Category:Speculating about God
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Pages in category "Speculating about God"
The following 81 pages are in this category, out of 81 total.
- A devotee who has received even a small fraction of the mercy of the Lord can understand Him. Others may engage in theoretical speculation to understand the Lord, but they cannot know anything about Him
- Although we (Yamaraja, Indra, Candra, Siva, Brahma and Surya) are in the mode of goodness, we cannot understand the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. What, then, is to be said of others, who, under illusion, merely speculate to know God?
- Although we are in the mode of goodness, we cannot understand the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. What, then, is to be said of others, who, under illusion, merely speculate to know God?
- Amsuman said: My Lord, even Lord Brahma is to this very day unable to understand Your position, which is far beyond himself, either by meditation or by mental speculation
- Anyone who has even a little of the Lord's grace can understand His glories; others may go on speculating on the Absolute Truth, but they will always be unable to understand the Lord
- As long as we go on speculating about God but do not surrender, it is understood that we have not attained the perfection of knowledge
- As soon as we hear the word "God," there is a meaning to it. If we receive that meaning and explanation of "God" from God Himself, then it is perfect. But if we speculate about the meaning of "God," it is imperfect
- Because Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is beyond the material world, one cannot speculate upon Him by any material method. One has to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead simply by the transcendental method of Krsna consciousness
- Because the Lord is not an object that can be understood by speculation with our material senses, He is also called ajita; He will conquer, but no one can conquer Him. What does it mean, then, that still He can be seen
- Especially for understanding God, or God consciousness, speculation is useless. So Lord Caitanya, I mean to say the Bhagavata, says that jnane prayasam udapasya, that that sort of endeavor, speculating, should be given up
- Everyone has some vague idea of God, but no clear idea. Therefore God descends to show what He is. If we speculate on God, someone will think one thing and another person will think another. This is the result of speculation
- God is great. We cannot understand how great He is! That is our folly. We are simply calculating: "He may be one inch greater than me. Or one foot greater than me." That is mental speculation
- God is unlimited, and your speculative power is limited. So you cannot understand God without the mercy of God
- God or anything about God is beyond the limit of our thinking, speculation. Therefore, we have to learn it submissively. Tad viddhi pranipatena. Pranipata means submission
- He (the Lord) is what He is and does not agree to be a subject of their (foolish people's) speculations, which perpetually lead them to conclude that His impersonal feature is supreme
- How they speculate about God? If you cannot understand even a common man, maybe very big in the society, you cannot understand a common man by hearsay
- If anyone is able to develop that attachment, the relationship will be that he will understand God, Krsna, perfectly. However we may try to understand God by our different theories or speculations, it is still a difficult job
- If we speculate about God, that will never be sufficient. Not even we can touch the precincts of the knowledge. If we want knowledge without any doubt, asamsayam, samagram, and complete, then we must hear from God
- If we speculate about God, who is Adhoksaja, who is beyond the range of our mind and speculation, then we can come to the conclusion of Brahman realization, impersonal God, no more than
- If you simply speculate to understand God, He'll remain inconceivable. Even if you endeavor for millions and billions of years, that's not possible
- If you want to know God, you can know Him when He explains Himself. Otherwise, you cannot speculate. God is unlimited, and your speculative power is limited
- If you want to know the Absolute Supreme Personality of Godhead, you cannot speculate, neither meditate. It is not possible, because your senses are very imperfect. So what is the way? Just hear from Him
- In the stage of full satisfaction and detachment from the sensory world, one can know the mystery of the science of God with all its confidential intricacies, and not by grammar or academic speculation
- In the Upanisads it is clearly said that the Supreme Personality of Godhead can never be known simply by working very hard and taxing the good brain, nor can He be known simply by mental speculation and jugglery of words
- It is especially useless to speculate about God. Therefore Srimad-Bhagavatam recommends that all sorts of speculation should be given up
- It is impossible for people to understand the great opulence of Sri Krsna. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu tells us to abandon speculating about God
- It is the duty of everyone to worship devoutly only the Personality of God to achieve his desired goal. The impersonalist, instead of speculating or meditating, can directly execute the routine devotional service and thus easily obtain the desired goal
- Jnana-kanda means to understand things very properly. So jnana-kanda is simply speculation, because there is no knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So that is also risky. So only bhakti-marga is not risky
- Jnanis they are also mahatmas, speculating what is the Absolute Truth. They are also called mahatma. But this mahatma, bhajanty ananya-manaso, without any deviation, this mahatma is very rare. Sa mahatma sudurlabhah
- Krsna is explaining Himself. God is explaining what is God. That is real knowledge. If you speculate on God, it is not possible. You cannot understand
- Krsna is there, and Krsna is explaining Himself, "I am like this." But unfortunately we'll not understand Krsna, but we'll try to speculate what is God. This is our disease
- Let me (mother Yasoda) simply offer my obeisances, for He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) is beyond my contemplation, speculation and meditation. He is beyond all of my material activities - 10.8.41
- Let me (mother Yasoda) surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead and offer my obeisances unto Him, who is beyond the conception of human speculation, the mind, activities, words and arguments - SB 10.8.41
- Lord Brahma said to Lord Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead: But those who speculate to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead are unable to know You, even though they continue to study the Vedas for many years - SB 10.14.29
- Narottama dasa Thakura says in his prema-bhakti-candrika, karma-kanda, jnana-kanda, kevala visera bhanda: both karma-kanda and jnana-kanda - fruitive activities and speculation about the Supreme Lord - are like pots of poison
- No one can satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead by such activities (impersonal speculation, monism, speculative knowledge, mystic yoga and meditation), nor do we give the Lord a chance to sit in our hearts peacefully
- O Lord (Visnu), Your transcendental name and form are not ascertained by those who merely speculate on the path of imagination. Your name, form and attributes can be ascertained only through devotional service - SB 10.2.36
- One can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead when one is even slightly favored by Him; otherwise, without His mercy, a man may speculate for thousands of years and not understand what is actually the Absolute Truth
- One cannot manufacture a God by one's mental speculation or by numerical votes, as has become a practice for the less intelligent class of men
- One should not guess or speculate about an incarnation of God or the Personality of Godhead. One has to learn from the bona fide person or from the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, as Arjuna did, by the mercy of Krsna
- Ordinary person cannot understand God can be person. He thinks that "God must be a person like me." His limited knowledge, speculator, poor fund of knowledge, he thinks that "God must be like me"
- Our process is - we have repeatedly explained this - that we do not speculate about God. Just like there are so many others, theosophists and theologists, they're speculating what is God. They don't accept
- Simply to imagine or speculate is a waste of time
- So we cannot speculate about God, but we can understand about God from authorities. This is the conception of Bhagavata-dharma. So the human life is especially meant for understanding God. That is the version of the Vedanta-sutra, Vedanta philosophy
- So we should give up this habit of speculating to understand God. One should become submissive, jnane prayasam udapasya namanta eva, that very submissive to hear from the right person
- The Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, is at least partially understood by devotees of the Lord, but the Mayavadi philosophers, who unnecessarily speculate to understand the Absolute Truth, simply waste their time
- The Atlantic Ocean, - the friend replies. "Oh, the Atlantic Ocean! Is it bigger than this well? Is it four feet? Ten feet?" Our attempt to speculate about God is very much like this
- The devotees are therefore (because devotional service is superior to merging with Brahman) never advised to indulge in speculating upon the nature of the Supreme or artificially meditating on the the void
- The foolish with a poor fund of knowledge cannot know the transcendental nature of the forms, names and activities of the Lord, who is playing like an actor in a drama. Nor can they express such things, neither in their speculations nor in their words
- The imperfect knower goes on simply speculating about the Absolute Truth. BG 1972 purports
- The impersonalists say that God cannot be seen. God can be seen by the light of God and not by man-made speculations. Here this light is specifically mentioned as vidyat, which is an order by the Lord to Brahma
- The impersonalists speculate on the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotees and subject them to the tests of direct perception. However, the Lord, His devotee and His devotional service are not subject to direct perception
- The Lord tells Arjuna that basically there is no possibility of understanding the Supreme Truth, the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, simply by speculating. BG 1972 purports
- The mahatmas are not concerned with knowing the Lord by mental speculation because they enjoy hearing about His glorious activities in His transcendental dealings with His devotees or with the demons
- The next class is those people who are fatigued or frustrated in sense gratification and therefore want liberation from this material entanglement. And then there are those who, in search of knowledge, speculate about what the Absolute Truth is
- The Personality of Godhead can be experienced only by His causeless mercy, not by mental speculation or with the help of the material senses
- The Personality of Godhead is unapproachable by those who are habituated to speculation about the Absolute Truth in terms of experimental scientific thought, without reference to the transcendental vibration
- The speculators, the jnanis, go on speculating about the Supreme Personality of Godhead for many, many hundreds of thousands of years, but unless one is favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one cannot understand His supreme glories
- There are certain philosophical speculations that even the Lord is under the obligations of fruitive action. But actually this is not the case. He does not depend on the action of any good or bad work
- There are so many speculators, theosophist, theologist, philosopher, Mayavadi. They are speculating about God by . . . but that, by that process, by speculative process, you cannot understand God. That is not possible
- There are so many speculators, theosophist, theologist, philosopher, Mayavadi. They are speculating about God by... But that, by that process, by speculative process, you cannot understand God
- There is no need to speculate, "What is God? Where is God?" Why foolishly go on searching? Here is God - Krsna
- These rascal speculation of God is like the speculation of the frog about Atlantic Ocean. Mundane philosopher, scientist, they are thinking of God in that way, the Dr. Frog's philosophy. Dr. Frog's philosophy will not help you to understand what is God
- This is the statement of Brahma, that one should give up the nonsense process of mental speculation, "God may be like this; God may be like that." No. God is not manufactured by your mental speculation
- Those who are philosophers, speculating what is God, what is the Absolute Truth, they cannot know. That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 10.14.29
- To chant the holy name of Krsna one does not need to speculate on the philosophical aspects of the science of God, for one automatically becomes ecstatic and without consideration immediately chants, dances, laughs, cries and sings just like a madman
- To discourage such imaginative speculation, He descends and exhibits Himself as He is, as Syamasundara. Unfortunately, the less intelligent deride Him because He comes as one of us and plays with us as a human being. BG 1972 Introduction
- To understand God and the devotee by the parampara system is the process of knowledge. There is no need to speculate about God and His devotee. One should accept the statements of a bona fide devotee and thus try to understand
- We cannot manufacture God; neither we can speculate. That is not possible. But you can get some idea, but there is no possibility of getting perfect knowledge of God. God is unlimited. I am limited. So my speculative knowledge is limited
- We do not know how great is God. We simply say that, "God is great" and speculate like the frog philosopher
- We have to acquire knowledge of God through these senses. But in our conditional life, the senses are all impure. Therefore these senses cannot understand God simply by speculating
- We have to know the Supreme Personality of Godhead through authority, not by speculation. Speculation is no use
- We simply say that, "God is great" & speculate like the frog philosopher, "He may be one inch greater than me. All right, ten inches greater than me. Or ten feet greater than." like that. Similarly, if God is so great, then what service we can offer Him?
- Where is the difficulty to find out God? They are searching after God, making research, all nonsense speculation. This is our Krsna consciousness movement, that "Why you are searching?"
- Whether one practices yoga or speculates and does research to find God, one's efforts must be mixed with the process of devotion. Without devotion, nothing can be perfect
- You can understand your real father only by the certificate of your mother. That's all. Therefore our Vedic mantra says that religion and God cannot be manufactured by speculation
- You haven't got to speculate just like so many theosophists and philosophers and theologists who are trying to speculate to understand what is God. Why you are speculating, wasting your time? Why not take full knowledge here?