Category:Our Consulting (Disciples of SP)
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Pages in category "Our Consulting (Disciples of SP)"
The following 63 pages are in this category, out of 63 total.
- Because I am stressing one thing (book distribution) especially, does that mean that everything else is not important? No. Everything must go on. Please consult with your temple president or your GBC for direction as to what is your best engagement
- Because I have now given you everything you are able to answer all such questions from what you know, and if there is any difficulty you may consult my books, or you may write me if necessary
- Before preaching of your Spiritual Master as God, you never consulted me whether it was right. This means you were inspired by some external influence
- Consult seriously the GBC whether all these things can be taken in hand simultaneously. It requires a very cool brain and expert management
- Continue this boat program. I do not know about motor launch or not, but you should consult and do the needful. I simply want to see that the preaching goes on. That's all
- Gargamuni is organizing book-selling, and perhaps you have received his memo to all temple presidents regarding selling our literature. So I am consulting with him before I finally decide about the MacMillan Company
- Gaura Nitai Deities may be approved and ordered by the local Temple presidents with consultation of the GBC. There should be at least three or four brahmanas available
- Gradually I am trying to hand over the management to the reliable hands of my disciples, and you should all work by joint consultation, without any friction
- I am advising him to consult with you and I think, cooperatively along with Mohanananda and others, you, senior members, can manage everything there very nicely and relieve me of such questions
- I am in due reciept of your letter dated October 13rd, 1974 in which you request to become married. You can consult this matter with Hamsaduta who is my representative. He is Grhastha and he can advise you in this matter
- I am requesting my good disciples as much as possible to consult the senior disciples in matter of management, philosophy, and personal problems
- I am sorry to learn that you had to leave your engagement in Indonesia. Anyway, so now you are in Australia, so you can consult with Madhudvisa Swami as to what to do there in Indonesia
- I do not know what I can do in these legal matters. You try your best in consultation with Tamala Krishna. I think that perennial watch-dog is playing some mischief
- I do not know why by talking on telephone you should decide such an important transaction. I hope either you or Tamala Krishna should not act anything in this connection without consulting our friends like Pannala Pittie and finally approved by me
- I don't think there is any discrepancy, but I do not know why in India cooperation is lacking. So you should do things nicely and in consultation with others and rectify the situation. I have also apprehended a scandalous situation
- I have already asked you to consult with the GBC members before purchasing the boat. So do not purchase this boat unless all the GBC members agree. I understand that some of the GBC members are not favorably disposed to this proposal of purchasing a boat
- I have given the example that this body, this material gross body, is produced out of the soul which is put into the womb of the mother by the semina of the father. These description are there in the Third Canto of SB, very nicely, you consult
- I have given you already everything, so you please consult among yourselves if you have questions. It is said "By engaging one's tongue in chanting and taking prasad, simultaneously following the regulative principles, the Lord reveals Himself upon this"
- I have no objection to your proposal about changing the time from October to December but it has to be fixed up in consultation with the others
- I hope you shall altogether consult and do the needful. Not a single moment should be wasted - that is very important thing. We shall not act anything which has no connection directly with Krishna Consciousness business
- I request that you write and consult with Visnu Jana Maharaja and the local GBC men, in order to bring about the realization of this proposal
- I think by the Grace of Krishna my working has produced some sincere souls like yourself, Brahmananda, Hamsaduta, and others. Now we have to chalk out a solid program by consulting together
- I think in ordinary administration the presidents of different centers may consult amongst themselves and make certain general procedures by mutual agreement. But when there is some more important factor, that must be referred to me
- I think in the future you will have to take charge of managing BTG in consultation with Brahmananda when the press will be started in Boston
- I think it is best if you consult with Prajapati prabhu on these points. He is in charge of the dramas, so take his advice on these matters
- I think you should consult your Godbrothers in this connection. So I have no objection if you decide to marry as a matter of necessity
- I want that such a "floating ISKCON" be organized, but for financial questions you should consult with my GBC men and together you can chalk out your plan
- If one thinks the Society's members are not pure devotees, one can keep direct company with the spiritual master, and if there is any doubt, one should consult the spiritual master
- If you have further questions you may write me or consult with the devotees in the temple
- In the beginning we thought and consulted in so many ways and then settled up to purchase the machine. Why have you now decided to rent it and make an experiment? This is puzzling
- It is a very important question, and I am glad that you have asked me, but I think from now on the GBC men may be consulted in all such matters of temple management and affairs
- No GBC man can whimsically do anything without consulting Prabhupada, especially in the matter of opening a temple & closing an old one. Such activities must be absolutely regulated & cannot be done without consultation of Prabhupada & other GBC
- Now I want that all administration may be done by all of you 12 GBC members all over the world. Always keep in touch and consult matters all together for practical execution
- Now you can consult our lawyer friends that I want my foreign disciples to remain here to assist me in my activities of Sankirtana Movement
- On the whole, all you experienced and advanced students have to manage things very nicely, and if you occasionally come to me here for consultation and necessary instruction that will be easier for me and I can devote my time in finishing the books
- Only under very extraordinary conditions can a temple be closed when there is consultation. Even then a temple is not to be eliminated but moved to an other place
- Our policy is to satisfy Krishna and keeping this point in view you should consult the GBC members and discuss these points and do the needful
- Our society is a registered, recognized religious society. So we can consult some lawyer whether such religious institution where we are teaching specifically how to become moral in character
- Please consult the Dictaphone supplier why the it stops sometime while working. It appears that it clogs either for the tape or for the machine. Please let me know what is to be done
- Please keep consulting with Bali Mardan on financial matters. It is possible that I may stop at Honolulu sometime in July on my way to Rathayatra Festival, Australia
- Regarding not building the second story on the Prasdam Pavilion, whatever you think is best is all right. Whatever you all three consult and agree is all right
- Regarding the construction of the boundary wall you may consult with Jayapataka Swami and Bhavananda Goswami
- Regarding your selling of BTG, we have taken a great risk of printing 20,000 copies per month, and before taking this risk, we consulted four different centers, and you all agreed. Now you try your best and the result will depend on Krishna's desire
- So far Gayatri Mantra is concerned, of course it is not such an important thing. The main thing is to chant Hare Krishna but you can consult with the G.B.C. and get his recommendation. The Hare Krishna mantra is sufficient for becoming Krishna Conscious
- So far your question regarding women, I have always accepted the service of women without any discrimination, so I have no objection if Yamuna devi contributes her ideas on this construction project. Nothing should be done without group consultation
- So if you are very determined that your boating idea will succeed, then Krishna will give you all encouragement and facility. The idea is good and has my approval, but now you should consult with the GBC members and then take it up seriously
- The minor devotees, they consult the spiritual master. That is our process. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah
- There will be no objection if you can come here to New Vrindaban. The whole thing has been explained to your son, Patita Uddharana, so you may consult with him and do the needful
- These matters of marriage between the devotees must be decided upon by the GBC men and other senior members by their mutual consultation. So in this case you consider with other GBC and senior men
- This matter must be decided by the GBC. Let them consult together and decide. Whatever they decide is approved by me
- We have to make it confirmed in three ways. What we hear from the sadhus, we shall have to consult whether these things are spoken in the sastras. And whether the statements or sastras are confirmed by guru, by the direct spiritual master
- Whatever you do by combined consultation is approved by me
- When I arrive in London we shall consult together how to best spread Sankirtana Movement throughout England
- When you have any questions you should immediately consult Gaurasundara or some other elder Godbrother or sister, or else you are always welcome to question me directly. It is my duty to guide you as far as possible
- You should consult your friend Mr. Kashore Mukherjee or his friend Mr. Shah and make the deed nicely and send me a copy for my approval
- You should work cooperatively in such a way that we don't deviate from the policy, and conjointly, consulting together, so that I may be relieved from petty minor things. But if there is some difficulty, I am at your service
- Your printing in Hindi in Mathura is a good idea. Do it in consultation with Gopala Krishna Prabhu. So you send me the translation and after seeing it, I shall approve