Category:Remaining in this Material World
Pages in category "Remaining in this Material World"
The following 72 pages are in this category, out of 72 total.
- A pure devotee is never entangled in material worldly affairs even though he may remain in the world like an ordinary man
- All the living entities within this material world have revolted against the service of the Lord, and they remain within this material world as ever conditioned, nitya-baddha, taking birth again and again
- Arjuna was born in a saintly royal family. To him also the Lord says, "Take to My devotional service and come quickly back to Godhead, back home." No one should remain in this temporary world, full as it is with miseries. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna, five thousand years ago, he was given lesson about this, that "You are not this body, you are soul." The same problem is now also for the foolish person, because he will always remain in the world, and the intelligent man is to teach him
- As long as we have to remain within this material world due to our material contamination and wander from one type of body to another and from one planet to another, we pray that we may associate with those who are engaged in discussing Your pastimes
- At the time of death we can either remain in the inferior energy of this material world, or we can transfer to the energy of the spiritual world. BG 1972 Introduction
- At the time of death, either we can remain in the material energy, or this material world, or we can transfer into the spiritual world
- Because of their (those who want to remain in this world) attachment to material activity, they cannot attain liberation, either by the instructions of superior persons or by their own endeavor or by passing resolutions in big conferences - SB 7.5.30
- Because their (those who want to remain in this material world) senses are uncontrolled, they gradually descend to the darkest regions of material existence to repeat the same process of birth and death in desirable or undesirable species of life
- Brahma said, "Persons who do not know that You are the Supreme Soul remain within this material world in spite of their so-called meditation"
- By hurling the thunderbolt, Indra would gain victory and enjoy the heavenly planets, remaining in the material world for repeated birth and death. Indra wanted to gain victory over Vrtrasura & thereby become happy, but that would not at all be happiness
- By killing Vrtrasura, Indra would not actually gain; he would remain in the material world. Vrtrasura, however, would go to the spiritual world. Therefore victory was destined for Vrtrasura, not for Indra
- By the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the nitya-siddha remains within this material world like an ordinary man, but the only business of the nitya-siddha is to broadcast the glories of the Lord
- Either they (those who are acting in the modes of passion and ignorance) will have to remain in this material world as human beings, or they will descend among the species of animals or even lower life forms. BG 1972 purports
- Even one has got nice guru, he cannot also get Krsna consciousness if he has determined himself to remain in this material world
- Even one who has a nice guru cannot remain Krsna conscious if he is determined to remain in this material world. If my determination is to remain in this material world to enjoy material life, then for me Krsna consciousness is impossible
- He (the living entity) remains within the material world simply for the purpose of sense gratification & transmigrates from one body to another. His process of reproducing so many sons & grandsons results in so-called societies, nations, communities
- Here (in SB 3.32.1) the Lord is speaking about the grhamedhi, or the person who wants to remain in this material world
- If one is attracted by this root of illusory conceptions - "I" and "mine" - he will have to remain within this material world in different exalted or nasty positions
- If one is infected by rajo-guna and tamo-guna, he may remain in this world or go down to the animal kingdom. But all of these situations are hindrances on the path of spiritual salvation
- If one is misled by unwanted creepers and is victimized, he cannot make progress back to Godhead. Rather, he remains within the material world and engages in activities having nothing to do with pure devotional service
- If we chant offensively, then we remain in the material world. Bhaktivinoda Thakura has said, namaksara bahiraya nama nahi haya. It is mechanical, "Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna," but still it is not Hare Krsna
- If we do not take to devotional service in Krsna consciousness, we have to remain within this material world and endure the repetition of birth and death due to the effects of jnana-kanda and karma-kanda
- If we keep the mind engaged in material activities for sense gratification, it will cause continuous bondage and will make us remain in this material world in different bodies, suffering the consequences of our different actions
- If you develop the quality of goodness, then you are promoted to the higher planetary system. If you do not develop further, if you remain whatever quality you have got, just now you remain within this world
- If you want false enjoyment, then you remain in this material world in the darkness
- If you want real life of eternal enjoyment, then you have to stop (sense enjoyment). If you don't stop, then you remain here
- If you want to remain in this material world and do hard work for sense gratification, that chance will be given to you. But if you want to go back to home, back to Godhead, that chance also will be given to you
- In the Bhagavad-gita (9.25) it is clearly said that those who worship the pitrs, or forefathers, attain the planets of the forefathers, that the gross materialists who make plans to remain here stay in this world
- In western countries it is very open talk. And open business also… So one should give up this material sense gratification. The more you become entangled in material sense gratification, more you'll have to remain in this material world
- It simply expands its jurisdiction of pious and impious activities by using the senses. The result is that the living entity remains in the material world to enjoy and suffer pleasures and pains due to material activity
- Like the gopis, one who is always absorbed in thought of the Lord is beyond the material platform and will not remain in this material world
- Lord Visnu advised King Prthu that everyone should follow the principles of varnasrama-dharma; then, in whatever capacity one remains within this material world, his salvation is guaranteed after death
- One who wants to remain here in the material world for material enjoyment has no business entering into the eternal kingdom of God. The Lord favors such a foolish devotee by snatching all that he may possess in the material world
- Our business is to go back to the spiritual world, not that we remain in the material world and change body from bad to worse or worse to good. That is not our business
- Sat means "existence," and asat means "that which does not exist," that which is temporary. The material world is asat; therefore the Vedas enjoin: asato ma sad gama: - Do not remain within this material world
- Sex life is the cause of bondage of the conditioned soul to remain in the material world. If one can conquer over the sex impulses voluntarily, he conquers over the influence of material nature
- So long one will be engaged in sense enjoyment in different varieties, he will have to remain within this material world
- So long we serve our senses and mind we remain in this material world, prakrti-sthani. And as soon as we revive our real consciousness, Krsna consciousness - we serve Krsna - that is liberation
- So long you have to remain within this material world with material desires, then you have to change your body according to your desires, and there are 8,400,000 forms of bodies you have to accept. There is no guarantee
- Such a person (misled and victimized by unwanted creepers) may be elevated to the higher planetary systems, but because he remains within the material world, he is subjected to the threefold material miseries
- The creeper greatly expands in the Goloka Vrndavana planet, and there it produces the fruit of love for Krsna. Although remaining in the material world, the gardener regularly sprinkles the creeper with the water of hearing and chanting
- The demigods in the heavenly planets, and many devotees on this planet also, want to remain in the material world as devotees of the Lord and take advantage of material happiness
- The external energy is this material world, the internal energy is the spiritual world, and the marginal energy is the living entity. The living entity is marginal because he can remain in the material world or the spiritual world
- The fruitive activities of this material world are such that whether one acts piously or impiously one must remain within the material world according to different conditions
- The intelligent person will say that "What is the use of going to the higher planet or remaining here if I have to prepare my own body for the next life? Why not prepare my next life to associate with Krsna?" This is intelligence
- The less intelligent jivas try to remain within this material world and are accordingly elevated and degraded in the various planetary systems. BG 1972 purports
- The less intelligent, who try to remain within this material world, may be elevated to higher planets and then again must come down to this planet earth
- The living entity who enjoys the interaction of the above gross and subtle ingredients, as set up by eternal time, is an offshoot of internal potency, with freedom to remain either in the material world or in the spiritual world
- The Lord does not want any one of His innumerable sons (the living entities) to remain in the material world of threefold miseries to perpetually suffer the material pangs of birth, death, old age and disease
- The position in space may remain the same, just as we remain in the material world or the spiritual world, but if our Krsna consciousness is strong, we are not in the material world
- The sex drive is so strong in the living entities that the whole material world is running on sex attraction only, and it is due to sex attraction that one remains in the material world and is obliged to accept different types of bodies
- The spiritual world is eternal. The material world is temporary. We are spirit soul. We are eternal. Therefore our business is to go back to the spiritual world, not that we remain in the material world and change body from bad to worse
- The Vedas direct everyone not to remain in the darkness of the material world but to go towards the light of the spiritual kingdom far beyond the material sky
- The Vedas enjoin: "Don't remain in the darkness of this material world. Go to the light of the spiritual world." To counteract the distress of this material body, one has to take on another distressed condition. Both situations are only illusion
- The water is the same, but due to seasonal changes, sometimes the water is very pleasing and sometimes it is very painful. So long we shall remain in the material world, the pains and pleasure on account of this material body we have to feel
- The whole Vedic literature is meant for taking you to the spiritual world. Tamasi ma jyotir gama: Don't remain in this material world of darkness. Come to the spiritual world
- The yogis and empiric philosophers desire cessation of the process of birth and death, but a devotee is satisfied to remain even in this material world and execute devotional service
- This Krsna consciousness movement means we are trying to invoke that original consciousness that he's part and parcel of Krsna. Why he should remain in this material world and suffer the threefold miseries
- Those interested in materialistic activities remain in the cycle of birth and death. Pravrtti-marga, or the inclination to stay in the material world to enjoy varieties of sense gratification, has been explained in the previous verse - SB 7.15.50-51
- Those who are in the mode of passion remain within this material world on the earth or on heavenly planets, but those who are in the mode of ignorance are degraded to an animal life on planets where life is lower than human
- Those who are interested in remaining in this material world and are not interested in spiritual salvation have many duties, but for one who is interested in spiritual salvation, the only duty is to surrender fully unto Krsna
- Those who are under the misconception that the living entity and the Supreme Lord are equal in all respects, both qualitatively and quantitatively, are mistaken, and they are still bound to remain in the material world
- Those who have made up their minds to remain in this material world and enjoy sense gratification cannot become Krsna conscious - SB 7.5.30
- Uddhava is not inferior to Me in any way because he is never affected by the modes of material nature. Therefore he may remain in this world in order to disseminate specific knowledge of the Personality of Godhead
- Unless you become pessimistic, you will not be able to go back to home. If you have little attraction for this world - "It is good" - then you have to remain here. Yes. Krsna is so strict