Category:Span of Life
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Pages in category "Span of Life"
The following 85 pages are in this category, out of 85 total.
- A man in ignorance does not know that when the sun rises early in the morning it begins to take away the balance of his life. Thus day after day the span of one's life is reduced
- A manvantara, the life-span of one Manu, is given as 71 multiplied by 4,320,000 years. After one such Manu passes on, another Manu begins his life-span. In this way the life cycle of the universe is going on
- Actually the living entity does not take birth nor does he die, but he has to fight with the stringent laws of material nature throughout the entire span of his lifetime. He must also face different kinds of miserable conditions
- All these days and nights combine to pass away our span of life and everything we manufacture for sense gratification
- Almost everyone is short span of life. Prayenalpayusah kalav asmin yuge janah (SB 1.1.10). Kalau. In this age, kalau. It is not for a particular nation or party or religion. Everyone is subjected to the laws of nature
- Although Lord Brahma has a long life-span (4,320,000,000 years constitute twelve hours in a day of Brahma), Brahma is afraid of death and consequently engages in the devotional service of the Lord
- Although the Manus have such a long life-span, they still prepare for the next life by engaging in the devotional service of the Lord
- Although this life-span (of one million celestial years) was so long, the Pracetas were given full bodily strength by the grace of the Lord
- Animals offered for the yajna were rejuvenated to a new span of life by the transcendental power of chanting the Vedic hymns, which, if properly chanted, are different from what is understood by the common layman
- As the sun rises and sets, it snatches away the balance of our life-span. Thus as each day passes, each one of us loses some of life's duration
- At the present moment, how the whole world, whole atmosphere, is condemned is described in the next verse (SB 1.1.10) The first qualification is short span of life. In India the average age, span of life, is thirty years. The vitality is so reduced
- Days are considered to be white, and nights are considered to be black, there are two kinds of nights - black nights and white nights. All these days and nights combine to pass away our span of life and everything we manufacture for sense gratification
- Despite the opportunities for attaining such births, even if one gets the life-span of a demigod, if one does not actually engage in the service of the Lord, everything is useless
- Each Manu lives 4,320,000 years multiplied by 71. The present Manu has already lived for 4,320,000 years multiplied by 28. All these long life-spans are ultimately ended by the laws of material nature
- Even in this life-span we can sometimes experience dreams of our childhood. Although such incidents now appear strange, it is to be understood that they are recorded in the mind. Because of this, they become visible in dreams
- First qualification is that their life is very short span of life. Then again, mandah, lazy. They do not know; ill-educated. They do not know what is the aim of life. Mandah, or slow
- For a human being, who has only a maximum one-hundred-year duration of life, a span of life spreading over millions of years is certainly considered to be deathless
- If one submissively hears and chants about the all-auspicious Maharaja Bharata, one's life span and material opulences certainly increase. One can become very famous and easily attain promotion to the heavenly planets, or attain liberation
- If you are simply satisfied only by living a bigger span of life, is that very success? Just stop death. That is success. To become very strong in body, that is not success. But either you become strong and weak, you have to die
- In all higher planets, since the span of life is far greater than that of the human being, the denizens are called deathless by imagination, although actually no one within the material universe is deathless
- In every day of Brahma there are fourteen manvantaras. The duration of one manvantara, the lifespan of one Manu, is seventy-one yugas, and each yuga is 4,320,000 years
- In the Vaikuntha planets everything is eternally peaceful, yet a pure devotee does not even aspire to be promoted there. But still he gets that advantage; he enjoys all the facilities of the material & spiritual worlds, even during the present life-span
- In this age human beings only live for sixty or eighty years, and even this small life-span is gradually decreasing
- In this age their life is very short. Span of life is very short. And manda, all bad, not good men
- In this country also the vitality is being reduced, strength is being reduced. The more the Kali-yuga will advance the vitality will be reduced, the strength of the.... Therefore the span of life will be reduced
- In this material world, every human being has a short span of life, but those who are engaged in devotional service go back home, back to Godhead, for they are actually on the path of liberation. For such persons, there is nothing which is not available
- It is a long film spool of actions and reactions, and one life-span is just a flash in such a reactionary show
- Kardama Muni was in the hermitage practicing complete celibacy as a brahmacari, and although he had the desire to marry, he did not want to be a householder for the whole span of his life because he was conversant with the Vedic principles of human life
- King Puranjana became very much captivated by his beautiful wife and deviated from his good sense. He forgot that the passing of days and nights meant that his span of life was being reduced without profit
- Living like an animal, not understanding the goal of life, one foolishly thinks that there is no eternity and that his life span of fifty, sixty, or, at the most, one hundred years, is everything. This is the greatest foolishness
- Love of Godhead is so exalted that it is considered to be the fifth goal of human life. By awakening one's love of Godhead, one can attain the platform of conjugal love, tasting it even during the present span of life
- Materialistic people do not care to know how the evolutionary process is taking place, nor are they eager to know what will happen after they finish their small human life span. This is the attitude of sudras
- My dear King Pracinabarhisat, the sons of Malayadhvaja gave birth to many thousands and thousands of sons, and all of these have been protecting the entire world up to the end of one Manu's life-span and even afterward
- On every planet, however, the span of life for a human being is roughly one hundred years. According to the life-spans on different planets, the standards of living also differ
- One can be happy during the span of life and ultimately return to Godhead
- One hundred years is significant in this connection (SB 4.25.43) because every human being is given the concession to live up to a hundred years. The span of life is different on different planets, according to the planet's distance from the sun
- One should be extremely careful to utilize the span of his life for spiritual realization, or Krsna consciousness
- One who desires a long span of life should worship the demigods known as the Asvini-kumaras
- Only by the yogic process can one prolong the life. By stopping the breathing process, keeping in samadhi, the breath period is not being misused, and he increases the life span. Therefore, destiny can only be changed by devotional service or yoga
- Our losing our life-span is taken as advancement of age. This imperceptible passing away of the days of life is figuratively referred to in this verse (SB 4.27.13) as Gandharvas
- Padma Purana said, "Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Lord Krsna, because if someone remembers Him, either at the time of death or during his span of life, he becomes freed from all sinful reactions"
- People become awestruck when they learn that the life span on Brahmaloka is many millions of years. One has to undergo severe austerities and renunciation, accepting the sannyasa order of life, in order to reach Brahmaloka
- People do not show any mercy. And ksama. Ksama means forgiveness. That is also being reduced. Memory reduced, merciful reduced, span of life reduced, bodily strength reduced, health is reduced. This is the symptom of Kali-yuga
- The 360 days and 360 nights combine to become the 720 soldiers of Candavega (time). One has to fight these soldiers throughout one's lifespan, beginning with birth and ending with death. This fight is called the struggle for existence
- The aquatics live within water for their whole life-span. Certain favorable conditions are created to enable them to live within water
- The demigod planets means their higher standard of life and span of life, more facilities, thousands and thousands - they are beyond our imagination. Just like Brahma, Brahmas life is described in the Bhagavad-gita, only one day: sahasra-yuga-paryantam
- The denizens of the heavenly kingdom are called amara, or deathless, due to their possessing a long span of life, far greater than that of the human beings
- The distress and happiness obtained during the span of life are called iha, and the distress and happiness obtained in the next life are called paratra
- The faculty to discharge semen is the cause of death. Therefore, yogis and transcendentalists who want to live for greater spans of life voluntarily restrain themselves from discharging semen
- The frogs, frog's tongue, very busy in croaking. But it, it, it is means inviting death. Similarly, by talking nonsense we allow our span of life being diminished by the sunrise and sunset, but if we talk about the SPG, then our life cannot be taken away
- The great sage Narada said: When a living entity is born to engage in the DS of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the supreme controller, his birth, all his fruitive activities, his life-span, his mind and his words are all factually perfect
- The great sage Narada then addressed King Pracinabarhisat: O one whose life-span is great (virat), in this way King Puranjana begot 1,100 sons within the womb of his wife, Puranjani. However, in this business he passed away half of his life-span
- The idea is that one will be able to enjoy himself more, have a longer life span, more opulence, more beautiful women, nice gardens and so on. Actually this is the case, but a devotee is not at all interested in these things because he accepts Krsna
- The knowledge that we gather by our education in the schools and colleges may help us temporarily in the study of some particular subject in the present span of life, but this acquisition of knowledge cannot satisfy our eternal need
- The span of human life is scheduled for about a hundred years, although it is gradually decreasing. Thanks to the culture of nescience, befooled men have created their own nations within these planets in order to grasp sense enjoyment
- The sunshine, sunrise and sunset, means decreasing our life. It is very nice example. The sun's business is to take away a portion of your span of life. But he cannot take away the portion of the life of a devotee. Because a devotee is going to live
- The time factor cannot affect the span of life of the devotees
- The time factor cannot touch the lifespan of the devotees. In another verse it is stated that when the sun rises and sets it takes away the life of all living entities, but it cannot take away the life of those who are engaged in devotional service
- The time factor, however, is so strong that not only is our span of life being expended, but all the machines and facilities for sense gratification are deteriorating
- The Vedas describe that those who live on higher planets live upward to ten thousand earth years. Yet despite such a long life span, death awaits everyone
- They (the ignorant people) do not know that this span of life in a particular type of body is but a flash in the eternal journey
- They are thinking that "Here this small span of life, say fifty years, sixty years, hundred years utmost, if we get a nice wife, a nice apartment and nice motorcar, running with seventy miles speed, and a nice whiskey bottle. . ." That is his perfection
- They forget completely that one day their small life spans will be finished and they will be degraded in the evolutionary cycle
- This plundering of our possessions and life-span begins with the day of our birth. One day will come when death will finish everything, and the living entity will have to enter another body to begin another chapter of life and again begin the cycle
- This span of life in a particular type of body is but a flash in the eternal journey. Not knowing this fact, the mass of people take the small flash of life to be everything, and they waste time in improving economic conditions
- This unhappiness is present on all the higher planets, despite a longer life span, higher standards of enjoyment and comfort. That is due to the law of material nature
- Those who are too much sexually addicted become victims of jara, and very soon their life-span is shortened
- Those who live as brahmacaris must follow in the footsteps of the great sage Narada Muni, who never accepted the proposals of Jara. Those who are too much sexually addicted become victims of jara, and very soon their life-span is shortened
- Though its revolution cuts short the life-span of the entire creation, this wheel of tremendous velocity cannot touch the life-span of the devotees of the Lord
- Too much attachment for hearth and home is never recommended by a self-realized soul. Therefore the span of human life should be methodically divided
- Under the spell of maya, or illusion, he does not consider the past or future but is simply satisfied with the short life span that he has gotten for the present. To eradicate this illusion, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has brought the sankirtana movement
- Unless his total life-span was one hundred thousand years, how could Dhruva Maharaja reign over the world for thirty-six thousand years
- Unless one is advanced to this pure state of devotional service, there is a tendency to desire elevation to a higher material position. A mixed devotee may desire to enjoy a comfortable life on another planet with a greater span of life
- What was previously explained as Candavega, powerful time, is covered by days and nights, named Gandharvas and Gandharvis. The body's life-span is gradually reduced by the passage of days and nights, which number 360
- When a person mistreats great souls, his life span, opulence, reputation, religion, possessions and good fortune are all destroyed
- When one mistreats great souls, his life span, opulence, reputation, religion, possessions and good fortune are all destroyed
- Yogis and transcendentalists who want to live for greater spans of life voluntarily restrain themselves from discharging semen
- You are changing your body from childhood, from babyhood to childhood, childhood to boyhood, boyhood to youth-hood, in this way we have got different bodies in this life, in this span of life. Similarly, after this body you will have to accept another