Category:Ordinary Living Beings
Pages in category "Ordinary Living Beings"
The following 94 pages are in this category, out of 94 total.
- After Sri Caitanya explained the difference between an ordinary living being and the S P of Godhead, the people said, "No one considers You an ordinary human being. You are like Krsna in every respect, in both bodily features and characteristics"
- All these differences are technically called svajatiya-vijatiya (for an ordinary living being there are many distinctions)
- Although in this verse (SB 2.7.29) the Lord's (Krsna's) activity has been described as superhuman, it should be noted that the Lord's activities are always superhuman, and that distinguishes Him from the ordinary living being
- An ordinary living being begets a child by sexual intercourse, and he has no other means to beget a child other than the one designed for him. But Narayana, being omnipotent, is not bound to any condition of energy
- An ordinary living being cannot actually understand the meaning of the Vedanta-sutra. One can understand the meaning if he hears it from the authority, Vyasadeva himself
- An ordinary living being, in his material condition, experiences the results of his own fruitive activities and therefore falls under their influence
- Another class of men cannot ascertain what the actual form of the Supreme is, but they agree that there is a Supreme who controls the activities of the ordinary living being. Such philosophers are accepted as mediocre
- Anyone who is against the control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead must be killed, life after life. Ordinary living beings are subject to karma, but the Supreme Personality of Godhead is always victorious over the demons
- As Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita, "I know everything, but no one knows Me." This is the difference between the Supreme Lord and an ordinary living being
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.6), sambhavamy atma-mayaya: whatever is done by the SP of Godhead is done by His spiritual energy; nothing is forced upon Him by the material energy. This is the difference between the Lord and an ordinary living being
- Because the demons consider the Supreme Lord an ordinary living being, they think that they can kill Lord Visnu as one might kill an ordinary person
- By following the principles exhibited by Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda and their associates, the inhabitants of Vrndavana, ordinary living beings may attain such affection as exhibited by Nanda and Yasoda
- By that kaustubha jewel, one can understand that "Here is Lord Visnu, and here is ordinary living being"
- Difference between the Supreme Being & the ordinary living being is that when this material world is annihilated, all living entities remain silent in oblivion, in a dreaming or unconscious condition, whereas God stays awake as the witness of everything
- Disrespectfully, one who does not know this (The Supreme Personality of Godhead is not affected by the material qualities) considers the Supreme Personality of Godhead an ordinary living being (avajananti mam mudhah) - BG 9.11
- Durga is certainly not under the laws of nature, because she herself is the controller of the laws of nature. Ordinary living beings, however, are controlled by these laws (prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah) - BG 3.27
- Even in the liberated stage of brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) identification, he (an ordinary living being) engages in rendering service to His Lordship
- Even ordinary living being, he does not die. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire. And what to speak of such exalted, authorized personality like Bhaktisiddhanta. He is seeing. I never feel that I am alone
- For a detailed refutation of Sankaracarya’s arguments attempting to prove Sankarsana an ordinary living being, one may refer to Srimat Sudarsanacarya’s commentary on the Sri-bhasya, which is known as the Sruta-prakasika
- For an ordinary living being there are many distinctions. An ordinary living being is different from his body, and he is different from other species of living entities
- For an ordinary living being, the body in which he appears is his punishment. As the Lord says in BG 7.14, daivi hy esa guna-mayi mama maya duratyaya: This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome
- For His devotees, the Lord personally descends to this world to give them relief and save them from the insane acts of miscreants. It is foolish to try to impose the limits of an ordinary living being upon the unlimited potency of Godhead
- For the ordinary living being in material existence there is a division or distinction between the body and the owner of the body. In spiritual existence, there is no such distinction, for the body is the owner himself and the owner is the body itself
- For the ordinary living beings the law of nature is there for all actions and reactions, but He (Krsna) is always anxious to put His devotees on the right path
- He (Krsna) can have knowledge merely by glancing over an object, whereas innumerable impediments block the cognition of ordinary living beings
- He (Krsna) does not act or take His birth like an ordinary living being under the custody of material energy. Nor is His body material or changeable like that of ordinary living beings
- He (Krsna) is not obliged to come here, like karmis, or ordinary living beings; rather, He appears by His own internal energy (sambhavamy atma-mayaya (BG 4.6)) just to show favor to the fallen conditioned souls
- He (Sankarsan) is the infinite living entity, and ordinary living entities are infinitesimal. Therefore He is never to be considered an ordinary living being, for that would be against the conclusion of the authorized scriptures
- He is never tainted in the slightest degree by the flaws of ordinary living beings. Everyone must therefore understand the Absolute Truth to possess inconceivable potencies
- He wanted to exhibit such fighting spirit, so who will fight with Him? Ordinary living being cannot fight with the Supreme Lord. Therefore some of His devotees, some of His associates, must fight with Him
- How, then, could an ordinary living being with very little intelligence describe such pastimes? Nevertheless, I am trying to touch but a particle of them just to rectify myself
- If endowment of powers and withdrawal of powers by the Lord are possible even for a great devotee like Arjuna, or even the demigods in heaven, then what to speak of the ordinary living beings who are but figs compared to such great souls
- In this sloka (SB 5.11.12) the word ksetrajna refers to an ordinary living being, not the supreme living being
- In this way, Krsna is endowed with all opulences, transcendental qualities and mystic powers. No ordinary living being can compare to Him
- Indeed, Your characteristics are uncommon and beyond the imagination of an ordinary living being. Simply by seeing You, the entire universe becomes mad with ecstatic love for Krsna
- Instead of accepting Lord Rama as an incarnation of Visnu, Ravana thought Him an ordinary living being
- It is foolish to try to impose the limits of an ordinary living being upon the unlimited potency of Godhead and obstinately maintain that the Supreme Lord cannot descend
- Lord Krsna is more exalted than ordinary living beings and demigods like Lord Siva. He is even more exalted than His personal expansion Narayana. In all, the Supreme Personality of Godhead has sixty-four transcendental qualities in full
- Lord Krsna meditated upon Himself every morning as a grhastha, and similarly Lord Ramacandra performed yajnas to satisfy Himself, but this does not mean that an ordinary living being should imitate the Lord by accepting the process of ahangraha-upasana
- Lord Siva and Lord Brahma are two chiefs of the demigods. They are full of mystic powers. For example, Lord Siva drank an ocean of poison of which one drop was sufficient to kill an ordinary living being
- Lord Siva is not an ordinary living being. He is the plenary portion of the Lord, but because Lord Siva is in direct touch with material nature, he is not exactly in the same transcendental position as Lord Visnu
- Lord Siva is the greatest yogi, and he can perform such wonderful things, far beyond the ordinary living beings
- Maharaja Pariksit asked, "So how was it possible for them to get freed from the material condition just by thinking of a paramour?" One should consider here that Krsna and ordinary living beings are qualitatively one
- Maharaja Pariksit knew this (that Nanda and Yasoda, as well as Vasudeva & Devaki are not ordinary living beings), but he was curious to know from Sukadeva Gosvami whether it is possible for an ordinary human being to come to this stage by sadhana-siddhi
- Mahesvara, or Lord Siva, is not an ordinary living being, nor is he equal to Lord Visnu
- My dear Sir, according to Your behavior and bodily features, You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is impossible for ordinary living beings to possess such transcendental qualities
- Narayana is not an ordinary living being. He is the Personality of Godhead Himself, and He has all the potencies of all the senses in all parts of His transcendental body
- No one can excel Him (God) in any opulence, and therefore the desire for improvement is absolutely useless for Him. One should always discriminate between the activities of the Lord and those of ordinary living beings
- No one is more attractive or more authoritative than Lord Krsna. That is one of the differences between God and an ordinary living being
- One may argue that an ordinary living being is eternal and unborn like the Lord and also takes birth in different species of life, and so there is no difference between the Lord and an ordinary living being
- One must accept whatever body is offered by the material energy. This is the position of the ordinary living being
- One should not consider Yamaraja an ordinary living being. He is as good as Lord Brahma. He has the complete cooperation of the Supreme Lord, who is situated in everyone's heart
- One who foolishly considers Narayana like other living beings should take a lesson from this. Narayana is not an ordinary living being. He is the SPG Himself, and He has all the potencies of all the senses in all parts of His transcendental body
- One who has given up all material duties and taken full shelter at the lotus feet of Mukunda, who gives shelter to all, is not indebted to the demigods, great sages, ordinary living beings, relatives, friends, mankind or even his forefathers
- One who understands this fact (Krsna's birth and body are not like that of ordinary living beings), either from the Lord or from authorized sources, is not reborn after leaving the present material body
- Ordinary living beings assume material bodies, but the Supreme Personality of Godhead does not
- Ordinary living beings cannot be so qualified, but a devotee can be qualified like the Supreme Personality of Godhead, not in full but partially
- Ordinary living beings work for the improvement of their conditional lives. But the Lord is already full of all opulence, all strength, all fame, all beauty, all knowledge and all renunciation. Why should He desire improvement?
- Sri Advaita Acarya is indeed directly the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. His glory is beyond the conception of ordinary living beings
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "I am an ordinary living being, and therefore My knowledge is very insignificant. However, the meaning of the Brahma-sutra is very grave because its author, Vyasadeva, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, specifically mentioned that a sannyasi is nothing but a fragmental portion of the Supreme (cit-kana jiva). In other words, he is nothing more than an ordinary living being
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura describes the difference between the Supreme Personality of Godhead and an ordinary living being
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: After Lord Brahma had thus spoken, glorifying the Supreme Lord's activities and prowess, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is never subject to death like an ordinary living being, appeared from the womb of Aditi
- The body of the ordinary living being is made of material elements and is therefore subject to birth and death. But the Lord's body, being all spiritual and thus eternal, neither takes birth nor dies
- The law of karma enacted by the Supreme Lord for the living entities cannot be applicable to Him, nor has the Lord any desire to improve Himself by activities like those of ordinary living beings
- The Lord is kaivalya, and for Him there is no difference between matter and spirit because everything is created from Him. Therefore His quitting one sort of body or accepting another body does not mean that He is like the ordinary living being
- The Lord's body, being all spiritual and thus eternal, neither takes birth nor dies. Nor can the Lord be forced to take birth in some particular family due to His past deeds, as an ordinary living being is
- The ordinary living being has no independent power of perception or of motion, & as we undoubtedly feel our existence being conditioned by nature's energy, we conclude that he who sees is spirit, & that the senses & the objects of perception are material
- The ordinary living being knows about his body to some extent, but the Supreme, Paramatma, knows the condition of all bodies. The individual living being is localized, and the Supreme, Paramatma, is all-pervading
- The ordinary living beings, being part and parcel of Krsna, are also Brahman, but Krsna is the Supreme - Parabrahman
- The pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are like the unlimited sky. How, then, can an ordinary living being describe them all
- The PG can turn matter into spirit and spirit into matter by His inconceivable power. Everything is therefore matter and spirit by the grace of the Almighty, although there is a difference between matter and spirit for the ordinary living being
- The poet from Bengal committed a great offense by treating Lord Jagannatha’s body and Lord Jagannatha, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as two different entities, material and spiritual, as if the Lord were an ordinary living being
- The terms "pious" and "impious" are applicable only in reference to the activities of an ordinary living being
- The visnu-tattva living beings are expansions of the Supreme Lord, and all of them are qualitatively and quantitatively equal with the Lord. But expansions of the jiva-sakti, the category of the ordinary living beings, are not at all equal with the Lord
- The word paramatmanah is significant in this verse. An ordinary living being is generally called the atma, but Lord Krsna is never an ordinary living being because He is paramatma, the Supersoul
- There are many so-called scholars who contend that the Lord descends in a body made of matter, just like an ordinary living being. Not knowing His inconceivable power, such foolish men place the Lord on an equal level with ordinary men
- There are two kinds of Brahmas. Sometimes Brahma is an ordinary living entity, and at other times Brahma is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Brahma spoken of here is an ordinary living being
- These members (Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha) of the quadruple manifestation are never to be considered ordinary living beings. Each of Them is a plenary expansion of the Absolute Godhead
- They (the Queens) wondered how Lord Krsna could personally receive a brahmana who was poor, not very neat or clean, and poorly dressed; but at the same time they could realize that the brahmana was not an ordinary living being
- This ordinary living being is of two kinds - nitya-baddha or nitya-mukta. One is eternally conditioned and the other eternally liberated
- This verse (SB 9.24.57) points out the difference between the Supreme Personality of Godhead and an ordinary living being. An ordinary living being receives a particular type of body according to his past activities
- Those who are in the darkness of ignorance conclude that the Lord's birth and activities in the material world are similar to those of the ordinary living being. Such imperfect conclusions cannot give anyone liberation
- What ordinary living being can describe the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu? I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have only indicated the general direction in the form of a summary
- What was the purpose for which the SPG accepted the abominable form of a fish, exactly as an ordinary living being accepts different forms under the laws of karma? The form of a fish is certainly condemned and full of terrible pain
- When Krsna descends anywhere, He is accompanied by His own associates. These associates are not ordinary living beings
- Whether Brahma is the Supreme Personality of Godhead or an ordinary living being, he is known as Vairaja Brahma and Hiranyagarbha Brahma. Therefore the sun-god is also accepted as Vairaja Brahma
- While an ordinary living being changes his body when he transmigrates from one species of life to another, the Lord never changes His body: He appears in His original body, without any change
- Without Krsna, one should see everything as vacant. This is Radharani's frame of mind, but this is not possible for an ordinary living being
- Without Your mercy such poetic expressions would be impossible for an ordinary living being to write. My guess is that You have given him (Rupa Gosvami) the power