Category:Political Problems
Pages in category "Political Problems"
The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total.
- I think very confidently that this Krsna Consciousness Movement will solve all the problems of the world - political, social, economic, etc. I am writing books and articles on this subject strictly on the line of Acarya Parampara
- If you want equality, fraternity, friendship, love and perfection, solution of problems, all problems, economic, political, social, religious, then come to KC. Come to this platform. Then all your ambitions will be fulfilled and you will be perfect
- In addition, all problems of economic or political maladjustment and instability will be solved
- In India, everyone is feeling some sort of anxiety due to the political condition, so I have given them a sort of hope that if they take to Krsna Consciousness their problems will be solved
- One should learn the Srimad-Bhagavatam and make an all-around solution to all problems pertaining to social, political or religious matters. Srimad-Bhagavatam and Krsna are the sum total of all things
- One who is developed in consciousness certainly makes inquiries into the mystery of the self, of the cosmic situation and of the problems of life, in all spheres and fields - social, political, economic, cultural, religious, moral, etc
- The first interest is to become Krsnized, how to satisfy Krsna, not that "For political purpose I love Krsna." No. You love Krsna, and your all problems, political, social and other things, will be solved. This is Krsna consciousness
- The modern civilization do not know what is the purpose of life. Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum (SB 7.5.31). They are trying to make adjustment, political situation, social situation in so many problems
- The only solution to all problems of life social economic, or political is to surrender to Krishna. Krishna says - the material nature is very difficult to overcome, but one who has surrendered unto me can very easily cross beyond it
- These political and social problems are temporary; we must have our interest to the real life