Category:Our Complaints (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Our Complaints (Disciples of SP)"
The following 30 pages are in this category, out of 30 total.
- I am so much disgusted by this troublesome business of marriage, because nearly every day I receive some complaint from husband or wife, and practically this is not my business as sannyasi to be marriage counsellor
- I do not wish to give any decision without the GBC's verdict. My only grievance is that I appointed GBC to give me relief from the management but, on the contrary, complaints and counter-complaints are coming to me
- I have heard a serious complaint against you that you are in intimate relation with Aradhana's wife Santanu. I am not only surprised but I cannot believe that a nice boy like you should be thus accused
- I have informed Gopala Krishna to supply you with the needed books. However, he has complained that you have a large debt to the BBT and you are not paying it off. So I request you to gradually reimburse the BBT in Bombay
- I have received one letter from Sucarudev das, a devotee there who has some complaint, that he is left in charge when Mahamsa Swami goes out on tour, and no one cooperates with him, just sleeping and eating
- I set up the GBC with hope that I shall get relief from administration of the mission but on the contrary I have become the center of receiving so many complaints. So it is not a relief for me, rather it is becoming a little troublesome
- I want to increase my work. Brahmananda Swami and Gopala Krishna were suggesting that I go to some other place in India, but if Tamala Krishna flies 10,000 miles to lodge some complaint against Jayatirtha what can I do?
- If there is any truth in the complaints, you should rectify and be purified
- If there is such complaint against our senior men it does not look well
- Now I have received one letter from Bhakti Mati and she has some complaint. She also says there was some physical attack against Navayogendra. This is not good. So I think they can open a separate temple in Mombassa for the Asian community
- Now that the inventory has been sent to all centers, there should be no complaint that there are no books being made available
- Our ISKCON Society married couples means that both parties fully are engaged in Krishna's service. I have noted your several complaints against the devotees but it would be better to set the example rather than to criticize the defects of the devotees
- Our movement is so large it requires expert management and strong vigilence. Now you (a GBC member) are finding out so many things were mismanaged, but why didn't you find out before? What is the use of complaining now?
- Recently I have received from one Sannyasi complaint about another Sannyasi who is not chanting regularly
- Regarding complaints by the sannyasis, these things shall be discussed in everyone's presence at the Mayapur meeting. There is no question of change but sometimes change is invigorating
- Regarding the complaints against yourself you have mentioned, I do not find any complaints. But even if there should be such complaints, you must remain pure, and automatically the complaints will vanish
- So far the presidents are concerned, they should not be abruptly changed in future. If there is any complaint they should be first of all informed to me
- So far your becoming GBC is concerned, yes, I had wanted that, but there are so many complaints. This is not good. GBC must mean that by his managing, there is not any complaints so that I can be relieved in order to do my translation work
- The second is the complaint of abusing the devotees and exploiting their service for accumulating money and for aggrandizing himself and herself both
- There should be no complaint, under all circumstances we must chant regularly 16 rounds and attend the morning and evening classes, for Krishna we can work like anything, but one lick done for maya it is useless, overendeavoring
- We shall sit together in Mayapur if there is any complaint against one another. At the Mayapur meeting, whatever we have decided that is good for one year
- What is the wrong if Yasodanandana Swami prints the books on behalf of BBT for convenience. You are accusing him of so many bogus complaints. What is bogus? What is genuine? If all these complaints come to me it is too much taxation for me
- When I was in Nairobi I took away from Cyavana all managerial duties. There were so many complaints against him from our men and from outsiders. He could not manage nor could he collect
- Whenever I hear complaints or disturbances in our centers my mind becomes too much disturbed and I cannot properly translate my books
- Whenever I hear complaints or disturbances in our centers my mind becomes too much disturbed and I cannot properly translate my books. So please spare me from such disturbance by cooperating all together Godbrothers and Godsisters
- You complain that as a householder it is very difficult. Especially you want to preach. There are examples of great preachers who were householders, such as Bhaktivinode thakur, although we cannot hope to imitate him
- You have complained about those devotees who have mistreated their wives and children, but that is not the example. Those who have deserted this movement are not the example