Category:Our Dedication (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Our Dedication (Disciples of SP)"
The following 44 pages are in this category, out of 44 total.
- Actually the more selfless dedication you apply yourself with, the more Krsna will be pleased and the more he will give you intelligence how to expand the preaching in His Name
- Actually, all of you are more than sannyasis. Anyone who has dedicated his life to Krishna, he is sannyasi, yogi, and everything
- Although all the sannyasis we have initiated in ISKCON are young, we have awarded them the titles of the renounced order of life, svami and gosvami, because they have completely dedicated their lives to preach the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Although you are only two you should carry on all your programs as far as possible. In the beginning I was only one and I started everything, so you have twice as many men. Trust in Krsna and simply dedicate your life
- Anyone who is in full Krishna Consciousness and is dedicating his life for Krishna is already a sannyasi even if he is a married man. If you like you can become a householder and I've no objection to that
- At present, we have about 100 centers worldwide and about 10,000 fully dedicated students in those centers. You are welcome to visit or stay in any of our centers for your spiritual advancement
- I (Prabhupada) wish that the mother's who have no husband at present should not remarry, but should dedicate their time to seeing that their children are brought up very nicely in Krishna Consciousness
- I am so glad to understand that you have decided to dedicate your life for Krishna Consciousness Movement, this is the right way of perfecting our mission of human life
- I am very happy to hear that you have got a son for dedicating for Lord Caitanya's Sankirtana movement. Yes, his name of Gauranga das is very nice and I have no objection for calling him like that
- I can understand from your letters that you are following Krsna's dictation & are trying sincerely to help in spreading this great movement of KC & for this I shall always be grateful to you for dedicating everything to assist me
- I know that you are so intelligent boy, along with your good wife Saradia, so you may do as you like, but it would please me very much if you will dedicate yourself and your wife completely to the preaching work
- I wish that the mother's who have no husband at present should not remarry, but should dedicate their time to seeing that their children are brought up very nicely in Krishna Consciousness
- If the devotees continue to spread this movement, dedicating life and soul to the lotus feet of Krsna, no one will be able to check it. The movement will go forward without limits. Chant Hare Krsna
- If we simply dedicate our mind always thinking of Krsna, if we dedicate our body - the body shall work simply for Krsna - and words, and we shall talk only for Krsna - if we take simply these three things as our life and soul, then you are perfect
- In our society everything is open. There is no secrecy. We worship Krsna, we think of Krsna, we work for Krsna, we glorify Krsna, we chant for Krsna, we dedicate our life for Krsna. That's all
- It is not that zero, but many persons are interested (in God). We are selling our books. We are selling our magazines. We are recruiting members, and they are dedicating their life for this cause
- Regarding your dispute in your mind as to remaining a brahmacari, grhastha or becoming sannyasi, there is nothing to be bothered with. Anyone who is in full K. C. and is dedicating his life for Krishna is already a sannyasi even if he is a married man
- Representative goes to secure business door to door. Somebody purchases, somebody does not. So that is not the representative's concern. Similarly, our concern is that we shall dedicate our life to preach this KC movement all over the world
- Sakhyam, always think that Krsna is your best friend, atma-nivedanam, and dedicating everything to Krsna. This is our process
- So far taking sannyasa is concerned, you are already more than Sannyasi because your life is dedicated to Krsna. Sannyas does not mean change of dress
- Suppose you are canvassing for a life member. That topic is also as good as chanting Hare Krsna mantra because akhila-cestitam. One's life must be dedicated simply for Krsna's service
- The best thing will be therefore to transfer the land in the Society's name as soon as possible and you also be completely free from internal management. Dedicate your life for reading and writing in this Movement of Krsna Consciousness
- The Brahmacaris are dedicated their life and everything but the householder should spare at least 50% of income for the society. That is the standard distribution of money example set by our predecessors, Srila Rupa Goswami, and Srila Sanatana Goswami
- The idea is that when we open our educational institute, we will require some dedicated monks, just like Christian Fathers, who have no connection with women. In that case, we can start a theological school
- The place as you have described it that they are thinking to get sounds very nice. I know how dedicated all of the distributers of my books are in Germany where it is not easy to work
- The test of our actual dedication and sincerity to serve the Spiritual Master will be in this mutual cooperative spirit to push on this Movement and not make factions and deviate
- They need about 8 devotees to work full-time who are dedicated and would like to assist in the opening of the restaurant
- This German Bhagavad gita is a very important achievement and the credit goes to you for your dedicated efforts. Thank you very much
- We cannot stop this movement. It is actually a fight against Maya. So Maya may also sometimes cause casualties in our camp. So, we must only thank Krsna and seriously dedicate everything for Him
- We want to satisfy the Lord. That is our . . . Krsna conscious movement means our life is dedicated how to please the Lord. So Prahlada Maharaja says that material acquisition cannot please the Lord. Simply devotional service
- What is the qualification? (to be a devotee) This qualification, if we simply dedicate these three things: always thinking of Krsna, that is very nicely possible. If we chant and hear, then we must be thinking of Krsna. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna
- Whenever one goes to see some saintly person or to visit a temple, he must offer something. That will help him. It is enjoined that one should first of all dedicate his life and if it is not possible to do that, that one should dedicate his money
- Yes, sannyasi, brahmacari, means preaching. They are not meant for material management. They have dedicated their life for spiritual
- You cannot say that "Now I have dedicated my life to Krsna." No. That's all right, but you have to keep the standard of surrender by nisevaya, by serving
- You have dedicated your life for Krsna and therefore you should be ideal. We are introducing KCM for the harmony and good will of humanity. But if you are suffering from the very ills we are trying to remove, how can the people be influenced favorably
- You have got assets. You have got parentage. Everything you have got. Now do something. You have come. It is a good association. Satam prasangan mama virya-samvidah (SB 3.25.25). (break) But they have dedicated their life to Krsna
- You have got so many assets. So you can utilize it for preaching. Dedicate your life. If you think that you are family man, you cannot dedicate twenty-four hours, then earn money and give it to Krsna consciousness movement as other family men