Category:Our Needs (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Our Needs (Disciples of SP)"
The following 70 pages are in this category, out of 70 total.
- Actually due to our lack of Krishna Consciousness sometimes we become disturbed with shortage of funds. But we should be confident that our necessities will certainly be fulfilled by the Supreme Lord
- Actually we have need of many men in India, at least another 50 or 60. But they need not be important men. Assistant men will do nicely. So if you can arrange to send 50 or 60 men here for propaganda work in Calcutta and Bombay, that will be very nice
- All the members of our Krsna consciousness movement, whether they be grhasthas or sannyasis, should try to spread the Krsna consciousness movement with determination, and Krsna will supply all necessities
- Although we are very poor and have no professional source of income, Krsna supplies money whenever we need it. Whenever we need some men, Krsna supplies them. Thus it is stated in the Bhagavad-gita - BG 6.22
- Any householder devotee who is working full-time (with his wife) as a sankirtana book distributer, of temple managerial duties, artist, cook, etc. shall be provided food, shelter, and other bare minimum necessities by the temple itself
- As I recommend to every householder, if you spend 50% of your income for Krishna's business in developing New Vrindaban, and a similar amount is collected by Kirtanananda Maharaja, I think there will be no need of financial help from other centers
- Every month they must be asked what they need. Necessities, they must be supplied. We have already discussed this point. The women, they require protection - children, women
- Everything should be regulated in devotional service. Just like eating. Eating is necessary to remain fit, but too much eating means disease and too little eating means starving. One must adjust things properly, that is the program of Krsna Consciousness
- For the Krishna book we will require paintings, so we will not need any etching and woodcut. So you can send me some samples of your paintings and then I'll give you some suggestions
- From your letter, it appears that you need a change of activities. I think it will be best if you come to the festival at Mayapur and from there we can decide what project will be best for you to become involved in
- I am sorry that your dealing with the draft board has been mishandled and therefore you are in difficulty. Anyway if need be you can go back and face trial as advised by your father's lawyer
- I had planned to preach so much here. But all the work is postponed due to my health deteriorating. Certainly the disciples are doing their best but they need to learn a lot. It is all possible if Krsna bestows His mercy
- I have always said that if we simply rely on book distribution all our needs will be met
- I have informed Gopala Krishna to supply you with the needed books. However, he has complained that you have a large debt to the BBT and you are not paying it off. So I request you to gradually reimburse the BBT in Bombay
- If the water supply is sufficient, there is no question of insanitation. Disease comes when there are dirty conditions. Also, don't eat more than necessary. As soon as palatable food is offered, they eat. That is the disease
- If they want anything extra or over and above what the temple president sees as absolute necessity, then they should work outside
- If we are sincere, Krishna will supply us with all necessities of life. When we serve some mundane master, he gives us sufficient salary, so when we serve the Supreme Master, how it is possible that He will keep us fasting?
- If you want you can cut your hairs, but there is no need of cutting. It would be nicer if you can put on sari, you can learn it from Jadurani. You must remain like a nice girl. The dress and appearance is social convention of the society
- In our society we want to establish divine society. Therefore there is need of all classes of men and all classes of social orders. Our Vedic conception is varnasrama-dharma
- It is a good plan to leave the money in my account until you need it. What is the use of keeping money unless there is a need
- It is not that everyone should be equally expert. But the thing that is needed is that we should be serious and sincere in our engagement. Nobody can adequately serve Krishna because Krishna is unlimited
- It is your money so you can do with it whatever you like. If you feel the money is needed there, then use it accordingly, I have no objection
- Make it just suitable to your minimum needs. Not to make it too much luxurious as generally Europeans and Americans are accustomed. Better to live there without modern amenities. But to live a natural healthy life for executing Krishna Consciousness
- My point is that here in this New Mayapura, if you simply carry on this man-mana bhava mad-bhaktah, then all your necessities will come automatically, don't bother
- Not that "Because I have become Krsna conscious, I'll be very humble." You must be humble, but in need, if there is need, you shall be thunderbolt
- Now it is up to you to keep on working vigorously in the service of the Lord and because He is seated within your heart, He will reveal from within all necessary intelligence for you to further extend your loving devotional service to Him
- Our gurukula means how to teach them to become self-controlled. That is first business. This literary education secondary, grammar secondary. The first necessity is how to create them santa, danta, self-controlled
- Our only means of subsistence is Krishna's grace, and all our needs are fulfilled by the Lord
- Our principle should be to serve Krishna very diligently with love and faith, and all necessary supplies will come without any difficulties
- Outdoor kirtana must be done, even at the cost of suspending all editorial work. That is your first and foremost business. Temple worship is not so important. If need be, the whole temple can be locked, but the outdoor kirtana cannot be stopped
- Sankirtana, Love Feast and selling BTG, they are our primary engagements and next Temple worship. Temple worship is needed for the inner section
- Simply theoretical knowledge. That is helpful, but training, that is the greatest need, that we have to create a set of first-class men. Then the world will be all right. That is an attempt of the Krsna consciousness movement, to make first class, ideal
- Six principles we should avoid: eat or accumulate money more than necessary, waste energy for material gain, talk unnecessarily, follow regulative principles fanatically without sense or not follow them & become greedy & associate with persona non-grata
- So there is a good need for pictures in our preaching work, especially in illustrating our books, and if you are seriously painting I have no objection to your proposal
- The London party is going to New York today, and from there they will start for London, as soon as possible. That center is immediately necessary, because we have no center in Europe
- The school should be moved to India, specifically to our new gurukula project in Vrindaban, where the facility will be just to our needs and the needs of the brahmacary to develop spiritually because it is based on authentic scripture
- The test of preaching ability is whether one is making some disciples or not. So it appears that your preaching is going on nicely. The standard of purity which I have introduced in the KCM will give you the real spiritual strength needed to preach
- There is a great need of awakening this Krsna consciousness all over the world because people, being lost of this consciousness, are creating only problems of life
- There is great need of introducing our Chinese literature. Chinese people are interested in India, and Vedic literatures
- There is need for a centralized European continent headquarters, just like our Bombay branch is the headquarters for India zone
- There is no real need of our own temple, as long as the routine work is going on
- There is one man Mr. Bansal, you may remember that he came to Delhi and Vrindaban trying to arrange for a pandal program in Agra. He has one house in mind which he says will be very suitable for our needs
- They need about 8 devotees to work full-time who are dedicated and would like to assist in the opening of the restaurant
- This painting you are doing is very important, so it will count as your temple work. There is no necessity either for you to go out on Sankirtana if this will take away your time from your real work
- Those who stay with us must be well behaved. From our side we will attend to their needs and make them comfortable, and from their side they must be clean and attend the aratis. Somehow or other they must be induced to take interest in spiritual life
- To spread the Krsna consciousness movement we need so many things, and Krsna is therefore supplying us the requisite money to advance this mission
- We are restricting, that "Don't work hard like hog and dog or animals. Just satisfy your minimal necessities of life, save time and advance in spiritual understanding." This is our mission
- We don't say that you starve or become weak in health or weak in intelligence. No. You remain quite fit in intelligence and health, but don't be unnecessarily in need
- We have a plan for expanding our Sankirtana and we will be needing so many hundreds of mrdangas. So you have got the fiberglass shells there, so I am informing Jayapataka Swami to arrange for one or two Bengali craftsmen to come and stay with you
- We have to maintain the temples as it is necessary to keep our spirits high. Simply intellectualism will not do, there must be practical purification
- We have unlimited number of instruments and other goods which we shall be needing from India, so if arrangement can be made for these goods to be sent safely and promptly, there is so much business which we shall give you
- We want somebody in our society to know Sanskrit well enough for reading, not to be a great scholar, but just enough as needed
- We work so that men of all languages and cultures may join us in chanting Hare Krishna and for this we need so many literatures in so many different languages. So please try for this
- Whatever is required by you and your family to live nicely in Krishna Consciousness, that much you should accept. Do not take more than what you actually need. And you should give what ever you can to the temple as donation. Nothing is compulsory
- When we are in need of money to carry on Krishna's work, then we can resort to whatever means there is available. So long it is always for Krishna and never for personal sense gratification. So you can try to get some money in that way
- You can ask me freely to make devotees initiated for first initiation provided they are enthusiastic and following the rules, but be very cautious before awarding second initiation, even though you have a need for brahmanas in the temple
- You get from all the farms all your necessities, then it will be successful. Fodder, milk, grains, vegetables, and animals and man will be satisfied, and you can chant Hare Krishna. No unnecessary cow killing, and no unnecessary needs of the body
- You go with increasing the Bhagavat pictures according to the descriptions, and you need not divert your attention for the pictures demanded by our different centers. You can redirect such inquiries here, and as there are three artists now living with us
- You should take food just to maintain your health nicely. Similarly, other necessities of body must be taken care of. If you become diseased, then how you can execute Krsna consciousness?
- Your school preaching is very much welcomed by me. We are in need of new recruits to carry out so many ambitious programs here in India, so if you can infiltrate the school system as you did in America that will be a great service