Category:Offering Fruits to God
Pages in category "Offering Fruits to God"
The following 39 pages are in this category, out of 39 total.
- A devotee cannot eat anything and everything he likes; he must eat only foods that have been offered to God. The Lord clearly says (BG 9.26) that He will accept a flower, a fruit, a leaf, or a little water if they are offered to Him with devotional love
- A devotee of the Lord offers the Lord patram puspam phalam toyam - a leaf, flower, fruit or water - in great devotion, but everything, including the leaf, flower, fruit and water, belongs to the Lord, & therefore there is nothing to renounce or to accept
- A man with a mercantile mentality thinks that if he can get some material benefit, like a large amount of money, simply by offering a little fruit and flower, this is good business. Such persons are not accepted as pure devotees
- A pure devotee will not ask anything from the Lord. He simply offers the Lord his respectful obeisances, and the Lord is prepared to accept whatever the devotee can secure to worship Him, a leaf, flower, fruit or water
- According to the Vedic system, a fire sacrifice is held in order to offer oblations of ghee, grains, fruits, flowers and so on, so that Lord Visnu may eat and be satisfied
- Although He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) is full in Himself, He nonetheless becomes pleased when His devotee offers Him patram puspam phalam toyam (BG 9.26) - a leaf, flower, fruit or water - in devotion
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita: patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati (BG 9.26). Worship of the Lord is not at all expensive. One can offer the Lord a leaf, a flower, a little fruit and some water
- Even a leaf, a flower, a bit of fruit, or a little water, which are all available in every part of the world, can be offered by any person (to God), regardless of social position, and will be accepted if offered with love. BG 1972 purports
- Even if you cannot offer anything . . . I think everyone can offer, I think, a flower can be offered, a little fruit can be offered
- Everyone can practice at home. Is it very difficult task, to gather some flowers and some leaves and decorate and have some picture or statue of the Lord, offer Him some fruits, flower? Everyone can do this
- Fruits and flowers are very much pleasing to the Lord. If one wants to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he can simply offer fruits and flowers, and the Lord will be pleased to accept them. Our only duty is to please the Supreme Godhead
- Fruits, leaves and milk in different varieties can be offered to the Lord, and after the Lord accepts the foodstuff, the devotee can partake of the prasada, by which all suffering in the struggle for existence will be gradually mitigated
- God confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.26) - "If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, I will accept it." The real ingredient is bhakti (devotion). Pure devotion is uncontaminated by the modes of material nature
- God is full. We should not think that "God is depending upon my this little flower or fruit. When I shall offer fruit and He'll satisfy His hunger." No. He's purnam. But the qualification is that offering should be in love, in devotion. That He accepts
- God says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.26): If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it
- If God eats, then why don't you offer Him to eat? Where is the harm? Huh? What is the harm? If your little fruits and flowers offered to God, He accepts it, why don't you offer it
- If one has not developed loving devotion to the Lord and simply offers many kinds of foodstuffs, fruits and flowers without real devotion, the offering will not be accepted by the Lord
- If you grow more, and offer fruits to the Deity in the evening, in this way, very nice. You can distribute that
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that if anyone offers Him a flower, or a fruit, or a little water, He accepts. BG 1972 purports
- In the morning we offer fruits and milk to the Deities, and at noon we offer rice, dal, chapatties, vegetable, milk, sweet rice, and many other varieties
- It is prescribed in Bhagavad-gita: If a devotee offers Me a small flower, a leaf, some water or a little fruit, I will accept it
- One cannot satisfy the Supreme Lord by his riches, wealth or opulent position, but anyone can collect a little fruit or a flower and offer it to the Lord. The Lord says that if one brings such an offering in devotion, He will accept it and eat it
- One should not neglect offering seasonal fruits as soon as they are available. (24) One should always offer fresh, untouched fruit to the Deity. (25) One should not sit with his back toward the Deity
- The Lord (as the arca-vigraha), being bhakta-vatsala, compassionate upon His devotees, accepts these offerings - of flowers, leaves, fruits and water
- The Lord can be served by any ingredient, even the most common commodity - a flower, a leaf, a fruit or a little water, which are available in any part of the universe and without cost - and thus the Lord is served universally by the universal entities
- The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.26): "If a devotee offers Me with devotion a little leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I shall accept it." Why does the Lord say this? Is He dependent on the offering of the devotee
- The offenses in Deity worship are: (z) to avoid offering fresh fruits to the Deity according to the season, (aa) to offer food to the Deity which has already been used or from which has first been given to others
- The system is that for 8 days the Deities remain on the seaside, and kirtana goes on, prasad is distributed, and people offer flowers, fruits, etc. to the Deities
- The third-class devotee - who is not advanced in knowledge of the Absolute Truth but simply offers obeisances with great devotion, thinks of the Lord, sees the Lord in the temple & brings forth flowers and fruits to offer to the Deity - becomes liberated
- We don't allow them to take anything which is not offered to the Deity. So we offer to the Deity foodstuff - in grains, fruits, flowers, milk products, in that way - no meat, no egg, nothing of this sort. Simple food. They are nutritious
- While bathing the Deity, all the priests and devotees must chant this Purusa-sukta and offer the appropriate paraphernalia for worshiping the Deity, such as flowers, fruits, incense, arati paraphernalia, naivedya, vastra and ornaments
- You can say, "All right, I'll offer these fruits and flowers to God, but it is the same. It is remaining. How He is eating?" But His eating is not like my eating, because He hasn't got a body like this. This body is material
- You take fruit. Fruit is also offered to the Deity. There are varieties of prasadam. So whichever suits, you can take. Anything artificial is bad