"purusa avataras" | "purusa avatara" | purusavatara | purusavataras
note: bhagavat-tattva|"creative incarnations"|plenary expansions/featuress of Krsna|external potencies|"manifestations of Narayana"
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Pages in category "Purusa-avataras"
The following 70 pages are in this category, out of 70 total.
- A description of the three purusa-avataras is given in Srimad-Bhagavatam. The Supreme Personality of Godhead manifests three features, as Karanodakasayi Visnu, Garbhodakasayi Visnu and Ksirodakasayi Visnu, in this material manifestation. BG 1972 purports
- After Krsna comes Balarama, after Balarama is Sankarsana, then Aniruddha, Pradyumna, Narayana and then the purusa-avataras - Maha-Visnu, Garbhodakasayi Visnu and Ksirodakasayi Visnu. All of them are avataras
- After separating the different universes, the gigantic universal form of the Lord (Maha-visnu), which came out of the causal ocean, the place of appearance for the first purusa-avatara, entered into each of the separate universes
- After the incarnation of the first purusa (Karanarnavasayi Visnu), the mahat-tattva, or the principles of material creation, take place, and then time is manifested, and in course of time the three qualities appear
- Again to second Sankarsana and from Him to the Narayana purusavataras, and innumerable other forms (Krsna's expansions), which are compared to the constant flowing of the uncountable waves of a river, are all one and the same
- All the incarnations of Godhead are plenary portions or parts of the plenary portions of the purusa-avataras, but the primeval Lord is Sri Krsna. He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the fountainhead of all incarnations
- All these incarnations of Godhead are either plenary portions or parts of the plenary portions of the purusa-avataras. But Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself - CC Adi 2.67
- All these incarnations of Godhead are either plenary portions or parts of the plenary portions of the purusa-avataras. But Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself - CC Adi 5.79
- As the initiator of the material energy as well as the marginal potency (the living beings), He (the Lord) expands Himself as the purusa-avataras, who are invested with potencies similar to His
- Even in His (God's) incarnation of purusa-avatara He is the Lord of the creative energy. The creative material energy is working under His direction, as confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita
- Every living being is controlled by the supreme living being, Paramatma, who resides within everyone's heart. He is the purusa, the purusa-avatara, who creates this material world
- Examples of svamsa expansions can be found in the quadruple forms of God residing in Their respective places, beginning with Sankarsana, Vasudeva, Pradyumna & Aniruddha, and also in the purusa-avataras, lila-avataras, manvantara-avataras & yuga-avataras
- First the word 'ete' ('these') establishes the subject (the incarnations). Then 'plenary portions of the purusa-avataras' follows as the predicate
- From Baladeva is Sankarsana, from Sankarsana is Narayana, from Narayana there is the second Sankarsana, and from this Sankarsana the Visnu purusa-avataras
- He (Krsna) is accompanied by the purusas, who create the mahat-tattva. It is confirmed in the Vedic hymns, mahantam vibhum atmanam. Krsna appeared, just like electricity, when there was friction between Kamsa and Vasudeva and Ugrasena
- He (Krsna) is the original Supreme Personality of Godhead - krsnas tu bhagavan svayam (SB 1.3.28) - and Narayana, the purusas and all other incarnations accompany Him to function as different parts of His pastimes
- He (the Supreme Lord) is not personally attached to any of the affairs within the material cosmos. The material world is created by the expansion of His purusa-avataras, who direct the aggregate material energy and all the conditioned souls
- His (Caitanya's) pure devotees and His three purusa incarnations, namely, Karanodakasayi Visnu, Garbhodakasayi Visnu and Ksirodakasayi Visnu, always accompany the Supreme Lord to propound the sankirtana movement
- In His pastimes in the spiritual sky, He lies down in the Causal Ocean as Karanarnavasayi, the purusa-avatara
- In spite of going up to the first purusa-avatara, Maha-visnu, after the dissolution of this material creation, such personalities (Brahma, Siva and the great rsis) again fall down or come back to the material creation
- In the beginning, Krsna incarnates Himself as the purusa-avataras, or Visnu incarnations. These are of three types
- In the Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad (1.4.1) there is the hymn atmaivedam agra asit purusa-vidhah. This mantra indicates the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Krsna) even before the appearance of the purusa incarnation
- In the Satwata Tantras there is a mention of the 3rd Purusha avatar who is the Supersoul of every living being. That third Purusha avatar is no other than this pastimeous form of Garvodashayee Vishnu
- Krsna first incarnates as the three purusa-avataras, namely the Maha-Visnu or Karanodakasayi avatara, the Garbhodakasayi avatara and the Ksirodakasayi avatara. This is confirmed in the Satvata-tantra
- Krsna is so mild & merciful, as described in the above verses, yet He is the Lord of all kinds of threes. He is the Supreme Lord of the 3 worlds, the 3 qualities of material nature & the 3 purusas - Karanodakasayi, Garbhodakasayi and Ksirodakasayi Visnu
- Lord Krsna is the original Personality of Godhead from whom the three creative incarnations, namely the purusa-avataras - Karanarnavasayi Visnu, Garbhodakasayi Visnu and Ksirodakasayi Visnu - expand
- Lord Sri Krsna is the svayam-rupa SPG, and all other forms of Godhead, extending to the purusa-avataras, guna-avataras, lila-avataras, yuga-avataras and many other thousands of manifestations of the SPG, are Krsna's plenary portions and integrated parts
- Lord Sri Krsna, being the origin of all visnu-tattvas, is addressed here as parah puman, or Purusottama, as described in the Bhagavad-gita. He is the complete whole. The purusavataras are therefore His plenary expansions
- Such activities (independence of purusa-avatara) of the Lord are also transcendental & therefore they are also lila of the absolute Lord. Such pastimes of the Lord are very conducive to the hearers for self-realization in the field of devotional service
- Sukadeva Gosvami (as promised to King Pariksit) describes herein the independence of the purusa-avatara Personality of Godhead, even in the sphere of the material creation
- Suta said, "In the beginning of the creation, the Lord first expanded Himself in the universal form of the purusa incarnation and manifested all the ingredients for the material creation"
- Svamsa expansions can be found in the quadruple forms of the Lord residing in Their respective places, beginning with Sankarsana, Vasudeva, Pradyumna and Aniruddha, and also in the purusa-avataras, lila-avataras, manvantara-avataras and yuga-avataras
- The conclusion is that the purusa-avatara is manifested in three features - third the Ksirodakasayi Visnu who is the Paramatma of every material object, organic or inorganic
- The controlling Deities of the living beings in the mundane worlds are the three purusa-avataras. But the potent energy displayed by Sri Krsna is far more extensive than that of the purusas
- The descriptions of such activities of the Lord as the purusavataras are specifically meant for persons who are in the clutches of the external energy
- The direct Lords of the living beings are the purusa incarnations. But Your opulence and power are more exalted than Theirs
- The first incarnation (of Krsna) is divided into three purusavataras - namely, Maha-Visnu, Garbhodakasayi Visnu and Ksirodakasayi Visnu. Then there are the three incarnations of the modes of nature - namely, Brahma, Visnu and Mahesvara - Siva
- The first nine categories, described in the first nine cantos of SB, from creation to liberation - including the purusa-avataras, the incarnations, the marginal energy, or living entities, and the external energy, or material world - are all asrita
- The first purusa incarnation is Maha-Visnu, and the second purusa incarnation is the Garbhodakasayi Visnu, from whom Brahma is created
- The first purusa-avatara is Maha-Visnu, and that Maha-Visnu is the plenary portion of the plenary portion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- The first purusa-avatara, Maha-Visnu in the Causal Ocean, who is the creator of the aggregate material energy, is an expansion of Sankarsana
- The fourth Sandarbha is called Krsna-sandarbha, and in this book Krsna is proved to be the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There are discussions of Krsna’s pastimes and qualities, His superintendence of the purusa-avataras, and so forth
- The Garbhodakasayi Visnu purusa-avatara expansion of Lord Visnu accepts the material modes - sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna - and thus incarnates as Lord Visnu, Brahma and Siva. These are incarnations of the material qualities
- The other marginal features indicate that He (Krsna) taught Vedic knowledge to Brahma and incarnated as the purusa-avatara to create the cosmic manifestation. These are occasional features manifest for some special purposes
- The Paramatma feature of the Personality of Godhead is one of three plenary expansions, or visnu-tattvas, collectively known as the purusa-avataras. One of these visnu-tattvas who is within the universe is known as Ksirodakasayi Visnu
- The purusa-avatara is manifested in three features - first the Karanodakasayi, second the Garbhodakasayi, and third the Ksirodakasayi Visnu
- The purusa-avataras are also in the category of bhagavat-tattva because each and every one of them is identical with the original form of the Personality of Godhead. The living entities are His infinitesimal particles and are qualitatively one with Him
- The purusa-avataras are the Lords of the universal creation. These are Karanodakasayi Visnu, Garbhodakasayi Visnu and Ksirodakasayi Visnu
- The SPG has created many residential places like the bodies of human beings, animals, birds, saints and demigods. In all of these innumerable bodily forms, the Lord resides with the living being as Paramatma. Thus He is known as the purusavatara
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is Lord Krsna, and not directly Narayana or the purusa-avataras, which are subsequent manifestations
- The third expansion of Visnu is Ksirodakasayi Visnu, who is the incarnation of the quality of goodness. He is to be counted within both types of incarnations (purusa-avataras and guna-avataras)
- The Visnu or the Deity of the quality of goodness in the material world is the purusa-avatara known as Ksirodakasayi Visnu or Paramatma
- There are innumerable expansions of the Lord, and all of them are purusas, or enjoyers, but neither the virat-purusa nor the purusa-avataras - Karanodakasayi, Garbhodakasayi and Ksirodakasayi Visnu - nor any of the many other expansions, is the original
- There are six kinds of incarnations: (1) the purusa-avatara, (2) the lila-avatara, (3) the guna-avatara, (4) the manvantara-avatara, (5) the yuga-avatara, and (6) the saktyavesa-avatara
- There are six types of incarnations (avataras) of Krsna. One comprises the incarnations of Visnu (purusa-avataras), and another comprises the incarnations meant for the performance of pastimes (lila-avataras)
- There are three categories of incarnations of Godhead: partial incarnations, qualitative incarnations and empowered incarnations. The purusas and Matsya are examples of partial incarnations
- There are various kinds of avataras, such as purusavataras, gunavataras, lilavataras, saktyavesa avataras, manvantara-avataras and yugavataras-all appearing on schedule all over the universe. BG 1972 purports
- Therefore You are the primeval Lord, the original father of everyone. They (the purusas) are protectors of the universes by Your power
- They (God's intimate pastimes) have nothing to do with the Lord's plenary expansions as the purusavataras and Their pastimes of the creation, maintenance or annihilation of the material worlds - according to fanatics
- They create the material cosmos. These three purusas, who lie on the Karana, Garbha and Ksira oceans respectively, are the Supersoul of everything that be
- Through the purusa-avatara Maha-Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead created the whole cosmic manifestation. Simply by breathing out all the universes, the Lord creates and maintains the cosmic manifestation as Lord Visnu
- Vaisnavas - must be keenly interested in His (God's) pastimes in His features of the purusavataras in connection with srsti-tattva, creational functions, following the examples of Pariksit, the ideal disciple & Sukadeva Gosvami the ideal spiritual master
- Visnutattva: Kapila, Nara Narayana, Rama, Balarama, Krsna, the Purusas, the Boar, Yajna, Rsabha, Matsya, Kurma, Dhanvantari, Mohini and Kalki. Jivatattva (empowered): Narada, Vyasa, Buddha, Kumaras, Dattatreya, Prthu and Bhrgupati
- When Krsna says that He is the origin of everything (aham sarvasya prabhavah (BG 10.8)), He means that He is even the source of Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, the purusa-avataras, the material manifestation and all the living entities within the material world
- When the first purusa-avatara, Maha-Visnu, glances over the material nature, material nature becomes agitated, and the purusa-avatara thus impregnates matter with living entities
- When the Supreme Personality of Godhead descends as the first purusa incarnation of the material creation, He immediately manifests sixteen elementary energies