Category:Sex Attraction
Pages in category "Sex Attraction"
The following 42 pages are in this category, out of 42 total.
- A woman first attracts a man to fulfill his sexual desires by the beautiful features of her face, by the beautiful slope of her breasts and also by her waist
- All these living entities who are in this material world, beginning from the higher planetary system down to the ants and germs and flies. This is the primary enjoyment, sex. The central attraction is sex
- As stated by Rsabhadeva, the entire world is going on under the spell of sexual attraction and desire between man and woman
- Generally, if one's wife becomes very beautiful, he (the householder) forgets his real duty, Krsna consciousness, and he simply becomes a pet servant of the wife. Therefore Rupa Gosvami says, one should not be attracted for sex life
- Generally, of course, one is not sexually attracted to his mother, sister or daughter, but if one allows himself to sit very close to such a woman, one may be attracted. This is a psychological fact
- If anyone wants to be aloof from sex attraction, he must see the charming smile and fascinating eyebrows of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If the husband sees the wife as very beautiful, it is to be assumed that he is too much attracted to her. This attraction is the attraction of sex
- If you increase your attraction for Krsna, then naturally you lose attraction for sex. That is Krsna consciousness
- In Krsna all of these tendencies (sex attraction, etc.) and manifestations exist in pure consciousness, in spirit. One who knows this, in full knowledge, becomes a pure devotee of Krsna
- In the material world everyone is very busy dressing himself very nicely in order to be sexually attractive, but if we try to dress Krsna nicely, we will forget our own material dress
- In the society of the servitors and served in Krsna consciousness, one is not subjected to the pains and pleasures of material society, which functions according to sex attraction
- It has been seen that a so-called devotee proclaims himself a follower of Nanda, Yasoda or the gopis, while at the same time his abominable attraction for mundane sex life is visible
- It is said that if one's body is smeared with turmeric, it attracts the lusty desires of the opposite sex
- Learning the etiquette of how to deal with women does not free one from sexual attraction. As specifically mentioned herewith (SB 9.19.17), such attraction is possible even with one's mother, sister or daughter
- Lord Brahma's being attracted by his daughter is the vivid example that no one is exempt from sexual attraction to woman
- Materialists are certainly very much attracted by sexual intercourse. Yan maithunadi-grhamedhi-sukham hi tuccham (SB 7.9.45). Although one becomes a grhastha, or householder, to enjoy sex life to his heart's content, one is never satisfied
- My dear Lord, O infallible one, my position is like that of a person who has many wives, all trying to attract him in their own way. For example, the tongue is attracted to palatable dishes, the genitals to sex with an attractive woman
- That is Radha-Krsna. That is real love. There is no separation. There is no cheating. There is no divorce. There is no sex attraction. Simply for love's sake, loving, that is real love
- The attraction here, the center of attraction, is sex. So, boys and girls or any, in younger age there is that sex impulse increase and want mating. A female wants male; male wants female. This is the attraction
- The attraction of loving affairs on the basis of sex feeling is the original feature of the SPG, & we, the conditioned souls, being part and parcel of the Supreme, have such feelings also, but they are experienced within a perverted, minute condition
- The charming brows of the Supreme Personality of Godhead protect the sages and devotees from being charmed by material lust and sex attraction
- The creator has constructed women in such a way that their beautiful voices and movements and the beautiful features of their hips, their breasts, and the other parts of their bodies attract the members of the opposite sex, and awaken their lusty desires
- The gopis are expansions of His internal energy, but because Krsna wanted to exhibit the rasa-lila, they appeared as ordinary human beings. In the material world, pleasure is ultimately manifested in the sex attraction between man and woman
- The instruction is that even such personalities may be sexually attracted, so how much we shall remain careful. This is the instruction
- The male is attracted by the female, and the female is attracted by the male. Pumsah striya mithuni-bhavam. But what is that attraction, central point? Sex life
- The outward dress is made of matter by material nature to attract the opposite sex and thus keep one entangled in material existence. A liberated soul is above this perverted distinction
- The precarious condition of a householder's life is described herein (SB 5.13.18). A householder's life is full of misery, and the only attraction is sex with the wife who kicks him during sexual intercourse, just as the she-ass does her mate
- The sex drive is so strong in the living entities that the whole material world is running on sex attraction only, and it is due to sex attraction that one remains in the material world and is obliged to accept different types of bodies
- The wise man understands that this tendency (of sexual attraction) is in Krsna and that it is revealed in His relationships with the damsels of Vraja
- There was but one victim like Ajamila in those days, but in this age of Kali the poor innocent students are daily victims of cinemas which attract men only for sex indulgence
- This whole world is going on by the sex attraction, and when they come together, the both of them become spoiled. Therefore it has to be dealt with very, very carefully, so many rules, regulation
- We know from Srimad-Bhagavatam that Ajamila, an innocent son of a brahmana, was walking down a road and saw a sudra pair sexually embracing. This attracted the boy, and later on the boy became a victim of all debaucheries
- When man and woman unite, the hard knot of this attraction becomes increasingly tight, and thus a man is implicated in the materialistic way of life. This is the illusion of the material world
- When one is captured by sexual attraction, he becomes implicated in so many ways and cannot understand the real aim of life
- Without any training there is a natural attraction due to the sex impulse. This is a material example, but the devotee is praying that he may develop a similar spontaneous attachment for the Supreme Lord