Category:Our Agreements (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Our Agreements (Disciples of SP)"
The following 64 pages are in this category, out of 64 total.
- Abruptly if we stop, that will not be good. So we have to rectify by arrangement and agreement. I am simply surprised how you all GBC men agreed to give him $4000 per month. So the mistake has been made, now it has to be corrected by other ways
- All the GBC members here agree that it is not such a good proposal
- All the temple members, without exception must rise by 4 AM and attend mangala arati. Everyone living in the temple must agree to the standard by proper understanding of the philosophy of tapasya
- Anyone who comes to become my disciple, this is my first proposal, that "If you agree, then you come." It is not that you can do anything nonsense you like, and you become my disciple
- Anyone who lives in the temple must agree to follow the rules and regulations without fail
- First you have to agree to understand the process and follow it scrupulously. That is wanting
- Forcing will not make me agree. But if there is love, oh, I shall gladly do it. That is bhakti, that is Krishna Consciousness
- From now on if someone takes the leading post, he must agree to stick and not go away just because it is difficult from time to time. That is ideal leader
- How do you agree to accept me as spiritual master? Because I stick to this principle, Krsna and guru, that's all. This is the secret of guru
- However if there is a good bargain and you think it is wise, I have no objection if you purchase the Allen farm, provided everyone agrees and there is sufficient money available
- I am pleased to learn that you are situated nicely in Columbus and now Indira Dasi has agreed to become your wife
- I have already asked you to consult with the GBC members before purchasing the boat. So do not purchase this boat unless all the GBC members agree. I understand that some of the GBC members are not favorably disposed to this proposal of purchasing a boat
- I think in ordinary administration the presidents of different centers may consult amongst themselves and make certain general procedures by mutual agreement. But when there is some more important factor, that must be referred to me
- I think you should not be disturbed by minor disagreement. If you think that you cannot agree with Umapati, you can stop discussing with him, and if there is any point of judgment, you can refer to me. I am always at your service
- I understand from Syamasundara. that you have agreed to help pay the rent on the newly occupied house there. So if you can actually do so, it will be a great service to the society and to Krishna
- I wish that the misunderstanding created at the present moment may be mitigated by mutual cooperation and we can start fresh with renewed energy for service of the Supreme Lord. I think you will agree with me
- If new students are coming and they want to live with us in the temple, they must agree before living with us to follow these principles without any exception
- If one does not strictly follow the guidance of a bona fide Spiritual Master his initiation does not bear any meaning. The initiation performance is an agreement by the disciples to abide by the order of the Spiritual Master
- If one party wants to travel into another zone, that's all right, but there must be prior agreement between the GBC men and mutual consent
- If our men are cheated, if they agree to be cheated, how can I stop them?
- If we train children by developing and encouraging their propensity to love Krishna, then we shall be successful in educating them to the topmost standard. Then they shall always very happily agree to do whatever you ask them
- If you are leaving because of your wife, then your wife must agree to pay for your return fare. If she agrees, then you can go
- If you have taken to Krsna consciousness, your, that current of "do it" or "do not," is stopped. Because you have agreed to do only what Krsna says. If you have actually decided like that, then you are free
- Most of my students are coming from the Christian and Jewish groups but because they agreed to follow our principles there was no difficulty to organize the society. Similarly Mohammedan or anyone else who has no objection to our principles is welcome
- My advice is always chant 16 rounds minimum and follow the four regulative principles. All of my disciples must agree on this point otherwise they are not my disciples
- My idea is that the leaders must agree to stick at one place, even they may have to remain their life-long, that is the ideal leader, one who is conscious of his duty
- Recently too many couples have been drifting into maya's waters, and it is very discouraging. So if he will agree on these points, then you can perform the marriage with my blessings
- Regarding Macmillan, for our missionary work, we want to distribute more books and at a lower price. If they want to increase the price, then terminate the agreement
- Regarding not building the second story on the Prasdam Pavilion, whatever you think is best is all right. Whatever you all three consult and agree is all right
- Regarding relocating New Kuruksetra and beginning the Bhaktivedanta Institute there, first of all decide among the scientists, Svarupa Damodara and party, and if they agree then I have no objection
- Regarding Tejiyas and Delhi, I have already said that you should arrange whatever is suitable by mutual agreement
- Regarding your selling of BTG, we have taken a great risk of printing 20,000 copies per month, and before taking this risk, we consulted four different centers, and you all agreed. Now you try your best and the result will depend on Krishna's desire
- Shaktimata Devi Dasi whom you know from London. She is presently in Nairobi & is looking for a good husband for her daughter. She wrote one letter appealing that you might consider marrying her daughter. So, if you are agreeable then I have not objection
- So far the marriage proposed for 29th August, I have no objection provided they are firmly in agreement never to separate and are willing to sign such a statement. This was done recently by Rupanuga Prabhu and you can get the wording from him
- So far your marriage is concerned, I have no objection, but you must agree that you will never separate but work cooperatively throughout your lives in Krishna Consciousness
- So in conclusion, it is my request even you do not agree on some points, Giriraja is in charge so please follow his direction and that will please me
- That is a good plan, if Saurabha can find someone who will finance our Juhu project. But you must be very careful in this regard, and do not make any final agreements without consulting me in the matter
- The first thing is that I have already given you my word, so there is no need of an agreement with me. My word is final agreement, but if you want it for business reasons, I have no objections to sign it
- The first thing is that whether the girls and women who live in New Vrindaban are agreeable to work as I have suggested, namely...
- The rascals, they agree to die. We do not agree to die. We want to come to our original position, no more death. This is our motto
- There is a Bengali proverb that it is not wise to pick up quarrel with a crocodile while living in the jurisdiction of the water. Therefore we may agree to the desire of Mr. Spellman to keep peace with him
- There is a Sanskrit saying, Do according to the country's laws. If both the present husband and wife agree to divorce, then they can do it and re-marry, what can be done?
- These Hare Krsna chanters, they will never agree to kill any animal, even a plant, because they know everything is part and parcel of God. Why unnecessarily one should be killed? That is love
- They (these boys and girls) agreed, "No illicit sex, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling. If you are prepared, then I accept you." They are prepared. They have given up. I accept them. That's all
- This is Krsna consciousness. You must voluntarily agree - not hackneyed, mechanical: "Spiritual master says like this. All right, let me do it." No. You have to understand very nicely. Tesam satata-yuktanam bhajatam priti-purvakam. Priti, with love
- We are persons, and Krishna is a Person, and our relationship with Krishna He leaves open as a voluntary agreement always
- We are training, we are advocating that illicit sex is sinful. Our first condition is that one must give up these four things: illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling. This is my first condition before accepting. So they agree and they follow
- Whatever imperfections and discrepancies may exist, if you all agree to my directions and cooperate in the right spirit then everything will turn out
- When you go there, on co-operation with him you can establish a center in Bangladesh by mutual arrangement, and that will be very suitable for your preaching
- Without such voluntary understanding of the principles and agreement to obey them, no one is qualified to live in our temples
- Yasodanandana Swami wants to print the Brahma-Samhita with color paintings. The BBT Trustees can discuss amongst themselves and if they agree then I have no objection
- Yes, if anyone agrees to live with us in the temple he must without any exception follow the four rules and regulations, plus the other regulative principles, otherwise he may be asked kindly to leave the temple and live outside
- Yes, the students should agree to be malleable by the Spiritual Master, then his success is sure. In your western part of the world, people are falsely taught not to become slavish
- You can accept this proposal without any hesitation and get the loan from him. For service of Krishna sometimes we may agree to act in a way which may not be very agreeable to us. But in all cases, please do not agree to accept meat
- You can do any nonsense and still you become initiated. Give me some money. No. We don't make such compromise. You must first of all agree to give up all these sinful activities. Then I can accept you. I can initiate you. This is our process
- You can turn this material world into Vrndavana provided you agree to fulfill the desires of Krsna. That is Vrndavana. And if you want to fulfill your own desires, that is material. This is the difference between material and spiritual
- You have agreed to give Dollars 8,000.00 from BBT funds for construction of the second story of the Kitchen here. So, you can do this
- You will never agree to your father's demoniac principles, but still you will try to serve him as faithfully as a nice obedient son. I am sure your father will be responsive and gradually our mission may be successful