sannyasis
- It requires great strength to resist a woman's attraction. It is difficult for old men, and what to speak of young
- Kalakanya as jara, the invalidity of old age, can be used to arouse a sense of fear in people so that they will prepare for the next life by engaging in Krsna consciousness
- Kalakanya was sent by Narada Muni to Yavana-raja so that she might become his wife, but instead of accepting her as his wife, Yavana-raja accepted her as his sister
- Kalakanya, the daughter of Time, presented herself before the King of the Yavanas precisely in terms of sadhu, sastra and guru. Thus there was no reason for not accepting her
- King Puranjana finally arrived at the point of old age
- King Puranjana lay down with his wife, Puranjani, and begot a large number of children, and there is no mention in these verses that he used contraceptive methods
- King Puranjana not only begot 1,100 sons but also 110 daughters. At the present moment no one can produce such huge quantities of children. Instead, mankind is very busy checking the increase of population by contraceptive methods
- King Puranjana was a great soul, highly intellectual and possessed of advanced consciousness, but due to his being too much addicted to women, his whole consciousness was covered
- King Puranjana's family life was, of course, very happy. As mentioned in these verses, he begot 1,100 sons and 110 daughters
- King Yayati became very much attached to Sarmistha, and Sukracarya's daughter (Devayani) complained to her father. Consequently, Sukracarya cursed King Yayati to become prematurely old
- King Yayati had five youthful sons, and he begged all his sons to exchange their youth for his old age. No one agreed except the youngest son, whose name was Puru
- Krsna incarnated Himself as Lord Buddha to put an end to animal-killing in the name of religion. Animal sacrifice under the name of religion is conducted by the influence of tamo-guna
- Krsna is the supreme pure, and if we change our consciousness from material enjoyment to Krsna, we become purified. This is the process recommended by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu as the process of ceto-darpana-marjanam, cleansing the mirror of the heart
- Laws and scriptures are meant for human beings. As such, if one violates these laws (religious injunctions for restricted sex life), he becomes sinful
- Like Narada Muni, many other devotees of the Lord are engaged in preaching the glories of the Lord in different places and in different universes. Such personalities are beyond the jurisdiction of material laws
- Lord Caitanya Himself requested everyone to preach the cult of bhakti-yoga all over the world, in every village and town
- Material activity means manufacturing things for sense gratification. Scientists are conducting research to find out how we can satisfy our senses more and more elaborately
- Meditation, however, is simply a farce for those who have enjoyed life in sense gratification. As described in the Sixth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, meditation (dhyana, dharana) is a difficult subject matter that one has to learn from his very youth
- Mirages and other illusory things are sometimes called Gandharvas
- Modern civilization is centered around animal-killing. Karmis are advertising that without eating meat, their vitamin value or vitality will be reduced; so to keep oneself fit to work hard, one must eat meat
- Narada is the most kind devotee of the Supreme Lord, and his only business is to travel all over the universe and preach God consciousness. In other words, his business is to make everyone a Vaisnava
- Narada Muni condemned these (Vedic) scriptures because they do not mention direct devotional service. Under Narada's instructions, direct worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, was set forth by Vyasadeva
- Neither the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, nor His devotee ever sanctions animal-killing in the name of religion
- Not only was Puranjana, the King of Pancala, satisfied in his own sex life, but he arranged for the sex life of his 1,100 sons and 110 daughters. In this way one can elevate an aristocratic family to the platform of a dynasty
- Now they (the so-called scientists) are exhausting the petroleum supply
- Of course no one could give her (Kalakanya, the daughter of Time) shelter, but a Vaisnava gives shelter somewhere to such an unfortunate girl. When jara, or old age, attacks, everyone dwindles and deteriorates
- Of course, after death there must be birth; therefore Yavana-raja thought it wise to kill all the karmis through the agency of Kalakanya and thus try to make them aware that materialistic advancement is not actually advancement
- Once when a saintly person was passing on his way, he met a prince, the son of a king, and he blessed him, saying, My dear prince, may you live forever. The sage next met a saintly person and said to him, You may either live or die
- One can accumulate wealth and all kinds of material opulences, but during old age one cannot enjoy them
- One can struggle alone with many soldiers for some time, but not for all time
- One has to accept a wife because a wife will produce children, and the children in their turn will offer foodstuffs and funeral ceremonies so that the forefathers, wherever they may live, will be made happy
- One may beget children up to the age of fifty, but after fifty, one must stop begetting children and should accept the vanaprastha order. In this way he must leave home and then become a sannyasi
- One may outwardly be a sister, mother or daughter and still have sex. Yavana-raja's brother was Prajvara, and Kalakanya was invalidity itself
- One must collect money for the temple expenditures, or if one is a householder he must go to work in accordance with the prescribed duties of a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra
- One sastric injunction holds that a householder, a ksatriya or an administrative head should not refuse to accept a woman if she voluntarily requests to become a wife
- One should follow the principles of saintly persons, scriptures and the spiritual master. In this way one is sure to attain success in life
- One should live a life of spiritual understanding, and this is the Vedic way of civilization
- One should not accept the sannyasa order whimsically; he must be fully confident that he can restrain his desires for sense gratification
- One should not wait for old age in order to become Krsna conscious. Due to the invalidity of old age, one cannot make progress in Krsna consciousness, however opulent he may be materially
- One should strictly follow the scriptures if one actually wants an auspicious life
- One who does not actually follow the hygienic principles prescribed in the Vedic rules and regulations will be subjected to many contagious diseases
- One who does not follow all these rules and regulations (according to the Vedic principles) is called a yavana or mleccha. One should not mistakenly think that these words refer to certain classes of men in other countries
- One who is engaged in sinful activities cannot change his consciousness. Our real function is to change our consciousness from kasmala, sinful consciousness, to Krsna, the supreme pure
- Our losing our life-span is taken as advancement of age. This imperceptible passing away of the days of life is figuratively referred to in this verse (SB 4.27.13) as Gandharvas
- People have given up all this restriction. Now they are regularly opening wine distilleries and slaughterhouses and indulging in drinking alcohol and eating flesh
- Prahlada Maharaja describes this process (the cycle of material sense gratification) as punah punas carvita-carvananam (SB 7.5.30). Materialistic life means chewing the chewed again and again
- Preachers in the Krsna consciousness movement have actually experienced that even the yavanas and mlecchas have taken to spiritual life on the strength of Narada Muni's pancaratrika-vidhi
- Puranjana got both sons and daughters married. It is the duty of a father and mother to arrange for the marriage of their sons and daughters. That is the obligation in Vedic society
- Puranjana had begotten 1,100 sons within the womb of his wife, and thus passed away half of his life. Actually every man follows a similar process. If one lives for one hundred years, in his family life he simply begets children up to the age of fifty
- Puranjana increased his whole family by begetting sons who in their turn begot grandsons
- Puranjana, although advanced in consciousness, lay down on a very soft bed with his wife. This indicates that he indulged too much in sex
- Sensualists are never prepared for death. They simply want to live on and on and extend their life by so-called scientific advancement
- Since Kalakanya, the daughter of Time, was deputed by Narada Muni to offer herself to Yavana-raja, the King of the Yavanas could not refuse her. All transactions must be performed in light of the sastric injunctions
- Since the brahmacari devotee was leading a life of severe austerities & penances in order to be promoted back to Godhead, the sage said that he should die immediately so that he need not continue to labor hard & could instead go back home back to Godhead
- Since the hunter lives a very ghastly life due to killing animals, & since he will go to hell when he dies, he is advised to neither live nor die
- So-called earners of money are those who simply know tricks by which they can take away God's money under the guise of business and industry. After accumulating this money, they enjoy seeing it plundered by their sons and grandsons
- Some foolish Russian scientists also claim that they are going to make man immortal through scientific advancement. Under the leadership of such crazy fellows, civilization is going on
- Some of them (the government officials and irresponsible politicians) are convinced that after life everything is finished. This atheistic theory was conceived long ago by a philosopher called Carvaka
- Sometimes such meditative processes pass for transcendental meditation. King Puranjana, the living entity, being thus victimized by the hard struggle for existence, took to transcendental meditation with his friends and relatives
- Sons and daughters should not be allowed freedom to intermingle with the opposite sex unless they are married. This Vedic social organization is very good in that it stops the promulgation of illicit sex life, or varna-sankara
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has sung: vrddha kala aola saba sukha bhagala. When one becomes old, it becomes impossible to enjoy material happiness
- Srila Govinda dasa actually says that there is no bliss in the enjoyment of youthful life
- Srila Narada Muni chastised Vyasadeva for compiling so many Vedic supplementary scriptures, which are all intended for guiding the people in general
- Srila Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami began their spiritual lives at a very old age, that is, after they retired from their occupations and family lives. Yet they presented many valuable literatures for the advancement of spiritual life
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has recommended, anasaktasya visayan (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.255). Without being attached by sex, the husband and wife may live together for the advancement of spiritual life
- Such people (industrialists, businessmen or karmis) do not want to return their wealth to its actual owner
- Such philosophizing will not save one from the danger of death, nor will it save one from an abominable afterlife
- Taking Narada Muni to be an ordinary man, the daughter of Time confronted him with her lusty desire. It requires great strength to resist a woman's attraction. It is difficult for old men, and what to speak of young
- That understanding which cannot distinguish between the religious way of life and the irreligious, between action that should be done and action that should not be done - that imperfect understanding is in the mode of passion
- That understanding which considers irreligion to be religion & religion to be irreligion, under the spell of illusion and darkness, and strives always in the wrong direction, O Partha, is in the mode of ignorance
- The 360 days and 360 nights combine to become the 720 soldiers of Candavega (time). One has to fight these soldiers throughout one's lifespan, beginning with birth and ending with death. This fight is called the struggle for existence
- The animals do not violate the laws of nature. For example, the sex impulse in animals is very strong during certain months of the year. The lion is very powerful. He is a flesh-eater and is very strong, but he enjoys sex only once in a year
- The body is taken as the pancala-desa, or the field of activities wherein the living entity can enjoy the senses in their relationship to the five sense objects, namely gandha, rasa, rupa, sparsa and sabda
- The central point of material life is sense gratification
- The conclusion is that if one wants to make himself immortal, he should give up sense gratification
- The consciousness of King Puranjana was polluted by lusty desires and sinful activities
- The daughter of Kala (Time) cannot overcome a Vaisnava. Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami engaged in writing Caitanya-caritamrta when he was very old, yet he presented the most wonderful literature about the activities of Lord Caitanya
- The days have been compared to the soldiers of Candavega. Night is generally a time for sex enjoyment
- The demoniac person thinks: I am the lord of everything, I am the enjoyer, I am perfect, powerful and happy. I am the richest man, surrounded by aristocratic relatives. There is none so powerful and happy as I am
- The demoniac person thinks: I shall perform sacrifices, I shall give some charity, and thus I shall rejoice. In this way, such persons are deluded by ignorance
- The demoniac person thinks: So much wealth do I have today, & I will gain more according to my schemes. So much is mine now, and it will increase in the future, more and more. He is my enemy, and I have killed him; and my other enemy will also be killed
- The duration of one's life cannot be saved. But if one is engaged in devotional service, his time cannot be taken away by the sun
- The energy, which is fatigued after fifty years, is figuratively described herein as a serpent with five hoods
- The entire population is again extinguished simply to be re-created. This process is explained in Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.19) as repeated creation and annihilation: bhutva bhutva praliyate
- The field of action and reactions, by which one's descendants are increased, begins with sex life
- The fifty-fifth year is generally taken by government regulations as the final year for retirement
- The first step of self-realization is to know oneself as spirit soul apart from the body
- The government is top-heavy, and without increasing taxes the government cannot maintain itself
- The grandchildren also marry and in their turn produce great-grandchildren. In this way the entire earth becomes overpopulated, and then suddenly there are reactions provoked by material nature in the form of war, famine, pestilence and earthquakes, etc
- The great sage Narada Muni has a spiritual body; therefore old age, disease, birth and death do not affect him
- The great sage Narada Muni was a naisthika-brahmacari - that is, he never had sex life. He was consequently an ever-green youth. Old age, jara, could not attack him
- The greatest loss in life is passing time without understanding Krsna
- The husband should engage in devotional service, and the wife should be faithful and religious according to the Vedic injunctions. Such a combination is very good
- The husband, coming under the control of the wife, sacrifices his quality of goodness and becomes subservient to the qualities of passion and ignorance. In this way the whole situation becomes polluted
- The injunctions of Narada Muni, or the path of devotional service, can be accepted by anyone within the three worlds, and certainly by the King of the Yavanas
- The intelligence of the man and woman may work very nicely together, and they can make a progressive march toward spiritual realization
- The invalidity of old age can overcome an ordinary man, but Narada Muni was different. Taking Narada Muni to be an ordinary man, the daughter of Time (Kalakanya) confronted him with her lusty desire
- The invalidity of old age known as jara is figuratively explained here as the daughter of Time. No one likes her, but she is very much anxious to accept anyone as her husband. No one likes to become old and invalid, but this is inevitable for everyone
- The King of the mlecchas and yavanas requested the daughter of Time, Kalakanya, to become his sister. There was no need to ask her to become his wife, for the yavanas and mlecchas do not make distinctions as far as sex life is concerned
- The King of the Yavanas decided to make the best use of a bad bargain. Kalakanya was a bad bargain, and no one liked her, but everything can be used for the service of the Lord. Thus the King of the Yavanas tried to utilize her for some purpose
- The living entity resides within the body and struggles for existence with the limbs of the body, which are referred to here (in SB 4.27.17) as citizens and friends
- The living entity within the body can struggle up to the limit of a hundred years with good luck, but after that it is not possible to prolong the struggle. Thus the living entity submits and falls victim
- The living entity, being inclined toward sexual gratification, becomes involved in many hundreds and thousands of actions and reactions
- The living entity, due to illusion, thinks that he is well situated in sense gratification
- The material enjoyments of youth are especially pleasing to a person who has no spiritual training
- The material enjoyments of youth are especially pleasing to a person who has no spiritual training. If one is trained only according to the bodily conception of life, he simply leads a disappointed life because bodily sense enjoyment finishes
- The offering of oblations in the name of Lord Visnu is called pindodaka, and it is necessary that the descendants of a family offer pinda to the forefathers
- The people in general are naturally inclined to enjoy, and you (Vyasa Muni) have encouraged them in that way in the name of religion. This is verily condemned and is quite unreasonable. Because they are guided under your instructions
- The purport is that one can accumulate wealth and all kinds of material opulences, but during old age one cannot enjoy them. Although Puru attained his father's kingdom, he could not enjoy all the opulence, for he had sacrificed his youth
- The Sanskrit words yavana and mleccha apply to those who do not follow the Vedic principles
- The sastric injunctions are confirmed by great sages like Narada Muni. As stated by Narottama dasa Thakura: sadhu-sastra-guru-vakya, cittete kariya aikya
- The six Gosvamis are very expert in scrutinizingly studying all the revealed scriptures with the aim of establishing eternal religious principles for the benefit of all human beings
- The so-called scientists are very eager to see that future generations will live very comfortably, and as such they are trying to find different means of generating energy to drive locomotives, cars, airplanes and so on
- The span of youth expires very quickly. One who wastes his life simply by committing sinful activities in youth immediately becomes disappointed and disillusioned when the brief period of youth is over
- The time factor, however, is so strong that not only is our span of life being expended, but all the machines and facilities for sense gratification are deteriorating
- The varna-sankara population is irresponsible to the family, community and even to themselves
- The whole world is captivated by the two modes of material nature rajo-guna and tamo-guna, passion and ignorance
- The wife is the inspiration of all good intelligence. Upon seeing one's wife dressed nicely, one can think very soberly about family business
- The word karma-vinirmitam means manufactured by fruitive activities
- The word prajvarah is very significant, for it means "the fever sent by Lord Visnu." Such a fever is always set at 107 degrees, the temperature at which a man dies
- The word pramada in this verse is very significant. A beautiful wife is certainly enlivening to her husband, but at the same time is the cause of degradation
- The word pramada means enlivening as well as maddening
- The word riktha-haresu, meaning plunderers of wealth, is very significant. One's sons, grandsons and other descendants are ultimately plunderers of one's accumulated wealth
- The words navam vayah are also significant in this verse (SB 4.27.5). They indicate the period of youth from age sixteen to thirty
- The words yavananam rsabham refer to the King of the Yavanas
- The younger generation is very pleased to see a beautiful form, to hear radio messages of material news & sense gratificatory songs, to smell nice scents, nice flowers & to touch the soft body or breasts of a young woman & gradually touch the sex organs
- There are four basic kinds of suffering-birth, old age, disease and death. No scientist or philosopher has ever been able to make a solution to these four miserable conditions
- There are machines for washing dishes, cleansing the floor, shaving, clipping hair - today everything is done by machine. All these facilities are described in this verse (SB 4.27.14) as sarva-kama-vinirmitam
- There are many celebrated businessmen and industrialists who produce great wealth and are highly praised by the public, but all their money is ultimately plundered by their sons and grandsons
- There are so many machines for ordinary household activities. There are machines for washing dishes, cleansing the floor, shaving, clipping hair - today everything is done by machine
- There are two constituents: one is the living entity (ksetra jna), and the other is the body of the living entity (ksetra)
- There are two kinds of actions and reactions - namely pious and impious. In this way our material existence becomes coated by different actions and reactions
- There are two ways of animal-killing. One way is in the name of religious sacrifices. All the religions of the world - except the Buddhists - have a program for killing animals in places of worship
- There is no question of limitation according to nationalism. Whether one lives in India or outside of India, he is called a yavana or mleccha if he does not follow the Vedic principles
- These thirteen or fifteen years of life (the period of youth from age sixteen to thirty) are years in which one can very strongly enjoy the senses
- They (men and women of this present civilization) do not know that without self-realization they suffer the greatest loss in the human form of life
- They (the animal-eaters) are recommended to drink wine by worshiping the goddess Candika. The purpose is restriction. People have given up all this restriction. Now they are regularly opening wine distilleries and slaughterhouses
- They (the six Gosvamis) are honored all over the three worlds, and they are worth taking shelter of because they are absorbed in the mood of the gopis and are engaged in the transcendental loving service of Radha and Krsna
- They (those who are insane) are under the wrong impression that after death there is no life, and consequently they act very irresponsibly in this life and enjoy unrestricted sense gratification
- Thinking of a woman always within one's heart is tantamount to lying down with a woman on a valuable bedstead. The heart is the bedstead, and it is the most valuable bedstead
- This entire material world, especially in these days, is the result of fruitive activities. Everyone is fully engaged in decorating the world with highways, motorcars, electricity, skyscrapers, industries, businesses, etc
- This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.7): The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind
- This plundering of our possessions and life-span begins with the day of our birth. One day will come when death will finish everything, and the living entity will have to enter another body to begin another chapter of life and again begin the cycle
- This type of mentality (desire to live forever) was exhibited by Hiranyakasipu, but when the time was ripe, the Lord personally killed him within a second
- Those who are in knowledge of everything are determined to execute Krsna consciousness
- Those who are insane simply do not care for death, nor do they know what is going to happen after death
- Those who are involved in the mode of ignorance manufacture religious systems for killing animals
- Those who are on the spiritual path are resolute in purpose, and their aim is one. O beloved child of the Kurus, the intelligence of those who are irresolute is many-branched
- Those who are rascals (mudhah), sinners (duskrtinah) and the lowest of mankind (naradhamah), who are bereft of all intelligence (mayayapahrta jnanah) and who take shelter of the demoniac way of life (asuram bhavam asritah), are disinterested in KC
- Those who are very sensual and are engaged in sense gratification do not wish to die
- Those who do not follow the Vedic principles are unrestricted as far as sex life is concerned. Consequently they sometimes do not hesitate to have sex with their sisters. In this age of Kali there are many instances of such incest
- Those who live as brahmacaris must follow in the footsteps of the great sage Narada Muni, who never accepted the proposals of Jara. Those who are too much sexually addicted become victims of jara, and very soon their life-span is shortened
- Those without knowledge of the spirit soul are mad after materialistic activities, and they perform all kinds of sinful activities simply for sense gratification
- Time is figuratively described here (in SB 4.27.12) as Candavega. Since time and tide wait for no man, time is herein called Candavega, which means "very swiftly passing away
- Time passes swiftly; Candavega's powerful soldiers of Gandharvaloka very swiftly carry away all the days of our life
- To keep oneself fit to work hard, one must eat meat, and to digest meat, one must drink liquor, and to keep the balance of drinking wine and eating meat, one must have sufficient sexual intercourse to keep fit to work very hard like an ass
- To meditate, one must restrain himself from all kinds of sense gratification
- Too much enjoyment of any of the senses (not only sex) results in sinful activities. Therefore one has to become a svami or gosvami at the end of his life
- Under illusion people think that material opulence will save them, but although there has been much advancement in material science, the problems of human society - birth, death, old age and disease - are still unsolved
- Unfortunately at the present moment people do not live even a hundred years; nonetheless they beget children up to the age of sixty
- Unfortunately in this age although the father and mother are anxious to get their children married, the children refuse to get married by the arrangement of the parents. Consequently, the number of varna-sankara has increased throughout the world
- Unfortunately, in this present civilization both men and women are allowed to be attracted to one another from the very beginning of life, and because of this they are completely unable to come to the platform of self-realization
- Unfortunately, meditation has now become a fashion for those who are overly addicted to sensual things. Such meditation is defeated by the struggle for existence
- Unrestricted sense enjoyment is not allowed in the human form of life by the laws of nature. If one enjoys his senses unrestrictedly, he leads a sinful life. The animals do not violate the laws of nature
- Unrestricted sense enjoyment means sinful activities. Illicit sex is sex that violates the laws given in the scriptures. When one violates the laws of the scriptures, or the Vedas, he commits sinful activities
- Up to the age of fifty one can actively work for sense gratification, but after the fiftieth year one's energy decreases
- Up to the age of fifty one can actively work for sense gratification, but after the fiftieth year one's energy decreases, although one can with great strain work for two or three more years - perhaps up to the fifty-fifth year
- Upon accepting Yayati's old age, Puru was given the kingdom. It is said that two of Yayati's other sons, being disobedient to their father, were given kingdoms outside of India, most probably Turkey and Greece
- We do not find in Vedic literatures that they (people at King Puranjana's time) ever used contraceptive methods, although they were begetting hundreds of children
- We must remember that Puranjana is the living entity, and the city Pancala is the body. The body is the field of activity for the living entity, as stated in Bhagavad-gita: ksetra-ksetrajna
- When a man thinks of women and money, he lies down and rests on the arms of his beloved woman or wife. In this way he overindulges in sex life and thus becomes unfit for self-realization
- When a person is too anxious about family affairs, he cannot discharge his family duties nicely. A wife is therefore supposed to be an inspiration and should keep the husband's intelligence in good order
- When a person is too much attracted to his wife and family affairs, he does not take Krsna consciousness very seriously
- When a person is too much attracted to his wife and family affairs, he does not take Krsna consciousness very seriously. He thus becomes degraded, not knowing that he cannot buy back even a second of his life in return for millions of dollars
- When he (King Puranjana) saw her (his wife) lying down on the ground without a bed, as if neglected, and devoid of any proper dress, he became very much aggrieved. He then became attracted to her and began to enjoy her company
- When jara, or old age, takes shelter of a devotee, Kalakanya diminishes the devotee's fear
- When mankind follows the disciplic succession, as recommended by Caitanya Mahaprabhu, everyone throughout the world will benefit
- When one becomes too much materially attached, he takes a woman to be everything. This is the basic principle of material attachment. In such a condition, one cannot realize his own self or the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- When one comes to this age (the period of youth from age sixteen to thirty) he thinks that life will go on and that he will simply continue enjoying his senses, but, "Time and tide wait for no man"
- When one is sleeping, the life air remains active in different dreams. The five hoods of the snake indicate that the life air is surrounded by five kinds of air, known as prana, apana, vyana, udana and samana
- When Sukracarya's daughter (Devayani) was married to King Yayati, one of her friends named Sarmistha went with her
- When taxes are collected they are utilized for the sense gratification of the government officials. Such irresponsible politicians forget that there is a time when death will come to take away all their sense gratification
- When the body is inactive, the prana, or the life air, is active
- Whether we squeeze sugar out of the sugarcane with our teeth or a machine, the result is the same - sugarcane juice. We may discover many ways to squeeze the juice out of the sugarcane, but the result is the same
- Within this material world, covered by the material body of subtle and gross matter, every living entity creates actions and reactions, which are herein known allegorically as sons and grandsons
- Without devotional service to the Lord, the activities of life become simply a waste of time. Srama eva hi kevalam. Simply by becoming dutiful we do not make any profit in life
- Without utilizing the human form of life for Krsna consciousness the victims of jara die very soon in this world
- Women especially dress themselves up in the evening because the husband comes home in the evening after working hard all day
- Women in general are very much sexually inclined. Indeed, it is said that a woman's sex desire is nine times stronger than a man's