Category:Properly Utilized
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Pages in category "Properly Utilized"
The following 89 pages are in this category, out of 89 total.
- A miserly person cannot properly utilize the wealth he has, and similarly a materialistic person misuses the human form. Instead of using it for spiritual emancipation, he uses the body for sense gratification. Therefore he is called a miser
- After 8,400,000 species of life, evolution, one gets this human form of life. And if he does not properly utilize it, then he is committing suicide
- Although this material world may be false, just like the paper, it has its proper beneficial utilization. Because the currency notes, although paper, are issued by the government, they have full value
- At the present moment there are many vacant lands throughout the world, and if they are properly utilized, there will be no scarcity of food. As far as rain is concerned, it is the performance of yajna that attracts rain
- Bali Maharaja lamented that although Indra was very learned, he did not know how to use his intelligence properly, for instead of asking Vamanadeva to allow him to engage in His service, Indra used Him to beg Bali Maharaja for material wealth
- Because it (sex urge) is an old habit we are unable to check it unless we can understand the nature of feeling, willing and then action, and how by proper use of intelligence and prevent thoughts which must come from maturing into actions
- Both the bulls and the cows are important because the bull will produce food grain and the cow will give supply milk. They should be utilized properly. That is human intelligence
- By proper utilization of thoughtfulness, one comes to the stage of thinking of the S P of Godhead. By thinking of the S P of Godhead, one becomes free from the contamination of the faulty association of the material world, and thus one becomes peaceful
- By the grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, this movement has come to your country, and especially in a nice village like this, utilize it properly. It is a very ideal place. Not only this; there are many thousands of places like this
- Enthusiasm is a symptom of the living entity; it cannot be stopped. It is just like a powerful engine: if you utilize it properly, it will give immense production. Therefore enthusiasm should be purified
- Every living entity has an individual soul, his personal individuality and a minute form of independence. By misuse of that independence, one becomes a conditioned soul, and by proper use of independence he is always liberated. BG 1972 purports
- He should be in your charge, so you kindly guide him and keep him in our atmosphere and utilize him properly, but steadily and cautiously
- He would have squandered his hard-earned money in so many nasty, sinful ways, but if he purchases even one book, regardless of the price, his money is properly utilized. This is the beginning of his Krsna consciousness
- Human energy should be properly utilized in developing the finer senses for spiritual understanding, in which lies the solution of life
- Human intelligence can decide for the future. The animal cannot decide. We have discriminatory power. If I do this, I will be benefited; if I do that, I will not be benefited. This is there in human life. So you have to use it properly
- Human life should be utilized only for chanting and reading Vedic literatures. The International Society for Krishna Consciousness is publishing many books so that people can utilize their time properly by reading them and make their lives successful
- Human society should properly utilize the gifts of God, especially the food grains that grow because of rain falling from the sky
- I am traveling all over the world. It is my calculation that we can produce food to give food ten times of the population if we properly utilize the whole planet according to this - produce food
- I have traveled all over the world. I have seen America from village to village, Africa, Australia. There is so much land vacant that if we properly utilize them, we can produce so much food grains, we can feed ten times as many population as it is now
- If one has a million dollars, he should not keep it, but, as long as it is within his jurisdiction, he should spend it for Krsna. Money or energy is properly utilized when it is directed to Krsna
- If the educational system dealt with the proper utilization of what God is supplying, it would improve. All the fruits and grains we eat are given by God, who supplies food to all living entities
- If we properly utilize the instructions of Bhagavad-gita, then our whole life will become purified, and ultimately we will be able to reach the destination which is beyond this material sky. BG 1972 Introduction
- If we simply utilize this intelligence for the same purpose as the cats and dogs are engaged, then it is not proper utilization. The proper utilization is Vedanta. Athato brahma jijnasa
- If we take leadership of Krsna, then our life is perfect; we could properly utilize the utility of human life. Otherwise we have been mislead
- If you are actually religious, then your artha should not be spent for sense gratification. Narthasya dharmaikantasya kamo labhayo hi smrtah. Kamah means sense gratification. It should be properly utilized
- If you have got money, that you should be properly utilized, not for sense gratification - wine, women, and hotel, and cinema. No. Then by your artha you are going to hell. Artha, everything
- Instead of wasting our time for economic development, which cannot give us any happiness, if we simply try to revive our eternal relationship with Krsna, we will properly utilize our lives
- It (human form of life) will not exist for very long time. But if you utilize it properly, then you can achieve the greatest boon. What is that? Krsna consciousness. You can achieve the greatest boon
- One should feel grateful to the Supreme Personality of Godhead for having obtained such a nice human form of body, and one should properly utilize it
- One who possesses all these material qualities (prestigious position, material wealth, beauty, education and so on) is expected to become a devotee, and when he actually does, the qualities are properly utilized
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is that you have got this human form of body. Don't miss the opportunity. That you can, if you properly utilize, if you train yourself, you can be transferred to the platform of eternal, spiritual bliss
- Our point is that we should not spoil this life. We should utilize every moment of our life very properly
- See that the money is properly being utilized and see the result also side by side. I am sure you will be encouraged to take interest in this missionary work more and more by the practical result of the work
- Simply have some eating & sleeping & mating & some defense & quarreling like cats & dogs - this is not civilization. The human civilization is this, that he should properly utilize this human form of life & take advantage of this knowledge - KC
- Slow but sure, that is our motto - and class, not mass. So never mind some other Christian movements are getting many followers. The competition is beneficial for us. Everything is beneficial for Krishna consciousness if it is utilized properly
- So it is very unfortunate that Indians are trying to forget Krsna. Very unfortunate. Krpana. If you have got money, if you don't utilize is properly, that is your misfortune
- So, we are trying to be happy so many ways, but we are not becoming happy. When we come to the real point of loving Krsna... Love is there. I want to love somebody, everyone, but that is not being properly utilized. Therefore we are unhappy
- Sometimes it happens that the benefits of the taxes fall like rains on stone-hearted men in the state who are unable to utilize the money properly and who squander it for sense gratification
- The best thing is that they should be educated to become gentlemen. Keep guns, but they may not improperly use them
- The conditioned souls are not originally fools, but by the influence of the avidya function of material nature they are made fools, and thus they are unable to utilize knowledge in the proper channel
- The idea is that any man may be given the chance to become a brahmana, but if he improperly uses the position of a brahmana without actual realization, then his elevation to the brahminical position is not valid
- The king had to see that the reserved energy of humanity was properly utilized. Human energy is meant not exactly for fulfilling animal propensities, but for self-realization
- The Krsna consciousness movement is attempting to educate people how to utilize this human form of life properly. It will not stay, it will also die, just like cats die, the dogs die. We also die, but there is difference of this death. We can die knowing
- The living entities are the marginal energy of the Lord, and therefore they are meant for being properly utilized in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. When this is not done, one's situation is called maya
- The new programs to spread up Lord Caitanya's message via the television, radio and newspaper is welcome. It is now the vogue to ventilate various topics for mass consumption via these media, so why not utilize them properly in Krsna's service?
- The principle of hearing to properly utilize preconceived materials is applicable to spiritual paraphernalia as well. We must hear from the proper spiritual source
- The Vaisnava philosopher acknowledges the full value of this material world and knows how to utilize it properly, whereas the Mayavadi philosopher fails to do so
- The whole substance (of Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu) is creamed (in The Nectar of Devotion). You should take advantage of this. And don't indulge in much unnecessary talks. Time should be very properly utilized
- There is so much land vacant that if we properly utilize that, we can produce so much food grains that we can feed ten times as many population as it is now. That's a fact. We do not utilize the land properly
- There must be university where brain is properly utilized
- There must be university where brain is properly utilized. Here is a child or here is a boy. He has good intelligence. Train him as brahmana. Less than that, train him as ksatriya, train him as vaisya
- They (brahma-bhuta living entities) do not properly utilize whatever little knowledge they have of the SPG. Not attaining ananda, or bliss, they come down to the material world to enjoy. This is certainly a falldown for one who is actually liberated
- This Krsna consciousness movement, they are appreciating. So all the charity should come here. Then it is properly utilized. Because we do not use a single paisa for anything of sense gratification
- Time and tide wait for no man. So the time indicated by the sunrise and the sunset will be uselessly wasted if such time is not properly utilized for realizing identification of spiritual values
- Try to serve Krsna cent percent. That is proper utilization of life. The so-called philanthropy, altruism, humanitarianism, this ism, that . . . bogus . . . not bogus - useless. It will not help
- We are so fool that we are always on the brink of dangerous position... If we don't utilize this life properly, I may fall down again to the cycle of birth and death
- We can utilize the tongue properly and get out of these clutches. Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau. So seva, seva means service - jihva adau, beginning from the tongue
- We don't condemn. We don't say that don't manufacture this microphone. Yes. Microphone-use. But use it for declaring glories of the Lord. Then it is fully utilized. That is our process, Krsna consciousness
- We get this facility in the human form of life, but if we do not properly utilize this opportunity, we become a krpana, miser. A miser is one who gets money but does not spend it properly
- We have got everything in writing, in books, in instructions. Our duty is to take them rightly and utilize it properly, advance in Krsna consciousness
- We must get up from this slumber (of maya's influence) and engage in the right service, for thus we can properly utilize the facility of this human form of life. As expressed in a song by Thakura Bhaktivinoda, Lord Caitanya says, jiva jaga, jiva jaga
- We should always remain in full understanding, that whether our time is being properly utilized in Krsna consciousness. Then we are saved. Otherwise we are under the clutches of maya
- We should properly utilize this human form of life and take advantage of this knowledge to prepare ourselves in Krsna consciousness, so that twenty-four hours of the day we will be absorbed in Krsna and at death at once transfer to that spiritual sky
- When a person properly utilizes his initiative, or active nature, with intelligence, understanding that everything is the Lord's potency, he can revive his original consciousness, which was lost due to association with maya, the external energy
- When one's intelligence is properly utilized, both the intellect and the intelligent person enjoy one another with great satisfaction
- When properly utilized, neither the superior nor inferior energies emanating from the Supreme Personality of Godhead are false
- When we are bewildered, we do not distinguish what is religious and what is not religious, do not use our position properly. That is karpanya-dosopahata-svabhavah. At that time there is need of guru. That is the Vedic instruction
- When wealth is lost, there is no use lamenting, but as long as there is wealth, one has to utilize it properly and thereby gain eternal profit
- Women cannot properly utilize freedom, and it is better for them to remain dependent. A woman cannot be happy if she is independent. That is a fact
- Women should be under the protection. In the Manu-samhita it is said that woman should not be given freedom. Na stri svatantryam arhati. They cannot properly utilize freedom. It is better to remain dependent
- You are the manager there (in New Vrndavana), and in cooperation with the GBC men it is up to you to see that everything is developed very very nicely and that all the land is utilized properly, not that it is sitting going to waste
- You have got good intelligence so utilize it properly and Krishna will help you
- Your main business is if you want to make success, your life, then save time for advancing in Krsna consciousness. That is proper utilization of life. That does not depend on destiny