Category:Not Touch
untouched |"not touch"|"not touched"|"not touching"|"cannot touch"|"does not touch"|"did not touch"|"do not touch"
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Pages in category "Not Touch"
The following 43 pages are in this category, out of 43 total.
- A man has fallen in the blind well, and he's crying, "Save me! Save me!" and when somebody comes and gives him a rope - "You catch it. I shall lift you" - but he'll not touch it, then who can save him
- Apatya means sons. "Oh, I have got so many nice sons, very earning, very obedient; therefore Yamaraja will not touch me." No, no. That is not possible
- As Karanodakasayi Visnu, You thus remain in Your transcendental status, not touching material objects. Although You appear to sleep, this sleeping is distinct from sleeping in ignorance
- As Lord Visnu He maintains the entire world. Lord Visnu, being beyond all material attributes, has no touch with the material qualities
- Bhaktya mam abhijanati (BG 18.55): by devotional service. Neither by jnana, yoga, karma, no, that will not touch. You cannot become mad after Krsna by any means except by this devotional service. Therefore, we are so much conservative
- By changlessness and by not claiming the proprietorship of activities, one can immediately situate himself in the transcendental position in which one is not touched by the modes of material nature as the reflection of the sun is unaffected by the water
- If one simply follows the instructions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, under the guidance of His representative, & chants the Hare Krsna mantra, teaching everyone as far as possible, the contamination of the materialistic way of life will not even touch him
- If some ordinary person has written something about Krsna's lila, you should not touch even. It must be in the sampradaya, must be authorized person. Otherwise it is useless
- If there is epidemic disease and you get vaccinated, then there is no disease for you. Similarly, the Kali-yuga may be with so many defects, but if you remain Krsna conscious, these defects will not touch you, because you become transcendental
- If we are able to keep in the transcendental position by devotional service we remain completely untouched by the contamination of matter
- If you do not allow to touch the water, the ground, you take it in the middle, you will find crystal, distilled water. You will find. And as soon as it comes down on the ground, it becomes muddy, the purity lost
- In Africa, Australia, and many other places there is still vacant land that is undeveloped. Why is it undeveloped? Because the superior energy of advanced living entities has not touched it
- In India, cow flesh is strictly forbidden. But it doesn't mean that they are vegetarian. They eat fish and goat, lamb, sometimes buffalo. But not to touch the cow.
- On the other side of Brahmaloka is the spiritual karana-samudra, or Causal Ocean. The material energy exists on the other side of the Causal Ocean, without touching it
- One has to take shelter of the light of the Lord, as in the Bhagavad-gita or the Srimad-Bhagavatam, and not the reflective personalities who have no touch with the Lord
- One who obtains such control (of lusty desires) will always be transcendentally situated, untouched by the modes of material nature. This is only possible when one fully engages in the service of the Lord
- Our literature is meant for higher section, scholarly section. That section we have not yet touched - philosophers, religionists, highly intellectual public. We are meant for that, our literature
- The deerskin in the forest is very essential. Just like we take some blankets, we can spread anywhere and sit down. Deerskin, it is said that if you have got deerskin, you can sleep in the jungle; the snake will not touch you
- The demons, the Raksasas, can neither see nor touch the Supreme Lord, although they may superficially think that they are striking the Lord's transcendental body with their material weapons
- The jnani, he does not touch anyone's property. That is very good. Then the karmi, because karmi takes other's property and utilizes it for his own purpose. But bhakta is neither karmi nor jnani
- The solution is to be always thinking of Krishna and the Spiritual Master, then maya cannot touch you. If you very strictly follow the regulative principles and chant 16 rounds minimum, there is no question of ever falling down
- The Supreme Brahman emanates from the Supreme Personality of Godhead and expands like the sky. Although untouched by anything material, it exists within and without
- The word vitanda indicates that a debater, not touching the main point or establishing his own point, simply tries to refute the other person's argument
- There is a book of the name Yoga-vasistha that Mayavadis greatly favor because it is full of impersonal misunderstandings regarding the Supreme Personality of Godhead, with no touch of Vaisnavism
- Thinking about this (how to avoid Yamaraja) some time, he decided, "Let me smear my body with stool. Then Yamaraja will not touch me." However, this is simply foolishness
- To be an unalloyed devotee, one must be freed from all material desires and untouched by fruitive activity and speculative knowledge
- We cannot see Krsna with our material eyes, nor hear about Him with material ears, nor touch Him with our hands; but if we engage our tongue in His service, He will reveal Himself, saying - Here I am
- We have to increase the attachment. Krsna is already attractive, but we are trying to go away from Krsna. This is our business. "Krsna may not touch me." We are so clever that "Krsna may not touch me." This is maya
- We know that money, laksmi, is Krsna's property, so it should be engaged in Krsna's service. Why money should not be touched? Money is Krsna's. It must be touched and used for Krsna
- When one does not touch the direct meaning but tries to divert attention by misinterpretation, he engages in chala. The word nigraha also means always trying to refute the arguments of the other party
- When the demigods sometimes come to this planet, they do not touch the ground. Puranjana could understand that this girl did not belong to the transcendental world or the higher planetary system because her feet were touching the ground
- Why do they take advantage of Bhagavad-gita and preach their nonsense philosophy? That is our protest. You preach your nonsense philosophy - we have no objection - but don't touch Bhagavad-gita