Category:Real Duty
Pages in category "Real Duty"
The following 43 pages are in this category, out of 43 total.
- Addressing him (Gargamuni) very politely, he (Nanda) said, “My dear brahmana, your appearance in a householder’s place is only to enlighten. We are always engaged in household duties and are forgetting our real duty of self-realization"
- All the bhaktas who have basically accepted that "God is great; I am small, very small particle. Therefore, as the small serves the great, my real duty is to serve God," this is liberation
- All types of fruitive results actually come from the spirit soul, but because he has forgotten his real duty, he is embarrassed by many material consequences such as fear and attachment. The only remedy is to revert to the service of the Lord
- Although he (Yudhisthira Maharaja) was also great politician, he had to fight in the Battle of Kuruksetra, he had to adopt diplomacy, everything, but not that he would forget his real duty
- As you have already stated, the principle of religion that doesn't hinder one's economic development, sense gratification, fame & means of livelihood is the real occupational duty of the householder. I also think that this religious principle is correct
- Being afraid of death, we should not deviate from our duties, real duty. That is Vedic civilization
- Being the life air of every living entity, the Lord is the maintainer of the three worlds. Consequently He can induce every living entity to engage in his real life's duty with full bodily and mental strength
- His duty (sannyasi's duty) is a most responsible one; it is to work for Krsna. Moreover, this is the real duty for everyone in all stages of life
- Husband & wife should execute religious life, spiritual cultivation. That is the purpose of becoming householder. Grhastha-asrama. Not that I become attracted by wife & I become absorbed in simply sex relation & forget my real duty, KC. That is dangerous
- If you become yourself Krsna conscious, and if you try to make your son Krsna conscious, that you can do. And that is the duty, real duty. Other things, you cannot do anything. That is destiny
- It is my duty to become Krsna conscious and to serve the cause of Krsna. Oh, that is my duty. That is my real duty. - When we come to this knowledge, then we become mahatma, or the great soul
- Real duty in the human form of life is here is a chance whether you want to go to back to home, back to Godhead, or again you want to go to hell, the repetition of birth and death. That is your choice
- Real duty in the human form of life is whether you want to go back to home, back to Godhead, or you want to go to hell, repetition of birth and death. That is your choice. Otherwise why there are so many scriptures, religious system, all over the world?
- Real duty is Krsna consciousness. That is normal duty. All, all other duties are abnormal duties, crazy duties. Just like pagala, they're all crazy
- Sanatana Gosvami is giving us the example. Apana-krpate kaha 'kartavya' amara. Kartavya means duty. - Now what is my duty? I have left my so-called duty, ministership. Now I am interested in my real duty, so kindly speak to me what is my duty
- Sva-pitre kupitam prabhum - Don't think that it is our duty; it is your (Prahlada Maharaja's) duty. Although we are Brahma, Laksmi, all right. So real duty is yours
- That (to serve Krsna) is the real duty. But people do not know that. They are manufacturing their duty
- The duty of the government or king is not to increase military power unnecessarily; the real duty of the government is to see that the people of the state advance in Krsna consciousness
- The king's real duty is to see that the citizens gradually become fully Krsna conscious. Krsna conscious means completely free from all sinful activities
- The living force is always dynamic, therefore the living entity cannot stop discharging duties. Real duty begins in Krishna Consciousness
- The real occupational duty of the living entity is called sanatana-dharma. Dharma means not religion. Dharma means the natural characteristic. That is dharma
- The real occupational duty of the living entity is to serve the Lord. Even if one prefers to deviate from this principle he remains a servant because that is his eternal position; but one serves maya, the illusory, material energy
- The scarcity is that nobody's doing his real duty. Guna-karma-vibhagasah (BG 4.13). And people are exploiting. There is competition, dissatisfaction, fight. So many things, sinful activities. The whole society is polluted
- There are different duties, but the real duty is samsiddhir hari-tosanam (SB 1.2.13), whether you have satisfied Krsna. Then you'll have done all duties
- There is no question of separate attempt - philanthropy, philosophy and nationalism, this "ism," that "ism." We have discovered so many things and diversion of the real duty. That we shall have to concentrate. That is siddhanta
- They are thinking that, "We are doing our duty." What is this nonsense duty? Real duty is to develop Krsna consciousness. If you are missing that point, the so-called duty is simply wasting
- They do not know the real duty is to approach Visnu, svartha-gatim, interest. They are thinking, "This is my interest." But real duty is svartha-gatim
- This is perfect civilization, that one should not forget the real duty. The real duty is to fulfill the mission of the human life. The mission of human life is to understand God
- We have fallen into . . . under certain circumstances, so we have to take care of. The real duty is to how to save myself from this material entanglement
- We have to learn from Arjuna that when we are perplexed, when we forget our real duty, and therefore we are puzzled, then our duty is to approach Krsna, as Arjuna is doing
- Who is a demon? A demon's first qualification is he does not know what is real duty, or what one should do and what one should not do
- You are thinking that "I'm doing my duty very nicely. I'm a brahmana, I'm doing my duty." "I am businessman doing my duty," "I'm scientist." "I am..." Actually, you are not doing your duty. Your real duty is to take to Krsna consciousness
- You have read Bhagavad-gita? So this is the duty, "You give up all other duties, you simply take to Me, surrender unto Me." This is duty. All other duties, they are temporary, and this is real duty, to surrender to God
- You may go there again and take some responsible post for correcting the situation, that will be your real duty, not that there is some disagreement and I go away disgusted, no. That is not Vaisnava standard
- Your program for training your Godsisters is very nice, so do it nicely as you have got experience in arcana. There is no matter if there is a little change here and there - the real duty is love and devotion