Category:Our Chances (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Our Chances (Disciples of SP)"
The following 46 pages are in this category, out of 46 total.
- A pure devotee is never lost. He gets another good chance to cultivate Krishna Consciousness, or if one is advanced he goes back to Home, back to Godhead
- About our tenants; most of them are employed. So, there is good chance of their vacating when they are transferred. You should be very vigilant to see that they do not transfer occupancy to someone else and cause unnecessary harassment
- An initiated devotee is given the chance for becoming free from the entanglement of karma wheel. Initiated means beginning, not perfection. The Spiritual Master's business is to guide him to the perfectional point
- Do not worry about past mistakes and falldowns. Krsna has given you a new chance in taking care of one of His ISKCON temples, so the future is very bright
- Don't be disappointed that many men are not coming here or we are very poorly pushing on. Never mind. Whatever Krsna has given us, chance, let us utilize it
- I am old man. If some of you at least understand this science and take up this science, you become future hope of this country or the world. That is my request to you, that you should take this chance and become a spiritual master for all the people
- I am very happy that you are taking a chance for Krishna, do everything very carefully and sincerely, Krishna will help you
- I came to the U.S.A. just to try to give a chance to as many people as possible to take to Krishna Consciousness, because it is the only hope for humanity in this increasingly demoniac, godless age
- I have noted your scheme for a greater Sankirtana party in Germany. Your ambition will certainly be fulfilled, but wait till Krishna gives you the adequate chance. You require more men and wait till that time
- I think that if there is a chance for opening a center in Toronto, then Jagadisa and Kanupriya may go there as soon as possible. You have written that you would like Murari to go there, but he has already left for Boston
- I very much appreciate both yours and your brother's activities and it appears that both of you were in your previous birth advanced in this line of Krishna Consciousness, and here is another chance to complete it
- If each of us follow the regulative principles and chanting of the mantras hardly there will be any chance for sex indulgence. So we have to be little careful about it and Krsna will help us
- If it is possible to go to spiritual master directly, that should be taken chance. But if he's not, it is not possible, then his picture or his idea should be offered respect. Yes. But if he's directly available, one should avail of that
- If simply this chance is given, anywhere, let us execute this Krsna consciousness movement by chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra and speaking something from this Bhagavad-gita
- If we get chance, we must open a center in Kanpur. It is a very important city in India. I heard that there was someone who was willing to give us a house. Kanpur is the third most important city in India next to Calcutta and Bombay
- It appears there is good chance we may get permission for our men to enter Jagannatha Puri temple if we can present the right documents. My idea is that you present the enclosed statement proving our men are bona fide Hindus
- It is so much heart-engladdening that you have taken very seriously the preaching work, and Krishna is giving you chance for becoming a great preacher in the near future
- Madras is a good field because these people understand English very easily. So you will have very good chance for preaching in English
- Maya is very strong, there is a chance of our falling down at any moment, but if we are able to catch hold of Krishna's lotus feet by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, then Krishna gives us all protection from the onslaught attack by Maya
- Regarding smearing on the Body of Lord Jagannatha: You should always know that the Body of Lord Jagannatha is spiritual. We are given the chance of serving the Spiritual Body
- Regarding your going to Moscow, if as you say, there is a chance of your getting a residential permit, then you should go there and try to get it. If your husband has a plan, that is very good
- Regarding your proposal of working in Columbus with the chance of earning $100 per day, why don't you take it? This will be a great help to this center because there is such great potential for spreading our movement amongst the students there
- Regarding your question of an initiated person falling prey to the maya, the answer is that so long we are in this material world, there is always chance of being spoiled by Maya, so we must stick with vow to the Lotus Feet of Krishna
- So far the living arrangement is concerned, the grhasthas should be given chance to live together as husband and wife. If not, then all the girls can stay in a place and all the boys can stay in a place, if there is not sufficient space
- So I am repeating my spiritual master's order, "Don't wait for another life." That is a very risky, another life. Maybe I am given the chance of taking my birth in a good brahmana family or a rich family, but there is chance of again being spoiled
- So we have to somehow or other push on and Krishna will give us a chance. For yourself also you can try and take a visa as a teacher and some of your students may demand your presence. We have to play some tricks for Krishna's sake. What can be done?
- Suppose He has created this big universe. What service we can give? By His will, He can create millions of universes. What service we can give Him? No. These are the chances of service, this Ratha-yatra
- The description of your dream is very fascinating. It appears that you are constantly thinking of me and Lord Nrsimha has given you the chance to see Him because of your constant devotion. It is very encouraging
- The system of the country, the women and men, they intermingle. How can I check it? Then the women, shall I not give them any chance for chanting Hare Krsna? No, I shall do this chance, I shall give this chance to woman even at the risk
- There is chance of uniting all these different parts of India by Krsna consciousness. You have to organize. At least you organize here, Manipur center, Burma and Bangladesh and Assam. It will be successful
- There is very good chance for our success in India. We should follow the same principle; namely chanting the beads regularly, following the regulative principles, leading the Sankirtana Party on the street, try to sell our literature and books
- There is very good chance to open a branch there, and they have invited us, and 10 or 15 people are ready to attend our meetings, so I am thinking of sending Mahapurusa there, with some other assistant
- These boys and girls who are married, they have got children. They are getting chance from the very beginning. The Syamasundara's daughter, Sarasvati, she is wonderful girl. She is a child, but she never goes outside the spiritual consciousness
- They are Vaikuntha children, and we are very fortunate we can give them chance to advance further in Krishna consciousness
- We are very eager to give everyone a chance to become Krishna Conscious, but if someone repeatedly causes a disturbance then he may be asked to leave
- We don't want to give any chance for Maya to enter in our business. That should be our motto, and we should be very much vigilant
- We have to somehow or other push on and Krishna will give us a chance. For yourself also you can try and take a visa as a teacher and some of your students may demand your presence. We have to play some tricks for Krishna's sake
- We have to train up the mind until we get the another body. That is the art of living. So if you train up your mind simply to think of Krsna, then you are safe. Otherwise there is chance of accidents
- We should always ask: "Krsna, I don't want any facility of this material world. I am not worthy to serve You; still, I am begging. Give me this facility so that I can get the chance to serve You."